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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 74 KB, 960x960, 2EZ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7976669 No.7976669 [Reply] [Original]

None of you will be rich enough to get laid purely based on net worth. Stop being fucking fags and better yourself in other ways.

>> No.7976684


>money will not get you laid
>you can literally pay to get laid

you brainded son?

>> No.7976693

why are you so salty?

>> No.7976697

Yer nar

>> No.7976700

>me a manlet

How do I better myself from that you faggot

>> No.7976735

Whores exist for a reason

>> No.7976744

kek idiot, I bet you are fat

>> No.7976806

Believe it or not: There are 'guys' who claim that using hookers doesn't count as getting laid. Stay away from soy, folks.

>> No.7976821


lmao if you think paying for whores is at all comparable to the real thing you are wrong.

actually, I wouldn't know because I've never had to pay to fuck.

>> No.7976829

How many of these threads do you really think we need?

>> No.7976859


my shortest mate probably gets the most pussy. just be confident and not a fucking crybaby soy boy boo hoo im short.

>> No.7976890
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getting laid is the least of my worries
it's very sad to see anon's who made it worry about something as trivial as finding a gf

>> No.7976918

confidence, its all about that shit man

>> No.7976994

realize I'm now banging between 10 - 12 cutie-pie 18-25 year old Asian "University Students" (hookers) for about a grand total of $1000 over a few weeks. All from easy gains in crypto. - I can't be bothered with investing into intimate relationships anymore so it suits me to a tea and it's cheap as fuck.

>> No.7977035
File: 31 KB, 470x470, 1512776839786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has sexual life
>posts in an anime image board
lmao, this kind of posta are worst than pajeets shilling their shitcoins

>> No.7977070

>just be confident bro

Fuck off normie

>> No.7977075


So you know what is better but haven't even had a hooker?

Let me tell you as a guy who fucked almost 50 girls, yeah it sure is better than the real thing if you have money to pay it.

If i had money i would only bang quality escorts i wouldn't even bother with roasties who think they are something while 90% of them look like shit and are even bigger brainlets than a nice escort.
Fuck you can legit fuck a top tier pornstar for 2000 $ and you are telling me the "real thing" is better?

But yeah dude, don't pay for sex don't be one of those losers, spend your time on washed up roasties that have more STDs than an average escort. LMAO

>> No.7977148


I have a couple friends who are complete bums and women actually pay for him to fuck them. He just offers a lot of charisma and sweet talk to these women that get them all wet and horned up so that they pay for his food, beverages, and housing. Honestly, if you had a silver tongue and got good at sociallizing, I bet you could have $0 to your name so long as you make the women have those tingly feelings, you could probably get them to be your sugar mommy.

>> No.7977169

I'll just pay for sex directly, dipshit. Just fucking lol @ niggers who try to impress/woo roasties. It's a waste of time unless you're good looking

>> No.7977175

>this is what betas who have to pay for it tell themselves to feel better

>> No.7977186

Yes, because you fucking autistic NEETs completely missed the point. The point isn't to get laid but to improve your reproductive success and mate with the best available women...the only soy I see is you

>> No.7977285

Absolutely this
I personally have to admit that if it wasn't for money, I wouldn't be able to fuck some of the most finest round hooker asses out there. I'm not good looking or have any great social skills, I would work on them but what for? Very a few girls out there are worthy to meet tbqh, even if it's for a one night stand or friends with benefits, I can barely tolerate any of those girls I pay to bang.
The "real deal" is good, but if I had more money I surely would bang more hot bitches.

>> No.7977313


If you think paying for a hooker is beta you are a confirmed beta my friend.

Keep banging 5/10 cottage cheese pancake assed trolls my friend.

And when you see that absolute 10 on the street and you drop your jaw and think "I wonder whos banging that?"

Yup, I am. For 500$ an hour.

>> No.7977412

>to a tea


>> No.7977440


damn, y'all really missed the point huh.

1 - Fucking a hooker and jerking off are basically equivalent. Only one has a $/hr associated with it. Save your fucking money, this is a business board.

2- if you think the only girls out there are "5/10 cottage cheese pancake assed trolls" you associate with the wrong people, your game is trash and you need to leave your goddam basement.

