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799987 No.799987 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I find a penny on the ground

>> No.799995
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>at the gas station
>paying for my stuff
>see one of those free penny bowls on the counter
>it has two pennies
>deliberately pay two cents short

>> No.799997
File: 584 KB, 1844x1757, disgust3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I see people picking up change covered in aids and syphilis from the ground

>> No.800000
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nice palindrome

>> No.800001

Well done
Here's one dogecoin it's all yours friend :^)

>> No.800003

nice quints bb
check em

>> No.800012


>> No.800013

pennies should be abolished, fucking worthless coins

>> No.800023
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>> No.800028

They are worth one penny, so far from worthless...

Useless is the word you were looking for. Sort of like you.

>> No.800029
File: 997 KB, 250x188, 1360194723946.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice.

>> No.800033

ok if you're going to be like that, they're not worth one penny. the value is one cent you literal downie

>> No.800039
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I don't know much about Amerifat currency.

>> No.800055
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>> No.800153
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One time I found a £5 note on the ground.

>> No.800160

I found 100€ on the sidewalk once.

Shit was so cash.

>> No.800749

50Euro bill in front of my house, still have this bill, something is keeping me from spending it... its becoming a lucky charm, because after that event it feels like my financial situation is improving day by day!

I do not pick up 1 or 2 cent coins, but every yellow colored coin i do pick up.

>> No.801013

>I was looking through 799997's post for the palindrome but it was in his number


>> No.801162

Once found a $50 bill fluttering by on the ground at college
Stood around for a few minutes in case anyone came running by looking for it, but nobody did
Had a pizza party with dorm buddies that night, om nom nom

>> No.801166
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found over $450 on the side of the road when I was 9, I was walking with my dad and my cousin and my cousin had just got her paycheck so I had to give it back

>> No.801194
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>> No.802388


>> No.802420


>> No.802472

I was in a bar/pub and realized I forgot my wallet in my car, so I left through the side-door to go get it. I look down at the ground and noticed a ton of $20's scattered on the ground. I looked up and down the street and nobody was around so I scooped all the bills and immediately put them in my pocket. I then proceeded to go to my car, got inside and then counted. There was $360 there. I took $40 and put it in my wallet to pay for my drinks, and then stashed the rest in my console. On my way back into the bar I noticed this douche-bag looking guy who got kicked out earlier looking around the area where i found the cash.

To this day I haven't told anyone I found that money, and no, I didn't buy my friends any drinks.

>> No.802476

i once found nearly a thousand dollars in one of those zip up bank bags. it was in small bills like 1's 5's and 10's mostly. i kept the money and used it like the second time i lost all my shit because my family is incompetent.

>> No.802521

I found a 5 while sweeping at a cashier job. Nothing else.

Had a guy try to rob me while I was walking to school under the guise of finding money.
>walking to high school
>big concrete walls surrounded with bushes on either side, completely surrounds school but gate is at opposite end of where I walk from
>walking past gate
>guy stumbles out of bushes
>"aye man, me and my partner hit a lick earlier at like 2 dis mornin and he threw the pants the money was in these bushes when he thought 12 was coming, I give you a hundred if you help me find them"
>N-no thanks, good luck man
>go to class

I'm sure he would've robbed me, I lived in such a bad neighborhood.

>> No.802638


>> No.802642

its finally gotten to the point where I saw a quarter on the ground and I just kept walking. I caught myself that time and picked it up..

But I guess I am entering the territory of not even picking up quarters.

>> No.802680

I'm now making over $4000 a week from all of my income streams, but I still bend over backwards to pick up coins I see.

In my country you get 10 cents for recycling cans and bottles. I pick them out of bins and off the side of the road and put them in a tub in my trunk.

Money is all I'm interested in, any more.

>> No.802704

Found $100 on the ground in plain sight walking into Disneyland.

Felt bad if it belonged to a family that had saved up to make the trip

But more likely it was some chinks or beaners stinking up the place so I spent it on food and souvenirs

>> No.802722

>be librarian
When I was clearing the bookdrop there was a book with $15 being used as a bookmark inside. I could have looked up the last patron who had the book, assuming they're one of those idiots who thinks shoving money through the bookdrop somehow magically pays for their fines, but I personally despise these people because they always call later and demand to know why they still have a fine on their account, so fuck em. The book could have fallen open at any point inside and made it impossible to track whose it was anyway. My boss said they once found a gallon-size ziplock bag of marijuana shut inside a book. They kept it in case someone came back looking for it, but no one ever did.

My dad once found a $50 in a shirt pocket on the side of a road when we were driving across the state. His bitch girlfriend yanked it out of his fingers.

>> No.802727

>found 15 dollars as a bookmark
>someone used 2+ bills to bookmark their book

>> No.802731

They did, for whatever reason. Some people are just dumb. More often I've found credit cards, ID cards, or other really important crap being used as bookmarks.

>> No.802736

I forget how negligent people are I guess

>> No.802754

>be a student
>work at mcdonalds one summer
>manage to squeak out a "do you want to super size the order" to a customer early on
>customer says yes
>instantly think of jordan belfort

You can't parody this shit

>> No.803100

What a time to be alive

>> No.803637
