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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7958890 No.7958890[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>/biz/ thinks it's just an exchange
>/biz/ doesn't know about the ETFs (most important piece of the puzzle, will provide liquidity to alts)
>/biz/ doesn't know about the TAMs
>/biz/ doesn't know about the fiat pairings for altcoins
>/biz/ doesn't know about the FUCKING DEBIT CARD

Do you guys EVER do research kek?

>inb4 people FUD this for the token burn

Those tokens ain't getting burnt bitch, they're going to get sold out, someone just bought 10 million XCM in one fucking order (1.1 million euros). I just want some of my fellow faggots and niggers on board this train.

http://coinmetro.info for 2.5% EXTRA BONUS (redirects to reflink)

>> No.7958898

Why'd last one get deleted.

>> No.7958941

>inb4 stop shilling cuz muh token burn

fuck you pajeet. lower supply doesn't magically translate into higher price if there is no demand. they will be burning token a percentage of each fee they receive when the platform becomes operational. There will be a buyback program too.

pajeets trying to shut me down in hopes of more tokens getting burned

>> No.7959058

also burgers will be allowed soon

>> No.7959094

Bought 2500 at $0.11 because the project looked nice. I'm afraid I fucked up by not buying more

>> No.7959120

Sauce on this? I've been looking to dump couple of eth there.

>> No.7959199
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I got 100k. Will I make it?

>> No.7959231

repeat after me: SHIT. COIN.

>> No.7959254

Would expect better fud from biz. Step up your game.

>> No.7959275

When can US citizens buy in?

>> No.7959321

What better fud is there other than the fact that the people buying this literal shitcoin dont even understand the concept of a token burn and how a token burn is more beneficial than a shitty referal bonus

DUMB MONEY PAJEETS who don't see the big picture

like fucking hell i would invest in a coin infested with stupid dumb faggots like that

>> No.7959325



Looks like a shit coin though

>> No.7959357

From what I read on telegram they are waiting on their lawyers to make it official any moment now. I guess it will be this week.

>> No.7959399

The telegram, I got a voice response from Kevin saying hes waiting on lawyers. That was friday and its now monday. So this week is pretty much guranteed.

>> No.7959416

Ps. I have 33k XCM
Cant wait for muh fucking DEBIT CARD.

>> No.7959436
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>> No.7959567

Ya fuck that I’m just going to “give” my Canadian friend some money then.

>> No.7959571

nice. i think i'll get some once it's official. the only fud so far seems to be from people hoping to get more unsold tokens burnt.

>> No.7959659
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This is a fucking piece of shit, the CEO is siphoning off 7.5mil to his Forex company, super fucking shady. If you can't see this is your a moron. Stay far away. Even my normie friends think this is a scam

>> No.7959681

>like fucking hell i would invest in a coin infested with stupid dumb faggots like that

implying he hasn't already invested and isn't raging because OP is shilling and he wants more tokens burned

>> No.7959759

burgers arent allowed right now? i was about to sign up

>> No.7959816


Hey retard. If you did one second of research you'd know that ForexPIG (his forex company) is the backbone of the crypto to fiat conversion. That's why you can withdraw straight to fiat (converting crypto along the way) with a debit card.


>> No.7959821

You can still sign up. Once they announce the legal decision you'll be able to buy but it's pretty much a sure thing.

>> No.7959921

lol no im in an ico with people smart enough not to shill it here

it boggles my fucking mind though that you idiots justify shilling when you can get a token burn


>> No.7959947

Wtf is your problem, coinshit isn't going to convert anything to anything when volume never goes above 5mil. Legolas is gonna blow these losers out of the water

>> No.7959948

What if I just say I'm from Canada? Do they check?

>> No.7959980

There will be KYC

>> No.7960096

bc exchanges are like mushrooms that crop up after a fresh cryptorain and this one gives you diarhea.

>> No.7960103
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What if I use my Canadian friends identity documents? He'd let me. Foolproof?

>> No.7960110

that should be fine, yea

>> No.7960148


He's shilling it because if people use his referral link, he'll get 5% of the coins the other person buys. Fucking dick sucking jew scum.

