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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7971553 No.7971553 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7971576

>being this retarded

>> No.7971604


God nothing makes me happier than seeing pink wojaks being posted on /biz/?

Anyone else just get a comfy feeling when BTC is tanking? Knowing all those smug idiots who actually bought into it are getting rekt right now?

>> No.7971606

Bitcoin has plummeted over a hundred dollars in a couple of minutes, dude

>> No.7971621

oh my god no way, it's never done that before. holy shit you were right- we're going to zero because of a hundred+ dollars dip

>> No.7971624


Shut the fuck up, man. Bitcoin will be back to $20k this year or next. Stop trying to FUD away people's life savings

>> No.7971632

Next to crack, my favorite thing

>> No.7971633

No it hasn't. Currently sitting at 10.3k according to coinmarketcap

>> No.7971639

Fuck. It's going to go under $10k

>> No.7971648

omg a hunder drollars?

>> No.7971651

Holy shit longs are getting rekt. Time to short lads, or tether up if you can't handle that.


AHAHAHAHA just tether up my man. HAHAHAHAHAHAA

>> No.7971675

Seems like there was some insider trading going on at goldman.

>> No.7971690
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FUCK FUCK why do I ALWAYS fucking buy in RIGHT before a fucking crash

What is wrong with me?

>> No.7971701

learn to read market fundamentals.

>> No.7971712


Because you are retarded and the whales know that, the whales know they can place a big green candle on the charts and you will FOMO in and allow them to sell you their bags at a high price and have you hold them for the next month at a loss.

>> No.7971769

I know /biz/ has a short memory but this just takes the loss now. Protip: it's gone up more than $600 in the last few hours. A slight fall of $100 is nothing.

>> No.7971770

If it falls through 10k again it's fucking done for this week, buy walls are dissapearing again, this is why you wait before FOMOing in, might be interesting to see if it holds 10k.

>> No.7971771

Cause you trade based on emotions.

>> No.7971777

so anti-Semitic conspiracy theories are leaking from /pol?

>> No.7971787

>price goes up
First question you should ask yourself is
>How big are most of the sales?
If it's all tiny sales then it's retards who invest their lunch money. Don't follow them.
Then you want to ask
>What is the total volume of the buy run?
If it's smaller than triple digits or smaller than a sell-off that occurred immediately prior then don't be a retard and follow it.
And if it is a high volume buy-in
>Check for a significant and equal change in volume in the long-term market depth.
If the exchange you are looking at doesn't let you check the market depth very far check it on an exchange that does. Unless new money flows into the market with the purchase.. It's just retards with too much money beating a dead horse.

>> No.7971792

ITT: cunts who sold at 6k

>> No.7971794

or maybe you are leaking from plebbit ?

>> No.7971799

How was that post an anti-semitic conspiracy theory you fucking retarded kike?

>> No.7971831


Don't give me that shit. When people—especially right-wingers—wave their hands about mysterious forces manipulating financial markets, it's a dogwhistle for Jewish people.

We've seen this countless times before. Don't play the game of saying "I didn't say the J-word, so you can't call me out on problematic bullshit!"

>> No.7971849
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I want to believe this post is bait.

>> No.7971913


Oh my god ahhahahahahaha holy shit I am extra glad you bought high and BTC is tanking now that I know you are like this. It's satisfying for me to know that you will sell low too. Hahahahhahahahha!

>he thinks whales are jews
>he thinks everyone is in it together with crypto
>he thinks everything isn't out to fuck him out of his money

Everyone take note of his post. This is the mindset of a BTC bull. Everytime you think Bitcoin will go up in price, remember that sentiment is fueled by idiots like this who bring political shit into the game.

With BTC, Bears always win in the end.

>> No.7971956

>With BTC, Bears always win in the end.
>BTC +10000000000% returns since 2008

what did he mean by this

>> No.7971974

I just can't wait for this BTC shit meme to die and take reddit with it.

>> No.7971978
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>> No.7972023


>0% returns in 2028

>> No.7972029
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a racist mind is a racist kind
take that to sleep

>> No.7972056


Being a bull
>A brainwashed niglet that expects the markets to always go up, buying bags at a whim

Being a bear
>Understands market fundamentals and makes attempts to position themselves properly to make gains during both bull and bear runs

>> No.7972063

are you jewish?

>> No.7972078
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Is this just a stealthy Vechain thread?

>> No.7972091
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>> No.7972133
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>bitcoin will never be under 10k again

>> No.7972141
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>> No.7972143
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>> No.7972153


That's cringey as fuck. Not even worthy of a response.

Not gonna sell low, btw. I sold right at my buy price of $10.2K

>> No.7972167

Does anybody else here unironically believe people who utter the term "Dog-whistling" deserve to be eviscerated where they stand?

>> No.7972183

Nobody wants your faggy librul reddit faggot ass here.
Please unironically kill yourself.

>> No.7972205
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>*FOMOs in on every upward movement*
Why do shitcoiners do this?

>> No.7972232


Yet you responded. But I am glad you at least listened to me and sold. You will thank me next week when this shit hits 8k.

Also please fucking learn this boards culture. I dunno if you are false flagging as a retard, in which case well done you got everyone. But no one is referring to Jews when talking about whales. You are gonna think this whole board is anti semites if you keep holding that dumb opinion. Learn about markets faggot, this market is being heavily manipulated right now by both wall street and whales and it's got nothing to do with Jews and everything to do with profit taking, corrections and finding the right entry point.

>> No.7972303

He's obviously false flagging. Nobody can be that huge of a faggot. It's literally not possible.