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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7950215 No.7950215 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else used to spend whole days researching shit coins, investing, looking at meme graphs and after this ''crash'' has burned out?

literally 0 motivation to spend a single minute on this thing anymore, I have a huge stack of alts which are bleeding with each day

I feel like all these 30%+ moons have fucked up my investing mentality and I fell for the hold meme

And now honestly if there isn't any huge pump by whales or some big news what the fuck would drive the price up, I can't be the only one tired of this shit

>> No.7950248

Yeah. This board turning to total shit isn't helping either.

>> No.7950343


>> No.7951029
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It's not as exciting to lose money.

>> No.7951061

>spends all day researching this shit

And yet you didn't know it was gonna crash, anon? Explain yourself, and I will relieve you of your suffering...

>> No.7951166
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Biz is such shit after the January crash.
Hopefully it will gitgud again once everything moons again.

>> No.7951188

Its shit because we are in a bear market and there is little to talk about. When bullmarket comes back it will be a party again

>> No.7951191

i thought i had more time anon.... i just needed some more time....

>> No.7951260

You fucking faggots have no other problems then this stupid board being "le funny place"?

Just be happy that you get some time go prepare for the next run.

>inb4 "But I'm already a whale"
Then STFU and enjoy your (future) money.

>> No.7951281

>I have a huge stack of alts which are bleeding with each day

You know what? Give me your stack and start from scratch. That way I'll finally have some serious money and you'll have an incentive to hustle again. Win/win

>> No.7951288

I was just thinking the same thing. I don't know whether to just forget about what I hold, or cash out and quit this shit. It's counterproductive.

>> No.7951291

If you want immediate action there are futures.

>> No.7951294

I just feel spent, doesn't help that nothing in this market follows any logic or solid projects.

>> No.7951340

just go all in in LINK

>> No.7951564

same boat
i sold all my shitcoins through january to funnel it all to eth, and now i'm just holding and focusing on working on my projects

>> No.7951972

you can make cash in a bear market, surprise

>> No.7952005

newfag here. i have spent 300€ in crypto and i habe only 190 RLC left, which i am hodling the next year. it seems the best projcet for me. i dont care any more. i cant see this fucking chinks coins anymore.. the developers are criminal chinese scum, who scam dumbfag whites.

>> No.7952011

I stopped after the first January crash. It burned me out. I'm still in for the long haul, but I'm done putting fiat in and I'm generally comfy in my coins. So basically, I casually watch prices and that's it.

>> No.7952140

Aww, little baby thought he was a master investor when literally every coin was mooning and as soon as the market is not retardedly abundant he loses interest.

Back to wagecucking

>> No.7952187

yes, i'm really burnt out. i haven't traded since the end of january.

i was never a hodler so from my personal ath i am only maybe 4% down, but even though i'm not losing money this crash is burning me out, just waiting for the chance to go long again on a real, sustained trend, but personally i think it will be months before crypto finds its footing again. it's just weird going from months of trading obsessively every day to now not even paying attention because i know the market is fucked.

>> No.7952210

yep except i drained myself out in december ... was still into it in january... and february i just look like once a day. Issue is I have lost about 60% of my BITCOIN..... yeah 60% of my bitcoin are gone from holding shit alts. Would things be different if I spent more time... maybe but I was just bored of this shit and so tired of it. Hopefully ill be ready if this shit stops being so stupid but ive been spending way less time on crypto recently

>> No.7952254

same here. dont even know what my portfolio is worth. didnt look for the last 2 weeks. was up to 600k in jan.

>> No.7952544


>> No.7952666

How to make money in a bearmarket?

>> No.7952730
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>when bitcoin goes near its peak/dip, invest in altcoins
>when bitcoin gets shitty news/alts go bull for too long, invest in btc
I don't get why you don't swing trade? Just literally buy the dip in any coin you believe in the long term aka value investing aka Warren Buffet that shit like he did in the bull market of his day.
If you're scared, just swing trade half of your portfolio. I doubt that your weak ass hands would allow you to spend days researching shit.

>> No.7952785
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>> No.7952839

between all the fat old fuckfaces like buffet and dimon who destroyed America, and the major governments of world like china korea us etc coming out waving their arms screeming and all the fucking scam shit ICOs its pretty much dead. MAYBE a few coins make it but niggers like vitalik buterin are on the enemies side always saying crypto to zero and fudding 24/7. fuck eth fuck crash coins. The only decent coins are made by the official digital currency laboratories, everything else is just FUD FUD FUD

>> No.7952907


Yep. You should sell it all and leave crypto. I

will buy all these alts once they drop another 10-20% and build up a nice stack for the next bull run.

>> No.7952983

Same here OP. don't know what to do.

>> No.7953172

Personally, I don't feel crypto is the way to riches unless you have tens of thousands invested.

I cashed out so i could start my own business and build a foundation

>> No.7953255

Also unless you're day trading which 98% of you aren't, why are you checking the prices everyday?