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7954019 No.7954019 [Reply] [Original]

Every ERC20 token is just a cash grab for the companies. Prove me wrong faggots? You can't. Like literally the existence of any one of these tokens is irrelevant.

This is perfectly clear now that BAT has a running system, which would work the same if there was no token.

The more i get into this crypto world the more i realize what a meme this all is. Buzzwords and vape.

>> No.7954074

this post only proves that OP is an attention whore

>> No.7954112

You have the assurance that they can't fuck with their own market as easily since the token system is trustless.

>> No.7954131

Yup. Every ERC20 token is shit. I just trade them with the end goal to accumulate more BTC. You're mistaken if you think that an ERC20 token is gonna overtake proven technologies such as BTC, ETH, XLM, NANO, etc.

>> No.7954154


Yet at the same time they themselfs are the biggest whales.

>> No.7954209


"lost a lot of money buying shit coins and now I'm mad." the post, coming soon to DVD and VHS

>> No.7954553

It's a good moment when you realize this.

The ERC20 tokens are the 'ideas guys' of crypto.

Why do I want a currency specific for say, rental payments? I'll just use my currency crypto instead. Unless the underlying technology is better it's USELESS.

I don't want to pay with Itchy and Scratchy money when I pay rent. Most tokens have absolutely no need to exist

>> No.7955053

>I just trade them with the end goal to accumulate more BTC
This guy gets it.

>> No.7955221

Well ideally everything will run on ethereum and the token part is voluntary like buying gift cards.
By buying tokens you're an early investor for the dapp and you can either sell them for profit or use the dapp more cheaply.

>> No.7955415

My thinking as well.
This new ICO money grab under the guidance from "teams" that think the know how to start a good sized start up idea without experienced market and business management is laughable.

They raise money that they have no liability for. They issue us a token which is effectively enabling us to run a decentralised ponzi free of our own liability by speculating on the price and doing pnd schemes!

Brave new world...

>> No.7955456

Exactly my plan. Non-native tokens are going to shit

>> No.7956266

Yes and no.

Yes in that it needs another decate until we know how to really run a good blockchain. Proof of work, for example, is generally a shitty idea.

No in that what you're saying sounds like "fundrasing is a scam". Well yes, tokens might not be necessary to run the business idea, but it's a sort of vehicle to get a company started. It's like stocks, except not regulated.

>> No.7956381

Lets evaluate a case where a token is needed, say ChainLink.

Token economics in its application is a subdivision of game theory and there are real cases that need this mechanism. There are also plenty of tokens that raise capital for the sake of raising capital.. so yes the erc20 platform has rotten eggs as well.

>> No.7956513

So what if tokens are cash grabs just like stocks are cash grabs? They function practically the same way, except in corner cases where a company gets bankrupt and then the tokens don't entitle you to anything. but you realistically wouldn't get shit with stocks either because it would all go to the creditors first.

>> No.7956557

Depends, ERC-20 is an easy on-ramp for projects that want to launch their own chain later (eg. VEN). They issue ERC-20 tokens first so they don't have to do a wallet and do a coin-swap later.

>> No.7956559
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>> No.7957096


Smart contracts are the future. Smart contracts need way to interact with off-chaim resources and participate in a single ecosystem. Many of these middleware smart contracts require a token to incentivise use and limit abuse. Thus, Ethereum maximalism with tokens like Ox, Link, Req, Lend, OMG etc as crucial components of the ecosystem is the future. Loom is coming soon - dedicated Ethereum sidechaining. Not to mention Raiden, Casper, Plasma and other improvements.

But yeah - keep buying native blockchains that provide no new utility and exist in a vacuum dumbasses! Good luck with that.

>> No.7957169

>The more i get into this crypto world