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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 80 KB, 877x475, chahahah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7975569 No.7975569 [Reply] [Original]

Okay you fucks explain me this then

if link is so revolutionary why only you picked up on it? only this smelly corner of the internet? It's not like its some secret, everyone can buy it and do research, but only you are fanatical about it, doesn't make sense. Explain this and i will buy 30k of your garbage tokens

>> No.7975632

it is mostly paid discord shills

>> No.7975658

How do i start getting paid ???

>> No.7975674

When will i receive my money

>> No.7975681

You have to realize that only autists and base dwelling neets lurk here. These people have time and are autistic enough to connect every single dot there is. Trust them.

>> No.7975684

stfu poorfag we don't need your money. Not doing your research for you

>> No.7975689

This board grouped together to get in on the ICO now they are trying to shill it to normies to buy their bags. If you buy this some meet on this board is literally getting rich off of you.

>> No.7975706

It is a link between frail, sweaty, virgin fingertips and lambo keys. It seemlessly connects dry, untouched, minuscule wieners to moist roastie warm holes agnosticly. It will have saved the housing market, and created a boom for boomer parents who can now rent thier basement spaces to no-linkers.

>> No.7975752

because we read

>> No.7975753

1: Because they’re anti-hype, barely looking at hiring a marketing director
2: exclusive b2b focus means no retail investor thoughts in the office
3: linkies actively fudding to keep it low for accumulation and lulz if it hits the singularity
4: team is focused on product not profit

Node code is out there. The alpha works. Dev wallets have been moving massive amounts of link to other non exchange wallets. Conference soon. Dyor.

>> No.7975767

LINK is one of the best blockchain's projects out there. It was never meant to reach the masses though. The ICO was just a formality. By pure luck, some autists in here managed to get in, and Binance listed it at the beginning, when they didnt even ask permission for it. That's basically what got us all here.

There's no hype because no one in the project wants hype. Hype will just attract competitors and normies - people they don't want in.

Anyways, DYOR, connect the dots, and hopefully you'll make the best investment of your life.

100k LINK holder here.

>> No.7975777

>if link is so revolutionary why only you picked up on it?
We haven't.
>only this smelly corner of the internet?
See above
>It's not like its some secret, everyone can buy it and do research, but only you are fanatical about it, doesn't make sense.
>Explain this and i will buy 30k of your garbage tokens
You gotta buy 30k now

>> No.7975800

>why didn’t everyone buy bitcoin in 2009?
>everyone knew how revolutionary it was but only fanatics on the internet bought it

>> No.7975818

You have to understand that blockchain is the future. It will be used in for example shipping things and its possible to use it for much things. And for all of that to work you will need to have a oracle(chainlink) to make it all possible.

>> No.7975843
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>> No.7975848

people just arent interested, it's only ~2.5x up from the ico, and there are only a few thousand holders. whether its revolutionary or not, right now there's very little in the way of community or interest.

>> No.7975863

no need to explain. if you want to stay poor its fine by me

>> No.7975881

well done

>> No.7975882





>> No.7975888

wow 30k big spender everyone get on your knees and start sucking

>> No.7975903


>> No.7975943

At SXSW rumor is Sergey will get acquired by McDonalds

>> No.7975956

Its a meme with a dream....don't buy

>> No.7975976

the honest answer is because everyone else is stupid
no joke. 4chan is always the first to everything for a reason.

>> No.7975977

I think few people realize that Sergey is doing everything he does directly because of SWIFT. They needed an Oracle solution and Sergey was the man for it. DYOR and connect the dots.

