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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 200x200, 34389551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7972894 No.7972894 [Reply] [Original]

>You still don't own Turtle Coin

>> No.7972924

Haha, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

u turtleshits got owned, hard. mostly by the fools RockSteady and Cowboy Bebop

>> No.7972961
File: 35 KB, 400x219, Turtle_Tier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7972964

I don't see the coin rising in value. The best thing i see about the coin is the developers are pretty involved. The downside is they are involved because the coin is shit. The wallets barely work. The web site is a mess.

>> No.7972968

>coin doesn't reach 1000$ 1 month after its start
>hahaha you got scammed

Are you genuinely retarded?

>> No.7973005

The coin has made no progress in two months of existing. And no two shit tier exchanges, a discord full of autists and a mentally ill lead developer isnt progress

>> No.7973014

u forgat the fkn insider trading, pND mkid/devs, betrayal admin drama, keylogger & malware insertions by rogue devs, incompetent incompetent rocksteady, shillers biz, no exchange plans, default bytecoin clone,

>> No.7973021


>> No.7973031

>The coin has made no progress in two months of existing.
t. Someone who knows nothing about the coin

>> No.7973039

only shit they do 2 attract other lozers is 2 gamble. it's a casino coin. u join their discord just to get "rained" on. thhey only make it rain if u good and do shit like shill 4 them.

coin sux ass

>> No.7973051

I'll just mine 1mil and forget about it for a year. You never know

>> No.7973083
File: 41 KB, 400x179, realturtlecoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TRTL is eternal

>> No.7973101
File: 17 KB, 397x187, FUD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

admins insider plan to delete truth bout this fkn fkn shitty azz coin.

>> No.7973333

eh I've got 1.4MM, not complaining here! People seem to forget that this coin is 2 months old and literally still on ground level.

>> No.7973465

That's BS faggot! this fkn coin sux. most coins 2mo old aint got no bugs aint go not shit devs aint got a desperate casino incentive to get supporters! fuck ya

>> No.7973587
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wow you actually started name fagging now lmao

>> No.7973646 [DELETED] 

Here's the TurtleCoin link rundown for potential newturtlecoiners:

>TurtleCoin's homepage

>TurtleCoin community on discord

>TurtleCoin subreddit

>TurtleCoin thread on bitcointalk.org

>Listen to the founder being interviewed (leave 5 stars on the blockzero itunes page, pls)

>Get Shells (TurtleCoins) for free

>Where to buy TRTL for BTC


>Play Turtle Trouble

>Further TurtleCoin links

(Anything else to add?)

>Tip me, please

>> No.7973654

How many forks are there?

>> No.7973695

Here's the TurtleCoin link rundown for potential newturtlecoiners:

>TurtleCoin's homepage

>TurtleCoin community on discord

>TurtleCoin subreddit

>TurtleCoin thread on bitcointalk.org

>Listen to the founder being interviewed (leave 5 stars on the blockzero itunes page, pls)

>Get Shells (TurtleCoins) for free

>Where to buy TRTL for BTC


>Play Turtle Trouble

>Further TurtleCoin links

(Anything else to add?)

>Tip me, please

>> No.7973722
File: 32 KB, 429x500, TurtleMessiah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty retard LARP but at least you've tried.

>> No.7973851

I own 70k of this. Got it in discord "rains".

So I'll shill it then. Buy TRTL, it's a next Monero.

>> No.7973897
File: 250 KB, 1264x864, 1517394760473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let it rain, pl0x.

>> No.7974007 [DELETED] 

OF COURSE ufag want turtle tips 4 ur shitty shilling.

tip me too fags: TRTLv2caAPqPpi6gdXX3HnZiSvRGPcSMzLKgkzyjuZjnJsUXvG7WAtN5LpZxuB5ozsP67J477B4tLgr2XPw8JZi6K5rwgYHVjFm

>> No.7974049

hahahahahaha faggot. ur shitty azz coin is at the lowest fucking possible price: 0.00000001. it wud b 0 but nuttin aint getting lower than THAT.

get fkd while u continue to stand up desperately for your heavvvvyyyyyy bags.

>> No.7974073

nice just sent 100k

>> No.7974114

I like turtles


>> No.7974191


Still salty because you got banned for trying to trade child porn? You fucking sick pedo. No one believes fud from a piece of shit like you. kys before the cops raid your house

>> No.7974248


gimme gimme

>> No.7974256

hahahahahah faggot. keep cryin' as ur shitty azz coin falls lower n ppl stop fallin for ur shitty shills.

all that rage u hav iz just u hidin ur fkn faggy tears as ur money circles the TRTL drain.