>> No.7977473

this guy knows wassa
fucking asocial losers lmao

>> No.7977498

never done hookers myself but you must have a burger mutilated dick if you think the sensation of pussy is the same as jerking off

>> No.7977516


It's better. No texts along the lines of "Why didn't you end the last one with emojis reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

>> No.7977623

sauce on this semen demon?

>> No.7977625
File: 10 KB, 173x228, 1515513990586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 - Fucking a hooker and jerking off are basically equivalent
Why people in here wants to feel like they are the true alpha male? You're just showing your true power level m8.
As I said before, if your posting in an anime image board, you must have some autism degree. Deal with it anons.

>> No.7977693

Right on, but I've read some replies here and you're wasting your breath. We're turning into a weird mutant of /r9k and /pol with so many worthless degenerates coming on here.

Its incredible how some here don't get it - the game is the reward. Knowing you got the girl you like, and she genuinely likes you back. Ya'll faggots who use hookers know deepdown that those whores are just faking it, and despise you for everything but the money.

>> No.7977696

Only betas bang Asian prostitutes...just sayin

1. White hoes
2. Latina strippers

>> No.7977721


LUL, it's true! I can post in an anime image board and get laid!

They might feel different, but in the end they are both just a way to bust a nut without any meaning or conquest behind it. It's a worthless nut either way and afterwards you'll be happier if you saved your money.

>> No.7977737


>Knowing you got the girl you like

WHO CARES? Why does some roastie's approval mean anything? Are you a fucking simp who gets all his self-value from other people?
>wooo this roastie liked me! I'm a real man now!

Fucking pathetic.

>> No.7977764

lmaoing at those soy bugs posting shit like "the real deal"

there is nothing for free you absolute brainlets. you either pay with cash or time, which is the same thing by the way

all women are whores

I don't have to pay money for it, I've slept with women for "free". Banging whores for money is fun and I will continue doing it, maybe I will make it my lifelong profession even, if I make it in crypto

>> No.7977765


shoutout to the lads who understand. you will all make it one day.

>> No.7977775


sounds like you've never experienced the thrill of the hunt before. sometimes you win it and realise you never gave a fuck about the prize

>> No.7977819

>Thrill of the hunt

Look at this faggot. He's acting like he's some proto-human stalking the plains of idaho while chucking spears at wholly mammoths. In reality he's talking to some ugly slut in a bar about sports so he can get a lazy fuck at home and feel "good" about amusing some whore for an hour

Kill yourself

>> No.7977830

>I don't have to pay money for it, I've slept with women for "free".

>saying it like this like it's an accomplishment
Women have been sleeping with men for free since the dawn of time. If you can't sleep with anyone at least semi regularly without having to pay for it, you are the exception and not the rule.

>> No.7977857

Its not an accomplishment, I only wrote it in anticipation of some fag calling me out for me not being able to get laid without paying for it

>> No.7977876


rofl this conjecture, i fucking love it

>> No.7977898



>> No.7977955


> the game is the reward. Knowing you got the girl you like, and she genuinely likes you back.

Hehehe look everyone this guys seeks validation through females. The most important think for him is that women approve of him.

See i don't need this, i know my value i am not a faggot. when i have sex the important part for me is Is the ass good? Can she take a good dicking? Will she be flexible enough so i can pound as I want? And the answer is YES with escorts. So go on and keep your basic bitches that are into you, i will fuck women i pay to fuck and i won't have a reward other than my nut because i am not a faggot.

If banging escorts is so beta, then why does literally every professional athlete bang escorts? The same athlete that could bang your mum and the girl that "genuinely likes you back" at the same time?

>> No.7978001
File: 26 KB, 600x902, a08[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wholy shit MICK this is the cringeist shit i read on this board in forever.

Thanks for the laf m8

>> No.7978123

banging whores for money is truly patrician

the philosophers, kings, popes and greats of all ages banged whores

>> No.7978192


Philosophers are cucks

Kings, damn right they did, but every woman in the kingdom is a whore for them.

Popes, just banged boys

>> No.7978220

Maybe some of us don't enjoy the "conquest behind", honestly I'm in a point in my life where I don't give a shit about the conquest, it's also meaningless, and I prefer to skip all the process and pay for it.

