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File: 23 KB, 635x235, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7924045 No.7924045 [Reply] [Original]

If ChainLink is so good, why is Oraclize fudding it so much?

>> No.7924062
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Because they're salty faggots with an inferior solution.

>> No.7924073

They are desperate, because it's about to them out of business.
We should doxx the oraclize faggot and raid him.

>> No.7924081

comon guys make more link forks!

>> No.7924136
File: 165 KB, 602x645, deleted tweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty funny, they are obviously getting a bit scared and desperate, they deleted a tweet here although I can't remember what it said exactly I'm pretty sure it was something retarded about how a centralised oracle is good

>> No.7924171

no he said something like "this decentralize everything boom gonna die soon" or something like that

>> No.7924190

>everyone has an oracle and links does not

>> No.7924202
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>> No.7924362

Can confirm

>> No.7924379

Because they know they're fucked dummy.

>> No.7924401


>> No.7924414
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>> No.7924432

Link can still work as a centralized oracle if the one making the contract decides so.

>> No.7924437

>he deleted the tweet

hahahah oraclize CEO is a such a faggot, looks like a pure chad who knows nothing about the tech and is just a figurehead.

He's still mad he got BTFO by sergey at devcon. Like how he fudded then deleted the tweet, after getting rekt by linkies, and realized he was just giving Chainlink (the superior product) publicity thru their official channel. They're scared.

>> No.7924480 [DELETED] 
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thats our sergei :3

>> No.7924583

Oraclize went down not too long ago (central point of failure !) and the dApps using it all stopped working. It was a perfect demonstration of why link is a superior solution

>> No.7924621
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>> No.7924666
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Lord Vitalik follows Oraclize but not ChainLink, so I'm going with Oraclize it. As Bryce Weiner said recently, ChainLink is the most overhyped project in crypto. Also, remember that time VItalik absolutely BTFO Sergey to cement his status as the alpha silverback of crypto? Holy shit that must've been humiliating.

>> No.7924691

Ahahaha what a fucking faggot deleting it. Oraclize is done for.

>> No.7924698

>As Bryce Weiner said recently,
Oh, one of the most notorious scammer in crypto called Link overhyped
How will Link ever recover

>> No.7924725
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The weak should fear the strong.

>> No.7924727
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>listening to a commie pedo who is only a good programmer but has no idea about economy or how real world works who though ethereum was overvalued at $10
You'll make it far in life

>> No.7924744
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>> No.7924751
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>the alpha silverback of crypto

>> No.7924770
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Bryce Weiner talks real shit.

>> No.7924812

>the most overhyped project in crypto
I still don't get that, Satan. The Chainlink twitter account is at almost 2K followers, this isn't like annoucing annoucements.

>> No.7924835

Maybe he's just a regular here

>> No.7924838
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I'm not really that knowledgeable about all this specific technical stuff, but it seems like he's FUDding LINK pretty hard here with a series of tweets last night after he posted >>7924414
. I have no idea if this is legit worrying FUD or if LINK is actually superior. Can an anon smarter than me share their thoughts?

>> No.7924852

Sounds like you're the desperate one

>> No.7924873
File: 60 KB, 612x631, billy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also check out this retarded FUD
Chainlink is like a motortrike apparently. I don't even know what this analogy is supposed to mean

I may not be smart enough to critically asses this FUD >>7924838 but I'm not retarded enough to realise that these are the posts of idiots. The guy who says he's a cryptocurrency skeptic clearly has no understanding of oracles or smart contracts.

>> No.7924877

all you need to know is aBunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth.

Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons.

Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story.

The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes.

In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team

>> No.7924912

You sure showed him.

>> No.7924983

see >>7924414
then look at >>7924621

>> No.7925073
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>> No.7925176

Yeah but in >>7924838 it seems like in the tweet at the top they are saying that they won't be as centralized in future?
>we both have plans to spread its management out to many operators
so I don't understand why they are fudding decentralisation when it turns out their centralised model is so shit they have to decentralise it....

It would actually be pretty funny if we did a DDoS attack on them or something

>> No.7925236
File: 495 KB, 350x350, 1519244836390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus it's the stuff like
>the CL model is composed of repsystem+TC, the latter atm is weaker than the Oraclize one (as it depends on intel sgx, while Oraclize is trying to be agnotic and not rely on intel only), while the repsystem is a different service that should be compared w/ Augur instead
>[we are proposing to] extend decentralized networks with a different trust model where trusted computing techniques are used to give some guarantees on those extenal processes
>we are not centralizing anything really, this is just a marketing effort to spread FUD. Oraclize will be usable by 3rd party operators shortly, and thanks to authproofs this is a minor concern really. The point is securing authproofs, not the operator censorship

What the fuck does all this mean

>> No.7925237

if vitalik wanted he could literally destrol link today by announcing inline native oracle layers in ethereum itself.

face it, chainlink has everything to lose when it depends entirely on ethereum and other smart contract platforms using it.

