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File: 4 KB, 200x200, 54E6C7F4-1C38-4EFA-A0BE-D98E8A9AE287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7954891 No.7954891 [Reply] [Original]

I'm ashamed to say I bought a bunch of this bullshit SJW cuck coin without doing much research and needless to say I want out. What's the best platform coin for 2018? Already holding a shit load of VEN so I'm looking at ADA, EOS, and ICX. What do?

>> No.7954924

How's your wife's boyfriend doing, anon?

>> No.7954944

>muh sjw boogeyman

>> No.7954974

ETH has the largest dev ecosystem, and was the de facto for ICOs in 2017.. if it’s not in your list it probably should be. Emerging/Eastern market alternatives include VEN yes as well NEO, ICX, NULS... ADA is a special bag in my portfolio.. buy with caution

>> No.7955000

EOS could be a breakout but it’s risk reward does not make sense for my portfolio at this time

>> No.7955065

their last "roadmap" update was also the cringiest thing i've ever seen. these guys are cucks

>> No.7955142

I bought NEO at $30 and sold it at $100. it's trash. does nothing original. centralized. doesn't even scale. it shouldn't exist.

>> No.7955197
File: 83 KB, 847x362, Lumens_FAQ_-_Stellar2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your sacrifice.

>> No.7955497


>> No.7955615

ITT: hating money

>> No.7955807

Thank you for your sacrifice.

>> No.7955840

I'll thank you for yours next month when you buy my bags at yet another ATH

>> No.7955908
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>> No.7955916

I like ICX a lot for 2019. I think buying now and selling in like 2 months could also work well but don't blame me if you end with bags, DYOR and all that. I also like ADA a lot, but the marketcap is too big to expect much from it 10% jump like right now tho.

>> No.7956580

Fellow XLM bagholder here. What should I buy after I dump?

>> No.7956833

>given away
>buying it

Pick one.

>> No.7956909
File: 25 KB, 266x361, BC67DB7D-8FFA-4457-8203-084EA5115B5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People who don’t know about pic yet

>> No.7956926
File: 63 KB, 640x413, igor-grichka_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek you faggots can't move the price on a top 20 why do you even try? go back to playing with link and trtl this is far beyond the combined 100k of your discord

>> No.7957067
File: 199 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180226-061803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also bought lumens and it's not fucking doing anything.
What should I do. Trade it for link. I'm currently down $250 from xlm

>> No.7957104

Thank you for your sacrifice.

>> No.7957458

I'm buying everything EOS.

About to buy some Bancor because they are partnered.

And when those Everipedia are airdropped I'll be hoarding those too.

>> No.7957555

Every time I hear FUDding with /pol/ tear meme shit I just want to buy. Its so obvious this is a paid shill.


If your argument against a coin uses any of these coins, then you are an idiot or a chinese shill.

>> No.7957634
File: 286 KB, 566x672, 1519507879321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know what network effect is
>doesn't know network effect is the only reason btc is worth anything
>he doesn't understand SDF will give tiny amounts of lumens to as many people as possible to create network effect

buy lumens or kys you giant fucking retard

>> No.7957646

I'm as /pol/ as it gets and I fucking love this coin desu. No idea what these idiotic shills are thinking. It's the complete package.

>> No.7957669

buy more phaggoy

>> No.7957710

Thank you for your sacrifice.

>> No.7957773

>current outstanding supply ~8 billion
>45 billion to be airdropped
>Small amount

>> No.7957801


>> No.7957832

Thank you for you sacrifice.

>> No.7957838


as soon as you sell your bags you know that shit is going to take off like a rocket...hold until it's pumping at least christ

>> No.7957869

>Lumen giveaways have been completed. We do not plan on sponsoring another giveaway, except through verified partners such as SatoshiPay and select cryptocurrency exchanges. Please do not fall for social media posts that ask you to give personal information for free lumens.

They stopped airdropping lumens long ago. I think the last time was with satoshi pay to get people to use lumens. But we're not talking about millions being dropped anymore.

>> No.7957907
File: 88 KB, 590x376, Stellar_Giveaway_Model___Stellar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are more to come. Here is some context.

It's potentially good for crypto, bad for Stellar holders.

Thank you for your sacrifice.

>> No.7957908


$250 thats cute anon.

I bought 4k at 0.90

So, in short. Fuck You

>> No.7957935

>deflationary assets
>inflationary assets

BTC is one, Stellar the other. Learn the difference before you run your mouth again you fucking retard.