>> No.7978225
File: 252 KB, 580x580, 1494590799118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not assembling a harem of awkward needy cute boys who live in your home and do your housework
Plebeians, Plebeians everywhere.

>> No.7978398

you are fucking stupid if you think pros need to pay for sex. like legitimately retarded. there are thousands of 11's lining up to take dick.

so many of these replies are so strange to me, you all sound so fucking jaded about the opposite sex. nobody is seeking complete validation from females, but it is very fulfilling to engage successfully with them.

>> No.7978399
File: 30 KB, 620x413, e9d70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of sexually frustrated young men in this thread.

>> No.7978440

>He pays for sex

>> No.7978633

This is the sadest thread I have seen in a long time. How socially inept are you that you would rather pay to fuck someone than find a mate for life. I guess eventually you'll either end up with a golddigger or alone in an old peoples home. Don't want to be you. Really don't.

>> No.7978685

Good thing I'm white enough to get laid in nipland, and a plane ticket is like $1000. They throw themselves at you as long as you're not fat and can hide your power level

>> No.7978692

how long was your best relationship?

>> No.7978875

>>>7976669 (OP)
>Only betas bang Asian prostitutes...just sayin

>1. White hoes
>2. Latina strippers


I currently fuck Asian girls because they're $90/hr for full service of absolutely everything you want. - not going to waste $500+ on higher quality girls because I'd rather throw that at crypto.

>> No.7978894
File: 28 KB, 300x300, ezekial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>How DARE you take the simple route than jump through hoops so you can bang some whore

really makes me think

>> No.7978902


Kek you dumb ass I'm short af and have never been w/o pussy, keep making up excuses

>> No.7978924



>> No.7978930

Most women have a price, they just pretend they don't. If you have money and women live for pretty, expensive and useless things that can be bought with it, why not use it?

I mean, I have been in a LTR with a lovely lady for a while but had I not been lucky enough to meet her I would've continued fucking hookers and whatnot. Some women are worthy of your time and attention but until that one comes, why not fuck the rest? And if it's just fucking, who cares how you got her?

>> No.7978977


>> No.7979051


Money will make you keep a high self esteem even if you are rejected which will help you take more chances which will make you get laid more.

>> No.7979113
File: 18 KB, 248x189, 1516798941782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are faggots on biz who have made it and will still pathetically pay for sex
>there are faggots on biz who havent made it and will pathetically pay for sex
>mfw good looking, sociable, 24 year old, in good shape and have no problem getting laid when the need arises
>inb4 hurr slave to woman
dont even have to date to get laid. fuck all you spineless faggots

>> No.7979127

I bang hookers because I don't want a relationship. Don't want to date or live with a female. Don't want to commit. Been there. Done it to death. Will not settle for anything less than a 10/10 when I'm old.
If that day never comes. So what? I bang hookers, get my rocks off twice a week, travel and trade crypto. . . What a terrible, terrible life.

>> No.7979274

this guy knows whats up

having a woman is funt only if she's insanely beautiful, sexy and is in general an amazign person. most women are garbage

also banging whores doesnt mean that you cant get into a relationship if you want to, or even fall in love

>> No.7979302
File: 5 KB, 205x246, dumbjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mfw good looking

Imagine being so stupid that you think everyone is good looking

>> No.7979328


>> No.7979413

honestly what kind of shitty life must you have to enjoy the "conquest"
literal normie tier pursuit. "look at me, i have no inner purpose so i find meaning through chasing pussy"
again, not a hooker guy, in a happy relationship with the woman i love... please stop making the rest of us look bad by association

>> No.7979438


This guy gets it


This guy ge.. went full kike

>> No.7979450
File: 40 KB, 539x960, 1512666302088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go on /biz/
>money will not get you laid
>go on /fit/
>muscles will not get you laid
>go on /o/
>cars will not get you laid
>go on /fa/
>fashion will not get you laid
It's almost like 4chan is just a big website of bored people who can't get laid and blame it on what they enjoy the most.

