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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7932281 No.7932281 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we white men of /biz/ work again and be a good goy, so that we can pay 40% of our income to house foreigners, only to be shat upon for the rest of our lives because of our so called whiteness?

If you want to reach a powerful position, sure, but to become an average good goy manual labour joe from which everyone else can parasite off, is slavery.

There is zero reason why you should do a honorable job in this day and age, when you receive no honor in return for it.

Go on and make money independently through speculation, scamming and gambling, and if not, apply for welfare, crash the system.

>> No.7932422


Thanks, reddit.

>> No.7932452


>> No.7932466
File: 174 KB, 919x1200, DWyk_paV4AEURz9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pay taxes

>> No.7932534

profit through speculation is no more or less honorable than profit through any other legal means. debate me.

>> No.7933058
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Wrong. I work in IT and people respect me. I actually do important stuff that has an impact on the world and helps society. I also have to do real work with spreadsheets for 40 hours a week, rather than looking at charts an hour a day and guessing if it will go up or down from my mom's basement. I also make real money I can spend on real things like rent for my nice studio apartment, something you losers will never have. Oh, and I actually have a girlfriend, something you guys will NEVER experience.

>> No.7933129

Unfortunately whites are being discriminated against when it comes to welfare in certain parts of the world, but i agree. Crash the system, fuck the jews.

>> No.7933150

I do it so mum doesnt yell at me all the time like before

>> No.7933201
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"Why do we Indian/South American/Other colonized countries people slave away in our native lands and pay 90% in taxes to these white British/Dutch/French/Spanish oppressors who took away all our rights?"

Whiteys, you had it coming.

>> No.7933231

>There is zero reason why you should do a honorable job in this day and age, when you receive no honor in return for it.
>Go on and make money independently through speculation, scamming and gambling, and if not, apply for welfare, crash the system.
So your solution is to act like niggers? Okay.

>> No.7933241
File: 56 KB, 500x400, 1517913467161 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

terms like honor or moral are for lowlife plebs

>> No.7933952

Make no mistake, you pay 40% of your income to kill foreigners, not house them. Maybe 0.5% of that 40% goes to housing immigrants

>> No.7934521

The oppressors were christian. Tru-European man is not a christian and what they did does not represent us

>> No.7934552

GTFO back to pol you larping faggot. This is biz not some stupid retard forum you are use to.

>> No.7934728

cope - the post