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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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792708 No.792708 [Reply] [Original]

To start off this thread I'd like to elaborate on a theory I have for "is this method of passive income worth it" called the rule of 10.

Setting up a passive income source, assuming no/low startup capital, is only worth it if you can get $1 a day from 10 hours of work with 10 minute of work for weekly maintenance.

That basic guideline being established, some starting questions:

>What is your favorite way of generating passive income?
>How much do you see daily from this method (with scale)

>> No.792709

WTF are you talking about? What "passive" income plan are you involved in, and I don't think you understand what the word "passive" means.

>> No.792710

I make around $80 a day working maybe 2 hours weekly for maintenance (rewriting articles, etc) on a set of affiliate marketing blogs.

>> No.792712

Just buy like 125 shares of xom.

>> No.792713

>$1 a day from 10 hours of work
Doesn't sound effective

>> No.792718

In 10 days you worked for $1 an hour

In 100 days you worked for $10 an hour

In 1000 days you worked for $100 an hour

That being said, it's still a bare minimum guideline. Anything under that isn't worth your time.

>> No.792739

Currently made about $.30.

Need to promote my shit so I get more traffic, any tips? It's an erotic fiction site btw..

>> No.792751

>Erotic fiction

What's your monetization method here? As for traffic... My main idea is watermarking and reuploading porn videos to xhamster/xvideos.

>> No.792758
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>called the rule of 10

>> No.792832


Could you give more details?

I am a skilled writer but I lack all ambition to learn HTML. What would you recommend I do if I wanted to write content for a blog but am incapable of creating one from scratch? Did you commission someone else to create the layout of your website?

>> No.792856

erotic fiction as in written fiction

>> No.792871

>reuploading viral videos
>cutting dvds of my hobby
once you are partner you can start monetizing every starting channel, 4 reported videos = ban for that channel. I do it when I have time really, some videos get reported so I just reupload them again, some dont and are profitable for like 2 years. Takes me between 1-5 hours a week, makes me about 2k-4k/month.

>> No.792879

CMS takes about 3 hours to master. If you can work with photoshop or design you can create layout or just buy/torrent one and edit it

>> No.792890

are you talking about youtube here? you'll get your adsense account banned for this.

>> No.792922

No you wont if you dont spam videos

>> No.793168


People crowd fund loans. I put less than $10 per loan and reinvest my interest. I've doubled my money in 6 months. Take from that what you will but it's the easiest passive income with low starting capital.

>> No.793227

Working for passive income really isn't that passive.

I feel like the best PI source has to be real estate. I'm growing my portfolio now and it's been very hands-off. I maybe put in a few hours a month, the mgt company does everything else.

>> No.793238

may i ask how you got into real estate?

>> No.793241


meant for


>> No.793264

>I make around $80 a day working maybe 2 hours weekly for maintenance (rewriting articles, etc) on a set of affiliate marketing blogs.
Literally the OPPOSITE of passive income. Why would a retard who doesn't even know the meaning of the word start a "general" on a topic?

Protip: Passive income is a tax term. It has an actual definition. It's not whatever you think it is. Fuck.

>> No.793313

Play CS:GO and sell guns and stuff for money anyone can do it. YOu have to buy at lest $500 worth of guns to trade first

>> No.793316


>> No.793391

I do this too.

Amazon affiliate. make $30 a day or so. I do no maintenance whatsoever, cause I have focus issues. All this money is from work I did last year.

Next time I feel motivated I am gonna sit down and triple this. $30 is not enough for me. $90 is.

>> No.793393


No need for HTML when you figure out Wordpress.

ofc I know both so that helps to make pretty sites. But ugly sites sell pretty much just as well as pretty sites.

>> No.793396

Comedy writing - How can I monetize it?

Kinda like the onion, fake articles on wordpress. Where to go from there?

>> No.793397

>2 hours
"literally the opposite of passive income"
Chill out a bit. Anything you do in life needs some maintenance. The maintenance aspect is to keep the income on the same level. 2 hours a week to maintain $80 a day is still pretty far from day-job.

