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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 151 KB, 1400x789, D1BD4E28-D6A3-4A7E-AABE-FE975579194A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7923658 No.7923658 [Reply] [Original]

Ouch down another 10%

Have you lost all your money yet?

You all got scammed you fucking retards

Ven is next

>> No.7923667


Bought another 100K poorfag, thanks.

>> No.7923668
File: 74 KB, 550x543, selljackalt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is when you buy you fucking moron

>> No.7923913

This is the most ebin of shitcoins only rivaled by APPC. Right now APPC is slightly gaining (still on a downwards trend tho) but this fucking shit is dumpster tier. My personal plan is to await the next statement or news from and if it's it's promising I'll hold and watch and if it's bad I am literally letting go and proclaiming this the "promising" shitcoin of the year.

By the way /biz/ is not news.

>> No.7923933

6 more weeks to go. Then we will see who’s laughing.

>> No.7923941

tbf I would like to see VEN crashing and burning and enjoy laughing to that fucking cult

>> No.7923965

Probably going to buy in this weekend again. It's hitting near the floor now and is oversold.

>> No.7924093

nah there is no floor

BTC will either take off or tank very soon and ICX will free fall either way

>> No.7924133

Out of interest, what coins do you hold?

>> No.7924160

BTC/LTC/ETH since july 2017

>> No.7924245

How can I buy when I already wasted all my money buying high?

>> No.7924737

sell then buy after it dips another 10% tomorrow

>> No.7924829

>tfw bought in before the summit and didn't sell yet
just kill me already wtf was I thinking

>> No.7924880

I sold mine a couple days ago and it keeps going back lower. Lmao

>> No.7925339

Hold for 6-12 months. Icx will hit $30 eoy

>> No.7925373

But that's boring AF.

>> No.7925403


If you bought high then you wait until you can breakeven since the coin has potential to perform well.

>> No.7925417
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Bls make it so. This is the like the last decent support, I don't want to find out what's below it.

>> No.7926194

>tfw hodl'd since december
Fuck my brainlet self

>> No.7926543

>sports team mentality
kek stop being emotional faggot

>> No.7926691

icx isn't a short term coin

if you bought this, you are banking on the eventual adoption of icx dapps and the platform

that means you will be waiting at least 1 year or more to see serious returns on your investment

you should never throw capital into long term holds that you believe you would need in the short term

>> No.7926722


cant wait to all in after selling VEN news

>> No.7927047

it will be replaced by something better by then

>> No.7927147

I bought with the idea of returns by April, selling low here we come.

>> No.7927192

I have 11k ICX. Worth 130k at the peak. Lost so much fucking money on this gook scam combined with bear market

getting ready to dump bags at a major loss

>> No.7927251


ICX is the "something better" that will be doing the replacing.

>> No.7927267
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33k ICX here.

>> No.7927296

split my portfolio 50-50 into VEN/ICX back in december. Fell for the diversify meme. Now VEN is worth 80% my portfolio

and if you go the subreddit all the holders of this coin are sub 90 IQ deluded bagholders with no handle on reality. What a fucking mess

>> No.7927302

nah it had it's chance. It was just a trendy coin of the month doomed to be purged in the next BTC run

We will have a new market based on actual use rather than empty promises

>> No.7927323


Well I mean Ian "The Nigger" Balina has 161.7K ICX and shilled it to all his followers.

>> No.7927332
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>replaced by something better

>> No.7927339


every crypto subreddit is that way, unless they are development subreddits


you dont even hold icx, and have not done your own research

>> No.7927361

LMAO it's not a "gook scam" just because you were so extremely stupid as to buy in at the ATH.

Imbecile. Dump it - seal that loss in.

>> No.7927387

Perhaps the Korean Jew can shed light on this situation .


>> No.7927415

my average buy in price is $3. I treat it as a loss because I bought this instead of VEN at $1.70.

it's a gook scam for many reasons. Circulating supply will double to 800m likely this month. Lead developer just quit. Zero communication from team. Shit tier partnerships. No korean exchanges, despite VEN just listing on one. Mainnet delayed twice and it's still not even fucking done 3 months later.