>> No.7979522

>unironically using 'soy boy'
Phitoestrogen is completely different from regular human estrogen, you scientifically illiterate retards

That being said, hookers totally count for getting laid.
I've never had one, but I'd like to

>> No.7979616

found the beta

>> No.7979665

I dance at a gay bar, and though I may be primarily straight, priorities go out the door when there is a few grand on the line. The same thing can apply to female strippers.

>> No.7979703

>absolute 10 on the street

>> No.7979729

This guy fucks

>> No.7979739 [DELETED] 

>the game is the reward
yes, the game being convincing her to let you fuck her
>Knowing you got the girl you like, and she genuinely likes you back
oh boy, whatever

>> No.7979748
File: 119 KB, 960x720, 1515613883367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as they aren't gay, it's okay

>> No.7979774

As long as you invest in yourself the most, you'll make it

>> No.7979777

are you a dumbass? even $200/hr hookers are 8/9s

money will get you laid 100%

>> No.7979796

conquest is the wrong word, maybe achievement is more what i was getting at.

the whole point of this thread is that meaningful interactions >>> paying for sex, and money can't get you that

>> No.7979809

Hookers fall into one of two groups:
A. Ugly/diseased and cheap
B. Hot but not worth the cost
In both cases, not really worth it

Also soyboy is a good word, have you known anyone who eats soy things to be not a trendy soyboy?
Also I always thought of it as the guys who always get the soy lattes from Starbucks and are annoying af

>> No.7979846

Some people don't realize it's not just for the sex even though that's part of it.

Fucking a hooker is the sexual equivilent of your mom telling you you're cool.

>> No.7979878

Busting a nut in a vagina is better than your hand, kid. You'll understand one day, when you lose your virginity.

>> No.7979983
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I don't know, anon

Ask out a girl in a lambo
Ask out a girl with your bus pass

>> No.7979998

Virgin confirmed.

>> No.7980001

Is your penis entering and exiting a vagina in a rhythmic fashion? CONGRATS YOU'RE GETTING LAID. Kys stupid child.

>> No.7980046

>Ya'll faggots who use hookers know deepdown that those whores are just faking it, and despise you for everything but the money.
That's the point, virgin. We're not paying them to like us, we're paying them to put their mouths on our cocks, and put our cock in their vag/ass, and then LEAVE.

You have to have been fucking/dating women enough to understand wanting to nut and not having to deal with the typical shit a woman will put you through to get naked for you.

Again, one day, when you lose your virginity, you'll understand. Maybe.

>> No.7980063

What a babe. Who is that?

>> No.7980099


damn bro, really seems like you are projecting your own issues. seems like you've had a shit time with real women. you know, if you've only ever fucked whores, you are basically a virgin.

>> No.7980104

>you are fucking stupid if you think pros need to pay for sex.
You're beyond naive if you think "pros" have the time to deal with clingy fans and baby seekers. Tiger Woods was caught cheating with a whore, when he could have charmed the pants off any woman he went near. Important powerful men need whore, because of one thing: THEY GO AWAY. And, keep their mouth shut, not posting everything on Twitter when the married quarterback drops a load on a 19 year old's face.

But you keep thinking you know how the world works in your virgin basement.

>> No.7980119

Asshole, the biggest customer of whores is married men you fucking sperg factory.

>> No.7980148

I dont need money to get laid. I want money so i dont have to work and can move from sweden to a comfy country and live with luxuries. I was born with godtier genes and the only thing i need now is alot of cash

>> No.7980203

this is pure autism. the word soyboy isnt about science. it's just a insult for a certain type of guy.

is "dickhead" unscientific too? nice.

>> No.7980223

I never said I've only fucked whores, twatface. If anyone is projecting in this thread, it's you virgins who think sex is "icky" in the first place, and are more like women moaning about "soulmates" and "relationships".

I've been in enough relationships to have gotten to the point where once in a while, I don't want to deal with bars and single women and the bullshit. I've played that game too long, I just want a warm mouth on my cock. If I don't have any available booty calls, a whore works fine. I just want to bust a nut. It's you sad little betas who aren't getting anything anyway who are making a big deal over the world's oldest profession and acting like women going "Ew, Paying for sex is gross!". Clue: all women have a price. Sometimes, that price is better than dealing with their shit.