Rage-boy. Work on your autism

>Protip: Passive income is a tax term.
Protip: It is also an IM term.

> Fuck.
Kid, there you go again with that potty mouth.

>> No.793403

Kid, there's passive income and there's earned income. You go tell the IRS that you want to use your own definition.


>> No.793408

I guess I have "passive income" as an artist.
>Create artwork
>Sell prints and merch on Etsy and Redbubble
>Receive small amounts of money forever

>> No.793411

It's not really that complex, you just buy a rental property. But, the devil is in the details - know what you're looking for in terms of numbers and try to find it.

Sometimes, you'll be able to do it where you live, but don't count on that as a given. Like me, you may need to buy in other areas, in which case you'll need a property management company.

The best place to learn is biggerpockets.com

>> No.793418

No IRS in my country. No need to use their definition at all.

And there is no income in the world that requires no maintenance.

>> No.793420

>No IRS in my country.
Kek, then you don't matter. Get back to your goat herd.

>> No.793425

>Get back to your goat herd.
Get back to your melting pot, fatty

Might want to check your own definitions. IRS defines, for example, real estate passive income as something you spend less than half of your time on.


IE, the 2 hours per week spent in the example still falls under IRS definition of passive income.

I am right, you are wrong.

You've been schooled

Autist. Fatty. Internet rage-boy you.

>> No.793436

>being this triggered
>being this Slav

>> No.793440

>being this rage nigger
>being this wrong
fuck off to /b

>> No.793445

Obviously, but people who comsume online video porn are the most likely to also consume written sex stories.

What he meant was to download other people videos, insert your website and reupload them.

>> No.793475

>being this wrong
Not Slav? Spanish then? South America? FYI those are even worse.

Although really, its just degrees of irrelevancy. Forever poor is forever poor. This board really should be limited to First World anons.

>> No.793476

>clutching at straws re heritage
>still wrong on the topic of passive income
>turbo damage control mode
Go away pauper. It's over. You've lost. /b is waiting for you

>> No.793479

Haha. I got it right! The jimmies are rustled.

>> No.793480

>not getting anything right
>F5 non stop from autism
>damage control in overdrive
And you just go on and on. You lost. Deal with it

>> No.793485
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>> No.793491

lol wtf are you talking about you sore loser? A million people become millionaires in China yearly. Did that trigger your first world privilege?

>> No.793492

>still got it wrong. Can't deal with it
>jimmies rustled
>spends a minute for pic and upload to show how little he cares

>> No.793496
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>> No.793498

Just loving it when I school people.

Tell me more about your personal definition of passive income.

Also, do you have a folder with pics like these or do you google for them when you need them?

>> No.793499
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>> No.793502

Ah. K. A kid.

Enjoy your evening.

>> No.793503
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>ur evening.

>> No.793506

You both look like retards.

>> No.793510
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>deserves to be on /biz/

>> No.793524

Quit posting pictures with no substance you stupid faggot. You've already demonstrated how much of a dipshit you are, we really don't need anymore confirmation.

>> No.793529
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>richest man on biz

>> No.793543

kek, typical americunt.
>totaly ignorant, even about the laws of his own country
>gets schooled

>> No.793544
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>i use puter now

>> No.793547

>this thread
>some faggot completely buttdevastated that a third world poorfag proved him wrong on the Internet


>> No.793567
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>schooled by slavs

>> No.793657

>Amazon affiliate
where do you post your affiliate links, on some blog?

>> No.793659

Royalties and resource rights (water, oil, metals) require no maintenance. The problem is getting that land; best bet is purchasing the swaths in undeveloped midwest america (20 acres for shit money).

>> No.793704


>> No.793722
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>You posted in a thread just to agree with some other guy's comment that isn't even about the topic of thread.

>> No.793950

Still assblasted over an internet argument. Easy to tell who's poor in this thread.

>> No.793952

I have about 10 sites. I use Wordpress as CMS. They do not look like a general WP blog setup though. I got some good themes and tweaked 'em a bit.

