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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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793442 No.793442 [Reply] [Original]

>How much money do you save each month.

>> No.793446

80% of the 600 weekly i get

>> No.793448


>> No.793449

$1000 a month

>> No.793459


>> No.793466

over six figures
2800-3000 each month

>> No.793489



18k € after taxes

>> No.793508 [DELETED] 

9.25 USD/hr
All of it minus the odd coffee or lunch.

>> No.793509

30 years old
$45K annual
$1,000 saved per month

>> No.793517

25K last year
800 i think. 15% goes to my TSP

>> No.793520


sounds like a lot i guess but i want to retire at 35

>> No.793538

$30/hr at 20 hours
Just one of my paychecks, so about $500.

>> No.793552


52,200 gross
1500 saved a month

>> No.793574

>i want to retire at 35

You'll have to do better then that

>> No.793580

>400 to 600
>About 20% of my paycheck goes to my TFSA

>> No.793581


>> No.793592

Should point out, 1600 with 401K, dumping my gf for somebody who actually pays their rent.

>> No.793593

either you live in the middle of a metropolis, have a lot of debt, or you can do a lot better than that

>> No.793597

2.5k, 1.5k before tax, 1k after

>> No.793604


>90k year

What do you do Anon?

>> No.793605


>> No.793610

>92k - $70k after tax

>> No.793614


What do you do?

>> No.793616

I'm a baller.

>> No.793617


teach me b0ss

>> No.793621

I'm a military officer. I make this much because I live in a high cost of living area, so I get extra pay. These allowances are tax free, so they help me save a lot. The problem with having money is that you always find a way to blow it. I used to spend my cash on drinks and pony merch. Now I only go out once a week. So that also makes dating tougher. Finding a girl isn't the problem. Finding a girl worth keeping is.

You have to be careful not to get a dependasaurus. Young enlisted marry the first chick that gives them the time of day.

TFW no gf. At least I have a waifu.

>> No.793625

It can't be taught.
Dumb luck, I'm probably the least skilled, most overpaid person in my country (with the exception of our politicians).

It cancels out because I'm a functioning alcoholic and my boss is an absolute cunt so I feel I deserve it.

>> No.793630

22, 21k, $300

>> No.793633

>me: $105k, wife: $140k
>$6k per month between the two of us

>> No.793637


Military officer? that took my by surprise, I was expecting something along the lines of Nuclear engineer and the likes

>> No.793651
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$1075 Rent
$175 Lunch
$350 Groceries for two
$150 Gas
$130 Utilities
$75 Phone Bill
$80 Internet + Cable
$30 Subscriptions
$235 Entertainment/Restaurants/Birthday Gifts/Unknown Fees

>> No.793656

Yeah, it's a good gig if you can get it. Lot of downsides though. Can't smoke weed, low freedom, group think. Once you stop caring about the bullshit it's easy work.

>> No.793663

Military officer seems like it would be an interesting career path. What branch and what do you do?

>> No.793672


I'm graduating at the end of the year tho then I'll work full time and become a wageslave

>> No.793677

feels bad man

>> No.793679


What are you majoring in?

>> No.793700


Also not sure if I should try for the CPA right away, I just want to get a stable office job and work for a bit

>> No.793710

50% of my after tax income

>> No.793716

Do the cpa as quick as possible. You will not regret it.

>> No.793718


this. getting your CPA is crucial. you can get a shitty office job later, but studying for CPA is going to be brutal while working at the same time. Many people do it though, so to each his/her own

>> No.793835


>> No.793865

>gross $5500 per mo
>save 2200

manchild masterrace

>> No.793867
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>i don't save as such, money just accumulates a little each month, in the account i've been using since my time as a student, maybe £500 as a guess

>> No.793868

after tax and student loan taken out*

>> No.793869

Bait. Or do you live with relatives?