>> No.7980252

I have never fucked a whore but i really dont understand your logic that if you fucked a whore it doesnt count? Care to explain?

>> No.7980269


it may sound cringe, but its true. i always lose itnerest extremely fast after i pound but maybe i just seek low quality women

>> No.7980275

> The point isn't to get laid but to improve your reproductive success
So how many kids do you have? It only improves your reproductive success if you make offspring lmao
If that is the point then donating sperm is the real deal

>> No.7980343

despite the virginlike implication that prostitutes dont count as sex (does sex out wedlock also not count as sex honey?), its easy to make enough in a year on crypto to buy yourself a nice car - which will get you laid.

OP is an idiot.

For a girl like the OP's picture you dont even need the money, just be white and go on tinder and every asian girl will match with you. beware disease.

>> No.7980354

Autism in a nutshell, in one post.

"You can only have sex for babbies, and I'll sperg out on you spraying spit while I freak out if you don't agree!"

Fucking autists.

>> No.7980400

For him it's all about the ego. Look what words he uses: "it counts". He sees it at some kind of achievement to not having to pay. It's not logical. It's what society tells you what is right.

>> No.7980415

Name of girl now

>> No.7980448

>implying I care
I'll just wait for waifu era.

>> No.7980451

You don't want the kind of women who will fuck you just because of the kind of car you drive. And you can't handle that kind of woman, either, she'll take you for everything you've got.

If you want a relationship that means something that might last in marriage, that you might raise a family with, you're not going to get because of what car you drive. That takes personality, having relationship skills, being decent in all ways. The kind of women who only looks at your cash, is going to divorce you. The kind of woman who stays is the one who will help you get the car, while married to you. You don't need it, to be with her.

Ah, why bother trying to explain flying to slugs. LOL. You little fucks will never get past "Hi, my name is NEET"

>> No.7980527

that's a rather compelling point. Doesn't mean I agree as I would never pay for sex, especially in the situation I am in, but I think I can see your side to it.

that being said, this thread is aimed at those who haven't even tasted success with women, for them to realize that even if they make it by biz standards, they need to improve in other ways to get women.

>> No.7980601

fucking a whore is fucking, but losing your virginity is more about someone actually wanting to fuck you LOL. Paying to lose your virginity is the easy way out.
dumbass, I never said that. nice try on the quote though.

>> No.7980613


>> No.7980618

Except paul joseph watson and all the faggots at /pol/ literally think that the estrogen in soy turns you into a man woman hybrid.
But you're right, it's not about science, it's about politics

I've heard testimonials of people who've enjoyed their hooker experience. But i suppose those are far and few between

And the only person I know who eats soy is a body builder rock climber, still a pretentious vegan though

>> No.7980707

>Paying to lose your virginity is the easy way out.
Putting your dick in a vagina, and realizing it's not some holy ground or special achievement is the point. You virgins put pussy on a pedestal, when it's just a pussy. Putting your dick in one is all that matters, paid or not. Have you put your dick inside a vagina? Yes? End of story. Anything past that is beta excuses and bullshit. Stop romanticizing it, it's nothing special, it happens all the time, and it's not some Holy Grail quest that has to be done according to rules.

>> No.7980722

Im not a virgin and you would not believe me if i told you how easy it is for me to get laid. I live in Sweden so i havent had sex with any whores. But for me sex is just sex, i dont see it as something special.

>> No.7980740

Paul Joseph Watson is fucking with you, stupid. He created a meme, because it's funny, and it drove views to his channel. He blatantly admits to it on his latest video, about soy face. It's a fucking meme, spergtastic.

Why is this basic stuff such a fucking mystery to you idiots?

>> No.7980808

m8, i dunno, or you've fucked over 100+ bitches.

i'm at 30ish, without hookers. Banged a few 10-10 hot latina's too. But you can't deny that gaming a girl and fucking her first night doesn't feel pretty fucking sweet.

>> No.7980841


holy fuck both of you lmao. not putting anything on a pedestal, I am trying to say the same thing as you tools. It's fucking easy and nothing special. So if you are forced to pay for it, it's a pussy move.

>> No.7980859

>lel it's just a meme, tribberddddd
What are you, twelve?

