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7945934 No.7945934 [Reply] [Original]

god damn,

today I've decided to leave the EthPhoenix.io discord, remove the bookmark for the website and just sit patiently. I've become addicted.

Take care of her boys :')

>> No.7945997
File: 41 KB, 400x386, fff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why were you in this piece of shit to begin with L M F A O

>> No.7946024

its too good, everyday i check discord on my phone. I type in !status in #query the phoenix and i see how big she has gotten!

>> No.7946035

Oh look, it's another "desperate bag holders telling you how not desperate they are but be sure to invest in this scheme and buy my bags" thread.
Out of all the /biz/-related discords I'm in, the ethpyramid discord is the most pathetic one.

>> No.7946289
File: 51 KB, 259x259, 61b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

otoh you should always do the opposite of what biz says

biz hates this fucking thing

I hate this fucking thing

does that mean i should buy it

>actually needing to think about this, what has this shitty cambodian crochet board done to me

>> No.7946495

Easy to do when you are earning free eth off weak hands cashing out. I like this set and forget attitude you got anon, considering it myself. It's not like ethpy is going anywhere

>> No.7946538

Right, there are a lot of people spreading baseless fud because they are making there own ponzi coin and want theirs to be number one. Just point and laugh..

And your right, don't trust /biz/ on anything include this post, do your own research

>> No.7946566

Come now, just let the people have a look at https://powhchart.com/ and see for themselves how tanked you still are thanks to the dump by Divine.
You guys still didn't manage to get to the INITIAL PURCHASE PRICE. And even with your increasing users, the contract's math prevents you from doing anything significant unless 232 comes back and shoves some more ETH > 50 into this shit.
I still don't get why you just rebranded, instead of creating an empty contract. This is so dumb.

>> No.7946574

Talking shit without looking at any facts.

Does the graph look like people are afraid sitting on bags and can't sell? Shit talk.

>> No.7946594


>> No.7946599

i'll be honest with you, i have over 1 eth in this shit
i think there's a reasonable chance it goes to "0" (technically not 0 0, but close enough)
but there's also a reasonable chance it works and for the people who miss out 2-3 years down the line to be incredibly salty
i'm not really in to make a return on investment, gambling on shitcoins with meme lines is more fruitful
it's more about preparing for an "i told you so" moment

>> No.7946606

It actually does, see >>7946566 and get back to your homo discord you fucking shill. You are the cancer destroying this board. 90% of the current threads are shill threads that originate on a number of discords.

>> No.7946620

Are admitting to be part of those very discord then too? So are you just center shilling because you want your project to do better? What a greedy nigger. Got a problem with open source, crowd funded projects that started on /biz/

>> No.7946651

>Are admitting to be part of those very discord then too?
Yes, of course. It helps me seperate the shillposts from actual and interesting content.
>So are you just center shilling because you want your project to do better?
"My project"? I'm not involved in any of these cancerous things and I hope you all get busted for promoting and operating ponzischemes. Hell, I hope that 232 keeps his word.

>> No.7946686

Are really trying implying this is illegal? Think ether roll is any different? Why did Dappradar include ethpy in the top ten list of that is the case?

>> No.7946709

>Are really trying implying this is illegal?
>Think ether roll is any different?
No I don't. That is just _as_ guilty, if not even more. Enjoy discussing how this is not money laundering in court you faggot.
>Why did Dappradar include ethpy in the top ten list of that is the case?
Because they don't fucking care.

>> No.7946780

remember to sage all ponzi schemes

this isn't 2014 anymore kiddos

>> No.7946802

>transparent gambling game called a pyramid
>says were are fooling people
You realize there are warning all over the site right? What deception do you think is taking place.

So, on your line of logic, would you say that powh3d is equally illegal then?

>> No.7946829

>You realize there are warning all over the site right?
This is more on the state of multi-level-marketing schemes which is very very borderline legal.
>So, on your line of logic, would you say that powh3d is equally illegal then?
Yes. That is equally illegal if it does the same as the previous versions.

>> No.7946835

I agree with your reasoning but this isn't illegal. Crypto is (for now) an unregulated market, which is why shit like this can pop up in the first place.

Looks like you'd have to be a braindead pajeet to put money in this though. Although there are a lot of those around the crypto scene these days. I reckon if this thing had a referral program it would explode.

>> No.7947287

>what is an unregulated market

Oh look a powh3d shill. You referral program stinks like shit, making a true pyramid scheme. Ever consider both of these projects can make each other better?

>> No.7947409

>ITT: ponzibot fudding ethphoenix in the hope people buy into his shitclone that will have 20+ ETH preloaded

>> No.7947495

all you FUDers are a bunch of poor faggots, can't even afford to throw .1 ETH into the best Dapp created so far, only can afford to shit in the streets and come post to /biz/ in hopes this doesn't moon so you can feel better about yourself for being a pathetic poor fuck.