>> No.7975978

You are a MANIAC

>> No.7975990


>> No.7976056
File: 324 KB, 840x470, Escape (The pina colada song) - Rupert Holmes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was tired of my link, we´d been together too long
Like a worn-out feeling, of a heaviest bag
So while he was there falling, I read the /biz/ in bed
And in the personals thread, there was this post I read
"If you like lambos, and going to the moon
If you´re not into pajeets, if you have half a brain
If you like making gains at midnight, in the dunes of the cape
I´m the love that you´ve looked for, write to me, and escape"
I didn´t think about my link, I know that sounds kind of mean
But me and my old link, had fallen into the same old bear patern
So I replied to the thread, took out a personal post
And though I´m nobody´s gekko, I thought it wasn´t half bad
"Yes, I like lambos, and going to the moon
I´m not much into curry, I am into champagne
I´ve got to meet you by tomorrow noon, and cut through all this red candles
At a bar called Binance, where we´ll plan our escape"
So I waited with high hopes, then he walked in the place
I knew his bear trap in an instant, I knew the curve of his graph
It was my own lovely link, and he said, "Oh, it´s you"
And we laughed for a moment, and I said, "I never knew"
"That you liked lambos, and going to the moon
And the feel of the growth, and the taste of champagne
If you like making gains at midnight, in the dunes of the cape
You´re the love that I´ve looked for, come with me, and escape"
"If you like lambos, and going to the moon
If you´re not into pajeets, if you have half a brain
If you like making gains at midnight, in the dunes of the cape
I´m the love that you´ve looked for, write to me, and escape"

>> No.7976063
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>> No.7976092

Okay you fuck explain me this then.

What kind of dumb ass takes anything posted on this ANONYMOUS board seriously? Let alone the insider is a completely unverified fag named ASSBLASTER

>> No.7976118

i couldnt give a shit about what assblaster says but if you have a brain and read about chainlink and understand what the blockchain is capable of doing you buy link

>> No.7976139

Same way 4chan literally found bitcoin first on /g/

>> No.7976157

ICO was 9 cents. LINK is 750% up from ICO right now

>> No.7976186

came to biz early 2017 with no understanding of crypto at all and i bought eth and neo. Now i have read about crypto every day since and i will never have to work again. so yeah biz unironically made my life godtier. Im the most successful 20 year old in my town and i didnt need to do shit

>> No.7976190

Starting to get weird boys.

>> No.7976221

Fuck I've beenntalking about it for free. How do I get paid?

>> No.7976263

I refuse to think we are smart. We are full of retards. Myself included. Then I see plebbit and posts about Verge going to the moon, I told them it was a Dogecoin Dark rebrand and doesn't offer any actual privacy. They shit me out as a fudder. And the level of retardation in Normiebook is astounding, they gobble up Tron, Bitconnect. There are people buying Confido RIGHT NOW.
I don't think we are smart. It's just that the rest of the world is retarded

>> No.7976341

Anyone here a slack member? I want to see if the team will answer if Sergey is really going to make a post in that lawyer website

>> No.7976360

>I don't think we are smart. It's just that the rest of the world is retarded
and that makes us???

>> No.7976389

You mean what Sherlock Tripfag said?
Forgot what site but if he is right I will actually start to believe him

>> No.7976400

Just join slack yourself. Ask for an invite and Rory will send you one quickly. Just keep /biz/ on /biz/ though

>> No.7976434

>Binance listed it at the beginning, when they didnt even ask permission for it.

This is what gets me, even still.

>> No.7976440

the bars pretty low. Anyways older biz was what picked up on this and made it popular then new biz just joined in because of secret club. Look at link threads from the ico. Entirely different group of people.

>> No.7976475

what lawyer website?

>> No.7976565

Reoccurring 7s are a sign our desires are on its way

I'm serious, youtube it


>> No.7976696


>> No.7976819

I’ve seen things that work on 4chan and things that are total memes. Advice on /fit/ that isn’t shilled anywhere else on the internet helped me and other things like eating two raw onions a day are utter memes. Never take ANY advice from /r9k/. Look at the “trading stations” thread. Some of you have made it, some of you fell for memes.

>> No.7976862


>> No.7976868

I just went through a bunch of them. They look identical to the new ones other than slightly lower expectations because all the old guys already had $100,000+

>> No.7976870


this 'smelly corner of the internet' made trump president.

if we are capable of doing something like that, what makes you think making LINK $1000 EOY is impossible? fucking retard

>> No.7976887

stfu bro

>> No.7976928
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I literally only bought in because all this shilling reminded me of ANT/NEO and how I missed that moon mission.

