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File: 335 KB, 1423x1795, first world.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7925795 No.7925795 [Reply] [Original]

Let's take a moment to appreciate living in the First World in the 21st Century.

I'm not rich by any standards, but sometimes when I'm on my laptop in my comfy double bed, I look around my bedroom and really appreciate how comfy first world life is. Imagine not having a comfy mattress, fast internet, and little luxuries like nice bath/shower products, aroma diffuser or candles making your room smell nice, houseplants and even some art or visual stimulation. All just for living in the first world and doing a bit of basic wageslaving that's maybe not super fun but it's pretty easy. Then imagine wageslaving in some backwards ass Muslamic desert shithole, and still having to come home and sleep with 10 people in a dirty tiny house with no luxuries. I'm just SO FUCKING COMFY.

Then I imagine what it would have been like living in the first world 100, 200 years ago. Much less comfy unless you were a literal aristocrat. No internet either. We also have the chance to /makeit/ with cryptocurrency so we can level up from comfy first world wageslave to NEETdom.

What's your favourite thing about the unfairness of this world? The economic sacrifices that basically non-whites make for us?

>> No.7925831

I love the fact that our military regularly blows up dozens of "innocent" shitskins overseas, and that nobody cares or tries to stop us.

>> No.7925839

Depends on what you mean by comfy. Id prefer living 100 years ago with fellow citizens instead of mindless consumers and living humbly on my own piece of land instead of surrounded by flurorescent lights, hyper ads, and plastic everywhere.

Im ready for the whole thing to collapse

>> No.7925856

I love that niggers have 8 children and then they all starve to death because in 10,000 years they didnt figure out how to plant and tend crops.

>> No.7925863

this is such a good picture. Anyone know the artist?

>> No.7925883

I love that third world socialists and revolutionaries hate the united states so much for "exploiting" them, that their singular goal in life is to move there and become one.

>> No.7925889

I do actually think about this a lot. I've been to Versailles and I often imagine Loius XVI and how much more wealth even a poor person has today than he had, simply by virtue of the overall progression of technology

>> No.7925892
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Amazing isn't it, must be because they're focusing all that big-brain power on the philosophical questions of life.

>> No.7925897
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I love that all the really terrible shit in this world happens far, far away from me and I can watch it on a wide screen TV or on my laptop from the comfort of my bed.

True, but there is still the option for you to do that right now. Buy a croft in the Outer Hebrides in Scotland and do a bit of sheep farming, make tweed, and live in a close-knit island community.

All while having internet, a comfy house, etc.

>> No.7925900

In way I am slightly shocked at how even liberals are unaware or don't care about our imperialism-lite that happens overseas
It was when I understood this that I understood how the European empires happened, but also why they couldn't work today

>> No.7925940

>implying anyone but europeans and east asians can into civilization
Africans can't into fucking agriculture in 2018

>> No.7926000

I used to have that
Now I have shitskins revving their welfare bikes outside my window day in day out
There's nothing cool about a world with non-whites/asians
Diversity actively ruins my life, and once I make it I will emigrate to some place with 0 browns

>> No.7926055

Alternatively, if I don't make it I will just kill people
My greatest dream is to work and improve the world positively, but my socialist country makes it close to impossible except through violence (despicable as violence is, killing globalists and jews can be the greatest positive value one can bring to the world if stuck in a society where these people hinder societal improvement)

>> No.7926056

We shouldn't hate the non-whites. It's the fact that they work for pennies and live in the shithole parts of the world that we get to have all the comfy stuff we have in life. We should take a minute appreciate them and mentally thank them for their sacrifice.

>> No.7926189


That happens in the whitest parts of my country as well anon. Its poor, uneducated people of all races that make everyone’s life miserable. I just wish they weren’t allowed access to anything but the basics until they learned how to make something of themselves and act civilised.

>> No.7926199

bullshit, it's not that hard to buy an acre or two of land out in the middle of nowhere and with off of sustenance farming. you put up with the ads because ultimately you think it's worth it.

