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File: 35 KB, 250x205, 8E679D5A-0F17-4F6B-88D6-60A76A412CB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7980987 No.7980987 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically what would the Great Depression look like today?

>> No.7981160

my life

>> No.7981193

implynig that we arn't already in a great depression and the government is fudging all the numbers to make it look better. Basically a bunch of young men living at home with their parents on the computer all day with no jobs. This is the state of the US. Even with advanced degrees there is no jobs.

>> No.7981206

it'd look like a black lives matter protest.

>> No.7981209


first post best post

>> No.7981230

It looks like your mom when she thinks about you.

>> No.7981251

We would enter a modern dark ages instead

>> No.7981259

No, it's not about jobs it's about a non-existent future, young white men don't care because we don't have a future as a people at this rate.

>> No.7981300

That is a small microcosm if society and it’s not limited to the United States.

Get off this website and open your fucking eyes you albino shut in.

>> No.7981344
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a lot more multicultural. yay for diversity!!! :D

>> No.7981369
File: 5 KB, 600x300, latest_numbers_LNS11300000_2008_2018_all_period_M01_data.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is work place participation. As you can see it has been falling for years.

there are hardly any real jobs anymore in the US. Did you know the US's biggest export is garbage? China took all our manufactoring and even things we invented like cars are being made better by the japanese.

Don't even get me started on white's reproductive rate of like 1.8 and that's including arabs.
Whites are fucked and so is the economy. Just buy as many machine guns and weapons as you can to get ready for the inevitable race war. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/tavissmiley/blogs/garbage-is-now-americas-biggest-export/

>> No.7981417

a bunch of us holding crypto ( being perfectly okay ) while a bunch of niggers and women are outside roaming the streets hungry.

>> No.7981454
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>> No.7981469

a lot of looting and shooting

>> No.7981481

Standards of living are too high, we would skip the step and collapse into war.

>> No.7981622
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>> No.7981659

either absolute chaos or military state
modern food distribution logistics work on tight day-to-day basis
payment delays (which will occur the same day markets crash) will disrupt this mechanism causing all big cities to starve in less then one week

>> No.7981689

niggers niggering and libtards rioting on wall street asking for gibs

>> No.7981713



>> No.7981814

Carnage, Given the multicultural state of the US.
A racial dimension would quickly be imposed onto it, since different racial groups would be affected disproportional.

>> No.7981835


>> No.7982559
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Same as in photo, but everyone is staring at their cellphones.

>> No.7982782
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>> No.7983129

Modern technology won't allow for a depression as bad as the great depression. We have the technology and information to get us through the worst of it.

>> No.7983181


>> No.7983212

if you think we're already at great depression levels you're probably an uneducated neet who's too lazy to do any actual work and tries to blame their problems on the economy instead (an economy which has been doing fine lately btw). kys

>> No.7983245

what is the best way to cook a pigeon? is poop nutritious? how do i dance the lindy hop?
this information and more is right at my fingertips

>> No.7983262

unironically what I was talking about. I bet a heap of shit tastes ok with the right 'erbs and spices

>> No.7983415

This. I live like a peasant just for retirement security making 80k a year

>> No.7983712
File: 26 KB, 600x366, nero-rome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if your well off - you assume the economy is doing okay

im in touch with several industry leaders and i can tell you without a doubt that 90% of people are dirt poor and have no options or social mobility, and that's with advanced university degrees in "in demand" fields

universal basic income is probably the only thing that's going to prevent a major economic catastrophe in the next 20 years

open your eyes and look around, look at the communities, look at what is being exported and sold to the masses and try to picture where your society is heading a few short years from now

>> No.7983743


1000 times more niggers and other minorities causing absolute fucking mayhem

>> No.7983759

everyone who was poor before are still poor.
everyone who was not poor is now poor from bagholding chainlink

>> No.7983774


Fuck off you queer socialist, UBI will cause massive inflation and unemployment

>> No.7983899
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Hopefully we get Hitler 2 out of it.

>> No.7984000

By government's logic they're not unemployed.
Cause they haven't looked for a job last 3 weeks.

>> No.7984053
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>> No.7984064

Had TS clearance with a 25 series mos us army, havnt been employed for 5 years at least. I am no longer counted on any statistics since i no longer exist. We are being forgotten and no one cares. Realize your lives dont matter to anyone.

>> No.7984095

We would be walking around with phones that are 2 iPhone releases behind with an even newer model coming out

>> No.7984136

Look outside. The same but with no suits and iphones.