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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 25 KB, 600x463, Claudia Black016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
798832 No.798832 [Reply] [Original]

Living Arrangements power LEVELS. What's your tier /biz/? I'm glorious living at home tier. I'll be able to retire in 10 years, by the time I'm 32 provided the market doesn't shit itself.

>God Tier
>living with parents for free

>Excellent Tier
>living with GF or siblings and splitting bills in 1 bedroom or studio

>Good tier
>living alone in basement studio

>Okay tier
>living with 1-4 roommates

>Shit tier
>living with 5-32 roommates

>Oh fuck nigger what are you doing
>living in halfway house with minorities and 'done clinic down the block

>> No.798842

>Home ownership isn't even on this list
>It glorifies NEET and broke student styles of living

It saddens me that a plurality of people think like this, because it's demonstrative of how far society has fallen.

>> No.798847


LOL nope, it's representative of the fact that we've had enough of schlomos mortgage funhouse scams and understand that pre 2008 recession quality of life was an unsustainable fantasy. I'm all for home ownership once my parents pass away and I get their house for free and I'm not a slave to the bank.

>> No.798848

>doesn't offer a better alternative to free housing
>resorting to peer pressure and shaming to prove your way is better

>> No.798849

Don't worry anon. It's not a plurality at all. Its just a small minority of man-children that happen to be vocal on 4chan.

The real world knows that NEETs are losers, and that living with your parents past the age of 18 is pathetic.

>> No.798852

I'm living at home with parents at the minute and dont have to pay rent because i help them around the house doing DIY and helping them in the garden.

im 21 on a apprenticeship wage of £13k a year and put most of that money into investments for buying a house in the future. I have 11 grand in investments at the moment and have no debts. I work with some very successful people and always asking questions and have actually helped a few of them with some good investments. I should have enough for a house in a few years but london prices are high and wouldn't mind putting that cash into something more profitable but we'll wait and see.

>> No.798853
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>> No.798854
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>> No.798856

As sad as that is you arent enyirely wrong or pathetic. The new american dream is retirement , not home ownership

>> No.798857
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>> No.798860
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>be me
>buy apartment at 21
>put down $40k
>fix up apartment ~$15k
>rent out ~5 days a month using Airbnb which nets me enough to pay all bills

>2 years later
>can sell the apartment for $120k more than what i bought it for
>mfw $65k profit + 2 years rent free

life is easy

>> No.798866

This is what I really want to do

>> No.798874
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>> No.798876
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>> No.798878
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>> No.798887

Currently living with parents and my two sisters in a 2 bedroom apartment. Lost everything in some terrible financial decisions thanks to both my parents and myself. Currently working together to get back into a house.

this is probably what Mexicans feel like...

>> No.798895
File: 129 KB, 883x990, battyfeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was God Tier ($2500/m into savings and investments) but moving into Excellent Tier in a few months with my gf.

Pic very related.

>> No.798916


>land ownership
>the Jews traditionally never owned land
>Jews weren't even big in American banking until after the "American Dream" was firmly rooted
>Still chanting /pol/ memes


Here's your alternative: get a big-boy job and start saving up for a deposit on a big-boy house. And fix your credit score.


I'v heard this echoed often enough outside of 4chan that it worries me.

>> No.798920

>save up so you can afford to buy your way into permanent debt
no thanks I'll just live like an animal

>> No.798924

>Not wanting a low-interest mortgage with accompanying tax benefits.
No wonder Millennials are doing so poorly. Worst. generation. ever.

>> No.798927


You realize that people like you are the trust-fund babies of the middle-class right?

>> No.798932

what's the point of trying to become involved "responsibly" with a rotting carcass of a society? It's all going to collapse in 30 years anyway.

>> No.798935


It never seems to fail that people with the most pessimistic outlooks on the future who seem to be hoping that society rots and collapses are those at the bottom who mistakenly believe that in the event of an economic collapse that they will stand to gain. No, it means mommy and daddy won't be able to afford to feed you anymore, and if you couldn't get a big-boy job before you definitely won't be able to even feed yourself now.

