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7994535 No.7994535 [Reply] [Original]

> This fork is unconventional.
That does not make it a scam.
> The code is copied from Zcash.
That does not make it a scam. It removes 20% Founder's fee, it has a reason to exist.
> It uses the bitcoin name.
That does not make it a scam. Bitcoin cash is also using the bitcoin name and is considered a legitimate alternative to Bitcoin now.
> Rhett is bad at tweeting.
That does not make it a scam.
> Rhett bought a lot of ZCL before announcing the fork.
That does not make it a scam. I personally don't think he did, he seems to be a genuine guy. But anyone had the possibility to stack up on ZCL as it was released to the PUBLIC. Bitcoin was released to the public in 2009 but nobody mined it, that does not make bitcoin a scam.

Just because something is unusal/novel don't automatically make it scam. You must be able to provide arguments before you slander something. Otherwise you have no honor and no intelligent person will take you seriously.

>> No.7994606

>Bitcoin cash is also using the bitcoin name and is considered a legitimate alternative to Bitcoin now.
to bagholders only, and those trying to play political games. to everyone else, trying to use the bitcoin name makes it look cheap, chinky, and suspect. just like this shitcoin.

sorry about your bags, but im not buying them.

>> No.7994634

I agree, I don't think Rhett is like that, I mean he left Zcash right at the start because of the founders' tax.

No idea what i'm going to do with this fork desu

>> No.7994679

How about to normies that see bitcoin as the only crypto currency out there? What if normies saw Bitcoin then private next to it. Sounds intriguing. They’ll look into it and find that BTCP is fully private, no one can see my transactions? Wow, sounds great!

End of the day we’re nothing without normies volume, and once it comes back for another bull run in the coming months there’s going to be a new coin on the block that sounds very normie-friendly

>> No.7994681

But if something uses bitcoin name it is easier to get new people involved. It has a very descriptive name. Bitcoin (people knows what that is) and private (people also knows what that is). You can tell someone about Bitcoin Private and people will instinctively know sort of what it is. The same cannot be said about Zcash.

>> No.7994683

The biggest mistake you cooked units made was thinking that you would get exchanged listed Day 1

Exchanges need to verify that any coin that is forked is not an exit scam

Exchanges have a duty of care to themselves and theor end users not to list scam or exit scam coins

It will get listed on every exchange
Just not any time soon
Hold through the fork, come back in 6 months.

>> No.7994755

Already approved to list on 3 exchanges desu. HitBTC being one of them. Doesn’t sound like much aye?

24 hr volume-
Bittrex ~350MM
HitBTC ~280MM

How about now?

>> No.7994795
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>he thinks normies care about privacy

>> No.7994826

When they start hearing stories about how the taxation office tracked BTC transactions back to a centralised exchange with KYC and demanded exchanges to hand over personal info which led to a prosecution, they’ll definitely care about privacy.

>> No.7994830


>> No.7994845

Several reasons why they would care.
With the public ledger of bitcoin anyone can track exactly what you bought at what times. That is very intrusive.
Tax evasions will become more and more prevalent with privacy coins. So more and more people will leave bitcoin behind because tax evasion works better with privacy coins.

>> No.7994873

bittrex announcement any moment now r-r-right guys?

omegamaker said he had inside sources to confirm bittrex support. he said he was from the future. so he would know. right?

>> No.7995014

why dafaq we need BTCP when there is already BTCH listed on first exchange lmao

>> No.7995053

>> Rhett bought a lot of ZCL before announcing the fork.
>That does not make it a scam. I personally don't think he did, he seems to be a genuine guy. But anyone had the possibility to stack up on ZCL as it was released to the PUBLIC.

Then why the fuck did the volume SPIKE like crazy right before they announced the BTCP fork on BitcoinTalk?

Off yourself

>> No.7995197

that was omegamaker buying in. he knew about the fork because he's from the future

>> No.7995202

I don't know. But if I was Rhett I wouldn't stack up minutes before announcement post. I would stack up during several months. Small amounts.

>> No.7995327

Because BCH isn't a BTC fork you dumb nigger.

>> No.7995332
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Kucoin maybe support the Fork

>> No.7995512

why is ZCL dumping before the fork?