>> No.7926286

Not everyone share the same values the least you need to do is travel around south east asia

Mediore is acceptable and ok

>> No.7926370

Backpacking around places like asia is only fun when you have First World income though. And staying in slightly nicer hostels/hotels or AirBNB places is much nicer than staying in louse infested hostels with a bunch of unwashed "travellers"

>> No.7926393


Can this not turn into a racist /pol/ hate thread? I wanted to talk about how comfy it is living in an economically developed country and having life on fucking easymode. You guys need to get some fucking perspective, living with other races does not impact your comfy life

>> No.7926407

One of the reasons why I think the "Alt-Right" and the SJWs are two sides of the same token is that they look at the picture in the OP and they both agree on it, but have separate emotional reactions to it. Whereas a normal, not retarded person would take issue fundamentally with the idea that this image is somehow anywhere close to reality

also buy chainlink

>> No.7926442

We need your military
If you weren´t lending us your low orbit satellites, your navy research center, your jungle training, "plastic air blood support", navy training and other stuff shining path and colombian druglords could return.
Your only problem is being tooooooooo comfy

>> No.7926498

>first world communist lover

>> No.7926570

One day we will likely lose it all

>> No.7926603


B-but I was negating the racial factor of the other anon’s post!

Anyway, material comfort yes it is nice to a degree, but I have been to rural China and Mexico, and also work with Africans. To be honest, I envy the strong community ties and importance of family that these people have compared to us. They seem much more content and comfy than us holed up with our luxury items, not even knowing our next-door neighbour and barely speaking to our parents.

>> No.7927123

>t. Berkeley

>> No.7927200

Not in my country. I live with white trash two months per year. They will break into my property to hunt and fish, and there's a couple regular thieves. But none of them rape or assault others, none of them dress up in burkas or white dresses for men, none of them look offensively ugly or smell offensively bad. None of them speak in a foreign language and give foreign looks.

There's something about white people I prefer, even a lying scamming one. They have some sense of right and wrong, of playing by the rules... or at least of the societal perception of these moral rules, if you want to remove any question of moral character; the lying scoundrel shows a capacity for empathy and abstraction in his understanding of the tools of his trade.

Shitskins, at least shitskins in my country, are utterly incapable of subtlety. They're gross and crass and after being here for 3-4 generations do not understand shit about unspoken rules, even if only for the purpose of scamming others. Every interaction with them is confrontational. They're a blight on the social fabric and a burden on my personal life.

I don't take pleasure in racism. Unfortunately, color blindness is a luxury available only to those who don't have to deal with the worst of humanity.

>> No.7927226

Agreed so glad my beamer parents made me in the glorious USA could not even imagine a life without smoothie king and top golf

>> No.7927277


White trash is pretty bad.

>> No.7927321

I am not content. I am not happy. I want MORE. It is natural for the lesser countries to suffer. If they want to claw their way out of that hole it must be through their own tenacity.

>> No.7927341

Hi Al Jeezera shill.
Lmao anon you have no idea what you are talking about.
Lmao. World poverty has plummeted dramatically in the last 30 years and almost no Africans are actually starving to death
Its important to realize this before you start turning your country into a socialist shithole. Life is pretty good for the """poor""" first worlder.

>> No.7927493

Preach my man. Little luxuries like that, and being able to live in a somewhat low crime area reminded me just how comfy I am. I visited a few third world and several second world countries and let me tell you - 90% of first world /biz would not survive there longterm (myself included)

>> No.7927514

>after being here for 3-4 generations do not understand shit about unspoken rules

If they're unspoken, how do you expect them to understand the rules, kek?

>> No.7927554

The good (((Christians))) are just helping israel take out its evil neighbors. Remember muslims are the enemy goy keep voting for those right wing parties theyll definitely save you

>> No.7927568
File: 29 KB, 600x600, DWPlUcWX4AAkz_H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get deadly bone-crunching serious for a minute:

No white person actually feels that much sympathy for brown people. Rather, they use brown people as virtue-signalling ballast for getting a leg over on other white people. That's what's at the heart of all "anti-racism": status competition between whites.

What do you think the Civil War was all about?

>> No.7927604

>At the heart of survivalism you look after yourself above all else
Well no shit einstein

>> No.7927635
File: 369 KB, 1280x720, 1503621426607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a funny quirk. Everyone (not everyone but most) who emigrated from Yugoslavia to Canada always talk about how life was so much better even though they were living in worse conditions, and working like ants as farmers or mechanics and the like. Life is much comfier here but they all talk as though they were happier in the old country. Now...if they went back and lived there for awhile I'm sure their opinion would be quite different.