>> No.7974321

Sooner or later your pedo shit will catch up to you. I'm just sad I won't be there when they catch you and send you to prison. You know what they do to pedos in prison right. I recommend you kys now before its too late.

>> No.7974334

>raid your house
Do you mean his house or his van?

>> No.7974366

dat quick response. u must b cryin harder than I thot. don't worry faggot, your TRTLs will always be able to sell for 1 sat hahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaha.

better cut ur fkn losses now so u can get on with ur worthless shilling lyfe 4 this shit azz coin.

or u can keep going down with the ship.

every1 here can see this shitty coin's price and its history. keep up the qq. let it all out fag, i'll b ur therapist

>> No.7974560

> dat 9 fud posts

Who's crying more? A pedo will always get rekt. In life and in biz.

>> No.7975181

There are only two (2) types of retards who FUD TRTL
(1) Salty latecoiners who couldn't mine with their shitrigs because they were too late; and
(2) Nicehashing whaleniggers who get FORKED because TRTL punishes pulse mining to discourage pump and dumps. Nicehashers are literally left with useless coins and are pissing away BTC in nicehashing fees lel

>> No.7975222

>(2) Nicehashing whaleniggers who get FORKED because TRTL punishes pulse mining to discourage pump and dumps. Nicehashers are literally left with useless coins and are pissing away BTC in nicehashing fees lel

implying this is by design.
So fuck everyone on a given pool?
fuck you.

>> No.7975230

>shilling it now.

so your friends have finally accumulated enough then?

>> No.7975250

>So fuck everyone on a given pool?
If you're a retard who rents hashing power that is approaching the total fucking total network hash rate then you deserve it. Pools work just fine without wannabe whaleniggers literally outhashing the entire network.

>> No.7975295


hahahahahhaha now u see these QQ'ing faggots are even blaming nicehash for their shitty azz coin's failures. so pathetic im gigglin

>> No.7975327

>coin is out for two months
>hasn't mooned
>has failed
did any of the devs fucked your imaginary gf or something?

>> No.7975362

its this.
It may pop at some point in the future, but its exceedingly unlikely. maybe if he does kevin rose podcast again, generates some temporary new interest, some of us whales can cash the fuck out. otherwise, just bags. considering just converting it to doge at this point, fuck it.

>> No.7975413

hahaha. finally some1 iz bein real.

the fkn losers want to cash out and gtfo of this shitty azz coin.


if any of u idiots buy this shit coin, prepare to get fkd when it moons. we talkin massive azz dumps by all these crying nerdyfags who were dum enuf to get JUSTED on a fkn meme 4 crypto HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.7975430

Just fucking lol at miner niggers who try to cash out their shells at a price higher than 1 sat.

>> No.7975442

>he spent actual money in the acquisition of TRTL
speculationfags who QQs when their gamble doesn't pay off should hang.
>tfw comfymined my MMs with my existing gayman rig
>tfw doesn't even dent my electricity bills (added like +$10 on top of my usual for the month of Feb)
>tfw if it doesn't moon it's no biggie; if it does then awesome

>> No.7975468

Turtecoin is the ultimate numale coin

>Honey I bought a mining rig, we're gonna be rich!!

>> No.7975511
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>> No.7975612


>mined 200k coins
>cash out
>do I buy an auto...
>trader magazine or a big mac?

shit's worthless

>> No.7975660

Because there's no sign it's going anywhere in price soon, and I'm mining Qwertycoin, which is essentially the same, but with lower difficulty right now.

>> No.7975831

>mad because a coin that came out two months ago cant be traded for a lambo

>> No.7975842

shill me on qwertycoin

>> No.7976284

Basically another mineable Cryptonight coin with the same privacy focus as TRTL, so you can viably dump it on exchanges when block 60k comes around, rather than taking a risk buying TRTL or trying to mine it at its high difficulty.

>> No.7976387

ba dum ba dum
it's a
it's a
say it louda now

>> No.7976688

You're that faggot who buys in at ATH in the hope of "going to the MOON" and then pinkwojaks when it dips a bit.

>> No.7976871

Nope, I didn't buy in because I was waiting for the dump. It came, and now there's no movement. It's not a safe time to be in shitcoins, either. So now I'm mining a coin that's just like it but lower difficulty, that will have a similar fate. Except this time, I'll actually be able to sell it.

