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793454 No.793454 [Reply] [Original]

I'm halfway through a law degree and don't want to be a lawyer because I don't wanna get involved in anybody elses life.

What are the best alternative occupations for someone with a law degree?

In addition, what are some autonomous self-employed jobs you can pick up relatively quickly? I'm thinking about doing a trade if I continue to dislike law. Maybe carptentry or something. But I don't want to spend more years studying and require a lot of start-up capital to get going.

>> No.793456

Corporate law?

>> No.793460

>Not working in financial or business law and making bankarooney

Not every J.D. is a trial lawyer

>> No.793473

Corporate compliance.

>> No.793613

Just adivising companies on the legality of things before they do them? And cleaning up a mess after the fact?

>> No.793632

lawful dick sucking

>> No.793634
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>> No.793643

Real estate development. You'll save a ton by acting as your own counsel.

>> No.793671
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Alternatives for people with law degrees:

> Real estate
> legal consulting for business, HR law
> sports agent
> writer

there are alternatives. I'd say probably 50% of people with a JD did not know what they were signing up for when they went to law school.

My brother is a lawyer. He's having a tough time. It might not be too bad if there weren't such a glut of lawyers right now. With some much competition, its like being a fucking day laborer waiting in the Home Depot parking lot for someone to pick you up and pay you $5 to mow their lawn.

Plus law is low. Yes it's fucking low. It's honest if you are a criminal lawyer, but if you are a civil lawyer, yer scum.

>> No.793773
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Good money in it m8?

Wouldn't it be difficult to secure consistent work? Or does the high pay cover the down times?

I looked into filing an international patent a while ago and it's something like 5-10k. Even a national patent was pretty expensive and apparnetly required a patent writers understanding of what's required.

Would need a bit of scratch to invest in that game. Don't really know anything about the industry and would get fleeced by builders sizing me up i reckon.

Writer sounds good. Been doing that for a few months but only to build a portfolio, totally unpaid.

>> No.793787

Based on your answer, I think a trade would be best. Probably basic carpentry, roofer, or landscaping. Not sure you've got the chops for plumber or electrician, but you could always aim high.

>> No.793788

What makes you think a trades up my alley moreso than law?

>> No.793790

tbh I've never come across anyone "halfway through a law degree" with less focus, less understanding of the professional world, or less motivation than you. You're obviously not an American, because I don't see how you could have gotten admitted into any law school in the U.S.

So, manual labor seems about right. Good luck.

>> No.793791

I don't see how anything I've said indicates a lack of focus or understanding of the professional world so I'll have to ignore your shitty advice in lieu of literally anything else

>> No.793801

>lack of focus
I'll be a lawyer
I'll take up a trade
I'll be a writer
I'll be a princess

>lack of understanding of the professional world
Hai guyz I'm gonna be a patent lawyer. Do i make lotz of monies from that? Gimme clients plox. Oh, btdubs, I don't have an engineering or technical background, which is required, but i won't let that stop me. Rite guyz?

Get your head out of your ass kid. You only live once.

>> No.793809

Fuck mate didn't know I had to be a virtuoso at one thing for the rest of my life. I should just jump straight in and figure out I don't like a job once I'm in it and waste thousands of dollars and hours.

What the fuck would I know about being a patent attorney? I'm a fucking student.

>> No.793810

>What the fuck would I know about being a patent attorney? I'm a fucking student.
You claim to be a law student. Or where you lying?

>I'm shocked, SHOCKED.

>> No.793812

You think there's a difference between a student and a law student?

I now know you are retarded, which is good to know.

>> No.793903

Patent attorney

>> No.794015

>You think there's a difference between a student and a law student?
Yeah, one of them was admitted to law school. The other could go anywhere, including high school. Which is where I suspect you find yourself.