>30 years

You plan on leaching off your parents for 30 years? Christ, what a fucking fag.

>> No.798949

it's not so much hoping or standing to gain as much as it is accepting the universal reality that societies degenerate and collapse and the people at the end are reprehensible and useless.

I don't see much point in scrambling to accumulate money and property and status at the tail end of a crumbling reality. I don't really see somebody who lives rich in a dying culture as being better off than somebody who lives poor in a strong culture.

So what motivation is there to try and accomplish those things, rather than, say, becoming a homeless man?

>> No.798965
File: 73 KB, 800x536, charter-yacht-aft-group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plebs, I am saving up for one for one of these.
>No property taxes
>No debt
>Can get high and sail around the world
>Boat living>land living

>> No.798968

Enjoy crippling dockage fees, dodging immigration police, and then eventually dying to Somali pirates and being dumped into the sea.

>> No.798971

Hey OP - where do I fall in?

I'm married and we have a house that we live in. Two streams of income...

>> No.798980

As the saying goes: The marked can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. Applied to the present case, it's highly unlikely that the western economic model is going to collapse within your productive lifetime (20-30 yr horizon). I wouldn't plan any life decisions around that eventuality..

>> No.799024
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cuck tier

>> No.799027
File: 60 KB, 638x425, louis-c-k-recording-artists-and-groups-photo-u21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cucked by the banks, cucked by a big black bull (even if you only know it subconsciouly right now it is blindingly obvious to everyone around you)

>> No.799066

Docking fees mean joining a yacht club, better than bullshit property taxes to pay for bloated pension workers. Also the threat of Somali pirates is astronomically small.

>> No.799120

Why are NEET's so disgusting and insecure that they have to brag on the internet about their failures?

>> No.799169


This has nothing to do with NEETs. I work full time but don't get raped with expenses so I get to save 95% of my paycheck and am on my way to extremely early retirement. Feels fucking good man.

>> No.799228


>what's the difference between having my own house and not having one?
>what's the difference between having security and luxury and not having it?
>what's the difference between being a social reject for being a loser and being respected within society?

You shouldn't breed.

>> No.799233
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>God Tier
>living with parents for free



>> No.799236

>live in a 3 bedroom house
>split rent by rooms
>me and my gf share room (which is bigger than average lounge)
>other people in house travel
>I pay 55 my gf pays 55 per week

Gonna stay here till we have a deposit on a house

>> No.799243

If you care what society thinks of your life and allow it to shape your goals you're the loser.

>> No.799244


Would you rather be a Brahmin or an untouchable?

>deliberately being disingenuous to strawman your opponent

>> No.799256

Oh we're bringing out fallacies now? How about false dichotomy?

I've got around 300grand saved up from living with my mother. Once I hit 500 I am moving to belize. I've gotten some "You still live with your mother?!" looks but I give them a similar one when I learn they have a kid and a mortgage. Or just a kid. They're tied down while I am free, and that's what true wealth is, freedom.

>> No.799276

You're living with your mother until you turn 500?
I hope her coffin has enough room for you.

>> No.799277

boats are the biggest money suck of all time. if you took all the money you would spend on a boat and lit it on fire you would be still be saving money over how expensive it is actually maintaining a boat for more than a week.

>> No.799279
File: 132 KB, 800x567, autism harness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living with my mother
>I am free

free of getting pussy ever
have fun jerking off to your bank account spergy

>> No.799281

jealous poor people with slave morality and mentality

>> No.799289
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>pay $800/month to get your dick wet
>you're beneath me because you don't have sex

>> No.799291


>buy a boat for $1500 off of craigslist
>don't do anything but put gas in it and change the filters
>park it in a garage when it isn't being used

guess how i know you were raised in the suburbs?

>> No.799302

Homeowners represent

>> No.799560
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Big boy tier

>> No.799571

>65k profit
>120k more than what i bought it for

Nigger do you even maths ?