>> No.793870

€1000 during summer months, only 300 while I'm in college

>> No.793885


>> No.793892

23k (counting scholarship refunds used for rent etc)
0, I don't spend it all but I'm going to need the money over the next couple years, so I'm not truly saving it

>> No.793917

2nd semester accounting
live with parents
cant get a job cause of fucking class hours and im on free tuiton (aka scholarship) so i cant complain about the schedule

>> No.793930



kill me now

>> No.793953

How the fuck?

>> No.793958

A little over 90k.

>> No.794048
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145k, probably over 160k from personal investments and bonuses.
1200-1800 into cash savings, another 1k into a 401k plan
Pic related

>> No.794079

> 24
>about 16,5k zloties a year (4k €), about 1400 zloties a month (350€)
>saving 200 zloties a month (50€)

Kill me please. High risk job, including being killed or seriously injured or infected. Kill me now...

I havr nothing to live for.

>> No.794103

145k for assistant VP seems low. what do VP's and SVP's make?

I know MD's take home millions

>> No.794104


Banking salary has never been very high... they make the bulk of it through bonuses.

Also.. "assistant" VP...

Still puts him up there in the 2% population...

>> No.794113

Not working yet, starting in a month. My plan:

>$700 per month

My budget is tight, but 700 is all I can feasibly do based on very conservative estimates. Also repaying 500 of debt per month, so when thats gone Ill have that too.

>> No.794116

could save 2500 but i'm putting it all toward paying off my car right now

>> No.794119

50% per month

>> No.794120

Yep, this is going to be me. If I'm lucky I will pass 1 section before starting work. Honestly, this exam is just the most brutal thing ever. Even without working. I was an A student throughout college and Im struggling HARD with this shit.

>> No.794134
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lol I make a fraction what you do but save as much as you and work 30 hours a week and live with my parents.

Why the fuck does anyone ever move out again?

>> No.794153

None of you will believe me, but you asked for it
This year will be over $300,000
I save nearly everything. My parents let me live with them for free and they pay for my phone. I help my mom out with groceries though.

Breaks over, back to work

>> No.794156


>> No.794191


>> No.794198


Just turned 26
$40k - $60k Depending on the year I have
I save about 80% of what I bring in. I rent a place, don't go out a lot and am pretty frugal. I save and reinvest most of my money where and when I can. Last year saved over $40k, hoping for $50k this year.

>> No.794203

>makes 40k
>saves 40k
>pays no taxes

>> No.794210

I said between $40k and $60k. Last year I made about $55k, after taxes was closer to $40k, then my side investments were cash deals that paid for most of my living expenses.

>> No.794236

stfu, gtfo /biz/

There is like a million shitheads like you who are barely 18+ and claim to be making 300k

>> No.794237


Who gives that much money to a manchild?

Programmer I take it?

>> No.794238

Sorry for you man... Really sorry...

By currency I guess you are from poland, shame on your country. Any way I can help you?

>> No.794239


Unless you starve yourself and don't use shampoo, there's no chance you can save that much.

Just admit you live with parents.

>> No.794245

4k€ gross a month
I don't save, I reinvest

>> No.794246


My father actually lives with me since he is a piece of shit and couldn't live on his own.

I own my car ($3,500, nothing special), my rent is low and water is included. I just have rent, electric, phone and car insurance to pay. Gas and food are there too, just as needed. My living expenses are less than $12k a year, which my side jobs/investments make up for most of. Last year I got lucky with my investments, this year, I might not.

I don't skimp on the necessities, and trust me, my fatass isn't starving. I just don't go out to eat a lot like everybody else seems to.

>> No.794290

100k- 140k depending on bonus.
Live in parent basement, only pay for medical and a bus pass. I save at least 5k a month but I am too lazy to check how much. Am I /frugal/?

>> No.794388

about $50

>> No.794394
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>> No.794397

>350 groceries
>175 lunch ????
>235 amonth on restaurants holy shit nigger why learn how to cook

>> No.794424

How do you make 12k a month at 19?