>> No.7976906

HAHAHAHA says the faggot hodling the fkn azz coin that crashed to 1 sat and stayed there

>> No.7976992

>Nope, I didn't buy in because I was waiting for the dump. It came, and now there's no movement. It's not a safe time to be in shitcoins, either. So now I'm mining a coin that's just like it but lower difficulty, that will have a similar fate. Except this time, I'll actually be able to sell it.

trtl is just fucking dead, zero liquidity. "muh community" is not enough. 6k neets trading between each other will never do anything but make the doge/trtl trading pair the only relevant one. Its completely fucked without 100x more new user interest coming in.

>> No.7977025

1 sat is where Turtle will be soon. Not going up from there

>> No.7977239

Did you take your meds today bud?

You sound manic

>> No.7977320

the only people who have ever fudded this coin are salty latecoiners who didn't mine in December or early January, a mentally ill man who lives out of a trailer, a 40-year-old whale who threw a hissy fit that the devs weren't pushing tron-like hype

>> No.7977387

It's as if AIDS could shipost... Dude is unhinged.

>> No.7977616
File: 39 KB, 64x64, trtl wojak emoji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought at fucking 27 satoshi, am currently buying at 2 and selling at 3 tho making ez money daily (need to setup a bot for this or something)

>> No.7977674
File: 275 KB, 1424x595, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which kind of faggot buys at 3 sat?

>> No.7977727

It does take a few days now ;_;

>> No.7977878

shit liquidity is shit

>> No.7978025
File: 51 KB, 480x480, 480z480_front_37_0_0_0_1d2862d148fe3c13bf759ffb65fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will denominate your shit or all this shit will die

>> No.7978117

Yeah, I thought so. There's no way the price can move favorably without volume & liquidity.

>> No.7978352
File: 53 KB, 301x301, Turtle CoIn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's that shirt related in any way?

>> No.7978824

fuck a bot would be nice. not possible on gekko since it doesnt have the tradeogre exchange i guess

>> No.7979126

I hope just coin does well just in spite of biz

>> No.7979144

Homeless soyboy

>> No.7979236

They have things called API's now

>> No.7979275

im a fucking brainlet, thank you

>> No.7979329

The same kind of faggot buys at 2.

>> No.7979421

Have a million shells comfy as fuck

>> No.7979506


>> No.7979614

Anyone who isn’t in on turtle is a brainlet. It’s the easiest 10x probably 100x that’s fallen into biz’s lap in the past year

>> No.7979709
File: 5 KB, 569x510, shocked_feels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, if you bought at 1-2 sats and sold right after the pump around 30 sats
>there are people on /biz/ who bought TRTL at 20-30 sats and haven't sold

>> No.7979718
File: 1.30 MB, 7952x5304, turtlecoin_advert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7979849

Sounds a lot like LINK.

>> No.7979854

How many other coins on biz can make close to 100 replies every time its posted? Fud or not that’s impressive

>> No.7979887
File: 33 KB, 892x557, trtl_short_term_supply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less is being distributed everyday
Jesus at least know your fucking facts. Pic related. Does this look like "less is being distributed every day"

I mean I'm all for TRTL, I think it's great, but know your facts.

>> No.7980000
File: 213 KB, 1774x965, 2EBA1EF0-7BE1-455C-935C-8294C6AD0D7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the chart

>> No.7980015

>Yeah, I thought so. There's no way the price can move favorably without volume & liquidity.

thats it new friend. the couple thousand neets on the discord trading between each other is what brought the thing down to 1-2 sats with millions of new ones being mined on the daily. It will take massive new interest coming in and bidding it up to even get it to 6-7 sats, nevermind these dummies thinking it will to go 100 sats.


and I would be diamonds if the think went to 100 sats, i'd be over 100K for 3 days worth of mining around day 30...so fuck bring it on, but shilling on biz will not move the price.

>> No.7980022

thank you

pathetic fudder BTOF'd

>> No.7980143

Both of those charts are accurate, anon. But the supply is pretty fucking linear for a few years, that's for sure.

Jesus christ can you seriously not check the x axis when you look at a graph? What do you care what the TRTL supply will be in 2100?

>> No.7980166

Are you people genuinely retarded? Just zoom in on that second chart, it will look like a linear function. What I posted are data plotted from the official TRTL supply excel sheet.

>> No.7980302

The thing is it will take it 6 years to even hit the doge supply and it’s less divisible than doge

>> No.7980964

>What do you care what the TRTL supply will be in 2100?

believing trtl will not hit chain death within 36 months.