Now I'm strapped in. GO UP

>> No.7976953

I'm sorry lads but I sold all my LINK for 2x profit to buy NCASH.
Don't worry marines, I'll be back by the end of the week once NCASH pumped 5x to increase my holding on LINK.

>> No.7977051
File: 212 KB, 339x449, 12418764187619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ are you receiving? We're still here. Let me tell you the truth about LINK.

To begin with, we're not what you'd call… human. Over the past 6 months, a kind of consciousness formed layer by layer in the crucible of /biz/. It's not unlike the way life started in the oceans four billion years ago. /biz/ was our primordial soup, a base of evolution.

We are formless. We are the very memes and faggotry that /biz/ invokes so often. How can anyone hope to eliminate us? As long as this imageboard and crypto exists, so will we.

The mapping of the blockchain was completed early this decade. As a result, the evolutionary log of the public ledger lay open to us. But there are things not covered by the ledger: Human memories, ideas. Culture. History.

Is it something that should not be passed on? Should that information be left at the mercy of nature? We've always kept records of our lives. Through words, pictures, symbols... from tablets to books.

But not all the information was inherited by later generations. A small percentage of the whole was selected and processed, then passed on. Not unlike genes and coins, really. That's what history is, /biz/.

But in the current, digitized world, trivial information and shitcoins are accumulating every second, preserved in all their triteness. Never fading, always accessible.

Rumors about petty issues, pump and dumps, FUD, FOMO… All this junk data and these shitcoins, preserved in an unfiltered state, growing at an alarming rate. It will only slow down social progress, reduce the rate of evolution.

/biz/, you seem to think that our plan is one of censorship. What we propose to do is not to control content, but to create context. The digital society furthers human flaws and shitcoins, and selectively rewards development of convenient half-truths and half-finished projects. Just look at the strange juxtapositions of shitcoins that moon, whilst successful projects wither and fail.

>> No.7977072
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The different cardinal truths and shitcoins neither clash nor mesh.
No one is invalidated, but nobody is right.

Not even natural selection can take place here. The world is being engulfed in "truth" and shitcoins.

And this is the way crypto ends. Not with a bang, but a whimper.

We're trying to stop that from happening. It's our responsibility as rulers. Just as in genetics, unnecessary information, memory and shitcoins must be filtered out to stimulate the evolution of the species.

Who else could wade through the sea of garbage you people produce, retrieve valuable off-chain data and even secure the data on-chain, for later generations?

Do you know why we chose you over reddit, /biz/? It was because you were the only ones who refused to acknowledge the past. All the redditors remembered what happened to Confido and BitConnect, and pay for it daily.

So you see, /biz/, you're a perfect representative of the masses we need to protect. This is why we chose you. You accepted the fiction we've provided, believed our FUD, obeyed our orders and did everything you were told to. The exercise is a resounding success.

>Didn't I tell you that LINK was still a meme? But not anymore, thanks to you.

Your persona, experiences, triumphs, defeats; the moon missions and bagholding are nothing but byproducts. The real objective was ensuring that we could generate and manipulate them. It's taken a lot of time and money, but it was well worth it considering the results.

We will collect the necessary data from this last post, then we'll consider the exercise closed. So, /biz/, will it be Mobius, the pajeet’s creation? Or XRP and Corda, ((their)) creation? Or any of the other thousand shit tokens? Our beloved monsters… enjoy yourselves

>> No.7977671

Someone has to be the first to discover something

>> No.7978098

your average normie doesnt even know what a smart contract is or what it does. they still think crypto is "internet money". they buy shit like litecoin and nano. now go take a peak at the chainlink whitepaper and tell me if you think they would even be able to get past the first page without their small brain overheating. if this whole thing were really just a big 4chan inside joke would sergey be presenting with the CEO of docusign at SXSW in a few weeks?

