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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3.34 MB, 3120x3120, 20180225_204517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7959769 No.7959769 [Reply] [Original]

I wasn't home and thread archived, so heres mine.

>> No.7959787

where do i get this chainlink box printout? i keep seeing it on everyones desk

>> No.7959794

I trade from a 10 year old lenovo t400 thinkpad laptop and have over 14 million in crypto right now
It is so old it whurrs when whenever I open a youtube video

Lesson here: It doesn't matter

>> No.7959844

i go on /biz/ just so i can larp my cunt out

>> No.7959901
File: 41 KB, 350x234, rough_pc_intro-5206182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool story bro, I trade off this.

>> No.7959963

1.2mill here with thinkpad X220

/g would be proud.

>> No.7959967
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I and my gf made the wood burned one, but here is the isometric net to print out and tape together.

>> No.7960028

I never said it mattered fag. The computer I have these monitors is an old e8400 Core2Duo that my university was throwing away for free.
I just enjoy seeing how fellow anons live. With the amount of time I spend on this board, it makes me feel a little better knowing more about you fags.

>> No.7960031
File: 500 KB, 1280x1707, 1507994919237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How often do you bump your knee against the buttons on the stereo?

>> No.7960076

I think the proportions are deceiving in the pic. The height adjustment is broken on my chair so my knees barely slide under the level where the keyboard slides out, since it is fixed at max height.

>> No.7960233
File: 49 KB, 640x437, 1517515748773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clean carpet
>doesn't dust the flood stands of his speakers

>> No.7960408

you call that piece of shit 5 dollar rolley cart a desk?

fucking LOL

>> No.7960436

its the mark of the virgin
you have to earn it

>> No.7960478
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>> No.7960488
File: 1.14 MB, 2048x1536, 20180225_212339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I say post your desk or your TRADING station you subhuman nigger.

>> No.7960521

shotgun locked and loaded for when link tanks back to below ico

>> No.7960590
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>> No.7960621
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Anon, at least hang all of the clothes off of the back if your chair to give the illusion that your room us clean.

>> No.7960622

are u a girl?

>> No.7960653

reeeeeeeeeeeee trading station reeeeeeeeeee put ur helmets on get to the station reeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>nigger you cant touch the sheer number of computers and servers i have. nice laptop faggot.

>> No.7960674

No I'm just a lazy pot head tradie

>> No.7960685

Yeah the ozfag, hi vis and choccy milk classic labourer combo

>> No.7960698
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>> No.7960708
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>> No.7960736
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>Talks shit on the internet
>Doesn't post proof.
Yeah, my dad works at Nintendo also.

>> No.7960756

Thanks. I wish I had this one with the tabs when I printed mine out.

>> No.7961546
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>> No.7962254
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You stole my comment you cheeky monkey

>> No.7962288
File: 3.76 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20180223_121743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7962348

>fire and fury
>soyboy memorabilia

low test af

>> No.7962610

looks retarded, especially the soy keyboard

>> No.7962644

hey lads how would a poorfag go about learning shitcoins? Trade with fake money for a little while to see how she goes? I know everything is ironic here, but any help would be appreciated, unironically.

>> No.7962770

How "poorfag" are you talking. What would be the total amount of money you would be willing to put into crypto once you were confident?

>> No.7962792
File: 451 KB, 3264x1836, Battlestation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minimalist comfy.

And yes, I replaced the chair a year ago.

>> No.7962812

No mousepad? Doesn't your mouse movement feel slightly gritty, and doesn't the bother the fuck out of you?

>> No.7962823

pretty poorfag. probably like $500

>> No.7962833


Nope. Normal optical mouse, and the desk is a very smooth surface.

>> No.7962861

I zoomed in and enhanced so hard looking for “if you don’t respond your mother will die her sleep tonight” text but you’re a colossal faggot

>> No.7962866
File: 464 KB, 480x238, 1519609612700.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow the Coinbase -> Binance steps in the following video.
Put in like 50-100 bucks, and just use that "for fun" to learn the ropes and get comfortable with trading, and your intuitions etc. Then do your research, and choose your long term holds. ... profit. Just my 0.0000000002 BTC though.

>> No.7962891

nice sight, what country is it?

>> No.7962895

Honestly wasting your time at this point, need at least 100k to make it this year unless youve researched hard on the next 100x tf are you going to do with 500? you gotta wagecuck harder

>> No.7962897


Runner up:

You're disgusting:

You're cringey as shit:

>> No.7962912

wow I have that exact same onkyo stereo. Your space heater is much nicer, tho.

>no turntable
>AM radio

>> No.7962914
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>> No.7962928

I'd use that shotgun on myself if my computer desk had wheels

>> No.7962935

What size are those monitors? And what office chair do you have?

>> No.7962937
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Stupid faggot Redditor.

>> No.7962965

Ugh. I dated one of these things in undergrad. Her Dad was rich and had horses. If only I knew then....

>> No.7962975

Cringy but you'll never be able to afford a setup like this. Because you're poor, you'll continue to live poor and you'll die poor.

>> No.7962982
File: 89 KB, 500x750, 1519614490857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is terrible advice. Sure, he is not going to turn $500 bucks into 100k, but there will still be 10x opportunities this year.
And obviously don't stop wagecucking, that would be stupid. Keep working, and dollar cost average more money into the crypto projects you like throughout the year.


This receiver used to be my moms, bought in the early 80's I believe. It is very powerful, and pumps hard. I just use it with a L/R rca to aux into my computer for mainly music. Then I use the small desktop speaker for podcasts etc.