>> No.794437
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$200 -moving out of moms soon

>> No.794458

75k a year
100% of my job money, I live off the 2 properties I own because my current place is already paid off.

>> No.794474

>145k for assistant VP seems low. what do VP's and SVP's make?

it all varys by the bank. some banks don't have the same titles other banks have.

Barclays: Analyst, AVP, VP, Director, MD, C-level

Morgan: Analyst, Associate, VP, Executive Director, MD, C-level

JPM: Analyst, Associate, Senior Associate, VP, MD...

AVPs at Barclays make more JPM's VP starting bracket(125k) for instance.

And way cheaper to give people titles than +8% raises every. So nowadays, most of the major IBs are top heavy with a VP/MD for every one or two associate.

>I know MD's take home millions
Maybe the %2 of MDs do that, but not realistically. Because the larger IB's are so top heavy, you can have one MD reporting up a chain of 3 other MDs. Most realistically do 250k-400k range if you're at the bottom rung of MDs.

>Banking salary has never been very high... they make the bulk of it through bonuses.

Depends on if you're in the front office or back office, and whether you're a money maker or a cost-center.

>Also.. "assistant" VP...

>Still puts him up there in the 2% population...
Not quite there yet.... 2% is about 180k if I remember correctly.

>> No.794798

Damn. If you have the right education, you can get a nice wage in Poland. But if you don't, then it's a total shithole. Emigrate to Germany or UK, you will earn much more and they prefer immigrant Poles over Turks and Arabs. You just need to learn the language.

>> No.794804

>~1250k (student)

>> No.794806

- 31
- about 9k € annually (= 800€ a month), it fucking sucks
- try to save as much as possible, but i'm still making deficits because rent, groceries etc.

my plan to fix this:
- completing my degree soon
- looking into _tiny_ stock exchange deals
- selling stuff i create (games, music, shirts) (lol of course i wish, but i can try)

any other ideas?

>> No.794813


holy shit thats a pathetic savings rate

>> No.794817

5.05/hr + those pizza boy tips
After car payment and insurance, like a dollar maybe two

>> No.794827

student, 0 income

>> No.794846

4500 per month

>> No.794848

what do you do

>> No.794850

I'm a single page app javascript developer, btw.

>> No.794853
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My law exam results are due in an hour
If all went well there might he a bright future
If i failed i can seriously consider to kill myself

I feel so old. Hold me /biz/

>> No.795052

>Like, $15 an hour, but I get some weeks of 1 day of work, some weeks 6 days of work
>50% of my taxable income, not net

>> No.795069

Please do not kill itself, dude. Pray for bettering the world of our planet.

>> No.795072

$300k starting
>How much money do you save each month.
Half ($150k)

Dual math/engineer major btw

>> No.795083

>300k starting
I thought this meme died

>> No.795085


Good thing I got a Chemical Engineering degree, r-right guys! Heh heh... fuck Canada in the anus

>> No.795091

>being this mad
lmao stay poor, poorfag

>> No.795253

> lives in moms basement as a grown adult
> eats bread and peanut better for breakfast, lunch, dinner.
> goes out once a year to buy clearance peanut butter
> has no friends

Sure, I can save 90% of my take home pay too

>> No.795263




$600 of every paycheck goes into savings. I'm an entry-level private accountant for an investment firm. Supposedly the raises come quickly in this department but I've been here for a year with none, so we'll see I guess.

>> No.795390

~$1,215 per month

>> No.795454

$However much I can embezzle from my upper class parents, normally $2-5k a month

>> No.795466

about $1000 when working full time

>> No.795468

What do you do?

>> No.795470

1080/month saved. 350 in the 401k rest in savings to build emergency fund

>> No.795536

Who is your waifu anon?

>> No.795546

2 to 5k a month embezzled means your parents are rich not upper middle class

>> No.795550

220k before taxes

>> No.795588


are you me

>> No.795713

800 a month + maxed ira starting in a month.