>> No.7980913

>comparable to the real thing
lmao are you retarded? sex is sex, sex with hookers is mostly better because you can play out whatever sick fetishes you have without worrying what she thinks of you because who cares what a whore thinks, then you leave with no strings attached and no annoyances.

Its no loving relationship sure but if you think sex somehow doesnt count or isnt real if its with a whore then youre likely underage/ sheltered and dont know shit about life.

>> No.7980952

>It's fucking easy and nothing special
so exactly the same as getting laid?

>> No.7981005

> losing your virginity is nothing special
looking back, it was back sex

not sure what you are trying to say

>> No.7981040


>> No.7981196

>itt people thinking doing something for fun and doing it for money is the same thing

>> No.7981389

Besides everything that has been said, reading shit like "this is one of the saddest threads", "paying is like jerking", is even saddest because it means 4chan is really infested with normies.
That kind of mentality is normie tier, do you even know where you are? 4chan did not gain the name of internet shitter just because, here are some of the most socially awkward people, I'm pretty sure there is people in here that never has had sex, and that doesn't make it sad, take that stupid shit for Facebook or reddit.
Seriously, lurk more and open your minds fucking normie faggots.

>> No.7981424


Source on OP's pic

>> No.7981445

thanks sourcebro, I wont filter you like i do with most tripfags

>> No.7981529
File: 31 KB, 480x480, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using your big boy bucks to find a gold digger gf
>"improve your reproductive success and mate with the best available women"
nice meme lad

>> No.7981538
File: 65 KB, 250x236, 1515870266413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normies have nearly every other website in the world, they also have the world. this is what we have, and they're taking it from us with their fucking normieshit and they can gtfo (rrrreeeeeeee)

>> No.7981583

being this blue pill

>> No.7981630
File: 46 KB, 600x551, to_all_the_papyton_shippers_by_hakike__guro-db0ochf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7981646
File: 71 KB, 500x332, 1519555690013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it's not just a meme
excessive soy intake will go to your fucking heads and before you know it you're smiling with your mouth open and buying a nintendo switch. the only people in deinal about this basic observable fact of life are fucking normies who think with their feels and soyboys who are distrubed with how accurately they've been lampooned and don't want to give up their soy lattes.

>> No.7981730


>> No.7981747
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>> No.7981825
File: 37 KB, 458x591, 950959595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sauce on this semen demon?


You can contribute to her here: https://www.patreon.com/bambei

If you give $200 or more per month you can bang her.

>> No.7981876


If you've only had sex while using a condom, you're still a virgin since you haven't touched the walls of the vagina.

If you've only slept with hookers, you (hopefully) only used condoms.

Sorry lads, but it's the truth.

>> No.7981880

>4chan anons used to be about scientific truth and exposing fraudulent belief systems like scientology
>now its about spreading memes falsehoods, fuck science

>> No.7981972

you can leave any time, please do
>muh science
scientism more like, it's a cult. you're a fucking normie, get out

what is with all these fucking shills for big soy? is monsanto paying you? fuck off

>> No.7981989

>scientific truth

Science is just a religion now where the priests are figureheads within academia

>> No.7982075

pathetic, we are regressing, western society is at its peak, its the fall of rome all over again

>> No.7982098

and it's your fault with your cult of mainstream scientism. you can grab your fedora on the way out brainlet. go drink some more soy milk it'll calm you down

>> No.7982102

money will make you care less what your superiors think
dumb women will interpret this as confidence
dumb women are the women most likely to allow you to easily access their fucky hole
therefore you are wrong

>> No.7982114

>We are regressing

The problem lies within the term "scientific fact". You ever wonder why scientists call them "Scientific theories"? Because science has gone through periods of shifts where prevailing ideas are overturned by new evidence. Calling anything a "fact" cements it as unassailable, and thus dogma

>> No.7982127

women respond to wealth the same way they respond to other indicators of reproductive fitness, by getting wet. if you're lacking in all other areas you can make up for it somewhat by getting wealthy.

normies and women get triggered by this because it hurts their bs narrative about women being fucking wonderful and not irritating superficial sluts in general. we know better

>> No.7982149

or the term "consensus of the scientific community" even though science isn't about consensus. trusting mainstream establishment scientific journals above all else despite the political bias. and believing in the provably faulty peer review process. they have blid faith in their dogma of scientism

>> No.7982319

Where did I mention scientific fact? You fags arent challenging anything with counter theories or evolved scientific thinking, you are being straight anti-intellectual, putting memes and politically charged tripe over any scientific thinking.