>> No.7947514

Read my previous posts. I don't like any of these pyramid scheme things.

You sure you're replying to the right person?

>> No.7947591

Yes my bad, didn't mean to double reply to you! Thank you for the correction anon. I was talking to the guy spreading fud about this being illegal.

Can you post that link for the cointel page that wrote a review on ethpy?

>> No.7947613

do i look like i keep links handy you little bitch? EthPhoenix.io theres the only link you need.

>> No.7947679

You don't look like anything.
Also, maybe you should provide some sauce for your claims, bitch.

>> No.7947688

what claims you dumb mother fucker?

>> No.7947733

You said this was one of the best Dapps created. I agree with you, and this is also the conclusion of the folks at Dappradar...i figured you were referring to that

>> No.7947766

quit changing your ID faggot. and dappradar fucking sucks. If you know anything about Dapps, they all suck cock except this one and etheroll.

>> No.7947815

Can't help it, got bad reception here so it keeps switching, thanks for noticing. Does it change anything I said? Let's try to keep this thread on topic for once before it devolves to even more shit flinging

>> No.7947823

It's funny to see how people eventually try it and put in like 0.1 ETH. Then the same or next day you notice bigger deposits, check the wallet and It's the guy that tested with 0.1 before.

As soon as you try it and actually see the dividends coming in you are hooked. Ethphoenix.io

>> No.7947893

REEEEEEEEE Just sell your Phoenix coins

>> No.7947898

there are 2 kinds of people in this world. People who hold EPX/Y... and idiots.

>> No.7947917

I agree, I see Countless number of deposits that are sub .1 eth, lots of folks watching. Double the number of users since last week

>> No.7947930

But how far is this going to go? Seriously? What is there that's gonna make a difference? You can't change the contract, right? So what's next to get this to move?

>> No.7947964

There is a futures market that is already in beta and being tested right now. People will be able to short this even without being invested in ethpy at all. Coming next week!

>> No.7948012

This could actually be more of a game changer, if it works. And it won’t, believe me.

>> No.7948089

>believe me
Got any reason why it won't work? It's currently working great

>> No.7948292

So, I wasn't around for all of it, but first there two actual pyramid schemes that collapsed, cause d'uh - of course they did.

The came POWH, a 'transparent' pyramid scheme, actually sustainable long term, yet the ponzibot character involved in it, undercut the first iteration by creating a second version were he could buy even tokens more at the start. Unfortunately, he wasn't much of a programmer, and wouldn't accept the help being offered, and (surprise, surprise) he'd screwed up the math, and lost 2 million dollars for all invested ( or depending who you listen to, he was part of the scam and paid a percentage of the take).

During this time, devs that discovered weaknesses in the POWH version, who tried to help, but were rejected, and started a safe math version, now known as ethphoenix.io, that is stable and profitable for holders, plus, neither a pyramid nor a ponzi.

And now sometime in the next day, the original cast of characters from the two versions that lost so much money is returning with a 3rd version, yet this time they have modified what the ethphoenix team created adding in features that ACTUALLY MAKE IT A PYRAMID SCHEME


Just what we all need right now, a real pyramid scheme in this space.... (that is sarcasm, in case anyone missed it..)

>> No.7948325

it's not always about how far is it going, we've already come pretty far, 260 ETH is a lot of ETH to collect dividends on if it drops to "0" like a like of FUDers are saying it will do. That just means they either haven't done the math or are too scared to throw some ETH in. Volume will come naturally one people realize what they are missing, you can't force people into things like this.

>> No.7948359

>yet this time they have modified what the ethphoenix team created
Again, I'm not affiliated with any of them, but apparently they wrote everything from scratch. We'll see on release tho.
But yeah, I agree. Fucking overload of negative connotations that hinder mass adoption.

>> No.7948383

Can confirm, nice post anon

>> No.7948387

I think a lot of people (myself included) don't want to put ETH into something that cannot easily be exited without a 20% loss. I understand the 'Proof of Weak Hands' thing, but you need other people coming in after you to make it worth it.

If people sell out from under you your tokens become worth less and less ETH.

I know the whole thing is meant to be cyclical as well but it seems like nobody is buying in anymore.

>> No.7948516

We're you around when this first started? No one bought or sold for like 5 days straight. Remeber, the floor keep rising with the div snek.

My point is, there hasn't been this much activity in this project ever. If anything it is far from slowing down because it's never had so much momentum as it does now

>> No.7948557

I do hear you on the 20%, but I also look at that as a barrier to keep out people that probably shouldn't be there in the first place.

For me, I look at the 20% and think: "For a contract that will be essentially eternal, that returned about 5% in dividends last week alone, does it seem reasonable that I could do better than break even with not a lot of downside?"

For me, that answer is yes - though I am also not risking money it would hurt me to lose...