>> No.795721

Anything between $15600 and $24000 after taxes
I try to save at least $700 a month.

>> No.795735

Where do you live and where do you work brachu?
Gdynia reporting in

As for myself:
>about 26k zloty annually (including bonuses), about 1900 zloty (about 2800 each quater thanks to my bonus)
>able to save between 1000 - 1500 zloty per month, but at the cost living with my parents (not a freeloader, I pay "rent" and buy half of the groceries) and barely going out

I work a semi-shit office job and currently looking for something better

>> No.795739

What do you do?

>> No.795741

What do you invest in brehs to get to that sweet financial freedom? Lycor ETFs available on GPW or something via international broker account?

>> No.795745

I only started investing by buying CDProjekt shares (babbys first stock) for pure speculation. Didn't make much, but I'm still counting on making some cash from them once they publish their interim report on 26th August. Also planning to start buying and renting out small property (garage space), but I'm still researching and looking for good offers. To be honest, I'm actually hoping for a small crash, because I have cash to buy stuff.

>> No.795751

52k a year
$1400 saved per month.

I still live at home with my parents but they don't work so I help pay the bills. I feel like I'm behind on saving. How much should I have saved by now? I have about 60k in savings right now.

>> No.795752

Also wanna know.

>> No.795753

Mommy and Daddy let me live with them and change my dipeys

>> No.795761

You do realize those are yearly incomes, right?

>> No.795781

1.5k a year

live with parents :S

>> No.795799

0 (6k in the bank)
Most when I work
How fucked am I?

>> No.795805


>> No.795849


>> No.795883

Between $80-175k
Around $4000

>> No.795887

Probably about 1.5-2k. Make enough to not have to check.

>> No.795906

There is honestly no point to make money if you save it all. I make the same as you working 30 to 35 hours a week and I can save about 2000 a month and still have money to enjoy life.

>> No.795924


I get enjoyment seeing over 250k in my account statements and knowing I have a net worth of over half a million.

>> No.795956

Age: 39

Income: $76,000 base, normally a bit over $100,000 though.

How much money do you save each month.
401(k): $600 to $800
Savings: $200 to $400
Roth IRA: save until I max it out.

>> No.795958

5-7%, employer matches half of that

>> No.795981


>> No.795997

>lets just assume I'm 18
>$9/hour at a fast food job 25ish hours a week
>$12/hr at another job with ~12 hours every 2 weeks
>I save 1/4 into a Roth ira and 1/4 into a savings account both have aggressive mutual funds

>> No.796016


>> No.796071

I know english very well, I can speak fluently and have a converation abot pretty much everything. The thing is that I have a gf here, soon I will propose, I have my place here, friends, family, here I feel at home. Plus no niggers and muslima here, only catholic fanatics, its bad too.

I do not want to leave... I have master of arts degree in pedagogy with human reclamation as specialization. High education is bullshit.

I sense an hero in few years... I feel sorry for my kids and wife in future... I wont keep it up.

Slaskie here. Working in munincipal? As a city guard. Let me die.

Straz miejska kurwa. I nie jestem w stanie sie sam nawr trzymac, zdechl bym z glodu.

>> No.796447

10.10 hr/
None. Got to many credit card bills. Trying to figure out how to pay them off the fastest way.

>> No.796467


Only been working for a month now, so I haven't really been saving too much yet, just kinda spoiling myself/saving up for stupid shit I want.

>> No.796494

I work in a warehouse at a theme park. I work 5 days in a week, 8AM-4PM

>> No.796500

Can someone take all this data and work out the average /biz/?
I cbf but I'd be interested.

>> No.796502


>> No.796521

That is almost impossible, that means you invest most of your after-tax income. You must live a frugal lifestyle or live with your parents.

>> No.796536


I live with parents. they give me some income, and I make the rest on eBay.

>> No.796697

Where do you work?