>the rise of anti-intellectualism
>the extreme expansion of its sphere of influence, displacing less advanced civilisations eventually causing mass immigration of said civilisations into its own
>"Low taxes helped the ___ aristocracy increase their wealth, which equalled or exceeded the revenues of the central government. A ___ sometimes replenished his treasury by confiscating the estates of the "super-rich", but in the later period, the resistance of the wealthy to paying taxes was one of the factors contributing to the collapse of the ____."
>"While the scale, complexity, and violence of government were unmatched, the ___ lost control over their whole realm insofar as that control came increasingly to be wielded by anyone who paid for it."
>"One scholar identifies a great increase in the purchasing power of gold, two and a half fold from ____ to the later ____ ____, which may be an index of growing economic inequality between a gold-rich elite and a cash-poor peasantry."

Am I describing the roman empire or modern western society?

protip: the answer is both

>> No.7982334
File: 413 KB, 474x528, 1414053522412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7982347

I once got a girl to Suck the cum out of my nut by buying her two packs of smokes and beer.
Fuck off.

>> No.7982349

nice argument

>> No.7982392

>roastie is toaste.

>> No.7982402


>> No.7982439

>you'll be happier if you saved your money.
I go to eastern Europe to fuck 14-16 years old for some drugs.
Get over your self.

>> No.7982442
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>> No.7982501

Those same women the other anon was talking about will poke holes in condoms.
Legit hookers are the best and you can do drugs off them.

>> No.7982562

>has nothing to say to oppose the facts thrown at his face
>posts memes as a replacement
Thanks for proving my point atleast

>> No.7982563

Marrage rates in America are up by 55%
Kiss your shit good bye thanks to alimony and child support.

>> No.7982584

>Paying to fuck...
Oldest profession in the book.

>> No.7982634

What if I like fucking hookers while stuffing Jackson's into their mouth.
I wanna go to bang cock and see how young they go.

>> No.7982659

>$200 per month to smash


>> No.7982669

Men cannot be virgins as they lack a hymn.
Sorry lads.

>> No.7982689

I could understand seeing a hooker every now and then but ALL THE TIME?

You realize their are 15 year old little boys who are attracting and fucking girls while you're grown ass men having to pay to get laid.

I just don't understand how you can have several years of experience being an adult man and never learn how to flirt or seduce women. It's really not hard. I'm in my mid 20's and if I saw teenage boys getting laid when I couldn't I'd be so fucking ashamed.

>> No.7982703


They're good looking and I am not. You can't "seduce" women. PUA please go.

>> No.7982706
File: 58 KB, 598x733, soyboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i already made my point, mainstream scientism is a cult and means nothing anymore. you say i'm to blame for the fall fo western civilization by not trusting
>muh science
and i told you you're at fault then because you people ruined science and replaced it with brainlet cult of scientism

now i'm just posting soyboys to irritate you, seems to be working. all that phytoestrogen in your diet is likely making you cranky. why not calm down with your nintendo switch maybe crack open a bottle of soylent

>> No.7982815
File: 69 KB, 645x729, e09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is how you come across

>> No.7982826

Thanks does she take OMG?

>> No.7982838

wait is being an actual escort through patreon a thing? she doesn't have a $200 tier. obviously I understand she'd be trying to keep it low key, but how did you find out about this?
any patreon thots in new york?

>> No.7982840

Holy mother of fuck, the white knights and orbiters on her instagram. How do you live being that pathetic?

>> No.7982869
File: 96 KB, 1920x1080, fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's how you come across

>> No.7982889

Tattoos kind of kill it but still quite hot.

>> No.7982927

what country i need a holiday

>> No.7982967

This guy's a manlet and uses some kind of escort service to bang students/models


>> No.7983298

You can tho, but if its love, money cant help you

>> No.7984229



Also lost my virginity to a hooker. AMA