>> No.7995750

Real answer
Most people withdrawing to get btcp lowered the exchange volume, a low volume coin can be easily manipulated you dont even need to be a whale also fud campaign

>> No.7996013
File: 77 KB, 781x320, Screen Shot 2018-02-27 at 8.54.25 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whale manipulation. here's the proof that bittrex is supporting it

(((read between the lines)))

>> No.7996287

Not buying zcl right now is dumb as fuck.

>> No.7996507

I wish I had more fiat now

>> No.7996774

t. bagholder

it's fucking over you retard haven't you realised yet? this shit will bleed then dump after the snapshot

>> No.7996777

ZCL is $88 per right now.
I'm really starting to become scared that BTCP is going to be worth about 50 bucks per jesus christ

>> No.7996796

Is anyone having trouble moving their ZCL from Bittrex to an Electrum wallet? I have just "authorized" on Bittrex, but no pending transaction viewable in blockchain, nothing. Nothing.

>> No.7996859


>> No.7996879

I mean how the fuck would bittrex recently add a fucking moshe hogeg jew scam shitcoin but not this fork. think nigga

>> No.7996893

Name me a single advantage of this shit over ZCL? THIS is what makes it scam.

>> No.7996908
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I agree with most, but Bitcoin Cash's legitimacy came from the fact that the BTC community was divided, so half took one approach and the other half - another.
Whereas this has no reason to call itself bitcoin and should have been an alt.

>> No.7996946

Exactly, they just want to capitalize on the name. Total scam.

>> No.7996964

If you don’t give this ATLEAST a 75% of being true you are delusional

>> No.7997183

It's about BTCP not ZCL you David Hogg tier faggot

>> No.7997512

wtf are you talking about? the reason was its a strong brand name that isn't being used in this niche. there are no "rules" that dictate bch's chosen name was legit and btcp was not. its all just games with words.

your argument has no argument to it. its feelings trying to rationalize a preconceived conclusion. you don't like btcp, you don't own btcp or have plans too, obv you are then predisposed to say 'fuck btcp this is just a cash grab that is diluting legitimate brands'. its bullshit.

>> No.7997576

Look, I actually like BTCP but think about supply and demand. Post fork the supply is going to be much much higher as all BTC holders will have BTCP but the demand will not increase at all. That means the price will be very low for some time. Buying ZCL pre-fork rather than BTCP post-fork is completely retarded.

>> No.7997735

LMAO btcp is going to be worth shit when it's released, enjoy bagholding for the next 6 months

>> No.7997755

No, I agree that it's good marketing for the founders, but it points towards a scam. And creates fake hype which will destroy its price soon after the fork itself.

>> No.7998021

That event would cause them to leave crypto forever.

>> No.7998203

look, despite popular usage all crypto is fiat. its doesn't have underlying value, everything is memetic. its socially constructed value. not wholly unlike a dollar, not wholly unlike a picasso is which is just 5 bucks worth a paint smeared on a canvas but its worth millions because there is a consensus it is worth that much. so if you were to make a cryptocurrency, obviously you would just a marketing strategy that generates awareness and interest. awareness and interest IS value. it doesn't point towards a scam, it points towards someone who has a basic awareness of branding. neo was formally called antshares. not buddy is going to put 100 billion into antshares. there is a reason they changed. that superficial change legitimately created billions in value (obv not the sole reason for the run up). was that a scam? no, that was someone coming to their senses. the founders were obviously good founders and probably had great technical skills but they were shitty marketers, at least in that respect. fact is, zcl has great tech but was under-recognized, this "marketing ploy" was an excellent way to get great tech (zk snarks) out there in a better brand way with out the scammy founders tax that zcash has.

there is zero things scammy about anything. its haters hating and prejudicial biases at work and nothing else. people want their coin to do well and opposing coins to do bad end of story

>> No.7998517

So in 6 months I make money? That's fine by me. I'm not a petulant child who thinks everything they invest in will 50x in a week

>> No.7998577

>implying thats not exactly what he did

>> No.7998657

Am I blind? Kucoin doesn't have ZCL.

>> No.7998808

no but they have btc

>> No.7999060
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No, in 6 months you'll break even (if you're lucky)