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File: 113 KB, 618x718, hard-fork-graphic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7980956 No.7980956 [Reply] [Original]

Why would anyone sell at such a low price before a fork? I mean great for people who thought they missed the boat, but am I missing something?

>> No.7981007
File: 195 KB, 640x480, 1519477715828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im crying right know please tell me this is going to moon

please tell me is it going to worth $500
i can't take this anymore

>> No.7981038

So I don't understand, what will bitcoin private be worth in its inception?

>> No.7981165

At this point it's anyone's guess, if you look at volume, it's a pretty obvious manipulation. I get that only trade Satoshi has announced support, but worse case just move it and claim it yourself.

>> No.7981788

>low price
you will find out soon why, lmao

>> No.7981830

I feel like this FUD is by an organised group trying so hard to suppress the price before the last pump. 3x from here within 24 hrs

>> No.7981864

It's manipulation, panic sellers and lack of important announcements gave whales an opportunity to pull the price back down for more BTCP accumulation. I'm not going to make any predictions because who the fuck knows what'll happen now, one thing for sure is people will feel more secure if Bittrex announced their support for the fork but my guess is as good as yours.

>> No.7981897

alot of people bought in expecting bittrex to announce its support and then ride the pump up. It looks like all these people feel it is too late for that announcement to happen now and are exiting

>> No.7981898

We don't need another Bitcoin. I fell for this shit, so don't near yourself up. Bought 1 ZCL at like $175, and sold for $135. It only ended up being like .00015 satoshi difference, but not the moon shot everyone claimed. Plus BTCP will be worth less than ZCL since the BTCP coin circulation is going to be ZCL plus BTC. More coins equals less demand, which means the price will initially drop like a rock. May pick up over time if privacy proves a necessity to normies, but I highly doubt it. People assume cryptos are four drugs anyways, throw in the privacy aspect and most normal investors wouldn't touch BTCP.

The main thing I learned with this fuck up, don't buy into hard forks. Wait for the dump after they hit exchanges

>> No.7982005

Don't panic. Exchanges WILL announce support, even if it's after. Bitcoin Private is the only good fork Bitcoin will ever see. DYOR starting with the whitepaper. It is closer to Satoshi's vision than any shitcoin around. Yes, the dump we are seeing is whale groups getting people to sell their bags so they can accumulate. If you got in below 1 mil sats, you've made it regardless.

>> No.7982069

Ahah there is no manipulation, just people taken profits
They announced a shitty exchange who will support the fork because they don't have any other exchanges

>> No.7982084

got in at 750k sats, I can sell for btc profit right now but it doesn't feel like it's worth it considering i've been holding for 2 months. Maybe I should suck it up, punch my ego in the face and jump off this rollercoaster ride

>> No.7982089

Satoshi's vision just like bcash a f*cking scam

>> No.7982130

if bittrex is not supporting this fork I will boycott it and tell everyone I know to never do business there

>> No.7982147


because its a pointless shitfork that isn't an actual privacy coin, and the deluded faggots who bought the youtube shill bags are finally realizing they may have made a mistake purchasing a $1 shitcoin for $150 because of smoke and mirrors

>> No.7982192

omegamaster said it's going up. he's always wrong so we're getting out

>> No.7982197

Except not like bcash, Roger is a lying piece of shit. DYOR, read both whitepapers, decide for yourself which is closer to Satoshi's vision.
Spoilers: It's bitcoin private

>> No.7982281

Yeah DYOR, Rhett and Roger are the same face of a coin, they both support bcash
I read the WP of bprivate, you know what I find ? Spoiler : Nothing.

Their futures is waiting for ZCash's code, no innovation, nothing

>> No.7982385

Zcl was $3 in December
This is gonna be a massive dump
Dont say you weren't warned

>> No.7982448

When do you think it'll dump? Do you think I should get out now? (got in at 750k sat)

>> No.7982566

I got in at 1.72M sats, right after the Litecoin Cash fork, thinking it would skyrocket like every other fucking Bitcoin fork...

You're fine...

>> No.7982594
File: 8 KB, 600x96, Screen Shot 2018-02-27 at 00.15.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm gonna fucking do it, i've held for 2 months but i think i'm snapping

>> No.7982628

All in at 1.45m sats, I thought it was the dip

>> No.7982660

>its obvious manipulation

You realise this is what the deluded ICX holders have been saying for the past two months straight since their coin tanked from $12 to $3-4 (where it will now sit at for 5 months)

>> No.7982748
File: 31 KB, 2024x138, Screen Shot 2018-02-27 at 00.20.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumped my minuscule bags on some poor soul, fuck this ride i'm out this shit was stressing me the FUCK out

>> No.7982780
File: 35 KB, 600x885, 29e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think about that stress.
now imagine you had your life savings in ZCL since you all-in'd at 0.16 satoshi.

