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7932332 No.7932332 [Reply] [Original]

One thing that absolutely fucking boggles me is the amount of brainlets in the crypto space. All you have to do is know how a blockchain works, do a bit of research, know whether a token or a coin actually has a value or if it's just a cashgrab and that's it, you can 100-300x your money over the coming years. It's that fucking simple. Yet you go on reddit, twitter, even facebook groups and what you see are literal hordes of retards investing into the biggest shitcoins and scams and literally never investing into the solid coins. The solid coins aren't even mention. On one hand it makes me angry as fuck, but on the other hand it makes me happy that I have to beat a bunch of brainlets to get rich.

Btw, here is a list of solid coins that if you own, you will make it by 2021. If you shitcoin isn't here, you're doing something wrong:

>> No.7932405

Good post OP.
Too few of these nowadays.
Forgot about Ven/Vet though.

>> No.7932462

Just a few montha ago you would have considered over half of those shitcoins.

>> No.7932476

Here's the real list:
If your shitcoin isn't here, you're doing something wrong.

>> No.7932508
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Not if you DYOR and read whitepapers. If you're a brainlet that doesn't trust himself and who only invests after he sees a coin being shilled on his favorite internet forum then you will never make it.

>> No.7932612

You must not have been in this game for very long if you actually think that the tech matters.

Look at the top 100. Tech doesn't matter. Valuations aren't rational. You can make a shitload of cash trading shitcoins.

>> No.7932691

> solid coins
> iota

Thats where you’re wrong, friend.

>> No.7932709
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>muh tech doesn't matter maymay
Tech is the only thing that matters if you're investing for the long term. If you bought ethereum for $1 in 2015 when most brainlets were shilling shitcoins like peercoin and namecoin you would have been rich. Hype matters for short term PnD, tech matters if you actually want to get rich. If you invest into a shitcoin because "muh hype" when the bear market truly begins you will become an hero once your coin drops 90% while all the solid tech coins will stay mostly stable.

>> No.7932795

Good call on RLC, it's such an underrated project.

>> No.7932802

Sure, but look at how fast crypto is moving. No one can accurately predict what it'll look like in a year.

You're missing out on a lot of short term profits by ignoring shitcoins.

Take it from someone that bought BTC in 2013 and didn't even look at alts until late 2017. It has cost me dearly.

>> No.7932907

I'm not saying I don't take advantage of the short term shitcoin gains. I put a lot of money into ELIX at $0.005 when it wasn't even on CMC and I have another shitcoin I'm invested in RN but I never hold more than 10% of my portfolio in them.

>> No.7932942

Hell, I even almost put money into XRB when it was $0.10 but literally backed out of the buy at the last second because I was a huge brainlet and got spooked by the huge 200 BTC sell walls. My biggest crypto investing mistake, but whatever.

>> No.7932944

I'm assuming you have ARK listed because of blockchain interoperability? ICX has a larger market share and is probably better (or equally at least) positioned for that role. Why isn't ICX listed?

>> No.7932946

>no LINK

>> No.7932966

There's a list of 20 altcoins in the first post, retard. You know that there are good altcoins, right?

>> No.7933030

I haven't done too much research on ICX, I just saw the huge PnD it had on reddit in December and briefly skimmed through the whitepaper. But mostly that market cap is several times larger than ARK and ARK just seems to have a better tech in general.

>> No.7933042

You're only listing coins that are shilled on /biz/ KEK.

>> No.7933043

>briefly skimmed through the whitepaper
>making judgments on tech

You can do better. Also, if the "market cap" meme is holding you back, why did you list ETH, NEO, IOTA, XMR, NANO, and OMG?

>> No.7933047
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There is LINK. If I was to rank the top 3 projects in crypto LINK would be in it. Despite the shilling and FUD cycle it has here on /biz/ it's possibly the most promising coin right now.

>> No.7933064

>reading whitepapers
or just follow the right people if you're lazy

>> No.7933099

Maybe /biz/ is not actually full of brainlets and somewhat has an idea which coins are actually solid?

I listed those because of nearly zero real competition and their huge potential for growth in the future, with the exception of NEO which will only succeed if ETH fails to scale. ICX has competition which is actually good, perhaps better (again, didn't too much research on ICX, I just know a lot about ARK) while the competition has several times lower market cap and therefore bigger growth potential.

>> No.7933104

Where do I go to read these so called whitepapers on cryptocoins? I only know the definition of whitepaper as in the government giving their proposal or discussing an issue in the form of a report.

>> No.7933138

At least you acknowledge NEO and ETH being at odds. Although IOTA's play is to eventually replace ETH and be the "3rd gen" coin. Enigma is a weird one -- do you just like the team?

>> No.7933145

This lowkey FUD against VEN is getting really good. Congrats, salty walty.

>> No.7933156

Every shitcoin has a whitepaper on their website. Usually you just need to read the first few pages to know if it's a good coin and you should continue reading the whitepaper or if it's all-hype zero-tech buzzword salad that you should avoid under any circumstances.