>> No.799587
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$65k profit since
$65k = $120k (increase) - $55k (what I invested)

>Nigger do you even maths?
Yeah but you dont

>> No.799588

120k MORE than what i bought it for
55k+120k= 175k you fucking homo

YOU don't maths

>> No.799593

>buy apartment with 40k + loan
>use 15k and fix up the apartment
>i have now used 55k of my own money
>2 years pass
>apartment is sold for 120k more than what i bought it for (remember i paid 55k into the apartment)
>i sell apartment and gain get $120k paid out

Now i want to calculate my profit.

My investment was 55k and i got 120k out of the sale.

120-55 = $65k <- this is the profit

>> No.799605


No. The final sale price was 175k and he put 55 k into it. He profited 120k total

Drink some coffee scandinavian bro

>> No.799620
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Apartment cost: $125k
Down payment: $40k
fix up: $15k
Loan: $85k

2 years later.
Apartment sold for: $205k
Minus loan: $120k paid out to the owner

$120k is not the profit since $55k was invested therefore the real profit is 120-55=$65k

>> No.799717

>tfw lived with parents all through college and first job
>tfw saved up 5 years while software engineering job
>tfw used savings to start home business
>tfw didn't leave the house until I was 28 and business was generating profit

You can feel the butthurt from all the wagecucks.

>> No.799725

There's no option here for living alone in a regular, 1-2 bedroom apartment (in my case, 1 bedroom and 1 home office)

>> No.800510


>biggest cuck in biz trying to do math with his coconuts and fire dances on a Somalian coconut trade route

>> No.801045

How many rooms? How much do you rent it for? Where do you stay during those where you are renting out the place?

>> No.801065
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>tfw you realize people are considering living in basement good tier

>> No.801068
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tbh I think it's pretty common knowledge that the taboo against living at home after you graduate just exists to keep us enslaved. Living at home for even like two years and saving all your money will net you like 100k, which is a life changing amount when you are that young, as you'll be able to purchase a home with a substantial down payment, get a decent interest rate, and have extremely low payments, freeing you up to invest in the market.

That's my plan at least, and I'll have a cuck roomate or GF to pay what little mortgage I do have and split utilities. I'm laughing at all my m8s who do have decent jobs but only manage to save like 20% at best because of all the little bills that come with living on your own. Together we can break the taboo so its possible to get laid and live with your folks, because honestly it is hard, and honestly that does turn a lot of women off, but those probably aren't the women you want anyway.

>> No.801076


A house is only good when you have a large family and need open land.

Otherwise, there's no value, especially with high prices.

>> No.801080


>good goy I need all this extra space for all these posessions the media tells me I need tier

fixed that for you

>> No.801082


I think breaking the taboo starts with a conversation with your parents to discuss your goals, and the acceptable hours and volume of noise while love-making; perhaps have your significant other moan in your room while you listen with your parents in their room and you can agree on something.

You need to lead this revolution, anon.

>> No.801084

>seriously thinking living with your parents is godtier

what a fucking loser

>> No.801086

>not having your mom to hold your cock up so your dad can lick your balls

missing out tbh

>> No.801097


My parents are pretty enlightened in that regard and enjoy having me around. Idk they understand that wages haven't risen with the cost of living and totally know that this country is in a death spiral for everyone who isn't rich.

It's people like this:

and women and employers and friends. I'm fine with it, it's just that residual shame and look of dissapointment on other people's faces when I tell them, because unless you are an autist explaining how much money you are saving and your life plan for being much better off in a year or two's time comes across as pathetic. It's just this slave mentality, is someone who has a huge car payment going to understand the benefits of saving? No probably not.

>> No.801109


Your parents are going to tell you that they want you around. They probably prefer it to a very unhappy, struggling son. If it were up to them, however, you would be a functional and developed adult.

Your parents sound like good parents, albeit a little enabling.

>> No.801110

>and smart as hell

>implying I give a fuck when people say "you're really living with your parents?"