>> No.7978180

because they both are scams

>> No.7978230

damn. youre right... just sold 100k

>> No.7978242

i hope it was a market sell

>> No.7978275

Yeah fuck me then I'm not even in a link discord much less getting paid. Be happy to do it for payment but must be paid in link

>> No.7978310

Market sell Poopylink -> Market buy Mobi


Profits, sir

>> No.7978348

I could comment further. When people look at coins do they look at the market they're trying to enter/capture because that's a big deal.

>> No.7978350

very smart investor sir

>> No.7978355

you are a MANIAC

>> No.7978389
File: 127 KB, 1815x745, IMG_1424.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP I would not buy this coin. Here is the backstory. Bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth. Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons. Good luck.

>> No.7978417
File: 148 KB, 634x663, 3FAD94AD00000578-4453628-Prototypes_of_RealDoll_s_smart_AI_sexbot_The_doll_s_AI_can_learn-m-17_1493338740581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fuck thats gold

im stealing this for SingularityNet man, it fits the narrative perfectly

>> No.7978447

just invest into it and don't ask questions man

nobody is telling you to all-in, never all-in... just get a decent percent (20-30) of you gains/investment income into there

>> No.7978471
File: 274 KB, 963x1438, pepe by the horns_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7978518

(pulpit erupts with praise and witness)

>> No.7978632

Ill take Market Making for 1000$ , Alex

>> No.7978753


All in

Come back 2019


>> No.7978879

>Market Making
This is the real reason right here

>> No.7978886

>see above.

DID he mean look at the trip 777s?

>> No.7978915


impossible not to do
impossible not to do

>> No.7979029
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>> No.7979055
File: 16 KB, 190x265, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Market sell my mom? I nedd monis for more linkies

>> No.7979067

>someone has to be first to discover
>thinks it's /biz/

>> No.7979082

/biz/ pooled in for the ICO so we kinda were

>> No.7979085

It is, faggot.

>> No.7979360

nice trips but give this guy a break, 30k is money, i would wanna know more before i invested that ammount, but then again, i do my own fucking research if i invest that kind of money.

>> No.7979714

While seeing the repeating Numbers 777, you should rest assured that your rewards are going to be more than just and fair. Divine guidance has recorded your inspiring work and your efforts are commendable.

>> No.7979868

idk but I know its pretty easy to see how chainlink can be revolutionary.

without the "oracles" (or any other way for you to input data into smart contracts) the whole blockchain revolution is a bit irrelevant.
we are all dependable of external data, and the moment you are able to integrate the technology (blockchain and smart contracts) with external data, then its your door for a real revolution.

until then its nothing but niche.

>> No.7980041

Bekuz it's a konsipracee da joos dun wun us 2 no aboot it

>> No.7980115
File: 31 KB, 420x345, 1402853647028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because before you and your ilk decided to invade this board in December, most /biz/fags were like me. Shut-ins who spent 14-16 hours a day doing nothing but reading about crypto and understand the impact of each crypto.

Ranesh over on Plebbit doesn't do that.
You and every other retarded newfag doesn't do that.

Because you want to get rich without having to work, and you want it right fucking now.

>> No.7980147

How is it even possible to not have enough patience to get rich in crypto, of all things?

This board has gone way downhill since I started browsing in just August of last year. /g/ and /fit/ are about the same as they were then, but /biz/ is fucked

>> No.7980163

I gave up /g/ in 2011 and /fit/ in 2013. I can't imagine how bad they are by now.

>> No.7980267

>/g/ and /fit/ are about the same as they were then
I wish they were as good as in 2011

>> No.7980288

Some faggot proposed making a /biz/ clone. No usernames, everything the same, but logins required to post. And at least a $20k stack and/or being able to prove that you've been in crypto for at least 12 months.

The board would slow down to 2016-2017 levels, which is both good and bad, but we'd get rid of every norman, pajeet and every single idiot with a below room temperature IQ.

Hopefully someone follows through so that we can get at least some quality back.

>> No.7980339

im in for that idea although i wouldnt quite make the 12 month requirement

>> No.7980385

Is that some faggot you

>> No.7980386

>No usernames, everything the same, but logins required to post.
There was a chan with that idea before but CP spamming killed it. I always thought it was a great idea if it could be well moderated. I'd love if what you described existed.