>> No.7933163

Jesus Christ just visit any fucking coin's site you useless retard

>> No.7933173

People send tens of thousands of dollars to "send x amount of eth and get back 10x" scams, and that suprises you ?

>> No.7933184

SONM is garbage
Also, why no VEN?

>> No.7933186

What are your top 5 projects?

>> No.7933249

I forgot about VEN. It's a solid coin but it's ridiculously overhyped. And again, competition has multiple times lower MC.

Privacy for blockchains will be important as no businesses will want to be completely transparent with everything they do on a blockchain and yeah. the team is very solid.

>> No.7933253

I don't agree on ARK (shitty JS project lul) and not looked into a couple of others you mention, but 90% seem spot on so I assume you're genuine. You and I are going to make it.

I'm 50% in ICX btw which you failed to include. I forgive your oversight.

>> No.7933259

Ahhh I see so like a fiscal report. Thanks anon that helps me understand it now.
Some of us don't do crypto and are still stuck in the stock stone age. I should probably try it out soon because I made accounts on Bitcoin and Binance but still haven't done shit with them yet.

>> No.7933280


>> No.7933296

Why is BAT not on the list?

>> No.7933319

It doesn't surprise me, it just makes my angry. I personally made my own shitcoin which I airdropped on BCT and then dumped it on brainlets who believed my fake promises and I made $100k, just to capitalize on the amount of retards but it still fucking boggles me how dumb people can be.

>> No.7933327

These altcoins will not 10x or 30x in the short term. I'm not saying they're not decent to park your money in, but if you're in it for the gains you should look elsewhere.

>> No.7933338

>he doesn't list Stellar

lol stay poor whitey

>> No.7933354

Requires the Brave browser, nobody will switch from Chrome/Firefox, sorry. Even if it comes as an extension for other browsers, do you expect people to pay for content so that they don't see few ads, especially today with everyone having adblock?

>> No.7933368

The way I see it, I can try and pay the market for a chance at 30x gains in the short term, with massive capital gains taxes for all the trading I'd be doing.

Or, I can hold onto 10-15 solid coins and get a 20-40x return within a few years and get a massive reduction in total tax cost. Also, I don't have to worry about timing, scams, ICOs, and other headaches.

>> No.7933389

*try and play

>> No.7933392

Holy shit ICX is not on that list what am I gonna do I have 3k bag I am fucked?

>> No.7933400

When 80% of your shitcoin's supply gets distributed to nignogs in Africa, you can't possibly expect it to be a good investment. Just on that fact alone I would dump your bags but there are other issues with Stellar.

>> No.7933423

Not the worst coin but I would seriously consider investing into other coins.

>> No.7933443

LOL capital gains. Are you actually that retarded. No one pays capital gains on crypto bro, haven't you looked at the stats. And even if that was an issue you could always trade for a while, make the bulk of your money, then park it in BTC or w/e for a year before cashing out.

Seriously you're like one of those tards who are like no I'm not going to get a higher paying job because MUH TAXES.

>> No.7933458

It's underhyped if you know what they're actually doing.

>> No.7933504

Opinion on RLC?

>> No.7933506
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>> No.7933535

I see your reasoning, but fucking with the IRS is a huge risk.

>> No.7933552

Transfer ETH to a wallet? Taxable event.
Transfer ETH to Binance? Taxable event.
Transfer ETH for IOTA? Taxable event.
Transfer IOTA for BAT? Taxable event.
Transfer BAT to wallet? Taxable event.
Transfer BAT to Binance? Taxable event.

I could go on. The point is, the tax laws are not currently designed to favor active trading unless you've qualified as a day trader (which requires a very high net worth and other qualifications which you lack). Your 30x gains are more like 15x gains, and that's if you're gifted enough to consistently benefit from this upcoming bear market.

On top of that, people do pay capital gains on crypto if they're playing with anything above $10k, you poor retard.

>> No.7933553
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Literally every tech savvy analysis of this coin indicates that the devs are arrogant morons and choosing greed and hype over practicality and fundamentals at every step.

This shit is literally using TRINARY
>muh theoretically faster than binary
Yeah if there were actual trinary systems out there, instead you're stuck with a platform that has to be translated from it's native state to even function.

This is only 1 of the fuckstupid decisions though, there are many, many more

>so glitchy that last time it went on a run the biggest hodlers couldn't even move it between exchanges

Great job OP I'm sure you've really done your research on the rest of these picks too!

>> No.7933562

Solid project, very underhyped with possibility to go into billions of MC easily, but it has a lot of competition. Wouldn't put too much of my portfolio into it.

>> No.7933585

IIRC, transferring crypto to an exchange or wallet is not a taxable event.

>> No.7933625

No idea. A lot of people invest in shit they don't understand.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not shitting on crypto. I don't know anything about crypto and thus wouldn't invest in it but I'm a depressive piece of shit with no money anyways.

I think those people are just gambling.

