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File: 206 KB, 1321x691, NEO_Home_Page.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7976392 No.7976392 [Reply] [Original]

where should i dump my 9 btc into?
neo pays gas but does neo have as big as dev community as eth?

>> No.7976406

NEO will outpace Ethereum longrun.

>> No.7976435




Lol give me the joke book you’re done

>> No.7976468

NEO is a centralized meme

>> No.7976569

ethit is then!

>> No.7976603

Ethereum is pretty crappy desu we're still in a very early stage. NEO will outpace Ethereum. You think companies give a shit if Ethereum is being used more by other companies? We got blockchain interopability, they will go with NEO

>> No.7976782

Outpace in what? It's unironically a scam coin worth 8 billion dollars. All the transactions are verified by 13 nodes which are all owned by NEO Council.

>> No.7977004

Like companies give a fuck? Artificial decentralisation will work for them.

>> No.7977033


>> No.7977098


EOS will eat them both tho

>> No.7977398

You're delusional if you think companies care.

>> No.7977451
File: 8 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick question. does NEO have an equivalent to ETH's upcoming Plasma powerup?

>> No.7977538

Can NEO do the same? sure.

>> No.7977585



>> No.7977597

Dont lie fag. OMG is gonna shit on NEO. NEO can barely handle 5tx you brainlet.

>> No.7977617


>> No.7977726


>> No.7977744

faggot even if link has promising uses it doesn't mean that companies will choose it instead of other shitcoins that will do the same.

There's a zillion of currencies in development right now. By the time normie companies start to use them, it'll depend of which one has the best marketing and team behnd.

>> No.7978171


Lol. Don't put anything in NEO.


>> No.7978228

Not a NEO fan but plasma is just centralized solution for unsolvable blockchain scaling problem.

>> No.7978424
File: 30 KB, 300x300, 5B43F105-1E4B-4002-8238-0EDF9EEC47B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple answer op NEO

>> No.7978697

A centralized meme that will dominate China.

>> No.7979080

>and ETH is decentralized
good one

At least NEO plans to decentralize.

>> No.7979325

NEO is very badly coded compared to ETH, also much less powerful. For fucks sake, it doesn't even support non-integer amounts.
Literal shitcoin.

>> No.7979430
File: 88 KB, 454x340, 1514541572289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither NEO nor ETH

Invest in GAS, you're welcome

>> No.7979603

This meme needs to stop, 80% of buys come from the west

>> No.7980470


>> No.7980505

How do we know 80% of buys come from the west?

Also, isn't there currently a ban in China on buying and selling crypto?

>> No.7980559

ETH is decentralized dumbass, they haven't even implemented dPOS yet, it's all neets and their graphics card rigs

>> No.7980652
File: 36 KB, 480x567, 1491625968075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have any brain in your skull, you'd put it into Ethereum.

It already has traction, and NEO is no more than a pipe dream at this point, a shitty Chinese knockoff version of Ethereum at best.

Vitalik will eventually become a figurehead like Elon Musk, Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. You'd be a fool to invest in some shitty Chinese product over Vitalik.

>> No.7980943

heres your trinity faggot

>> No.7981366

Exactly, he has no idea what he's talking about.

>> No.7981376


>> No.7981386

Just about every chinese tech knockoff ends up being just as big or bigger than the former. NEO will be no different.

>> No.7981414


It costs $40k to deploy a smart contract to NEO. No fucking contest.

>> No.7981571

A centralized meme that pays dividends, aka passive income
Get shrekt, ETH faggots

>> No.7981632

Now that is a point.

>> No.7981661

When BTC passes 2 million in the 2020's, you'll wish you had it.

>> No.7981666


They fucking do asswipe

>> No.7981796

look at NEO’s volume distribution, more than 90% of NEO’s volume comes from Bittrex, Binance, and Bitfinex, three exchanges used mainly be Westerners.

>> No.7982048

5 btc NEO, 2 on ETH, 2 on ACT.

>> No.7982646


Is binance mostly westerners?

>> No.7982796

redpill me on achain. is it erc20?

>> No.7982847

jesus christ dude, give up

>> No.7982865

>very badly coded

Very badly English pajeet

>> No.7982940

The first chain that attracts institutional money by lowering risk profile. (Mechanism to reverse code fuck-ups) will win. Basically when some asshole can lock up everyone's coins because he put an o instead of a zero - there will never be hedge fund cash because there is no recourse to credit accounts with burnt tokens. HurrDurr Code is law

>> No.7983176

are you high you fucker?

no decent company will use any of your shittokens
they will go with microsoft/ibm solutions or at least require a software licence

buying chink/russian/whatever funnymonytokens

lmao you are all beyond retarded

>> No.7983195

are you stupid?
redpill your asshole and use google

>> No.7983206

software licence for building their own private blockchain
no one cares about your childish neet pipedreams in the real world
deal with it and make some gains as long as it lasts

>> No.7983229

ETH has a way bigger dev community team

>> No.7983231

Both will go up and be big earners so bet on them both then cash put of one into the other when it's clear who will win

>> No.7983379

NEO has more room to grow, dividends are nice too

>> No.7983380

Irony: blaming the scaling solution for causing scaling issues at their ico.