>> No.7927471

I rode it lup and demped it at it,s peak like a dirty slut

you fell in love with it and are holding on to it for dear life

>> No.7927544


>larp as cope

I get it, and I sympathize. If you aren't holding it you have no reason to be in the thread, or to give a fuck.

We are all in this together, buddy.

>> No.7927572

Mainnet is out just not public and the partnerships are top fucking notch, link me lead developer shit google isn't coming up with anything, Korean exchanges soon (that means buy now you fucking mongoloid). weak FUD

>> No.7927576
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Tfw bought this scamcoin ath.

At least I only have 140icx.

>> No.7927606

somebody's doing the replacing.

>> No.7927644

Did my own research and bought 3,000 dollars worth at 12 dollars.
I’m fucking numb to the dips at this point

>> No.7927666

Researching about projects won't give you buy and sell timings, only what the project is backed on.

>> No.7927703

read his experience. This is why mainnet delayed 3 months


>> No.7927724

imagine making a big deal about releasing a mainnet that nobody can use, so its pretty much just a testnet

fucking retarded korea chinks

>> No.7927753
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>there is no floor

>> No.7927793
File: 3 KB, 911x34, ICX Trade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people with any brains sold at mainnet launch, sorry to say you may be stuck with these bags for a long while. Here's some proof if you don't believe me, my only regret was not selling when we were at 12. Just bought back in today at nearly a third the price though, so pretty happy.

>> No.7927819

sorry, you're right

I hope your coins moon bro

>> No.7927889

Yeah I wish I knew everything I know now for when I first bought but what could you do. This coin will moon just not when I originally wanted it to

>> No.7927915

this and LINK will be my long term holds after I dump my fork bags

>> No.7927984
File: 22 KB, 550x543, 1519319694968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a newfag who bought normie coins giving us advice on one of the biggest coins in the next 3 years

you can't make this shit up

>> No.7928103

I sold two weeks ago and saved myself from a ton of loses. Not going to buy until June.

>> No.7928116

failing to think critically and understand how easy it is to come up with a new coin with a cool and and logo, promise huge partnerships and 10000x ROI

>> No.7928127

>literally screenshotting a small 2 eth trade kek

>> No.7928141


>> No.7928169
File: 90 KB, 900x506, DWwco5SW4AEaEaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a fucking retard. circ supply is 400m right now and the yearly inflation is max 20% which nodes decide. how about you nigger read a whitepaper in your life. the mainnet only got delayed once and that gook wanted to release his own coin for a long time, he left in good terms. min and team could list icon any second on korean exchanges, they own it nigger they just dont waste that ammo yet because they have a long term marketing plan.

just kys you lunch money mouthbreathing mongrel

>> No.7928228
File: 77 KB, 646x696, Peace And Quiet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think increasing my overall portfolio value by over 2x puts me ahead of most of the people on this board. Considering the vast majority of people in crypto lose money.

>> No.7928234

>opens his mouth barking like a dog
>posts a 2 eth trade
lol you cant make this shit up.

>> No.7928254


Yeah me too. I needed this money for taxes.

IRS Cucking is going to be rough. I'll have to sell no matter what on April 10th unless I do a payment plan with the Jews.

Not sure what to do.

>> No.7928272
File: 35 KB, 512x512, 1519358954725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're either a retard or being retarded to buy more on the cheap.

If you actually think VEN and ICX are scams, you're a fucking moron, faggot.

>> No.7928343
File: 138 KB, 1271x441, Mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opens his mouth barking like a dog
May I ask how your portfolio is doing anon? No need to be upset because you got stuck holding the bag, it happens to the best of us ;)
This guy gets it.

>> No.7928394

You're a poorfag who's never going to make it.

>> No.7929192

I'm a yuro, but can't you guys ask for an extension by April 15th? Obviously BTC could go to $7.

>> No.7929267


You can get an extension, but you will have to owe interest and penalty if you end up owing from April 15th.

>> No.7929272

>buying x's ethereum

Moronic. NEO skated by because of its amazing staking, nothing else. Enjoy 2 dollars end of month brainlets.

>> No.7929277

>Circulating supply will double to 800m likely this month
this is some low quality fud my guy

>> No.7929703

i've almost never been as sure as i am currently that icx is going to recover significantly within a week. I don't think you should ever hodl shit like these fucks believe but ICX hold for a week is a good bet.