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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7931993 No.7931993 [Reply] [Original]

Why did I dump 2 ETH into this nigger shit?
> Unironically uses the HODL meme to prevent people from dumping their bags on exchange listing

>> No.7932547

Don't forget the tesla giveaway contest. It's encouraging that at least its not an exit scam.

>> No.7932577
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>> No.7932596

Its not. Its just bad.

>> No.7932828

There is a fixed exchange listing date for 2 weeks now wtf are you talking about kid?

>> No.7933006

btw they say its going on bibox and gate io and a third which will announce the listing on its own because of their policy. What exchanges do this?

>> No.7933068

When the ICO was shilled here everyone said it was going to binance for sure. Did I get pajeet'd?

>> No.7933100

They said they're talking with Binance and Huobi and they're offering bonuses for voting for the community coin votes for those exchanges

>> No.7933126

yo when the fuck am i getting my tokens

i forgot about this, just remembered i threw .5 ETH in

>> No.7933171

is there anything on the roadmap soon that isnt listing on exchanges?

>> No.7933176


March 1 you will receive your juicy EDU tokenz in your ether wallet

>> No.7933295

10 times in 48 hours ATLEAST

>> No.7933355

Cant wait to get my juicy 58k stack.

>> No.7933436


You do know you qualify for the 50k+ rewards program?

>> No.7933528

Yes, but its too low for me, im gonna dump and invest on better projects such as ETH/EOS

>> No.7933557

How can u win this tesla? What you need to do?

>> No.7933592


I put in my 2 week notice after hearing about the dividends i will be making from my EDU stack.


>> No.7933598

KuCoin does that method, so prob it.

>> No.7933624

What? lol

>> No.7933648


>> No.7933658


>> No.7933660
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>He ACTUALLY put his money in this

>> No.7933670

If it makes it to 1$ I'll be making like 200$ per month...

>> No.7933677


Sounds pretty good, im def gonna even try to win that piece of shit car (not really a shit compared to current one)

>> No.7933947

I like how in livedu threads everyone is just quietly relieved this wasn't a scam

>> No.7934033

Are you a newfag? No offense

>> No.7934060

>"education token"
wow you are seriously a retarded faggot if you bought this OP

>> No.7934072

Yea I just came over from the live EDU subreddit.

>> No.7934118

Link to their subreddit as i dont use reddit.

>> No.7934292


>implying $200 a month is bad or some shit.

>> No.7934308

in cryptos 200 is like fart in the air lmao

>> No.7934318


link your ether wallet. Lets see how much you have high roller.

>> No.7934357

>put anything more than 0.00000000000 eth to this scam
>getting tokens months after you paid
inb4 your sweet tokens dont arrive and the website is deregistered shortly after

>> No.7934420


I will receive my tokens and then dump them. If I take some profit, cool. If I don't so be it, nigger.

>> No.7934513

are you all fucking retarded?
this shit was only shilled by REAL pajeets for the reflinkbonus

>> No.7934526


I can just dump my tokens for a profit. Kys nigger

>> No.7934539

salty faggot i assume u did not contribute lol

>> No.7934616

What is the div returns?

>> No.7934654

Okay pajeet.

>> No.7934657

0.25% per month, in EDU tokens, so not that great, but also more sustainable than most shitcoin stakes

>> No.7934687

Is patience extinct these days?

>> No.7934803

What's the circulating supply? Wondering if it can grow up to the hundreds (years out)

I have some Neo that (says it gives) 3.14% but you know it gives it in gas. Seems like this is a better solution but I'm new to the div tokens and where the best coins to hold for long term div returns is.

>> No.7934863

125M circ total 250M

>> No.7934878

I don't think anyone knows exactly because the tokens haven't been released but I think they said something around 125m was their goal, I could be wrong though

>> No.7935612

I'll be happy to get 50% back. This was a mistake.

>> No.7935648

Nobody should seriously consider holding these. It's obvious they're blowing all the money on pumping the price via contests, "dividends," bounties to get the token on exchanges and promotional materials and once that's achieved they'll dump and say sorry we failed.

>> No.7935820

Normally I'd agree with you, but they already have a platform. I don't doubt it will get dumped, but the devs are still in this for the long haul

>> No.7936188

Lmfao the saltyness, i can taste it

>> No.7936407

most everything gets dumped when it first hits exchanges

>> No.7936946
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Yea i'll just stop using Udemy and start using this ok sure.

The nigger CEO that runs this has gotten a free ride from every one that's back him by white guilt and "education".