>> No.7925260

nice stale fud you got there going fren

>> No.7925275

its called research, and something it seems link holders havent done any of.

>> No.7925276

ah the classic oracle button meme, missed that one

>> No.7925312
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>'you don't want to decentralize everything, just the things that will eliminate a point of trust/failure'
>mfw he literally just BTFO'd himself

>> No.7925457

its something ive never really had reconciled. right now link is beholden to ethereum to not do something they are guaranteed to (if oracles are as important as everyone says)

you have to hope ethereum dies and 5-10 smart contract platforms replace it, but yet, strangely, only one dominant oracle platform exists without any real competition.

i just dont see how it makes sense that link will be a single dominant platform and yet there will be many many smart contract platforms all connecting to it, it goes against everything weve seen and know about networks, in and out of crypto.

>> No.7925475

sergey has tweet like 3 times since sibos and that is the extent of their marketing so far. only a handful of autists on biz are hyped about this faggot

>> No.7925570

he has a few months to get ethereum scalable or it will lose to other faster competitors. you really think he's going to spend his time building an oracle layer? and even if he did, would it be blockchain agnostic and allow people to send their data to competing platforms? not every company will want to use ethereum, especially if they can't get it scalable in the near future

>> No.7925608

Try at least a thousand. Almost 1k in the biz stream alone at its peak.

>> No.7925615

if ethereum wins 100% market share in the future then yes chainlink will be mostly useless. but will it? I don't think so. and I've been holding eth since it was $80

>> No.7925625

Just so everyone knows this is pasta seen it in every link thread for the past 4 days

>> No.7925679

excellent, that's a good sign and is actually very bullish


>> No.7925733


Is there an argument against it though?

>> No.7925793

That other than a few poor anons pooling thieir eth to get into the pre-sale it's false

>> No.7925803

This FUD seems reasonable. Couldn't all programmable platforms include external connectivity as an inbuilt feature? Just execute Link's functionality on an off-chain layer and feed the results back to the chain.

That way you wouldn't need to pay both the platform AND the oracle network with two different tokens. Paying with ETH for example would suffice for triggering function calls, regardless of whether they make API requests or not.

>> No.7925847

I can see Hyperledger and Ethereum co-existing and maybe ICX and NEO

Also niche token based cryptos, not entire smart contract platforms, can use LINK. e.g. that new ico that's going to use LINK for it's review system (i forgot what it was called tho)

Newfags, it's much older than 4 days. LURK MOAR. You're not supposed to /helpfully inform/ people it's copypasta; everyone has to learn by lurking. You fresh off the boat from Reddit yeh? Kys

>> No.7925859
File: 55 KB, 640x480, 1516555489482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitalik is pretty okay with delegating work to other projects though. See Enigma.

>> No.7925899

well yeah, anyone could copy any open-source project's functionality. why use any particular crypto when any other crypto could in theory mimic its features?

>> No.7925902

Glad project with a “legitimate” reputation feel threatened. Means LINK is gaining traction insofar as utility.

>> No.7925910

>Newfags, it's much older than 4 days. LURK MOAR. You're not supposed to /helpfully inform/ people it's copypasta; everyone has to learn by lurking. You fresh off the boat from Reddit yeh? Kys

imagine being this much of a fag

>muh super secret investing club

neck yourself nigger

>> No.7925951

>muh super secret investing club
Lurk Moar has been a key phrase on 4chan for years. sage. You're supposed to lurk until you integrate not make faggy posts and ask faggy questions that everyone else feels embarrassed for you to even see

>> No.7925956

seems like the people saying things like "newfag" are mostly the newfags now

>> No.7925964

Read Vitaliks blog post on oracles wrt why ethereum doesn't have oracles natively

The oraclize guy doesn't understand chainlink entirely

dyor if you don't understand these types of questoins you will get scammed.

>> No.7925966

I think he's a faggot. Can he even program?

Not addressing privacy (ENG), not getting their shit together... So far Ethereum's not doing too well so I'd rather be banking on EOS. The programmable crypto market isn't that great despite the variety competition though.

