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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7972364 No.7972364 [Reply] [Original]

Delete your blockfolio
Stop browsing /biz/

There is nothing but anxiety here. Buy your coins and forget about them for a year. Leave /biz/ or your gains and life will suffer.

>> No.7972402

I know this is right but I can't leave.

>> No.7972405

>Delete your blockfolio
>Stop browsing /biz/
>There is nothing but anxiety here. Buy your coins and forget about them for a year. Leave /biz/ or your gains and life will suffer.

Absolutely right. If you have liquidity, get your portfolio sorted, lock it away. Trading will lose you money and constant thinking/reading about crypto will legit ruin your life.

>> No.7972406
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>> No.7972409

This. I'm getting disgusted with the anons here. Everyone is too busy shitting on other coins by any means necessary out of what, spite? Then they pretend they're only doing it out of altruistic reasons. Anyone talk about a coin? You can be sure dozens anons will line up to FUD it for no apparent reason other than le ebin trolle.

>> No.7972432

its to late for me
lost my job (not because of crypto) and got addicted to shitposting all day

>> No.7972445
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i genuinely like it here tho
these are my internet friends
my LINK marines

the real worldies can't give me that, they don't even know what LINK is anon..

>> No.7972447

I agree, but I still find very valuable info here every once in a while. but its becoming more rare, while the disgust and boredom from pajeet shilling is getting worse

>> No.7972473


I'm seeing this attitude across a number of other boards. Is 4chan finally getting sick of its own ferocious toxicity?

>> No.7972498

bought ETH at around U$20 after reading about the tech and the fundamentals... left it in MEW and forgot about it, best decision i ever made

>> No.7972517

But I'm dead inside, I need my e-coins to feel anything

>> No.7972543

Probably. Just look at how people treat /pol/ the last year. Utter contempt and mockery every time they crossboard to shitpost about something. It's not really uncommon anymore, while they were almost tolerated before they became too obnoxious about their larping shit.

>> No.7972544
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this board could achive so much more. yet most people think its worth the fud since 4chan holds the majority of all cryptos worldwide.

>> No.7972546

All-inned link so that I don't have to check the market every 5 minutes.

Secure in $1000 EOY. Can do fun stuff in the meantime, which will hopefully help me recover from crypto-induced ADHD

>> No.7972561

That's valuable. You look a the quality of the FUD to see if the coins is worth a damn

>> No.7972565


You are right OP. Things are not the way is was. There is no worthwhile information on here any more. Only toxicity and shills with a horrendously low success rate. I've known this for some weeks already. Still I haven't bit the bullet.

Today will be different. This topic will be the last I view on /biz/, ever

We had a good run. Goodbye everyone!

>> No.7972585

what if you bought somethin like EOS and you have to follow the project to know when to claim them

I also want to leave but I'm thinking of hodling some erc20 tokens that would eventually have to be exchanged, youre essentially forced to stay in touch with the project

>> No.7972609

Fuck off beta

>> No.7972613

Why activly go into threads only to shit all over it though? Wouldn't that time be better spent researching and keeping up with whatever coin they themselves hold? I can agree that seeing 10 link/ven/dbc/whatever coin of the week threads up at the same time can be annoying (although often half of them are pure shitposting invitation), so what, you decide to join the threads to continue shitposting instead of discussing your own stuff ensuring these threads surive and stay?

>> No.7972663

The coins are heavily discussed in those threads. Link threads have heavy, substantial discussion conducted daily, even if they are bit venomous.

Any true shitposter knows that if someone is too venomous, it can easily be turned against him. This also gives up information about what kind of person shits on a coin. Is he salty, or has knowledge of real flaws.

This stands in stark contrast with back patting done in reddit, where no true criticizm or in-depth discussion are conducted.

>> No.7972703

I get a lot of bad vibes here but every once in a while there is an actual good coin that is completely under the radar so I suck it up and bear the toxicity. There havnt been any good ones for a few months though

>> No.7972813

I just escaped from fit into crypto, i like it better here

>> No.7972878
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>hugbox plox

>> No.7972903

But that's incredibly boring. What would I do with my life in the meantime?

>> No.7972977

>comparing escaping a pit of toxicity into real life to a hugbox

>> No.7972995

>already made it years ago, I'm here for the keks

>> No.7973017

you want nice, non-confrontational discussion. A hugbox.

>> No.7973024

Most positive advice on biz at the moment

>> No.7973035

>waah why don't they think my shitty baseless meme fud is hilarious like mom said??