>> No.7948569

being in the pyramid makes more sense than not being in the pyramid, no matter what is happening. listen to this. If the price of Ethereum goes up, that means EthPhoenix tokens value goes up in dollars as well. if the price of Ethereum is going down, EthPhoenix tokens will still be worth the same amount of Ethereum, but if people sell or buy because Ethereum is dipping, you will earn even more ETH in dividends. If people are selling EPX, the price per token goes down, but you are earning dividends from each sell, and as more tokens are sold, dividends are split between less and less people so you get a higher % of every sell after every sell (exponentially increasing dividends even when it's crashing). If EPX is going up, your tokens are worth more, and you are still making dividends. In any situation it make's more sense to be holding EPX if you have strong enough hands.

>> No.7948679


Someone redpill me on why this is a bad idea, I've been mobbed by a swarm of pajeets. Just bagholders that want my ETH?

>> No.7948727

the only reason it would be a bad idea for you to put ETH in is if you are going to need to pull it out any time soon. You earn ETH in this Dapp when there is volatility (either up or down because holders earn 10% dividends on all buys and sells) so if there is no volatility, you make no ETH, but you always have the option to sell to get out, but it may be at a loss if you haven't stayed in long enough.

>> No.7948742

to be fair, there's diminishing returns. while you get the same proportion of tokens at any price point, if you have a large enough amount of tokens a complete dump could be devastating
on the other hand if you put under 0.2 eth, it's mathematically guaranteed you'd profit if everyone left the contract
of course, plenty of participants are well aware of that, and many are in no rush to sell regardless how low the token goes. long stretches of low activity are more likely than colossal dumps

>> No.7948768

I don't know why it's a bad idea, that's why I'm in. It's a social expironment/game / economic chicken that's about to change the game for good.
It could also be used as a former global.social security so the implication and applications of this are limitless.

Only thing you can do wrong is sell too early

>> No.7948782

i'm a bagholder and i'll tell you to NOT get in
this is not reverse psychology
ethphoenix is a game of patience first and foremost, and if the shilling can incite FOMO in you then you're more likely to be one of the guys who will panicsell and realise a loss
you need iron hands for this shit

>> No.7948783

yes, you are correct, it actually make more sense to hold less tokens if you think it will go bear and crash.

>> No.7948847

yep. i should have stressed i agree with you and think it's rational to put up to 1% of your eth into ethphoenix. if this takes off you'll be damn glad you did so, if it doesn't this isn't going to hurt your bottomline. investing is not about memelines and adverts disguised as whitepapers, but about identifying asymmetrical opportunities and taking a chance in them knowing most will go to zero but the one that takes off will more than make up for it

>> No.7949182


>> No.7949392

Not add the fact a future market is coming out for this soon and what do you get?

>> No.7949803

Lazy Sunday bump

>> No.7949956

not sure what you're talking about but the implementation of futures is supposed to encourage market manipulation (which will pay holders massive dividends over time)

>> No.7950015

My question would be ,"Why is this called a pyramid scheme?" If I understand correctly, all coins are worth the same regardless of how many you own or when you bought them, yes? So if that's true then where's the pyramid part?

It's not that coins are cheaper when you buy them earlier...that's always true in a successful venture. I bought FB stock many years ago at $39. If you buy now it costs $182. If everybody sells it will go to shit. That's just a market...not a pyramid scheme. So my question is...where is the pyramid part?

>> No.7950057

Thanks for putting that better than I did, I think people don't relaize how big that will be.

>> No.7950103

Nobody knows what to call these contracts, because they are neither 100% pyramids or ponzis. Nothing like these have ever existed and what is why we are so excited about it.

>> No.7950133
File: 1.12 MB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Faggots,

My name is Norsefire, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, bag-holders who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass discords. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten 1K EPY? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of ponzibot because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to Phoenix porn on DeviantArt.

Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the drinking team, and started a pyramid scheme. What sports do you play, other than “shilling to same fags on /biz/”? I also get straight A’s, and live in banging hot Singapore (She just blew up economically; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch, tocsick

>> No.7950136

Pyramid just scares the normie away, but your right. It really isn't a true pyramid because it has no "Top" . The top can be bought by someone right now, negating the pyramid.
It's more of a 4d cude scheme looping and compounding on itself. Remeber the buy in feature in linear and the interest is compounding.

This. This is a quantum shift in crypto

>> No.7950239


>> No.7950523

A new way to store money and get a steady return, just make sure u have iron hands.

>> No.7950651

A wallet, held on the blockchain and validated publicly, governed and managed by an emotionless robot

>> No.7950760

it really is essentially a bank at this point, everyone has access to the funds, but only to the extent of their holdings.. we earn interest (dividends) when the bank does well (deposits/withdrawls)

>> No.7951022

There is a version of this contract with only 10% gap between buy and sell prices.
Take a look: http://www.getjustcoin.com/coin.html

>> No.7951050


>> No.7951127

good work pajeet

>> No.7951388

You got anything to add?

>> No.7952136