>> No.7962990
File: 531 KB, 4584x2578, keeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a close up of my soy keyboard:

>> No.7962998

It's okay to be jealous

>> No.7962997

max comfy

>> No.7962999

I'll check that out thanks. Been lurking to get somewhat of a knowledge base.
Maybe, I'm not in the wagecuck game right now. Just trying to get the ball rolling in more than one way.

>> No.7963007

Old pic with a shop of monitors. Actual pajeetbro but notice the lack of shit

>> No.7963037
File: 146 KB, 1200x800, 1519612150851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll check that out thanks. Been lurking to get somewhat of a knowledge base.
np, and that is generally a good idea. If you only buy/trade solid projects, trade with the goal of gaining more BTC, not your fiat currency, and never sell for a loss, and you will be okay.

>> No.7963041


>> No.7963045

>I need the maximum amount of squiggly lines! Now!
This is seriously some hedge fund mgr shit. Sad that you’re on biz if true

>> No.7963084

lel i have that exact same onkyo receiver

>> No.7963139


I call shenanigans. Three images down from the top:


>> No.7963192


I call shenanigans on this one too. Third image down:


>> No.7963205
File: 1.50 MB, 2592x1936, cozy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but you also have to understand completely completely (and I do really mean completely) that I'm better at trading than literally 100% of you

>> No.7963215

This is why /biz/ is dying. Literal retards are pouring in from reddit. We need to post more Gore and racism to fend those faggots off

>> No.7963244

>I just use it with a L/R rca to aux into my computer for mainly music.
Yeah I do the same thing mainly. I do have a turntable cuz /mu/ but 95% of the time I'm playing something from Spotify or listening to a podcast.

>> No.7963290
File: 28 KB, 400x602, 1519529966268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only complaint is that I don't have a remote for it. Idk if a universal remote will work for it, and I have yet to try one. But this is on my to do list eventually.

>> No.7963331

>he thinks his soyboy reddit station is impressive
the ratty ass chair gives it away, faggot

>> No.7963354


Fucking hell, the bugman/soyboy stereotype right here folks.

>> No.7963468
File: 79 KB, 960x540, 24058902_10155784489859976_8740319513283367804_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit tier monitors
>triple screen and same wallpaper on each screen
>shit tier speakers
>shit tier veneered desk and pvc frame
>trash chair
>shit tier razer mouse
>shit tier keyboard
>garbage mousepad
go away you fucking neet
pictured: my setup
not pictured: fanatec bmw m3 gt2 rig. my fucking wheel rig itself cost more than your entire fucking setup

>> No.7963493
File: 943 KB, 2048x1152, 26060139_10155875225279976_3790826623062295218_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pictured: fanatec bmw m3 gt2 rig
>>7962975 kys you poorfag

>> No.7963501
File: 67 KB, 905x959, 1519616807274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the crescent wrench for?

>> No.7963520

will you let me touch her for 1 BTC?

>> No.7963545

worth 10 ETH

>> No.7963560

that was the night i installed the monitors onto the stand. needed a crescent to tighten down the bracket bolt that holds the monitors to the arms

>> No.7963704

kek, never posted an address on biz before, but here it goes anyways:

Where did you get the monitor mount from, I like them. May have to look to purchase one of those.

>> No.7964400

lets' help this guy out.

>> No.7964997
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>> No.7965045
File: 20 KB, 382x235, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this your fap kit?

>> No.7965445
File: 370 KB, 1920x1440, 1519581575607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting mine from last thread.

>> No.7965944
File: 2.78 MB, 4032x3024, 7FD1872A-B7A3-427A-ABD0-DEB652E7C825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m fucking gay

>> No.7966056

Google lenovo wireless remote keyboard dream come true

>> No.7966789

the fuk you doin with all dem computers

>> No.7966804

tfw your dual monitors don't match :(

>> No.7967448

100% faggot

>> No.7968512

at the expense of good taste

>> No.7969306

No, two first aid kits.
Top one comes with me camping and on hikes. The bottom one stays at home.

>> No.7969314
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>> No.7969649

seems your trading hasnt been the best lately

>> No.7969751
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Pic related

>> No.7969855

Nice larp

>> No.7969955

I was using one of those, but one day the monero blockchain got too big for a MacBook Air to process. Didn't sell on time and lost over 200k. Do yourself a favor and get a real computer, it will be worth it.

>> No.7970057

i just use a laptop

>> No.7970330


What's the deal with the dolls with oversized heads?

Everyone seems to have gone crazy for them. Are they the new beanie babies?

>> No.7970403
File: 58 KB, 602x731, Soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that shotgun...

are you afraid someone is going to steal your charts Anon? or scared of being home-jacked and forced to reveal your wallet's recovery phrase?

>> No.7970412

Nothing wrong with this, people in this thread sure are a bunch of niggerfaggots if you ask me.

>> No.7970585
File: 42 KB, 890x537, 2018-02-25_14-28-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty gay

>> No.7970700


ok bud, everyone is jealous of your video game controller.

>> No.7970718


>oh deer

>> No.7970740
File: 378 KB, 2048x1536, 1519587256610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7970911

im not going to dox myself but the most important part of my setup is the window overlooking the town and sea.
staring at a beige wall looks soul destroying

>> No.7971174

>Fire and fury
>le doge meme
>muh marvel comics
>soy toys
reddit 10/10