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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 4 KB, 225x225, cosssio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7997905 No.7997905 [Reply] [Original]

Let's be serious for a moment

If COSS successfully pulls off FIAT in March, it will be the first coin in the history of crypto to have primary volume against FIAT pairs.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing

>> No.7998734

good if true

>> No.7998953

What about Stellar?

>> No.7999686

It couldn't possibly be any worse than coinbase releasing bitcoin cash so there's that.

People are still knocking COSS due to lack of worthy coins on the exchange as well as the volume without realizing they are doing ZILCH to change that because they're quietly polishing and testing the build still. Wait until it's finalized...

Oh boy. This is the premiere moon mission of 2018.

>> No.7999768

$3 march
$10 may
$50 EOY

>> No.7999773
File: 541 KB, 1620x599, 1515462031460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just a stupid nigger sjw coin

>> No.7999813

What makes you think an exchange that can't even roll out a UI update months behind schedule is going to successfully navigate the regulatory framework of fiat trading?

>> No.7999839

Because they are based in Singapore where the regulations are very lax and pro crypto

>> No.7999884

I don't believe in coss.

If exchanges making fiat pairs was so easy, why wouldn't an established exchange like binance or cobinhood have already done it?

regulations are gonna fuck coss in the ass just like they fucked every other exchange. Warning you now.

>> No.8000106

Why do they have a bigger compliance/law team than devs?

>> No.8000125

I 100% unironically want you to stop shilling this coin. There's no reason to raise awareness or desire for the token right now, and the price is on a clear decline. If you want more of this, you would seriously do well to not shill it.

>> No.8000661

Some of us have stopped accumulating.

I haven't bought any BTC/ETH in months. My total initial investment has been around $2000.

Right now my portfolio mainly consists of 6k COSS and 5500 LINK.

Read this shit again:
>If COSS successfully pulls off FIAT in March, it will be the first coin in the history of crypto to have primary volume against FIAT pairs.

I don't get how people are not more excited about this. There should be a fucking war going on for this coin under $1.

>> No.8000718

I have a bag of COSS and i'm 100% confident they are not gonna be able to pull it off by March deadline or even before someone else pulls it off first

>> No.8000755


Tbh the guy above you was right. There is no speculation on this coin, they just need to roll fiat and the new engine and the rest will take care of itself. Until then go play video games or enjoy the outside air.

>> No.8000771
File: 1.85 MB, 235x240, nod.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A /coss/ack and a Link marine
My fucking nigga, is there a better combination of sleeping giants to hold?

>> No.8000865

You invest in superior technology and utility but thats not where the money is. The brand wins! Its like buying expensive clothes. Nobody wants cheap shit. BTC is still the gold of crypto, if technology and utility played a factor in the price it would be long gone. What drives the price of crypto us is bilionaires. And those are in it for profit. Top 10 cryptos have established investment growth trust of the public. Serious money are not going to shift into some half folla shitcoin, lol. Just stop being a cuck and get in touch with reality. Buy BTC..

>> No.8000875

COSS FIAT IS CREDIT CARD ONLY. Lol. Nice, that's exactly what I want, to buy crypto on COSS and get charged a cash advance from my credit card company. Then, if I want to withdraw, have them somehow 'deposit' it back onto my credit card...why the fuck would I want my gains back on a credit card?????? This is the 'fiat' that COSS boiz keep talking about.

>> No.8000968

CC first then wire transfers and bank accounts you mong

>> No.8000991

That has no bearing on operating fiat pairs if noone can trade them.

>> No.8001057

And credit cards charge fees. 50% of which are distributed back to COSS holders. C'mon anon, you can do it.

>> No.8001070

>COSS moons
>Find a decent exchange rate on one of the big boy cryptos
>Flip it
>Send it to another wallet on Kucoin/Binance/ literally wherever
>Cash out

>> No.8001255

sorry buddy but coinmetro comes out in March

>> No.8001456

this project has been going on for as long as kucoin and while kucoin is actually an established exchange by now COSS is only used to buy the COSS token
yet the COSS token has achieved similar gains as the KCS one (both did like 10x) even though they both pay out dividends
really wayyy overhyped

>> No.8001577

Reminder they have a ticker API now

BlockFolio will add Coss as an exchange soon, Delta already did.

It's happening

>> No.8001765
File: 33 KB, 554x449, 1451545649247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BlockFolio will add Coss as an exchange soon, Delta already did.

This is my only regret
that I have refused to get delta

Blockfolio blz

>> No.8002260

all-in coss, not kidding. yolo

>> No.8002303

Because they've already confirmed it as such?

>> No.8002340
File: 236 KB, 560x560, 1466545222688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more you guys shill this, the more it goes down. Everyone knows to stay away from this shit. You guys are the new Tron holders.

>> No.8002893

Just relax.

Stop looking at your bags. Stop talking about it.

This is 100% going to moonshot, but no reason to let others know about it yet. Start shilling after fiat to get people to fomo in, then sell them some of your bags at peak.

>> No.8002916

Let's be serious for a moment, they won't.

>> No.8003038

Buying this when you can have coinmetro...