>> No.7973179

No discussion is better than constant FUD

Every time a coin goes down slightly the board is filled with pink wojacks that persist past the point when the coin goes back up. This is combined with baseless other FUD and shilling of trash coins to make a literal meaningless board.

Not even the positive talk here is worth it because if you're secure in the coins that you've already purchased you don't need positive talk. The only reason you would need positive talk/hugbox is to counteract the constant FUD.

The best move is to put 100% of the money you want to in now and leave. There is no point in staying here.

>> No.7973218

Nah it’s just soy boy redditors like you who get butthurt over your shitty coins and interests.

>> No.7973293
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the path that brought my to crypto is riddled with anxiety and obsession. i couldn't stop checking even if i wanted to.

>> No.7973318

New information appears, and this is reflected in the FUD. Nobody reporting faster on flaws of a coin than viper full of venom.

>> No.7973361

I might actually do this, not because of biz but because I don't expect anything to happen for months/years

I'm only checking charts all the time now because I'm still accumulating but once I'm satisfied I'll probably stop looking at charts and stop browsing biz every day. I think once a week or once a month should be good enough

>> No.7973438

it's only fud if you don't understand the project. there's no better way to learn about a project than by actively reading a post and thinking, "this isn't true. i've read the whitepaper. this fucking kike is trying to get me to sell".

>> No.7973495
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Biz is not anymore the way it used to be hmmm mmm mmm no no no

>> No.7973677
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there are two aspects of our identity as human beings which will never change: storytelling and problem-solving. anxiety is an essential component to this identity, however we now exist at a time where our ability to produce artificial anxiety has far surpassed our ability to resolve it. gone are the days where our primary concern is the BIG one -- survival. instead one great concern is replaced by thousands of tiny concerns, ever-mounting and unaddressed. but when we realize we are the creators of our own disharmony, when we cease trying to make sense of anxiety and just allow it to be, then we remove the concept of "self" and thus the self-imposed identity crisis places like biz cater to. the game.

>> No.7973686
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This is the only good advice on /biz/.

>> No.7973717

I just need $1MM more, Already have $3MM so this year ill retire in some comfy country.

>> No.7974062

I've been browsing this shithole for nearly 2 years now, and I thought that too. But /biz/ is nothing like it was even 3 months ago.

Newfags, normies and pajeets fucked the board up beyond repair. The vast majority are playing with lunch money.

I just wish some faggot would create a /biz/ clone with logins but no usernames, where the requirement to join was at least a $20k stack. I'm sure there'd be lots of shitposting, but no where near as cancerous as it is here.

>> No.7974281

but you're still here

>> No.7974331

The fuck are you all so negative? I love checking my portfolio and I love shitposting and I love my gainz and occasionally I swing trade for fun.
>You've got a negative attitude! That's what's stopping you! You gotta get your act together.

>> No.7974377

By January I became so pissed off with the newfags and the deterioration of my beloved board that I decided to make /x/ my main board, however that only lasted about a week. I missed the memes. /biz/ has best memes.

>> No.7974378

We're negative because newfags like you have ruined this board.

>> No.7974401

Nice try but I've shitposting about crypto since before /biz/ was a thing.

>> No.7974407

>mentally weak

>> No.7974417

I'm all in on LINK.

Low risk + High reward = No anxiety.

>> No.7974457

>I just wish some faggot would create a /biz/ clone

For the love of god, someone do this so we can go back to the old times and let the normies drown in their own shit here.

>> No.7974468

You faggots who helped all the noobs from November to date can blame yourselves. The correct response to their idiotic questions would have been fuck off, but you faggots decided to be helpful and now biz is forever destroyed

>> No.7974478


this is actually very good advice
there is a bunch of shills here fudding the hell out of their coins. then you got a bunch of noobs who bought at ATH and got rekt and are nervous as shit right now.

story time anons
I had a shitload of XRP last year. a shitload of NEM, BAY, SC. look at the charts of those coins tehy all went ballistic. I couldve made a fortune on those.
because I ended up listening to biz and sold it all at a loss when alts took a huge hit last year. so Im telling you fags right now, lay down the crack pipe, relax and keep accumulating solid projects. wait until the next wave of money rolls into this sector and it WILL roll in, make no mistake. by that point you will be sitting on a shitload of coins and you will make a fortuen. if you sell right now youre gonna hate youreself for it a couple o years down the road, I guarantee it.
stop looking at daily price movements and stop being such ADHD fags. bet on solid coins and play the long game. put in as much money as you can. in a couple of years youll all be millionaires. no need to thank me, go and enjoy your lifes.!

