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7966166 No.7966166 [Reply] [Original]

What to expect from today's meeting?

>> No.7966179


>> No.7966190

the opposite of what /biz/ says

>> No.7966227

Something if true.

Wait no...

>> No.7966236 [DELETED] 

First they flood our countries with niggers and now they're going to fuck my only way of making money? Can Ahmed allah akbar their assembly or something

>> No.7966241

What time is it? Do they stream live?

>> No.7966244

More regulations to target ICO and PND scammers.

>> No.7966269

they can not even agree on border controls for month.

merkels and frogs will propose something to get more taxes with crypto and the other natins will just whatever they like ,

>> No.7966281 [DELETED] 

EU destroys everything in favor for those sandniggers.

>> No.7966294

Nothing good thats for sure.
Also likely not much to happen because:
- there is no operational german gov.
- summer break is coming
- new eu elections are coming up
- imposiblle to implement anything before new parliament elections

>> No.7966308

They will ban ethereum from all european exchanges because eth is the mother of all scams and ponzi schemes

>> No.7966310

I'm sick of EU bullshit.

Schengen and free trade, everything else fuck off.

>> No.7966776

If you're in altcoins, you'd have to be retarded not to prep for every outcome.

>Put ~50% of stack in BTC
>If they fuck everything up, tether up, wait and buy back in at a discount
>If it's positive ride BTC pump before buying back into alts
>If it's neutral, buy back into alts

>> No.7968343 [DELETED] 
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Who else just watched the press briefing where they elaborated on the talking points?

>muh terrorism funding
>muh drug sales
>muh illegal oil sales

>> No.7968525

What time are the talks I cannot find any specifics online

>> No.7968587

weak hands of course

>> No.7968619

Yeah, i'm not really expecting anything exciting to be honest, maybe some regulation talk but nothing too bad, bitcoin will probably keep dropping if it's not anything really positive.

>> No.7968631

Fucking hate these meme excuses and dont forget
>muh money laundering

>> No.7968643

They just held a press briefing. They're holding a closed round table with central bankers and regular (((bankers))) now, and then announcing the conclusion of the meeting in 2 and a half hours.

>> No.7968660

And the round table discussions was on the timetable earlier, but obviously removed now.

It didn't say anything about crypto, so didn't know that was the particular one. It started around 2-3 hours ago.

>> No.7968669


.... The EU will as fucking usual be the bankers bitches. Bye Bye Crypto for Europe.

>> No.7968687

Just sit in BTC and wait.

If they go full retard, tether up and buy back in cheaper. If they don't, ride the BTC pump while alts tank.

This is just another opportunity to make more money. No matter what the fuckers decide to do.

>> No.7968694

10% from every trade deducted to fund Abdul.

>> No.7968808

> In terms of financial services legislation: I made some suggestions on how the EU should approach cryptocurrencies.

Get rekt Mr. Bowlcut.

> Make no mistake: We want Europe to embrace the opportunities of blockchain, the technology underlying cryptocurrencies.

A blockchain without cryptocurrency attached is just a slow Google Sheet.

> But to do so, we must be vigilant and prevent cryptocurrencies from becoming a token for unlawful behaviour.

Lest it becomes fiat.

> In December I wrote to the European Supervisory Authorities to ask them to update their warnings from a financial stability and investor protection perspective. This will happen shortly.

The bubble already popped. What is left to warn about?

> The updated rules against money laundering, which we agreed on in December, will put cryptocurrency exchanges and custodial wallet providers within the scope of money laundering supervision.

Sure, we're going to trust exchanges with our personal data like good goys.

> That means less anonymity and more traceability, through better customer identification, and strong due diligence.


> I encourage all Member States to transpose the new rules - agreed last month - as quickly as possible.

Let the battle for the last member state to transpose the rules begin.

> Crytocurrencies may have ramifications for many other areas, including for central banks. That's why I intend to bring together key authorities and the private sector in a high level roundtable very shortly to assess the longer term situation beyond the current market trends.

Muh central banks.

>> No.7968847
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>Be Eurofag
>Open account on any exchange with Asian/US VPN

Well, that was easy to bypass. I'm sure money launderers won't spend $10 on VPN subscriptions though. Way to go, EU.

>> No.7968851

is this statement after the meeting?

>> No.7968856

No, before. Read the last paragraph.

They're currently sitting in the meeting.

>> No.7968895

I don't they give a shit about that. Banks are lobbying to make cryptocurrencies less attractive for normies. In the meantime they develop their own pointless blockchains so they can advertise they're crypto too.

>> No.7968919




>> No.7968928


>> No.7968941

If EU refuses to embrace crypto, it will be economically left in dust by USA, Asia or whoever will. Press S to spit on its grave.

>> No.7968947


13:30 CET

>> No.7968949


>> No.7968995

wow anon you really btfo EUA.....how will they ever recover?

