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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7936838 No.7936838 [Reply] [Original]

I long for the dog days of 2017. At least there was a chance of catching a pump n dump on Storj or Park Bytes. There's absolutely nothing right now. And there's no end in sight.

>> No.7936861
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There is an end in sight

welcome my son, to the year of peepcoin-DAPS

>> No.7936866
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spring is coming

>> No.7936884

LINK is presenting at SXSW in their largest venue yet, with Sergey sitting right next to the president of DocuSign. Even if LINK never truly moons, you can bet on a good pre-conference pump.

>> No.7936905

Holy shit, it is like DGB all over again
Will Jar-...Sergay deliver this time?

>> No.7936906


I can't escape the feeling I don't have enough LINK, no matter how much I buy.

>> No.7936921

I'm thanking my lucky stars. I have roughly 700K coming to me at some point this year outside of crypto. This bear market could not have come at a better time. Once I get the 700K i'll put a couple hundred grand in and sit back and live moderately off the rest for 5-6 years. Will likely be set for life.

>> No.7936929


Sergey has delivered every time. If you're actually interested in what they're doing and are up to date on all the relevant talks (going back to Ari Juels at IC3) then you'd be mad to be anything less that extremely excited.

>> No.7936965

Unfortunately I don't care about Link I care about the alt market as a whole. And it's completely fucked at the moment.

>> No.7936977

They'd delivered jackshit, Anon
Even shitcoins like fucking Iota/XLM are closer to mass adoption.
You got to be a moron to fall for /biz/ shills

>> No.7937007

if it's always been trash hasn't it always been fucked? in fact isn't it less fucked the cheaper it gets?

>> No.7937025


I know more about LINK than 90% of the people here. 100% of the Decemberfags, that's for sure. "Mass adoption" for LINK is literally just a question of mainnet deployment, and that's probably less than 6 months away.

>> No.7937106

what the fuck you mean by "700k coming"? it's 30 years of saving from wagecucking

>> No.7937192

i'm a tort lawyer and have been working on a monster case for the past 3 years. should settle this year. my fee will be about 700K

>> No.7937575

You won’t be able to handle the volatility.

>> No.7937699

if i lose it all sure it sucks to lose 200K but i can get it back. this is our one fucking chance to make it in a major way. i hate wagecucking as much as the next anon. worth the risk and i'd rather see it go to zero than cash out at a loss

>> No.7937797

700k is already making it, unless you live in some extremely expensive place in which case you can just move

>> No.7937844


Yeah it sucks this time last year you could wake up each day knowing you had the possibility of doing 500% in a day now it’s boring as fuck

>> No.7937862

It's a coin for poor people who want to believe they didn't arrive too late, there's nothing too complicated, it literally does nothing.

>> No.7938004

now is the time to accumulate blue chips. the pnd shitcoin days are over (thank god). you should be happy you're able to buy ven, omg, link, etc for this cheap.

>> No.7938058

this poor guy...

>> No.7938085

Yes goy good goy 1 shekel for you goy

>> No.7938272

it really isn't. you're not set for life off 700K in most non-shithole countries