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7955289 No.7955289 [Reply] [Original]

LTC is doing very well right now

>> No.7956175

If it is then wouldn't that mean it will crash when it goes live and people cash out?

>> No.7956260

thats what i think. as someone who loves ltc, there is no way in hell it keeps this up after litepay. litepay is the only LITERAL NEWS in crypto that has been good, people will sell the news. guarantee.

>> No.7956336
File: 59 KB, 1000x1000, 1519070653829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you educate me about litepay, anon ?

>> No.7956481
File: 14 KB, 240x240, shiny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want context of what it does, it's a big deal for the utility of LTC, LTC is mean to be the payment coin. litepay creates opportunity with the debitcard involved to be paid by your employer in LTC, and sell items in LTC, automatically converting USD to LTC, and vice versa.

what it means for LTC price:
LTC going up in value shortterm yes, but also will dip in the next week as people realize "wow, this thing didnt 10x like it was supposed to"
sell off will happen leaving LTC in around the 0.018 mark of BTC (if we manage to somehow stay above 0.02 BTC after 2 weeks of litepay i will eat my own words, happily, but doubt it.)

also that doesnt mean LTC will die or anything, LitePay will help LTC get a some gained consistent gains in volume, and marketcap (use). Therefore the price will slowly increase in time, just not the way some morons will tell you.

LTC is a good hold, but patience is key, LitePay is just a small part of a big year of 2018, believe me.

>> No.7956546

also: i know some people in the LTC foundation have privately (nsf4chan), and publicly (check Xinxi's twitter) have said it the "big" surprise will be worth the wait. Charlie just doesn't want people only in it for the money to stay, literal only reason it seems like he hates his own coin, he'll be laughing at all these Link/Fun/TRX holders later this year.

>i hold some shitcoins, so i will also be apart of this group

but everything charlie says has been accurate, but i think he's fucking over moneyhungry people when he says this surprise may not be that big.

its big.

>> No.7956935
File: 60 KB, 1024x577, 1511071941650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you kind anon. I actually have 45 LTC and your insight is really helpfull.
Cheers !

>> No.7957166

>He doesn't know about the potential atomic swap with XMR.....

>> No.7957427


>> No.7957479

>its big.
price prediction on this?

>> No.7957632

if you are asking about the big surprise's price prediction, anywhere from 500 to 1,000 with resistance going back to 600 a week or so after 1,000 is hit (obviously)

im buying into charlie's bluff and not believing that a deal that is that big he had to literally sell his coins off for months ahead of time due to avoid conflict of interest when communicating along with Xinxi spewing all this shit about "LTC 10k 2019 EOY" makes me think he's trolling 4chan,reddit,cnbc into thinking nothing is happening until it does. typical charlie that i fucking love.

>> No.7957685

EOY prediction from ya boi (@thevinder)
-> 2,000 EoY as chart people and smartypals from the twittersphere obviously have purposely understated LTC gains so they can brag about how good their silver BTC is.

along with that, take note that when LTC takes over Bcash's marketcap, it won't even be close to see who wins after this.
charlie is even promoting a site to watch bcash crumble. he didn't promote this shit 6 months ago. he's sure something will happen this year. we just don't know what.

>> No.7957855
File: 235 KB, 1440x1539, IMG_20180225_083639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this psychic is helping to brew this uptrend

>> No.7957909

agree somewhat - although i think a majority of this bullrun has been due to the combined fork+litepay launch.

prepare for sub 200 ltc early march and it'll return to mean. it's as fun to believe psychics and the cliff highs of the world as it is to be a millionaire sometimes - but realistically it wont happen.

>> No.7957974

Just sold 55. Buy back in later

>> No.7957996
File: 24 KB, 618x434, DQmW9nWBZJMZd9k43DskGvJ6S28uizDURtcShDBuaLMdkpe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chinky lee says something good about LTC
It is just to piss off Ver

>> No.7958076

>clif high
I thought he got his knowledge from the Aliens

>> No.7958262

Have you been sucking his cock anon?