>> No.793955

I really hate how much of a meme the term "passive income" has become. There is no such thing as passive income. It will require continued work and maintenance no matter what - and if you decide to just sit back and watch what little you make die then you'll have never seen its full potential. Tl;dr - you're all lazy retards. Stop chasing a "passive income" and fucking do something

>> No.794725

OP here with an idea for starting up some (truly) passive income that you can start right now. It's called hubpages

Basically, you write articles on literally anything and Hubpages will pay you 60% of the advertising revenue your article generates. That isn't even including the potential income from amazon/ebay affiliate sales which is also possible on the site.

Now, it is shitty. It's much better to just write the articles on your own site and make 100% of the revenue as well as not be bound by hubpage's shitty requirements. However, it's almost guaranteed passive income and here's why.

You think you could make $0.01 a day from a website with a single article with little/no promotion right? That's pretty possible, I'm assuming most of you will agree. This is essentially the same thing. The bare minimum you will make on this is a cent a day per article. Of course the lowest I've seen is $0.05 a day an article, but then again you might be a shitty writer and don't know how to use keywords at all.

Write 10 articles a day (they don't really need to be that good) and making AT LEAST $0.01 a day an article for a month then you're setting yourself up with a $3 a day passive income MINIMUM.

Now, it's more likely, if you aren't complete trash, that you'll be making $0.05 a day per article. That's pretty standard. So at the end of that month you'll be making $15 a day completely passive.

>Almost guaranteed (albeit shitty) passive income
>Can redirect to a personal blog/website in the articles
>Have the potential to make serious bank on one article if it's good enough (I've seen people make $800+ from a single article)

>A lot of work for literally pennies
>Only 60% of the ad revenue goes to you

>> No.794732
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I have an idea for a fitness website. Instead of making money through Google Adsense/Amazon Affiliate I'll write my own eBooks on routines, weight loss, recipes etc. So I can sell a book for $49 or $99 and get all of the profit.

Main problem is I have no website development skills.

>> No.794735

My suggestions:

>Lower price down on your eBooks. You can't really expect people to pay $50 for a book from someone they literally never heard of before
>Put them on clickbank and get other people to market them
>To build a reputation/following base start your own website. Either hire someone with experience (ie: not a 3rd worlder from India) or build it yourself. If you're looking to hire you're looking for at least $500 for a 3-4 page site. I've actually worked freelance in the web development industry and there's no way in hell you're getting a fully functional/decently aesthetic site for any less
>Start writing a shitton of articles about fitness in general, post them on content mills, working in a link to your website

>> No.794979

have to take the first course.
search real estate pre-licensing in your area.
here it costs around 400-600$ and its like 2 days of seminar class shit with a test.

>> No.795327

wait why the fuck is half of my thread people posting slavs squatting

>> No.795328
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>wait why the fuck is half of my thread people posting slavs squatting
Because you're too stupid to know what passive income actually means. Now please think on the error of your ways.

>> No.795329
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Deal with it

>> No.795351
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nice memes but I made more in a day sitting on my ass than you guys do working

>> No.795356

go find a job you seppo loser. i heard mcD are always hiring in obeseland.

>> No.795387
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>I made more in a day sitting on my ass than you guys do working
Post proof slav, or else be called slav. We don't slav the slav around slav, slav.

Stay slav friend.

>> No.795552

Well, I actually am half Slavic.

>> No.795556
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>Well, I actually am half Slavic.
You admit that?

>> No.795572

Admit what exactly? That a recent or near recent Slavic immigrant is doing way better than your retarded ass. You don't need to be in /biz fgt, you need to be on /b. You might like /pol-cuck-central too, lots of like minded people.

>> No.795576


yeah but that shit goes and gets locked into your steam wallet. illiquid as fuck.

>> No.795578


Professional web developer and programmer here I could build you the website very fast for a price to be discussed.

>> No.795579

Jesus fucking Christ not these retards again. You took a break from looking stupid now you're going at it again?

Grow the fuck up, wow.

>> No.795586
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>That a recent or near recent Slavic immigrant is doing way better than your retarded ass.
Oi, I'm sure you're doing great slav. Got yourself a Mercedes and a Members Only jacket. Livin the dream.