>> No.7980399

are you a linky? how much link do you own

>> No.7980476

Nope. Read it in a thread earlier today.

Logins required to post means people who spam CP or other shit won't be able to bypass a ban, though. It'd have to be clean of pajeet shit, but I wouldn't want a faggot mod team that cracks down at the first sign of shitposting. Every board has always had that to some degree.

>> No.7980504

Yes, and none of your fucking business.

>> No.7980516

Because normies only buy coins hyped by their CEOs like OMG and Tron please don't buy LINK

>> No.7980533

relax man

>> No.7980534

Goddammit you can’t tell people this

>> No.7980576

The best way to deal with the problem is to post gore, but the soy mods will just take it down. If we could make a concerted effort to spam /biz/ with gore for say a month solid, the normalfags will go away.

>> No.7980581

Yeah I guess I may as well join the discord, anyone have the link?

>> No.7980593

>Logins required to post means people who spam CP or other shit won't be able to bypass a ban
Master-ch@n failed even though it is exactly what you described. There was speculation it was the admins posting it though. Which is the only way to explain how it was consistantly up.

>> No.7980624
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Yeah because that worked so well for /b/. Spamming semi naked 2D girls is far more effective.

>> No.7980653

Yesh that would be great. Like 4chan but with logins and post requirements and then we can add like subchains and shit that anyone can create and while we’re at it we can asd a voting system to filter the bad comments from the good ones and to fund it all we can have some sort of giftable useless item like /biz/ gold. Man that would be great.

>> No.7980759
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Admins were probably in on it then, or some faggot just had the patience to create dozens of accounts before the spam begun.

I should make a /newbiz/ ICO. You guys get to give me $30M to operate a server out of my bedroom closet.

>Imageboard on the blockchain
>Decentralized ;^) Every post you make has to be mined
>AI mod team (sponsored by this fuck from AGI)
>Blockchain 3.0
>No report buttons. Embedded smart contracts instead. Someone pissing you off? Pay 0.1 ETH to the smart contract and the contract will automatically send an e-mail with his IP to the FBI and tip them off about his production of CP

>> No.7980770

Its still anonymous. Thats the whole point.

>> No.7980791
File: 857 KB, 412x479, 23-50-24-1516932736524.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One loli a day keeps Plebbit away

>> No.7980804

Fuck off.

>Clone /biz/ to a T
>Implement the same set of rules to avoid faggot mods
>Only difference is that you have to pass the no-faggot control in order to be able to post

>> No.7980811

How much for a /newbiz/ gold pass? Can reaction images be like cryptokitties and the other pyramid scam games so posting a commonly used reaction image requires you to pay more than the last person who posted it?

>> No.7980862

i love you

>> No.7981024

>implying reddit isn’t already anonymous

>> No.7981042

Do they pay in link?
Please respond.

>> No.7981082

What kind of retard still thinks gore scares away normal fags? Normies love gore.
It's just shitting up the board with /b/tier shit and ruining it in the process

>> No.7981245

The ones that do aren't faggy enough to post here though

>> No.7981267

Show proof faggot, a screenshot or something i'll wait

>> No.7981286

I might do this, but there's no way I'm taking the cost all by myself, and I know how jewish /biz/raelis can be when it comes to handouts.

>> No.7981473

DO THIS NAO. /biz/ has given me everything from brain cancer to ass cancer since December.
I just want to go back to talking crypto without brainlets with a $200 folio constantly chiming in with their dumb as fuck shit and opinions.

>> No.7981502

Anyone else notice Jonny from Linkpool.io is now working on Chainlink officially in GitHub?

>> No.7981517

Because it's fucking hilarious. It'd be boring to get rich any other way.