Yep that's me.

I am now a btcp bagholder for the majority of 2018. I hope you guys find some nice moon missions and shit. I'll be holding my BTCP bags since 100% of my funds are tied up in this.

>> No.7982832

and how much gains will you be missing out on holding those bags? take a loss on the btcp and sell at a loss and you'll make more money probably int he same period of time then you would just waiting for btcp to come back up

>> No.7982851

we've been telling you faggots since the beggining, the moon mission was the ride from $2 to $250, not the damn fork. But there you are buying overpriced shit

>> No.7982863

There's a reason why they say never go all in bro, you fucked up but you'll learn the hard way, you'll never make the same mistake again. Good move, there's no reason to sell now unless it goes above your entry point. BTCP should recoup your initial investment after a few months, i'm sure the big exchanges will eventually release statements in support of it. The FUD was way too much this time around, I could handle the previous fud but I felt like the ship was sinking this this time, maybe i'm wrong, maybe it will moon one last time, but I just don't have it in me, good luck friend.

>> No.7982878

Didn’t bittrex announce support for bcash or bgold (can’t remember which) like 8 hours before the fork?

>> No.7982888

Holy shit hahaha.. I've only been around a month and even I knew to stay away..

The fuck is wrong with you lot.. seriously? :( Stop harming yourselves...

>> No.7982894

I feel your pain man, I went all in 120k AUD sat 1.4m and now I’m stuck here. What the fuck do I do now.

Always do the opposite of what your brain tells you to do, so I’m holding btcp in hopes that we see top 20 or so within the next month. I only wanted to get out for REQ moon mission in March.

>> No.7982903
File: 31 KB, 486x309, 876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for this blatant scam

>> No.7982939

Why didnt any1 shill this shit before it moon? Goddamit.

>> No.7982989

>Always do the opposite of what your brain tells you to do
lol wut

>> No.7983018

Man you're all making me want to exit.. I just read the AMA and fuuuuuck just fuuuuck

>> No.7983021

stop holding on to this rumor. everyone knew months in advance with those 2 forks because they were legitimate and had a large following

>> No.7983038

It’s true, try it out sometime. You telling yourself to panic sell cos it’s going lower? No, just hold. You telling yourself to hold cos it’s going higher? sell that shit

>> No.7983208

if you are telling yourself to hold but it's going higher and then you decide to sell that's going with your brain but since you have to do opposite you decide not to sell but then you are back where you were so what are you supposed to do?

>> No.7983349

Do opposite of your initial thought. Trust me 100% of the time it works 50% of the time

>> No.7983378

Rhett is a fucking genius scam artist and i'm amazed at myself for falling for such a swindle.

1. Fork off of a highly esteemed coin with good technology
2. Oh damn my shitcoin is dead, better steal the Bitcoin brand and bribe a bunch of devs to work on this scam of the millenia
3. Buy up a fuckton of your shitcoin pre-announcement
4. Announce that you're rebranding to "Bitcoin Private"
5. ???
6. Profit
7. Angry, deluded bagholders screaming about MUH SUPPORT MUH SUPPORT

Fuck Rhett and his cronies, I hope he gets locked up for this P&D and takes 10 black dicks in his ass until he contracts AIDS.

>> No.7983465

He is really quite the genius. He don’t give a fuck, him, his family and his dev team are set for life. We’re the fools buying this fucken shitcoin, fuck me im never gonna make it. All the hard work flushed down the drain

>> No.7984222
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Can someone confirm this? If so, im holding on.

>> No.7984274


>> No.7984302


>> No.7984325

No...they announced it 2 days before the fork, check the BTG statement on bittrex website.

>> No.7984758

that's a comfy place

>> No.7985352

it was less than 48 hours though, like 30 hours

>> No.7985365

Im assuming snapshot was already taken anyone care to correct me?

>> No.7985400

Whale bro here.

Yes, this confirmed.

>> No.7985436

Thanks whalebro

>> No.7985493

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.7985508

never seen so much desperation in 1 thread
congrats on being the bigger fool

>> No.7985653

BTCP will go above $100 along the way anyway, so...