>> No.7957953

There is no more reason for them to give them out. They have partnerships now that demand a stable price. Same as with Ripple really.

>> No.7957978
File: 93 KB, 1073x379, Lumens_FAQ_-_Stellar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are trying to achieve a "more inclusive digital economy".

>> No.7958075

Yeah, so does everyone else.

>> No.7958328

why? the price can only tank 80%. pick a coin that has its entire supply distributed or at least one where holders have an incentive to stake their coins.
XLM is just a timebomb, waiting for the next xlm gibs to tank your investment in half.

and that's without worrying about if anyone is really going to adopt it vs competition.

>> No.7958373

Aww poor baby I bought over 200k at 0.55 you fucking faggot IM SO FUCKING MAD GODAMNIT

>> No.7958525
File: 46 KB, 727x727, 1519421992121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SJW coin is going to make literal nazis rich

Why are you complaining faggot
Money is money

>> No.7958643
File: 80 KB, 645x773, 1446164461245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I grew up in a trailer with no heating/cooling
>Parents got rid of me at 8yo because muh drugs
>Lived with various friends and family that didn't give two shits about me
>currently work fast food at 28yo
>renting a room at a 1970's run down hotel for the mentally challenged and crackheads, they often scream all through the night..Thinking about just living under a bridge
>saved up a couple hundred for crypto but got it late so I have lost money so far
>have no car
>only sexual contact I've ever had was a handjob from a 45 year old used hobag, came in like 10 seconds

I've lost all hope, should I just embrace death

>> No.7958946

Hang in there mate. Moving somewhere else (preferably warm) might be a start.

>> No.7959180

Hang in there brother, go to a trade school, do something to increase your revenue and get the hell out of there to somewhere comfy.

>> No.7959259

I don't get why people think that Stellar would deliberately want XLM to plunge in value.
The moment there is a rapid decrease in value for XLM, nobody in their right frame of mind would buy or use XLM.
After all, why would you invest in a depreciating asset (Potentially -20%~-60% from its ATH).
Even banks are a more attractive alternative because they provide the stability in value that Crypto does not provide

>But 'muh' remittance
The only way for Stellar to succeed is to NOT drop the ball.
No high volatility. No sudden price decreases.
No individual would buy XLM with the expectation that its value would freefall with little prospect of increase.
Hence, it is up to the Stellar org & its partners to maintain XLM's market price and strive for stable steady price increases.
The very requisite to Stellar's mass adoption and success is consistent and modest appreciation

Ultimately, it is up to you. How much faith do you have in IBM and Jed to deliver?

>> No.7959320

Jed is a stupid asshole

>> No.7959392

>>only sexual contact I've ever had was a handjob from a 45 year old used hobag, came in like 10 seconds
like others said, go to trade school ASAP

>> No.7959396

>SJW cucks took your money and handed it over to 3rd worlders

>> No.7959424

>No high volatility. No sudden price decreases.

Or increases. My guess is they will be modest while everything else moons.

Thank you for your sacrifice.

>> No.7959445

btw the premise for your post is that Stellar is rational


read the shit in the pic here>>7957907

>> No.7959518


No, you didnt. You lying, shit skinned nigger.

>> No.7959534

Because Jed is dumping his Btc through Stellar under the guise of muhh Africa. He wasn't allowed to sell his Ripple tokens over a lawsuit. So why not dump mt gox buttcoins.

>> No.7959572

Yet Jed pulled enough industry connections to rope in IBM/Stripe/Klickex/LeEco, 30 banks and many others.
Stellar can be said to be ambitious and the closest to mass adoption, next to ETH.
The Github code is already better than 99% of cryptoprojects out there.

Do you mean what he did in Ripple?
Then yes, he is salty and destructive.
I would be too, if the control of my goddamn company fell due to mutiny
Will it happen again with Stellar? Very, very unlikely unless another mutiny occurs.

The Airdrop occurred half a year before IBM and other 'vested' interests.
That was intended for BTC hodlers who unsurprisingly sold.
It will be irrational for Stellar to repeat such a failed strategy unless they want Stripe/IBM
and the massive partnerships which they worked so hard to build to dissolve in a blink of an eye
Anyway, they are currently subordinate and restricted under the greater strategy of the IBM and Hyperledger
so they can't legally pull another massive airdrop even if they tried