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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 161 KB, 594x335, kondratieff-cycles1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7994670 No.7994670 [Reply] [Original]

Serious economy talk here.
Could we be at the beginning of a new Kondratieff cycle, led by blockchain technology?
Or are we just at the recession/depression stage of a Kitchin/Juglar Cycle?

>> No.7994700



>> No.7994715

Yeah man, that's definitely what we've got here. A new Bjahlpx scycle led by blockchain technology. You can tell by the republicans.

>> No.7994781

Yes, and it's even bigger. It's going to reorganise society in ways so profound we literally can't see it right now.
Nobody could have seen social media, let alone TwitchPlaysPokemon, at the inception of the internet. We will face even more profound social disruptions and anomalies as a result of smart contracts. For now we can only see the very faint of this revolution. But consider something like this as absolutely guaranteed and inevitable within the short term:
Instead of taking loans from a bank, you will simply go onto an application and take a loan from a decentralised loan platform, where anyone can loan their own money at any rate they choose, and the loan is secured by smart contract. People will be constantly bidding in an open marketplace to provide and take out loans. A major role of banks has dissolved in a rapid technological explosion. And that's seriously just one trivial component of what is to come.

>> No.7995002
File: 28 KB, 480x480, 1518332739735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally we can be the jews and tear down the borders to being rich piece by piece. A thousand little rodent jaws chewing at the oligarch dinosaurs. And then we can become snek. Forever snek. Ron Paul would be waving at us from the clouds and we will be filled with the dankest of memes, thought to be forever lost.
We're gonna make it, brahs.

>> No.7995030

Mike Maloney pls

>> No.7995171
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>And then we can become snek. Forever snek
For the first time in my life, I feel something akin to a purpose, or calling, if you will. I'm not a mystic, but I know that for once I can do something not just right, but good. And it feels like something is filling me, though it makes no sense to me.

I don't know if what you're talking about is even possible, but I know I can't just stand idle and watch. I won't.

>> No.7995282
File: 369 KB, 799x446, 1516345166814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watch yourself. The Rothchilds have a bad habit of crashing everything and then reaping profits.
There's going to be a fiat collapse soon. Buy a small roll of silver and a few small bits of gold. Only sell what you have to and don't be afraid to use /out/doors as a way to supplement food/water/shelter. Don't let the law get you down if you're not hurting anyone. They cannot show their hand to the normies or it's all over.

>> No.7995308
File: 308 KB, 1000x1697, Self_Absolution_of_the_Titan_WM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7995346
File: 114 KB, 700x577, 1438075413553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be led by AI and robots taking everyone's jobs. The rich will get very rich and the poor will get gibs.