>> No.7968997


why does anyone think this will have an impact whatsoever?

crypto isn't big in europe - nor is ownership of it ...

in addition to that - they just tag along with what merica does, whilst pretending otherwise

>> No.7969046

If China banning crypto for the 23rd time can crash the market, so can Europe banning crypto for the 1st time.

>> No.7969133

>A blockchain without cryptocurrency attached is just a slow Google Sheet.

No it isn't. All the good thing are still true except for the trading stuff. You're just biased from being a trader.

>> No.7969252

Oh really? How can a secure, decentralized blockchain work without an underlying asset?

>> No.7969317

You're so wrong.

I'm just biased from being a cypherpunk.

>> No.7969334
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>Remove underlying asset
>No incentive for anyone to run PoS/PoW
>Has to be voluntary, which means it'll be centralized and exploitable

Without decentralization you're essentially removing the key to what makes blockchain tech valuable, you absolute brainlet.

>> No.7969363

These eu fags already said they wanna drop the ban hammer on crypto

>> No.7969383

I'll drop my ballsack on their forehead when I'll leave for Asia with my Ledger shoved up my asshole.

>> No.7969384

lol its almost like a centralzed beauracracy is what has been choking the tech industry and many other industries all across the continent

the only industry it seems theyre interesting in is the wholsale rape of europe and making sure only the bolsheviks have any say in political proceedings

>> No.7969390


-really pathetic bureaucrat hand-wringing
-general lack of knowledge
-casual dishonesty
-soft, stupid looking people
-gentle authoritarianism
-suggestion that individuals are not clever enough to tend to their own business
-somehow mention why immigration is good

>> No.7969391

Don't be racist Anon, it's only fair. Do we have to remind you of the 6 garillion that's died in Syria so far?

>> No.7969409

-muh terrorism funding
-muh money laundering
-muh tax evasion
-muh drug sales
-muh illegal oil sales

And you'd be right.

>> No.7969430

The country I was born in was allied with Deutschland, so I suppose it's only natural that I pay for my crimes.

>> No.7969445

The meeting includes people from central banks so it's inevitable they're going to FUD it.

>> No.7969457

I hope so. I'm prepared for either scenario.

I just hope they're not vague or neutral. I want sharp market movements today.

>> No.7969491

>League of Arabs arriving

I'm dying. This couldn't have been any more stereotypical.

>> No.7969504


you make a good argument - but i'm sure they won't ... they want taxes on shit already

>> No.7969572
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They will follow US’s lead, so they will be bullish on cryptos but will want some regulation, most likely will cause a market pump. Close your shorts anons.

>> No.7969603

lol what happened?
arab delegation pulled up?

>> No.7969604
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- muh green finance that ends up subsidizing banks and fossil fuel anyway


>> No.7969607

The anti-terrorism is the most pathetic one.
>need to ban crypto because it could in theory be used to fund terrorists
>have no problem importing said terrorists to european countries

>> No.7969637

Live now http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/ebs/live.cfm?page=1

>> No.7969656

The crypto thing coincided with the League of Arabs meeting in the EU. So lots of Abduls walking around.

>> No.7969665

Europe must endorse lets go

>> No.7969675

what did they say any quick rundown?

>> No.7969679

The peak state of EUcucks. I can't wait to make it and fuck off from this soon-to-be 3rd world shithole.

>> No.7969693
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Fuck. It's just a repeat of this >>7968808

Nothing substantial was reached. EU bureaucracy at its best.

>The European Commission will continue to monitor the markets

>> No.7969698

yeah they got bags

>> No.7969705

They just repeated this >>7968808

More discussions before any conclusions can be made when it comes to combatting money laundering, etc.

>> No.7969708

thats great news!

>> No.7969714

They want to crack down on fraud and money laundering.

>> No.7969734
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FUCK. I was sitting ready with 8 BTC on Bitmex ready to 25x short or long.

Why the fuck did they have to be vague and useless?

>> No.7969742

http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/ebs/live.cfm?page=1 Positive so far, especially since they're saying EU needs to get onto crypto to be at the front of it and also that blockchain will be big for financial sector.

>> No.7969752

They want regulation. Are you stupid?

>> No.7969763

Congrats, you just described the EU in a sentence.

>> No.7969771

lmfao nice

>> No.7969772

And. So does every other government. Who is going to stop them from trying? You?

>> No.7969785

How is that "positive"?
And besides, cryptocurrencies =/= blockchain.

>> No.7969803

i hit 100k market buy once i heard the guy's first sentence was neutral almost positive, you shoulda longed retard. We also just broke the falling wedge, youre still on time to long desu.

>> No.7969808

>cryptocurrencies =/= blockchain
This. Blockchain is pointless without tokenization.