>> No.7958295

discord gg/5MySqTd

Cryptocities invite competition, join the discord and hang out for a minute and I'll explain how it works!

1st place: 0.5 Eth
2nd place: 0.25 Eth
3rd-6th place: 0.1 Eth each

Check it out biz

>> No.7958512

epic roast dude, FUN 1k EOY, show em what a meme can do for a coin!!!

no comment

ver is pissed without charlie saying anything, he's a miserable idiot anyways.

>> No.7958571

Why do you dislike Link? Do you not see it as useful or are Linkies the problem?

>> No.7958618

so tired of people larping LTC first 10 people to reply this gets 1 ltc i really dont give a fuck

>> No.7958644



Do it fggt.

>> No.7958651


>> No.7958697


>> No.7958706


I'll bite

>> No.7958746



Cheers senpai

>> No.7958752


>> No.7958759

I plan to sell in 3-4 hours I expect most will do the same. But I will buy back in with part of my folio when it bottoms out.

>> No.7958807


I hate it too

>> No.7958833


>> No.7958836


Thanks bro

>> No.7958929


>> No.7959013

ty senpai


>> No.7959037

Geif LTC plox

>> No.7959045


Plz sirs I will send bobs vagine and write letrers of thanks, lel

>> No.7959054

Am I just missing something right now? I mean LTC isn't doing awful but it's only at $221. Six days ago it was at $240. What is this huge moon you guys are talking about?

>> No.7959060

That's not a litecoin wallet you fucking dumb fuck

>> No.7959090

For real anon. I started trading in December with litecoin I found on an old laptop. I had 34 then. I have 2.5 now. If you really want to piss that shit away, send it my way.

>> No.7959105

> i will eat my own words
> believe me.

you say this like you're not just posting on an anonymous imageboard where there's no incentive to pass good information. nor do you have good information.

>dip in the next week as people realize "wow, this thing didnt 10x like it was supposed to"

Lmao, what kind of theory is that? You think you outsmarted all the 99.99 percentile iq hedgefund analysts with that? If that was any reliable way of forecasting price, trading firms would start selling before "next week" in anticipation and the prices will go down earlier.

>> No.7959128



>> No.7959229

smart move anon, i plan on doing the same.

nothing wrong with hyping a coin, but it's pathetic these people on here all the time who think putting a coins logo on a pepe will make it moon, i've looked into link, and decided that it isn't as safe due to it NOT being a proven product yet therefore my investment isn't as safe as it would be in BTC/LTC/ETH.

also, FUN is guaranteed to fail. there is no way in hell you will win that war over casinos
>system doesn't need fixing, they are billionaires regardless

again, no one on here rarely does any research , i just watched another 18 minute video of a dude telling me to buy Link just "because" it's community.

LTC/BTC are CURRENCIES, i understand anything needs a nice community to thrive but there's a limitation to what people can do with an unfinished, unproven product.

i'm sure it'll make people money this year as will all cryptos, but this altcoin party IS A BUBBLE, and when it pops it'll be brutal for a lot of people.

and for that reason, i'm out

>> No.7959312

I hope so. The lack of volume and increasing volatility indicates that a sell off might be imminent, so I went ahead and sold. Made 5% today, I'm fine with that, better to take profits than losses.

I also agree with you on altcoin bubble. WIth BTC shitting the bed recently, I'm just going all in on ETH or tethering, depending on my thinking every day.

>> No.7959342

>you say this like you're not just posting this on an anon imageboard
well, considering how uneducated some people here are, i think i bring more value than someone as yourself does when you just say "nope"

>what kind of theory is that

the one that has happened every single time cryptos go up, i didn't say 99%. there will be a selloff and LTC is going to be in the red for a week, after that, moon again, repeat.

welcome to cryptos

>> No.7959417

Did I miss it?!


>> No.7959540

Yep, got mine.