I don't think this is an argument though. Cryptos cement their positions through network effect. Usually this happens when people start buying the platform token and the price goes up, thus giving the project recognition. But for people to start buying the tokens the project needs to be "marketable". Think Ethereum - "the world supercomputer". Normies gobbled that up

>> No.7925978

how about this? can you agreee that theres a massive campaign to shill link? im the one posting that copy pasta. Since then link threads have died down

>> No.7925992


Your hard on for proving your chan knowledge is cringey as fuck. I knew it was copypasta I was asking if anyone could actually refute it you spaz

>> No.7925997

Nice copy paste idiot

>> No.7926011

This one?

>> No.7926046

>Not addressing privacy (ENG)
Because it is hard. We don't need half assed solutions in the first layer.

ETH is so far the only truly decentralized smart contract platform.

>> No.7926048

Also came across a long hype post about oracles

>> No.7926134

Stop trying to defend your shitty posts and instead try to integrate into chan culture more so you can contribute better and make it a more funny, informative and exclusionary place instead of dragging the quality down with faggy posts

It's actually a very good copypasta that scares newfags to death, I appreciate that you keep posting it

>> No.7926146

No one can refute it it's ironclad you should marketsell asap

>> No.7926166

True, true. You could probably implement privacy on top of Ethereum. But it's kind of a vital feature for any crypto so he should have acknowledged its importance better. So far people don't seem to grasp at all how important privacy is.

The problem with Ethereum as far as I see it is POW. It's just shit, there's no way around it. And they're supposedly gonna go with POS+POW in the future.

A programmable crypto with a declarative (possibly not turing complete) language using DPOS a la EOS or FBA a la XLM with a plan for privacy would be perfect. But it doesn't look like something like that is gonna exist any time soon

>> No.7926196

i hoenstly feel bad for them. If they are going to put there money into something they need to understand what it they are looking at. They do not need to get mind fucked by some pieces of shit like i did

>> No.7926245
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Actually, incredibly, there is a large possibility for this to occur. The explanation is in a smart-contract ecosystem concept that I will let Sergey himself describe in the attached screenshot.

Source: https://medium.com/@sergeynazarov/chainlink-an-overview-and-our-focus-14f03335b803

Essentially, the early smart contracts that employ other processes (such as chainlink) in a modular fashion will be the standard-setters for future smart-contracts; smart contracts developed after the fact are likely to use the same modules, which may themselves be modular and rely on different underlying services. That future smart contract could be utilizing a myriad of different services (like chainlink) behind the scenes and the developers themselves may not even consciously intended to do so.

>> No.7927173


The bottom line for speculative pricing on chain link has always been partnerships and adoption. If link doesn't capture a significant share of the oracle/middleware/adapter market we will be bag holders.

>> No.7927334

There is a PnD group who mainly post here and use bots and their holdings to swing the price of link up to 40% but normally 10% to milk money out of small buyers. They spam the board with shill or fud depending on whether they are pumping or dumping or recycling back in. They use algo step buying, fake buywalls and milk retards on here who think they are part of a special club. The truth is in this post. It's pathetic and ugly but the truth and its been going on since the ico

>> No.7928090


Yup. Proving why they're the inferior product within 24 hours of trying to start a beef with Chainlink.

>> No.7928264

This x1000. Think of it like this. Say Oraclize is 2d, that's plenty for many trivial usecases. Thing is, ChainLink is 3d, which means not only can it be applied to many much more important/valuable usecases, but it also covers 2d too. Every cube's faces are squares.

Chainlink's 3rd dimension (full decentralisation from n nodes) may not always be necessary, but the fact that it is even POSSIBLE aswell as the possibility of an SLA specifying only 1 node needed makes Oraclize and ALL other centralised oracles redundant.

Tl;dr Chainlink doesn't compete with centralized oracles, it ABSORBS them.

>> No.7928265


Its all but guaranteed they will though. Default kernel level oracle in zeppelin_os = the default oracle for any dApp started later this year and beyond.

Partnership with SWIFT + mention in founder of IMF's book about the current technological revolution = massive value being added in 2019/2020.

Anyone second guessing whether LINK < $1 is a good buy doesn't know anything about where this ecosystem is heading.

>> No.7928517

the contract creator can just pick 1 node with the best reputation if he doesn't care about the decentralization aspect

>> No.7928724


Vitalik has to be one of the only market manipulators who does it simply because he's a fucking autist.


even today he'd probably be the guy buying a fucking pizza with multiple millions worth of bitcoin.

>> No.7929143

holy shit!
that guy's still alive?
what's he even been doing?

>> No.7929293

sucking cocks like the faggot that he is