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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 30 KB, 182x268, 62376DDA-9D43-43D2-B787-A55BE7C782DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7975849 No.7975849 [Reply] [Original]

I’ll start

Pic related

>> No.7975870

Nice just sold 100k

>> No.7975926
File: 226 KB, 960x1440, p84960_p_v8_aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not talked about as a business movie really but I think it is

>> No.7975993

Glen Garry geln Ross

>> No.7975999
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>> No.7976000

Margin call

>> No.7976009
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>> No.7976045
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this one is also funny, true story to

>> No.7976065

Literally some of the worst propaganda ive ever seen

>Yes goy he'd a jew on wall street but he loves morals and cant even comprehend screwing people over

Fuckin check'd

>> No.7976103

Fuck you rord

>> No.7976116

fuck off qbert

>> No.7976133
File: 251 KB, 1062x1500, 81M2+uENYqL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Documentary about the biggest pump and dump in history, and how they did it.

>> No.7976135

watch this right now if you want a documentary and trade

>> No.7976170
File: 40 KB, 206x305, IMG_2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yours is boring

>> No.7976172

Inside Job

>> No.7976205


>> No.7976242


Salescucks are not /biz/ related more like /lgbt/

>> No.7976250

great film

>> No.7976258

great documentary

>> No.7976276

A true /biz/nessman MUST have seen this + Enron.

If you want to see Glengarry GlenRoss but less artsy fartsy and more modern, watch Boiler Room.

>> No.7976287

impressive, very nice

>> No.7976294
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>> No.7976304
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If you like hustling movies, pic related is a cute one.

There's a lot of potential people who enjoy the wolf of wall street, to enjoy hustling movies, and ever since it became trendy to be a "hustler" there's a lot of articles getting written about it, so rediscovering older movies with a hustling vibe has been easier.

Like for example in Matchstick men, the character is neurotic as hell but still the movie gives valuable insight into multiple useful financial things.

>Lord of War

>Inside Job
>Rogue Trader
>The Wizard of Lies
>Margin Call
>Bulletproof Salesman
>Matchstick men

>The Social Network
>40 Year Old Virgin

>> No.7976310
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>> No.7976317


>> No.7976363

Let's see Paul Allen's trips

>> No.7976377
File: 108 KB, 318x471, 67238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7976396


Bit of cringey to be honest but okay.

>> No.7976405

Not a movie, but Billions

>> No.7976459
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>> No.7976564
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excell3nt choice

>> No.7976602

The beginning, most definitely, but around the 30 minute mark it kind of changes tone, even if it still keep the business idea in the background.

>> No.7976931

I'll 3rd this one I guess. Really liked margin call.

>> No.7977190

checked and brb... need to return some video tapes...unironically

>> No.7977252

If you guys did not see this yet, go check it out; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCcxr-fyF4Q

>> No.7977258

Inside Job. Best documentary about the 2008 crisis.

>> No.7977343 [DELETED] 

>Lord Of War

>> No.7977372
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, kaiji2-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watching movies
Full-on norman brainlet status confirmed, watch pic related instead.

>> No.7977391
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>>7976304 #
>Lord Of War
This. I would like to see this on big screen again.

>> No.7977441

>implicado that mango about pirates is a good biz movie

>> No.7977493

top tier cage kino, worth a watch for sure
also worth watching as its one of the very few animus which could be considered /biz/ related

>> No.7977910


"The Crypton Handle light"

>> No.7977933


>everyone is dead, not working, gone insane or fucking children
i remember when this shit came out fml

>> No.7977957


>lord of war

you know it was based on an actual dude, right?

>> No.7977966
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>> No.7978141
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This is the only movie I recommend.

>> No.7978406

Linky: 2 Stinky

>> No.7978408

Thanks anon for the great list

>> No.7978485
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>> No.7978507
File: 45 KB, 1200x797, 1262129833069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very impressive

>> No.7978516

odd that its dogshit
very surprise

>> No.7978623
File: 738 KB, 720x942, Screenshot_2018-02-26-14-57-56-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7978804
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I prefer this version

>> No.7978831

We are legion

>> No.7978833
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>> No.7978844

Why's they have to ruin it with >muh morals
Fuck outta here, im sure the big shorters were actually working with the banks and got inside info

>> No.7978976
File: 1.63 MB, 2225x1086, 1517950674803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the subtle distorted reflection
>the tasteful blood-red hue
>my god, he even got trips
It's perfect

>> No.7979140
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>> No.7979234
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>> No.7979309

Indiana Jones

>> No.7980124

saw it recently fucking loved it

>> No.7980352

If you dig Paul Newman, you have to check out "The Hustler" and "The Color of Money".

>> No.7980805

Also watching right now. Any other /biz/ animu?

>> No.7980971
File: 369 KB, 1009x375, brGoHW6[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spice and wolf

>> No.7981034

Spice and Wolf.

>> No.7981151

I just watched the documentaty "The Foreaster". Highly recommended for anybody intersted /biz/!

>> No.7981175
File: 71 KB, 719x1080, fallingdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think I'm a thief? Oh, you see, I'm not the thief. I'm not the one charging 85 cents for a *stinking* soda! You're the thief. I'm just standing up for my rights as a consumer.

>> No.7981227
File: 9 KB, 182x268, therewillbeblood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>family man
>run a family business

>> No.7981258

I liked the stripper titties