>> No.797980


>> No.798378

Are you me?

>> No.798394
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> -500

Soon I'll be broke :^)

>> No.798401

Yes, and we seriously need to think about those local sports we think about playing but don't. Our mildly in-shape bodies aren't getting smaller at the desk job.

>> No.798411

ITT: Liars

>> No.798417


>> No.798418

>wasting your life preparing food like a caveman

>> No.798455

3 meals per day, $525 total per month, 2 meals are split between 2 people so averaging 5 meals per day per person in the budget.

$525 / 5 meals / 30 days = $3.50 per meal per person.

I rarely eat out, that $235 was for far more than just restaurants but you chose to ignore it, it's for anything and everything, it's my spending for the entire month and everything else goes into savings or investments. I cook every day, you just don't realize how much food actually costs because you're either a liar, bad at budgeting, or eat the same cheap crap all the time.

>> No.798511

Freelancer online, so up and down, but I'd say at least ~75k.
Save at least 5k a month.

>> No.798517
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2000-2500 a month

my biggest expenses are goddamn energy drinks. I probably spend like 300 dollars a month in goddamn redbulls/monsters, and electronic cigarette juice

the rest is gas and food

yeah i live with my parents and don't pay rent.
im never in the house though, only to sleep and shower.

>> No.798533


live the neet dream anons

>> No.798536

32k a year
25% of each paycheck. Used to be 50%, but got tired of never going out with friends and buying what I wanted.

>> No.798584

50,000k a year
1000 / month 2nd job

saving 2.5-3k a month

I work sales so I get a lot of free food and drinks from vendors taking us out / providing lunch at training

>> No.798611
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2000-2500 a month

I try to save what i can, but i spend alot of books and shit for programming. mostly just making something well known work with proprietary software.

>> No.798618

401k + ~ $500 after paying student loans

>> No.798621

Thread should add if your are a pleb living with your parents

>> No.798642



>> No.798651



>> No.798652

>$43k a year
>minimum of $1,000 a month

Right now my expenses are low so I'm trying to save as much as possible.

>> No.798657

$4k minimum

lol ok I live with my parents
there is zero reason not to

>> No.798661

about 2000/mo

>> No.798666

I hope the best for you and your family.

>> No.798784

I'm jelly. There is a reason not to, though. My only decent job offer, 70k with mobility vs 43k with limited mobility, was 90-120 minutes away from my mom's house. 3-4 hours of my day would be spent on the road, and that's just not feasible for less than 150k.

>> No.798787

I am 23, work a freelance software developer. Currently live at home, make about 100k and can save 90% of my money.

>> No.798789


>> No.798797

Welp, time to reply in the name of the fuck ups.

20k< (probably closer to 18)
$300 a month
Lives with parents because drop out

To save face, I pay $300 dollars for rent among other assorted bills.

This works because I haven't had a social life in months.

>> No.798798
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>making 75k
>still living with your parents

Nigga, what?

>> No.798801

0% because it would mean my money is not properly invested

>> No.798802

Hella savings bra

>> No.798808

I think investments qualify as savings under the OP's criteria

>> No.798809

I mean if you want to pay move in costs, buy things for cash, etc. you need to save.

I don't want to get fucked by medical expenses, I have several older family members with 0 savings who need taking care of.

>> No.798827

I'm a Chem. E and I made 80k/yr right out of school in the Midwestern US, I don't know any other engineers that had trouble finding a job

>> No.798829

So you earn 14k and save 12k of it?

>> No.798833

what school did you go to? at my school even the guys that were in SAE would be unemployed for a few months after graduating.

>> No.798837

University of Michigan, hired by GM immediately to work on the batteries for electric cars

>> No.798838

>~1400 monthly during the summer, ~1000 monthly during the school year
>save 700 a month during summer, 300 a month during the school year
>taking out interest/payment deferred student loans
>put savings 40/60 in a 1% apy savings account/bonds that mature when my loans start drawing interest

I'll graduate with basically a zero net worth, so that's nice.