Don't be a hater. Stay on topic. This thread is about Slavs teaching us what passive income means.

>> No.795609

How'd you find my picture? I'll find you I'll wreck your shit mate.

>> No.796031

I-I'm not an immigrant I was born in the U.S. and my father is full blooded Russian (also born in the U.S.)

I am moving to Serbia in a few months though

>> No.796042
File: 19 KB, 400x244, slavic pride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was born in the U.S.
Don't disclaim your heritage, race traitor. Show a little Slavic pride!

>> No.796366


What does Serbia offer over Russia, isn't Russia booming with the oil and gas business fuelling the economy? I thought the Serbian economy would be weaker by comparison.

>> No.796384

Serbia has freedom of expression. Freedom of the press. Not owned by a local strong man. Access to the Med. Good weather. Everything Russia hasn't got.

>> No.797621

I would like to be able to do this, I feel inspired by hearing about people who are actually successful with it, but I presently lack any skills except for how to use the internet basically.

By this I mean with a minimal amount of initial work and regular maintenance, you are able to make at least like $300 a month.

Limitations: Not willing to do anything illegal, can't keep a physical inventory of anything or have huge hardware. Basically something I can do with my laptop at the mall or library (because if I actually try to work at home I'll just end up fapping and browsing 4chan, like I did most of the time when taking online classes).

>> No.797847


Aren't you a feisty little shitposter!

>> No.797868

Thanks for posting this anon.

>> No.797875
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>> No.798037

thank you OP, i'am going to write an article about how i lost weight (105kg to 84 kg in 3 years) and i will see how much i make. Don't care if it's little money i don't work anyway.
Also i have a youtube account and 0 video, what video should i upload for getting a lot of views without being too much reported for spam or movie ?

>> No.798869
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OK, more specifically:

Lets say I want to start a blog and youtube channel, I have plenty of things to talk about and can get my stuff noticed without spamming or stealing content:

Where I I begin having no experience, equipment or skills aside form browsing the internet. I'm not a digital native and never learned anything else. I assume I would need to get a camera, learn some basic video editing, decide which blog platform to use, and learn how to use it, etc. Where to begin and how to go about it.

One thing I do have experience with is tumblr blogging. I once had a blog I would post/reblog porn, and another where I post funny pictures form 4chan. Because of how clever and thorough I was with tags, some very popular blogs started following me, and some of my posts got tens of thousand reblogs. However, as far as I know you can't make money with tumblr other than deceiving people with spam url clickbait links. What are some other blog platforms I can just as easily just make one and start posting, like you do on tumblr, but able to allow advertising and get a share of revenue?

>> No.799068

>By this I mean with a minimal amount of initial work and regular maintenance, you are able to make at least like $300 a month.

These things, save for purely capital-leverage based things, will typically take a substantial amount of upfront work. However, $300 a month isn't that much. That's only $10 a day, very doable. There are a fuckload of methods out there, most of them can be accelerated with upfront capital. Use them


You need to be writing at least an article every day to see any significant return within a months-two months time. It's definitely a worthwhile option, especially if you enjoy writing articles and may consider using your hubpages account as a portfolio for better writing jobs.

>> No.799178


>> No.799994

do you use free hosting / pay for a domain name? question goes for others who work with affiliates in case he doesnt come back

>> No.800025

I'm back.
Definitely go with real hosting and pay for domains. 1 domain costs me about 10 dollars and the part of the shared hosting for that 1 domain costs me perhaps $3 per year. If you can't make more than $13 per site you really should not be in the game.

>> No.800044

How do you get very niche topics to make money?

>> No.800098

I'm currently learning how to build niche sites and monetize them. Keyword research is a beast but I'm trying to learn it quickly while I still have a free Market Samurai trial.

>> No.800143

You can run adsense on your tumblr blog

>> No.800471

how? And does it actually work as well as it would on something like wordpress? Cause on tumblr posts are mainly viewed through the dashboard feed and tag searches. Only time I'm actually browsing blogs themselves is when I'm fapping.