>> No.7960168


Forgot to mention xcmprice.com

Fill in the daily volume of for example bnb or kcs and see your potential profits

>> No.7960176

buyer gets bonus too tho

>> No.7960224

Yea great idea, remember don't move the slider above 5mil cause that's where this is going best case scenario

>> No.7960227


Ah so you're fudding because you're holding the competition. Instead of being a friendly guy and acknowledging that the market is big enough for multiple exchanges (just like fiat) you're going to FUD.. Got it. Thanks fag

>> No.7960293

The faggot OP is using a VPN now to make multiple posts with different IDs.

Can a mod please ban this kike?

>> No.7960300

Mfw thats still x20

>> No.7960320
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>he thinks all VPNs are not banned

>> No.7960380
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So basically it's a worse, more centralized version of Legolas Exchange with worse partnerships.

>> No.7960397

Yea, but I also hold 10k coinmetro just in case. Listen I think it's got a shot.. but it's a long one, we're in a bear market with volume probably falling to 10bil a day would.. All the while a ton of new top tier exchanges come online. Do the math

>> No.7960418

Lots of exchanges are popping up but I'd hardly call them "top tier". CoinMetro, along with a very few others will be leading the charge. They'll be one of the first with fiat-to-alts, for example, a debit card and all that.

>> No.7960419
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>no roadmap
>no release date
>lacking details on fiat and burger support
>claims to instantly have millions of crypto ATM machines
idk if this seems like a good buy u guys. probably the next coss

>> No.7960421

>/biz/ thinks it's just an exchange

also, being decentralized is a meme. you can't have it if you want to be properly licensed and regulated.

>> No.7960458

what's that?

>> No.7960558

Coss is such a horrible platform but still managed to go up massively in price. So if Coinmetro performs as good as coss it's a great investment. I think they will be much better than Coss though.

>> No.7960616

true but how long until the trading platform actually launches? they have no roadmap and i see nothing about a functioning release date

>> No.7960693


anyone in forex knows fxpig is fucking traaaaaash.

it's the coinsmarkets of forex.

>> No.7960725

You sure? They got mostly 5 star reviews here: http://www.forexpeacearmy.com/forex-reviews/7354/www.fxpig.com

>> No.7960731
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Their beta is in late march, early april as I've heard. They actually have a beta app you can play around with right now.

I'll shamelessly shill my ref in case that helps anyone. I know the token burn and all is a big thing but I'm not someone who can afford to put much into crypto despite thinking this is a great project. so I gotta rely on what I can.

>> No.7960738
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>No roadmap

Its on their website.
just scroll down to the bottom, retard

>> No.7960752


Oh and yes, this was confirmed to be legit from staff on their telegram if anyone asks.

>> No.7960754


I hope you're joking.


There's also more than 4 hours worth of AMA with the CEO on youtube and facebook live and you will get ALL your questions promptly answered by the team on their telegram, unlike ANY other ICO.

>> No.7960772

and they get 2.5% extra too you dumb nigger KYS

>> No.7960791



When you transfer money it goes into what I think is a private pig account. From there you need to create and then transfer money to an fx account. It cost $40 USD to transfer money to the private pig account and then $12 to transfer it to the fx account.



>> No.7960847
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>claims to instantly have millions of crypto ATM machines

Debit cards work with any existing ATMs, brainlet. God, you don't deserve to make it. All your dumb questions take literally 10 minutes of research

>> No.7961007

the fuck is legolas? Also I can see this gaining traction and beating binance if it allows US participation. All of the exchanges available to burgers blow chunks out my ass

>> No.7961039

>shit exchange
>made by a leader in the FOREX industry
>a shit ton of fiat pairs


>> No.7961046

The platform will be open to burgers in all cases. The issue is whether they'd be allowed to participate in the ICO. Binance pulled that off, seems like CoinMetro will do it too.

>> No.7961234

Legolas will be the only exchange that matters a year from now. Surprised no one knows about it. That's a guaranteed winner

>> No.7961313
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>no roadmap
>no release date
>lacking details on fiat and buger support
>claims to instantly have millions of crypto ATM machines
kek I can't even.

The FUD is too weak today. They are not even trying anymore.

>> No.7961352

I just looked at their website and they dont have a single fucking thing developed yet. No demo or anything. Looks like shit

>> No.7961409


>> No.7961497
File: 188 KB, 1021x1023, Mother_and_son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just forget about it guys.
Reason youre getting all this FUD ia because you didnt open the thread with a thotty
Stick to the formula

>> No.7961619

Look deeper, they raised over 30mil through their ICO in less than 10hrs, meanwhile coinmetro has stalled at 11million and it's almost been a week