>> No.7933675


>inb4 muh partnerships

Fucking brainlet

>> No.7933695
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Btw your whole fucking list has nothing new that hasn't been shilled to saturation already on /biz/

If there's gonna be a big Antshares/NEO-esque winner this year, it's probably a coin hardly anyone has heard about or looked into yet ;)

>> No.7933702

Thoughts on ENG, I'm holding about 1k ENG, will I make it?

>> No.7933732

ETH was THE crypto all throughout last year and it was hardly unknown, don't buy into the dark horse meme to much

>> No.7933751

ANS was heavily shilled though, along with ETH. The only project that had the same amount of shilling right now is LINK.

>> No.7933817
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ETH did 100x from this time last year roughly

NEO did 500x or more (depending on timeline) and was relatively unknown till June

Both great coins but 10k into ETH or NEO isnt going to make you a millionaire, there are coins this year that could though, and they're probably a lot less well known

>> No.7934099

Probably not. You will have a decent stack of money but nowhere near enough to make it.

>> No.7934143

Dang, how much do you think I would have?

>> No.7934182

50% of my portfolio is REQ. W-w-will I make it?

>> No.7934263

Over the coming few years if I’m overtly positive you would have around $100k and that’s if ENG won’t fail. It’s too large of a project at this point to make poorfags into millionaires. I would personally recommend finding one or two solid coins under $20 million market cap and investing into these if you actually want to make it.

>> No.7934298
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Depends on how large is your portfolio and if that other 50% is in other solid projects.

>> No.7934303

Doesn't sound to bad to me, you know any other projects that I could invest in?

>> No.7934347

30% ETH
20% XRP

>> No.7934477

I have one that’s under $3 million MC and likely will 50-100x this year alone. I’m still trying to accumulate so I won’t tell you, but I’ll give you a clue: when you eventually see a red dragon on CMC, buy.
Otherwise find solid projects under $20 million MC, it’s not that hard. Plenty of “ok” coins like DNA, HST, BLT and others, just DYOR.

>> No.7934537

Thanks for the tip I'll keep and eye out, yeah I know its' best to DYOR but it can get difficult sometimes, I'm still pretty amateurish at this but I'll get better.

>> No.7934538

Anon, did you fall for Tyrone and Stacy’s shilling on twitter that you bought fucking ripple? If you have any dignity you will sell that centralized normie shitcoin and put it into projects that will actually make you money over the coming years. Ripple is completely useless due to being centralized, we could just use MySQL database and have it 1000x more cheaper and faster than ripple if we wanted something centralized.

>> No.7934581


>> No.7934598


Dumb nigger. That coin is fucking inactive with no markets and website.

>> No.7934604

If something sounds like a buzzword salad with no real use, don’t invest. And never invest into any currency coins unless they have absolutely groundbreaking tech like NANO. Also, the #1 thing that you should keep an eye out when you’re doing research is if a token you’re buying is actually useful and not a shitcoin that doesn’t have to exist at all. Remember, coins are not stocks.

>> No.7934629

Nope, that’s some abandoned shitcoin. Mine is a real project with active devs, didn’t even have an ICO. You’ll see it eventually show up on CMC.

>> No.7934730

the dunning-kruger effect is strong in this one.

>> No.7934798

Oh that's definitely where I'm at brother brother. Only 2 months into crypto and already having strong """opinions""". But then again, I have a background in finance/securities.

>> No.7934810

i got monero and eth leading my port by longshot a little bit of omg and icx and looking to add LINK aand im gonna fuck off

>> No.7934827


>> No.7934857
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Optimal cryptofolio distribution:
> 56% bluechips
> 19% on top 200 coins
> 3% for futures
> 22% shitcoins bought exclusively because the name or logo are cool

You are only allowed to change a 2% from top 200 to shitcoins during a bull market if you own over 2500 BTC after trades, otherwise you are FOREVER GAY.

>> No.7934928

also looking to buy said photo this is basically what i do in poker and my motto.
can someone check idk if that even adds up to 100%

>> No.7935010

so what do I do with the remaining 3%?
Fucking state of biz...

>> No.7935117

I’ve been in cryptos since 2013. I made few of my own coins even, so it’s not like I don’t know how blockchains work. I normally wouldn’t think I’m a know-all genius, but with 90% of people in crypto being brainlets that pick their coins because a logo is nice or because “it’s cheap at 5 cents and if it goes as high as bitcoin I will be a millionaire” while completely ignoring the market cap or just generally putting money into coins that are all hype and zero tech.

>> No.7935194

This might frighten you, but I hold pretty much your exact opinion, and it only took me just over a month of DYOR to get there. Am I natural, or are you just a retard?

>> No.7935294

Who says it took me years to reach that opinion? I’ve just been in crypto for years. I’ve held this opinion essentialy from when the ICO boom was at its peak and I started putting into ICOs I quickly realized that the majority of them has a useless token. I missed out on a lot of the big gainers because of that but at least I played it safe and had some bigger gains from the more solid ICOs like ZRX.

>> No.7935553

Not only do you people have trouble with 2 digits sums, you are FOREVER GAY and there's no cure for that.

>> No.7935986

What's the best coin in that list that you can invest on?