El oh el, yeah I am really living with them. And in 10 years when I'm 30 and you're 30, you will be broke, being crushed by a mortgage, spendthrift wife, and snot nosed kids, while I will be free every day to do whatever I please.

git fukt

>> No.801122

>and smart as hell

Why not be all of those things with a paid off mortgage

>> No.801127

That's what living at home is for. Save up for a few years for a big down payment on a house and plenty of money left for investments -> paid off mortgage in 5-10 years, rather than 30.

>> No.801133

That's what I did minus the stay at home part. Spent 400 bucks a month for a basement rental in a big suburban house and just bought my first home in cash at 25. GL anon

>> No.801148

Itt bunch of buttmad wageslaves with shit parents

>> No.801156

No one cares that you sell dolls on your ebay account with mommies internet connection

>> No.801199
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>Tfw in my country you aren't expected to leave your parents' until you marry

>> No.801233

That's a purely american concept.

There are several cultures that encourage living with your family (aka parents) until you marry.

Unlike you faggots, some cultures actually value a sense of family and don't want to kick out their kids the first chance they get.

>> No.801240


Independence =/= being disowned by your family.

It may be that frightening to you. I think a therapist might be able to help you with that.

>> No.801247

Pretty sure my parents would have been happy to see me stay but they are happier to see me as an adult knowing I was raised properly

>> No.801249


my parents would have been happiest to have lived in a time where there children grew up to a world in which the median home price or rental hadn't radically outstripped median wages and society has found no way to effectively deal with it

you play the hand you get dealt, and living with your parents is the royal flush for now

>> No.801284

dude living with your parents until you are 32 is way worse than working till you die

>> No.801302

You cannot be fucking serious

>> No.801347


If you're a social retard, then yeah I guess living with your parents wouldn't be so bad. I however, enjoy living away from them.

>> No.801348

wagecuck logic

>> No.801380


>having me mum make me my meals every morning before going to work

>having me dad work with me on me car, i reckon u never met ur dad, are u of urban city descent?

>having mum as a cheerleader

>fridge full of food always

>only expenses are gym and gasoline

>thank u mum and dad for still having me at the age of 26 as a finance graduate.

>tfw 75k pre tax
>implying pussy gives a fuck that I live with my parents.
>if they did they're not worth my time

>> No.801404
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If it were up to them, however, you would be a functional and developed adult.

>I think a therapist might be able to help you with that.
Lol, that projection.

There are plenty of people who are living in their mother's basements, with no conceivable plan for the future. This is not what we are talking about.

For people new to the workforce, staying at your parents' home for a few years while building up financial resources and stability is not a bad plan at all. While it comes with social stigma, we aren't on /r9k/ or /adv/, we're on the Business and Finance board of 4chan. If you want to talk about social aspects of living with your parents, feel free to talk about it on those boards.

In any case, purchasing a house for the sole purpose of displaying one's independence is a terrible financial decision. You shouldn't allow emotional considerations to play a part in any investment decision, and real estate is no exception.

>> No.801413

Pls no
2 room apartment 58m2. I rent it out for ~$100 a Night. I normally stay at gf or mom if i dont have classes

>> No.801420 [DELETED] 


>> No.801423
File: 83 KB, 500x667, 1432775885911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm living with my parents and working. Tindering bitches, don't know where to bring them cuz don't want them to know I live at home at 23 still. Thoughts?

>> No.801437

No idea. My mother leaves to another city on weekends so I am free to do whatever I want. She is a nice lady.

>> No.801442



you need to get your story straight, every thread you post about "muh dank apartment investment" your numbers always change.

Are you trying to impress us on a Irish bagpipe repair forum or are you just autistic?

>> No.801444



>> No.801450

Where does sharing the expenses of a 2br apartment fit in? living with gf. GF owns a horse which is the second dumbest fucking thing in the world. The first being how I pay 3/4 of the apartment all the groceries and utilities tv/net. wtf I think i'm beta to that horse.