>> No.7959630

>, i think i bring more value than someone as yourself does when you just say "nope"

you bring negative value by telling people to trade on misinformation.

>the one that has happened every single time cryptos go up, i didn't say 99%. there will be a selloff and LTC is going to be in the red for a week, after that, moon again, repeat.

You don't need it to be 99%. You just have to show the expected return to be large within the period of the week prove bring investors to pool the risk and you could be a millionaire.

But you won't because you know what you're saying is a texas sharpshooter fallacy nested within survivorship bias that anyone in finance would laugh at you for.

>> No.7959696

eff off paj.

>> No.7959770

larping fag

>> No.7959839

what are you talking about? what is the misinfo?
Xinxi has tweets saying charlie's understating the price of LTC with the announcement.

>you don't need to be 99%
what exactly are you arguing about? my arguement is that the sell off is going to happen soon, whether it comes in 2 3 or whatever is irrelevant.
im not sure when the smart money will get out, but sure, they will before i do, or anyone else does. we can see 300 LTC and than it will come down. not saying it'll be OVER i love ltc, again, not sure what your argument is getting at here, lol.

>> No.7959992

It's going nowhere but down. Holding it when its high is dumb,

>> No.7960017

Literally mooning as I type this

>> No.7960057

Welp, this has been a good day for me for once, lol.

>> No.7960188

I am holding 150 coins atm.
When is a good point for me to sell it high and buy it again after a correction? I would love to increase my litecoins up to 225 (50% +).

And what do you guys think is a sensible price increase by tomorrow?

>> No.7960214


>> No.7960272

anything over 300 , sell

>> No.7960316


>I know what I'm talking about because I know it will go down and also go up

Wow dude, I'm literally clapping for you, do you have a masters degree in economics or something? Great job.

>> No.7960352

How are you so dense? I'm saying there can't forecast and invest based on such simple ideas.

If the sell off happens after time t, and it could be forecasted, it will not make sense to not sell at time t-1 right? but antiscipating that people would sell at time t-2, that recurrs until time 0, aka now. Each step however is diminishing, so if it's expected that at time t theexpected price decrease is K, then you'd only factor a small portion of that, this effect also compounds itself.

What this means is at every point in time, the price factors in every piece of information on the asset. To beat the market you need information that other market participants don't have, this is why hedge funds firms pay hundreds of millions for data and millions in salary to the quant analysts to model the data and make money from the market.

On the otherhand, it takes t.100iq about 4 hours to learn TA or theories about what people will do "wen da price dunt go upp dey gone sell et". The amount of return you make if you just invest/trade without extra data is going to be bell shaped curve centered way south of zero. Im a junior programmer at a trading firm and knowing the stuff that I know, it's fucking funny when you 100iq investors sit at home thinking you're doing anything better than speculating.

Just know that every time YOU make money, that money was below what you deserved to be paid in terms of the risk you took to make it.

But you can say "but hey, so and so made money trading on personal speculations". that's explained by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias

>> No.7960381

Im selling the minute it hits at least 300. Ill gladly buy back in at 130 or below.

>> No.7960433

FOMO is doing this. Get ready for imminent correction.

>> No.7960435

don't be a nigger, please

>> No.7960438

If we can manage 235 today, I'm sold.

>> No.7960618

all you idiots selling at $230-300 are going to feel like fucking morons by november 2018 ..just hold it and it will pay

>> No.7960675

Just like people who held at 20k for BTC, lol.

>> No.7960842


>> No.7960872

Just in case : )


>> No.7960895


holy shit plz
only way i can pay for daycare this coming week
:( :( :( :(

>> No.7960915

keep investing in the overvalued "blue chip coins" and be pissed when you missed out on easy gains. High market cap alternatives are going to gain traction over BTC this year due to the crash and youll miss out if you keep on HODLing your dinosaur BTC

>> No.7961928

also volatility in a payment medium is a very bad thing. price needs to stabilize for people to take it seriously.