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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 582 KB, 640x484, ppiced.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7998278 No.7998278 [Reply] [Original]

just bought this iced out patek phillipe and a white gold diamond bracelet.

100k for the watch and 25k for the bracelet, im only 19 years old and already flexing

/madeit/ thead guys?

>> No.7998301

diamonds are a fucking scam. Looks pretty sick though.

>> No.7998316

You are an idiot sorry

>> No.7998317

how much is it worth now?

>> No.7998331

Nah, it's gay.

>> No.7998334

Of course a brown person buys flashy overpriced things
Why didn't you buy a house you mong

>> No.7998357

I'm going to go ahead and guess if he is buying shit like this, he is posting from his house already.

>> No.7998380

Not joking but this looks so low end like some china made flashy shit that will break down in seconds.
Its disgusting and it looks childish.
I would never wear this shit you look like either homosexual, cheap watch flexer or a girl.

>> No.7998418

what's the point of those things? you don't need them to fuck 10/10 women why would you waste 100k on a watch.......

>> No.7998428

Look at op and laugh, he bought a useless watch like a gaudy nog

>> No.7998439
File: 31 KB, 480x480, 1518485713203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7998445
File: 50 KB, 640x640, img_4516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7998456

fat fuck

>> No.7998458


it looks good and it keeps it value. i can sell this watch in 10 years for maybe 5k less.

>> No.7998462

disgusting. only appropriate if you're dating siegfried and roy

>> No.7998470
File: 42 KB, 480x640, X7h3TkG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stfu healthy at every size

>> No.7998476

Literally why, there's so many better ways to spend your money that a flashy watch.

Down payment on a house, a car, paying off student loans.... And you buy a watch with diamonds on it.

You aren't gucci mane, fuck off.

>> No.7998480


You gonna get robbed

>> No.7998486

Do you have bones?

>> No.7998498

While 100k on a watch is a little much, my father explained his rolex preseidential to me like this: It is a bank account on your wrist. If shit hits the fan in your life, you still got options.

He also has enough guns and ammo for a small army and a bomb shelter in his backyard so take that explanation however you want.

>> No.7998503

thats the ugliest watch ive ever seen also women wear bracelets, men dont

>> No.7998518

>hi I have no taste and can't think for myself at all what kind of watch should I get

>> No.7998521
File: 172 KB, 750x722, EA9D6C3B-AA8D-4AA5-B9E6-B99846BA593A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7998523

If shit hits the fan a bullet is more valuable than that watch.

>> No.7998534

Ruined the Nautilus

>> No.7998538

litteral and figurative niggerdom. fucking idiots are the reason wealth will continue to redistribute from the dumb to the not so. Farm and Forest, firearms/ammo, water and mineral rights, long term viable infrastructure(waste treatment, power generation, etc) these are true stores of value. Your faggy ass watch is faggy and if I saw you out I'd be tempted to take it from you and chuck it in the fucking sewer. Cucks like you don't deserve the things you have.

>> No.7998556

I'm happy UUUU but that looks ugly as fuck.

When I get crypto rich I'm going to spend it on surplus Soviet armored vehicles, and a bunch of milsurp clothing, and guns, lots and lots of guns.

>> No.7998674
File: 552 KB, 2592x1936, Watchbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is nothing, check mine.

>> No.7998705

you should pay for an operation to make you less poo poo color, and more white

>> No.7998712

big if true

>> No.7998744

is this bait?
if not, you're probably a burger lacking in taste

>> No.7998856

Very classy, your gipsy subordinates will respect your leadership from now on

>> No.7998921


>> No.7998932

He's lying obviously

It's some rappers photo and anon is genuinely a faggot who probably helped buy him it by listening to his trash music


Op is a faggot and probably a skinny wigger

>> No.7998959

these pics are so gross

>> No.7998971

Level of purchase?

Nigger level

>> No.7998992

so many newfriends taking the bait

>> No.7999159
File: 523 KB, 740x444, 5cac73e6-9213-49db-9acc-891c21172266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7999175

Curry drinker detected ABORT

>> No.7999179

An iced out Patek would cost far more than $100k. Made me reply though.

>> No.7999182

Just don't get it stolen.

Have fun with it.

>> No.7999194

I'm sorry that you got scammed out of your money, OP.

>> No.7999212

This is awesome lmao

Glad the fat fuck watches resurfaced

>> No.7999220

It's like the paw of a walrus.

>> No.7999227
File: 1.74 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I make it.

>> No.7999245

I would never personally buy any embedded diamonds. They fall out rather easy

>> No.7999262

Sorry bro. You're going to have to up your intake by about 1000 calories/day to be included on fatwatch island.

>> No.7999264

>Rich people who spend money like poor people

>> No.7999279

Those are all aftermarket diamonds. Notice that they are very off color. Like L or M.
Patek uses D or E color.

You got ass fucked anon
Patek with factory set diamonds

>> No.7999314

You win.

>> No.7999349

Looks like it's covered in fungus. kys

>> No.7999560

gold > diamonds