>> No.7927658


>> No.7927702

Literally nothing wrong with killing muslims. Godspeed, America

>> No.7927768

In terms of comfort? Sure. In terms of wealth? No way. Louis XVI would still be very rich by today standards just like any other monarch nowadays. The poor people today still can't afford to dress in rich garments or live in a palace full of gold chandeliers

>> No.7927831

Of course. Its only natural to care more about your own. I don't begrudge other races who are openly racist and defend their own, rather I'm just disappointed its the white race that harbours people pretending to care about other races to a militant degree. Its like you said just a 'status competition', they don't actually care nearly as much if at all.

>> No.7927863
File: 14 KB, 288x325, 1516080574949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Civil War had anything to do with slavery

Slaves had better nutrition and less work hours than the average American at the time. The whole 'massah rape me' thing is also a bullshit meme (nobody wants to fuck black women). The only hardships they went through were the boat rides over here. This is all especially true during the last 50 years of slavery. I'm not saying it was a good thing, and I'm certainly against it, but the bullshit behind it drives me nuts. Here's a video with sources in the comments, because I'm to lazy to source it myself.


>> No.7927902
File: 616 KB, 2329x1721, Construction-Workers-min[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that picture is literally what liberals think
Meanwhile in reality, white people do all the work so they can pay for the welfare of the non-white who want to live in the civilization built by white people

>> No.7927957


>> No.7927973

>Meanwhile in reality, white people do all the work so they can pay for the welfare of the non-white who want to live in the civilization built by white people

Probably coming from someone who's never picked up a shovel in their life.

>> No.7928014

They also had no money or freedom,so who cares about nutrition? Even then most of the food they got were shit the slave owner didn’t want.

>> No.7928025
File: 91 KB, 428x427, 029[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making no points/arguments and jumping straight to ad hominem attacks
How to detect a liberal: 101

>> No.7928054

>Slaves had better nutrition and less work hours than the average American at the time. The whole 'massah rape me' thing is also a bullshit meme (nobody wants to fuck black women). The only hardships they went through were the boat rides over here.

You're preaching to the choir here. I'm talking about abolitionism and the Civil War as something only tangentially related to the welfare of slaves. What was, in reality, what amounted to a self-appointed holy war on the Northern WASPs part to crush the Southern Cavaliers.

>> No.7928084

I suppose you're a liberal then.

>> No.7928155

The question is : when will it stop ?

>> No.7928173

This is why it's a good thing americans and europeans are being cucked, raped and replaced.
I've done my fair share in defiling your women :^)

>> No.7928215

The intelligent position would be to think what would be of those people if that cunt wasn't buying their shit.

>> No.7928230
File: 231 KB, 304x366, 1515040125319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being a faggot

>It's better to have no food than bad food
You're still wrong regardless. They had decent food, because masters actually tended to like their slaves and wanted to get the greatest work output from them. Here's a history of black barbeque, which was developed by slaves. Fuck sakes, man. They lived on Southern plantations. How can you not eat well?

>> No.7928256

>What was, in reality, what amounted to a self-appointed holy war on the Northern WASPs part to crush the Southern Cavaliers.
Definitely. I think that came a little later in the war as a proxy action to fuck them over.

>> No.7928268

I actually needed to read something like this right now, but I didn't realize it until I read it. Thanks anon (yes I'm serious).

>> No.7928381

World has never been fair. It will never be fair. The standard of living is amazing compared to 100 years ago, pretty much for everyone in the world thanks to white men's achievements in science and technology.

Realize that and be comfy if you're white, thankful if not.

>> No.7928413

first this Jesusdiedforyoursins thread and now i scroll down to this.

I dont come to /biz to be humbled Anon. No really, stop.

>> No.7929045

Same here
Hohol from soviet union living in states

>> No.7929757

Lets see how long an optomistic thread about how great life is turns into /pol/fag bullshit!
Seriously guys contain your retardation to your board.

>> No.7929800

I thankful that I get to eat three times a day on the cheap.

Thanks non-whites.

>> No.7929935

lol if you think this house of cards isnt on the way to collapse very soon

>> No.7931022
File: 70 KB, 594x399, 2009+BET+Awards+Arrivals+Tns_tN0G6tKl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek have a

>> No.7931080
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>> No.7931111
File: 143 KB, 1300x867, deal2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its our world, we created it. If they could have done it they would have and the shoe would be on the other foot. Life is good.

>> No.7931201

I don't appreciate this cesspool. There's no substance and meaning here. It's all a vapid illusion. We are as much a part of the machine as the chink. Only we're living on part glory, and the chink will rise up to a higher level because he actually cares about something as a group. Soon we'll just be glorified sweatshop labourers. It's why our economies are service-based.