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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7948510 No.7948510[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

girl here, can I get some tips on making myself desirable to a self-made multi-millionaire?

besides my appearance I mean, I know that's key but I'm pretty hot lol

>> No.7948521

Tits or gtfo

>> No.7948524
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Learn to to cook and succ

>> No.7948539

pretty much learn how to suck dick and make sandwitches

>> No.7948590

Be smart
Be an asset rather than a burden

>> No.7948631


Show me how you are an investment that will appreciate. How will you take my networth to the next level?

>> No.7948648

Train yourself to never contradict a single thing he says or does.

>> No.7948665

post your titties or remove yourself forthwith.

>> No.7948694

Show brapper and vegana.

>> No.7948706

bitch lasagna

>> No.7948822

You're asking /biz/ so you'll get a /biz/ answer.
Your target group sees things through a market-oriented lens. Everything can be rationalised into purely economic terms, with net advantages and disadvantages, over short, medium and long terms. Everything has an assumed level of risk with an expected level of reward or failure.
Currently, girls are seen as a detriment. Especially relationships.
>buying a depreciating asset at the ATH and bagholding indefinitely
If you want to get really autistic you can factor in opportunity cost and draft a plan for how many whores you need to sate your sexual appetite and how much that would cost you, then compare that against a relationship. I guarantee at least somebody has done this, probably on /biz/.
Anyway, in simpler terms, for a self-made millionaire to begin a relationship with a girl would be like you buying a gimmicky sports car. Cool at first, but practically worthless and less fun as time goes on. Better put, the odds are not in your favour.
So what can you do to increase those odds? Unfortunately, guys don't really care about how much money a girl has/earns, and will most likely be put off if its any orders of magnitude more than them.
You should instead try to focus on developing the inner self through healthy living and pursuing intellectual interests while keeping yourself open to opportunities and meeting new people. Don't be a whore and have something interesting to bring to the table.

>> No.7948843

Being hot is not that important in the long term of things but it does help. Because he can get any hot woman who's for sale, but it's a fling. In other hand, a woman who provides an anchor, advice, is good at managing anything, or brings other things to the table is a keeper.

So, every time he meets other women, you'll be the highest standard. He won't risk leaving you for a bimbo.

>> No.7948845
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>> No.7948865

you're on 4chan you get a 4chan answer
tits or gtfo

>> No.7948877

meatbags + roasthole + timestamp

after that leave, women have no worth or value. You're objects that make me shoot genetic material out of my dick and after that nothing else.

>> No.7948887

>making sand witches

>> No.7948891

pls open bob sir
else sir please leave sir ty

>> No.7948904

Enthusiastic blowjobs on demand

>> No.7948915

the absolute state of larping in /biz/


>> No.7948929
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i love reddit memes

>> No.7949047
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I have a rich uncle, who turns into a dirty gremling when my aunt is away. The guy won't shower, cut his hair, and forget essentially all about personal hygiene. Starts drinking and smoking non stop. He does this to the point its a hazard to his well being. Once she's back, she whips him back in shape, like the guy in pic. He KNOWS he needs my aunt or he'll die.

>> No.7949104

this is what matters

not this
of course I am speaking more to guys looking for a girl rather than OP

>> No.7949296

Show me your tits!