>> No.7969841

They said blockchain and underlying cryptocurrencies (at least that is what I could make out, stream was fucking shit).
Anyway, wtf is so wrong with legitimizing crypto and inevitible regulation? What, do you think we're just going to get an endless stream of normies to dump our bags on every year? Eventually, this shit will have to grow up and play with the big boys on the world stage and prove itself to be actually useful, and actually usable and friendly to the general public. Unless you're into crypto for just the ideology, in which case you probably still want some of the above so you can get widespread adoption.

>> No.7969844

Are you retarded, of course it's gonna be regulated you Dingus, the sooner the better so all this bullshit FUD can end

>> No.7969865

All eyes on G20 I suppose.

28 Feb - 1 Mar: 1st Meeting of the Anti-Corruption Working Group

17 Mar - 18 Mar: 2nd Meeting of Finance and Central Bank Deputies

19 Mar - 20 Mar: 1st Meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors

20 Apr: 2nd Meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors

Anything else?

>> No.7969879


>> No.7969887

nah not really since they dont specifically target crypto as the topic, it might not even get mentioned, i think we good to go now for the time being.

>> No.7969940

It's going to be a topic in March.

>> No.7969998

ah i see now, damn those france and german cucks always fucking everything up, but im confident japs and muricans will shut them down since theyre heavily in crypto. French and german cucks probably have no bags which is why theyre trying to shit on the parade.

>> No.7970013
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>> No.7970031

Ark is French mate. France has the ultimate bags.

>> No.7970047


>> No.7970053

They'll talk about it, but the measures won't be any more drastic than this >>7968808

>Exchanges with European clients will be forced to have AML/KYC procedures for EU clients to avoid money laundering

Easily bypassed by DEXs or simply using an American VPN for the people who might have something to hide. Anybody else remains unaffected.

>> No.7970150
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>> No.7970168


>> No.7970173



>> No.7970194

>Easily bypassed by DEXs
good luck trading for fiat on dex

>> No.7970207

Fucking insane

>> No.7970213

A fucking Pepe and Wojak image was used in the Sun? Or whatever newspaper that is? What the fuck???

>> No.7970240
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What difference does it make if the exchanges where you cash out implements AML/KYC for EU clients?

The EU bank that you're sending the funds to already have those procedures in place. The AML/KYC procedure is simply being moved one step back in the cashout process.

As for regular exchanges where you don't cash out, a VPN is all that's needed. The EU can't force Binance to impose KYC/AML on American clients.

>> No.7970309

just made an easy 300% on a big long. I market sold around 70$ below the top, stupid button didnt worked twice.

>> No.7970321
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>> No.7970322
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>shorted from 9750 with 25x leverage before conference.
fucking always use stops anon!

>> No.7970365

lol what a retard

>> No.7970445

Show yourself anon who was talking shit about the upcoming EU meeting and called me a retard when I predicted word for word that EU is going full retard bull on blockchain technology.
I mean for fuck's sake they literally announced free money for startups around blockchain tech this year and you fucking fud artists were pissing your pants in joy at the thought of eu going off on regulations.
These retards can barely keep their eu shitshow from disintegrating and you think they have time to regulate something in its infant state ?

Fucking justd, go fuck yourselves larpers.

>> No.7970452
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At least you're not this guy.

>> No.7970514

As usual, the EU will probably take its cues from the US, and today's meeting will probably end up like the US Senate hearings a few weeks back.

What that means is that nothing bad will come from this meaning. There won't be any major restrictions across the board for the major coins; if anything, they'll talk about cracking down on the tiny scam coins in order to protect your average investor, but that will be about it. They'll probably talk about blockchain technology and how it's essential that they protect and preserve it. The globalists are all on the same page with this stuff, and the US Senate hearing confirms that they are ready and prepared to tip their hand and show that they are in favor of this tech.

This bear market we've seen for the past week leading up to this meeting will vanish once people see that all of their fear and uncertainty was unfounded, and the markets will start their big recovery.

>> No.7970541

Exact same as us congress news. Bullish, support tech, watch icos closely and regulate icos

>> No.7970551

lol, the meeting already ended.

>> No.7970553

don't see how it can be anything besides positive

US endorsed crypto, Russia endorsing crypto, China endorsing crypto, makes no sense for EU to go against the tide

>> No.7970594

Is it over yet? What is the tl,dr ?

>> No.7970618

http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/video/player.cfm? ref=I151506
http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/video/player.cfm? ref=I151507

>> No.7970622

No it starts in 6 minutes


>> No.7970667

I agree with what you're saying though.

>> No.7970673


>> No.7970691

Yes, it was just a repeat of this >>7968808

No solid conclusions drawn as for what they will do. They'll discuss it further, and it'll be a subject at G20.

Worst case scenario, this: >>7970053
Which isn't really bad at all.

>> No.7971184

Told you all. Did you listen or did you not?