>> No.798844
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>> No.799283

my work is 10 minutes away

that's not all
I saved up enough money before even starting work to live on my own for at least two years

>> No.799400

Trixie. Inb4 she a shit. She tries hard and the others shit on her. It's her destiny to be important. Yeah, she brags a bit, but thats from her insecuritys which I can relate to. Lyra is also cool.

Air force aquisitions. I wanted intelligence, but I guess the af thought I had none. I'm probably better off anyway. Intel officers put in long hours. I'm out the door most days at 430pm. Can't get any work done when the contractors go home. I also wanted contracting, but now I know they deploy like crazy. So I'm pretty happy.

>> No.799405

Look, I hate to do this, but...

Rules are rules

>> No.799558

300€ to 1k€+ depending if I'm studying and part-time or just working full time.

>> No.799739

>saved up money
>before starting work

Ah, you're one of those kids who got allowance or inheritance or something. My jealousy increases.

>> No.799741


240K dollar per year

20 %

>> No.800403

no i worked summers since high school, i just didn't blow my money on worthless garbage

>> No.800420


Would be more if not for the crippling drug addiction

>> No.800488

20% into investments
10% in savings
Live off shit

>> No.800753

27000€ / year
850€ if I'm conservative.
Nothing if I have nice things to spend money on.

>> No.800890

About $2100

>> No.800907

Almost nothing tbh

>> No.801043

income about 800-900 a month
save 500-700 a month

Sophomore in University

>> No.801058

>I'm proud of being a spendthrift

>> No.801074


>> No.801092


>> No.801096

i actually save about 500 a month, i've dipped in.

>> No.801285


>> No.801296

30k Brazilian Reais (10k dollars)
~800 BRL (270 dollars)

Please someone take me out of here

>> No.801358

>tfw same

>> No.801374

>eating processed crap and shitty fast food crap all your life

Don't pretend you only eat at real restaurants, cause you'd be broke.

>> No.801378

~200 each month

Not really settled yet and need to save for a car

>> No.801430


If I was still living at home I'd be able to do so much more. City living is expensive.

>> No.801834


hello me

>> No.801970

>$1500 a month

>> No.801971

>€200/mo on average

>> No.802367

€400 autismbux (still have to go to work 12h/week)
0 (not allowed to own >~€2600)

>> No.802426

>nothing. I only eat once a day

>> No.802950

Using what? node/the MEAN stack? Front end dev here working my way towards full stack and looking for advice on how to make the most money.

>> No.802951


>> No.802959

30 (soon to be 31)
I save on an average of ~1500/mo (split between Roth IRA / General Investments)

*Above does not account for my spouse's income

>> No.802967


84K base + bonuses
~2000k cash, a bit more if you include 401k matching and all that.

>> No.802971



>> No.803011
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>anywhere between 1000 and 1200 euros/month (no hourly wage, pure commission)
>almost none because rent is 800/mo

Thank God for student loans

>> No.803030

AUD25k/year before taxes
15k/year although 12k goes into paying for uni.

>> No.803052


>> No.803074

Around 5-6K each month

Props to the anons who can live on less than 40K

>> No.803214

75-80k AUD

i get 2200 per fortnight (after tax) and put 1000 into savings
wish i could save more but $620 on rent is killing me
if i wasn't an oldfag i'd move back home

>> No.803550

10 a month

>> No.803664

What type of programming do you do?

>> No.803987
File: 84 KB, 377x398, 1384013972651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.804003

620 on rent is killing you? I get 1850 after taxes, my rent is 1075, and it's considered a deal in my area. I don't even line in a city.

>> No.804164

god damn dude, mining town?

>> No.804281

An hour from Boston, but the entire county is considered on the road from Boston to NY, so we get cucked. There's nothing to do, few good businesses, and we're still getting charged like a city in a 10 town radius.