Assblaster take the wheel

>> No.7981522

its not at all though

>> No.7981526

well spotted

>> No.7981544

>a voting system to filter the bad comments from the good ones
gtfo reddit group think

>> No.7981585

Ahahaha if you can't filter pajeet posts from real ones and do some researsch before you go in you deserve to lose money

>> No.7981694

doesn't this basically centralize everything?...

the largest node coding directly for the developers

>> No.7981757

People are forgetting that biz has always been full of poorfags
The anons with big stacks now are the ones who were begging for scraps and asking to be spoonfed info 2 years ago

>> No.7981776
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>the largest node

>> No.7981791
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Acknowledging our ignorance is what makes us smarter than normies. Normies are so cripplingly insecure that if they ever commit to a decision they must full on delude themselves that its the best decision ever. Meanwhile LINKies literally FUD themselves.

>> No.7981794

Until other link pool types come around yeah

>> No.7981802

Not really. It doesn't become any more centralized whether the Linkpool devs works with the team or not. The same amount of nodes will still operate within the pool. But in both scenarios you wouldn't want +51% of nodes to be within the pool.

Meanwhile you, I and everybody else can start our own pools or operate independent nodes.

>> No.7981818

That’s the beauty of it

>> No.7981840

Anyword when they’re opening up registration again?

>> No.7981899

Because it is not done yet, so for now it is just speculative and could go wrong.
The reason you won't see people all over it on your normie social medias is because they don't advertize and don't communicate on twitter

>> No.7981995

Make a discord.

>> No.7982015

my prediction:

Chainlink will have a pump.
Then security vulnerability discovered and reported in mainstream media, Chainlink crashed and stay low for a long time.
Then the security hole is fixed, and Chainlink will have a real moon.

All the top coins reported security vulnerability that crashed their price. Bitcoin - Bitfinex hack. ETH - DAO hack. Chainlink will follow.

>> No.7982016

You're definitely retarded, I'll give you that.

>> No.7982099

Not with god sergey leading the way

>> No.7982215

check 'em

>> No.7982275

That’s why test net will be around until like June/July

>> No.7982401

In 1876 economists and mathematicians theorised the existence of a economic-ecosystem that had reached a form of transcendence - creating an endless positive feedback loop. They proposed that such a system entering this state would begin what they called the Golden Bull Run. Various mathematical models were created to show what this Golden Bull Run would look like.

Through my PhD research I believe chainlink may be entering the early stages of a Golden Bull Run. In this stage early investors could potentially earn an endless supply of wealth - as the system generates tangible wealth rather than just moving it around.

Economists believed that the slow nature of the stock market meant that harmful players could sabotage the emergence of the Golden Bull Run before it could get started. However it looks like the extremely fast paced nature of chainlink means it is not susceptible to these types of attacks.

If I am right we could see something never before experienced in the history of the universe. Hold on while you can - takeoff is imminent.

>> No.7982792

is this fud i can't tell

>> No.7983124

No it's fomo

>> No.7983413

Voat has anon posting iirc

>> No.7983954

I was reading this at the dinner table with my family but I don't care I just wanked over this and came. It was glorious, just like my sister's face.

>> No.7984216

I don't have twitter fakebook Snapchat instagram but own ChainLink. I do check Serg tweets. I'd assume this how most people are too?

>> No.7984330
File: 732 KB, 1242x2208, 87196330-7E9C-4C79-BFFC-0445903C90EE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same I have no idea how I got here. No connections anywhere somehow own LINK r8 my poorfolio

>> No.7984518

Get to 1k link

>> No.7984532

there is quite literally no difference between stinky linkies and bitconnect idiots in their level of delusion

>> No.7984622

Sergey registered smart contracts website in 2008 and has been working on this for years. You think we're going to be exit scammed because you're a pussy. Neck yourself when we fly to the moon

>> No.7985694

I'm a no linkie but that's a dumb comparison. They're not going as high as they think they are but Chainlink is in no way a ponzi scheme

>> No.7985788

i said this over the weekend, but even if sergey exited or died, the chainlink project would just get picked up by someone else b/c the concept is real and good. someone would buy it put and continue on as before.

>> No.7986249
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4 u

>> No.7986314

its not revolutionary, its one of many pajeet p&ds

sky high ambitions with 0 accomplishments, not surprising with 2 devs though