>> No.801452


getting cucked by a horse

>not going to make it

>> No.801461

Some numbers chance bc Exchange rates. Im also autistisc

>> No.801484
File: 22 KB, 318x320, 1429993186211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yea dude you're definitely getting cucked by that horse

horse girls have their hymens broken from horseback riding early on. they develop a sexual bond/complex with their horses

her horse literally has a horse cock

>> No.801487


>GF has a horse



>> No.801543

I'm jealous; I got tricked by the college scam and was giving all my highschool+college job money to some shitty state school, didn't have any money to do anything with until...last month, really.

>> No.801758

>God Tier
>living with parents for free

This, but I'm also a neet with no future.

>> No.801765


Your denial is strong; I don't think I've met a more formidable manchild.

>> No.801775

I live in a 2 bedroom apartment with couple that I'm also great friends with. I pay 220 a month plus a third of utilities. How am I doing?

>> No.801776


Just think about the money you could save if you moved back in with your parents and made them pay for your diapers: grow up and become a serious investor.

>> No.801857

I was fortunate enough to have a grandmother who shot herself and give me her house in the will.

Still pay property taxes and shit, but no mortgage feels nice as fuck.

>> No.802068
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>buying a house for the sole purpose of flaunting your "independence" is being a serious investor
Only women let emotions into their financial decisions. You are nowhere close to becoming a serious investor with this infantile attachment to irrelevant social considerations.

>> No.802076


My friend is an Indian American. He and his wife are both 32 years old. They make over 200k together, but both of them lived with their parents until they got married.

It seems that this kick your kids out asap is completely an American Boomer and Millenial phenomenon

>> No.802092


So you're advocating infantile attachment to your parents instead?

>> No.802114
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>"if I don't move out and get a house, I'm not going to free myself from my parents' control!"

I'm sorry if your relationship with your parents is not in the best state, but that's something to talk about with a therapist.

Several anons in this thread have already described their plan to ensure financial security by living with their parents for a period of time. This situation may pose limitations on their social lives, but these anons have managed to separate these emotional considerations from their financial decisions.

You, on the other hand, are ridiculing these anons for making a reasonable financial decision, given the circumstances of the economy. No institutional investor would be faulted for refusing to invest in an overvalued sector; why should it be any different for real estate?

Are you perhaps threatened by their financial prudence? Seeking to justify a poor investment decision in real estate, made on impulse?

>> No.802122

>to separate these emotional considerations from their financial decisions.

Whatever helps you cope!

>> No.802157

>have your significant other moan in your room while you listen with your parents in their room

Maximum Cuck

>> No.802159

Sometimes the same.

>> No.802163

this. Who the hell do you think is pushing the "independence" may-may, in 2015 of all cases? Retired people who invested in real estate and need young bloods to support their going out habits. Qui bono?

>Pay me a grand for a 3x4 box, and you too can be "grown up" and "independent"!
>Lies are truth, slavery is freedom, etc...

>> No.802289
File: 244 KB, 657x493, MatchsticksAndElmersPaste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haha what a spergy loser! He didn't buy one of these and so that he could pay mortgage, hoa, and property tax for the rest of his life, and now he can't have SEX with GIRLS

>> No.802297

I live on a sailboat.

Free Power, Free Water, Free Internet,

$470 every 3 months. I have my own living space, with galley, head and bed. The only downside is that I have to use a laundromat and pay $1 per shower on the wharf head.

Get on my level plebs.

>> No.802316

It's representative of the 4chan crowd as a whole. Why do you think "normie" is used as an insult so much? As if it's somehow a bad thing to have a job and gf?

>> No.802319
File: 489 KB, 1632x1224, basement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I inherited my grandmothers house and am living in it while I renovate it, what tier is that?

pic is of the basement which I just finished drywalling

>> No.802322

There was a Swedish guy on /int/ who bought an old army bunker and was renovating it. Looked pretty cash. It was like a huge underground cave.

>> No.802336


I will never understand the american obsession with fake walls

Why can't you use a goddamn brick wall which won't need "renovating" in 20 years?

>> No.802349

..why the fuck would I use brick on the inside of a basement? The walls all already have cinderblock behind them, do you know anything about construction at all?

>> No.802456


>taking showers