>> No.7974510

I’ve lost a TON of money thanks to /biz/ ‘advice’, and yet I’m still here.
Maybe I’m just retarded.

>> No.7974516


>$1000 EOY

you might wanna manage your expectations there just a little bit

>> No.7974647

It's the fucking newfags.

They all believe their particular crypto will have a $850 trillion marketcap by summer, because that's just the way it has to be. 20x in a year isn't enough. 100x in a year isn't enough. It has to be 1000x, or else it's a shitcoin.

I'm in LINK, but the $1k by EOY shit is infuriating.

>> No.7974853

We're all retarded here anon

>> No.7974940

As soon as I accumulate 10k LINK I’m done. Putting it in cold storage and leaving it until 2020.

You have my word

>> No.7974975
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You know what? You are right. Bye

>> No.7974986

see you tomorrow

>> No.7975075

Same, I see $25 as likely, $40-60 as possible, and $100 as the max this year.

>> No.7975159

I've done that for 2 months. I went to /v/. It's not that much fun desu.
Playing or discussing games makes me feel like I'm wasting time when I'm not making money but I'm not even making money.

>> No.7975540


>> No.7975594
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Nice fud

$1000 eoy

>> No.7976478

I almost feel a little bit sick when I look at my videogame collection because I've spent so much money and time on games over the last 10 years but never seriously considered putting money into crypto until like last september. Also /v/ is terrible apart from e3/gdq, it used to be fun before people started taking themselves so seriously

>> No.7976797
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>> No.7976826
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/biz/ are you receiving? We're still here.

To begin with, we're not what you'd call… human. Over the past 6 months, a kind of consciousness formed layer by layer in the crucible of /biz/. It's not unlike the way life started in the oceans four billion years ago. /biz/ was our primordial soup, a base of evolution.

We are formless. We are the very memes and faggotry that /biz/ invokes so often. How can anyone hope to eliminate us? As long as this imageboard and crypto exists, so will we.

The mapping of the blockchain was completed early this decade. As a result, the evolutionary log of the public ledger lay open to us. But there are things not covered by the ledger: Human memories, ideas. Culture. History.

Is it something that should not be passed on? Should that information be left at the mercy of nature? We've always kept records of our lives. Through words, pictures, symbols... from tablets to books.

But not all the information was inherited by later generations. A small percentage of the whole was selected and processed, then passed on. Not unlike genes and coins, really. That's what history is, /biz/.

But in the current, digitized world, trivial information and shitcoins are accumulating every second, preserved in all their triteness. Never fading, always accessible.

Rumors about petty issues, pump and dumps, FUD, FOMO… All this junk data and these shitcoins, preserved in an unfiltered state, growing at an alarming rate. It will only slow down social progress, reduce the rate of evolution.

/biz/, you seem to think that our plan is one of censorship. What we propose to do is not to control content, but to create context. The digital society furthers human flaws and shitcoins, and selectively rewards development of convenient half-truths and half-finished projects. Just look at the strange juxtapositions of shitcoins that moon, whilst successful projects wither and fail.

>> No.7976853
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The different cardinal truths and shitcoins neither clash nor mesh.
No one is invalidated, but nobody is right.

Not even natural selection can take place here. The world is being engulfed in "truth" and shitcoins.

And this is the way crypto ends. Not with a bang, but a whimper.

We're trying to stop that from happening. It's our responsibility as rulers. Just as in genetics, unnecessary information, memory and shitcoins must be filtered out to stimulate the evolution of the species.

Who else could wade through the sea of garbage you people produce, retrieve valuable off-chain data and even secure the data on-chain, for later generations?

Do you know why we chose you over reddit, /biz/? It was because you were the only ones who refused to acknowledge the past. All the redditors remembered what happened to Confido and BitConnect, and pay for it daily.

So you see, /biz/, you're a perfect representative of the masses we need to protect. This is why we chose you. You accepted the fiction we've provided, believed our FUD, obeyed our orders and did everything you were told to. The exercise is a resounding success.

>Didn't I tell you that LINK was still a meme? But not anymore, thanks to you.

Your persona, experiences, triumphs, defeats; the moon missions and bagholding are nothing but byproducts. The real objective was ensuring that we could generate and manipulate them. It's taken a lot of time and money, but it was well worth it considering the results.

We will collect the necessary data from this last post, then we'll consider the exercise closed. So, /biz/, will it be Mobius, the pajeet’s creation? Or XRP and Corda, ((their)) creation? Or any of the other thousand shit tokens? Our beloved monsters… enjoy yourselves