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File: 19 KB, 551x393, DOWN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7921024 No.7921024 [Reply] [Original]

BTC autists are either blind or mentally insane since they can't see that the trend is DOWN.

Religious BTC nutters believe in "Satoshi's vishun" so hard that they literally think their coin is immune to crashes and bear markets.
I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but you'll never see 50k, let alone 100k.

>> No.7921046

>b-but we used to think BTC wouldn't hit 10k either so if we say it won't reach 1 million, by this logic it will

I'll also add that this is the longest bear market BTC has ever seen, and it has only started.

>> No.7921047
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remember that killing yourself is always an option, dear nocoiner

>> No.7921100

Keep telling this to yourself. I am sure you need reassurance from internet strangers.

Yes, in the short run the trend is down, so you better be accumulating. By the end of Q2 the total market cap will 2x. In the long run everyone who has money in crypto right now will benefit (Given the money isn't in dying shitcoins).

>> No.7921448

now fuck off

>> No.7921466

are weed stocks still profitable?

>> No.7921491

I can't wait when this board is filled with pink vojacks.
I'll be soooo happy when I tell YOU to kill yourself.

>> No.7921511

The only thing that will kill BTC is another coin that is vastly superior technology. It will need to be way, way better to supplant it. I don't see any coins that are legitimate contenders at the moment. BTC isn't going anywhere yet.

>> No.7921535

How much money have you made with cryptos? Zero? Salty nocoiner, even the pajeets made more

>> No.7921537
File: 79 KB, 1018x1024, 1517889351262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget to larp as one, making thread afrer thread by yourself and wasting the time of your life

>> No.7921542

Easy come, easy go.

>> No.7921557

I make my money in the stock market.
But you do realise I could be making money on crypto falling too?

>> No.7921567

And you are so sure that it will go down based on what? That graph? Hahahahahahahaha

>> No.7921568

fucking pathetic retard jacking off to btc going down. Give me your btc address I send you 1 bitcoin

>> No.7921596

How much do you make in a year? 8-10% a year? Not bad salty nocoiner.

Cya in the hall of fame

>> No.7921606

You give me your bank account, I'll send you *real* money.

>> No.7921627

>Meanwhile he is holding facebook shares
>Monopoly money

>> No.7921647


What makes you think BTC would go up now that people know it's shit tech and the value is based on a bubble?


>By the end of Q2 the total market cap will 2x

See you at 2k in Q2.

>> No.7921653

Depends on the year, the cumulative for the last 5 has been ~115% + dividends. Sure, some can make much more in crypto, but most don't.

>> No.7921666

oh hey its this comment again
see you next bubble

>> No.7921695

>BTC autists are either blind or mentally insane since they can't see that the trend is DOWN.
>Doesn't notice that the downtrend is losing momentum.

Anyway, your TA is shit because that's not how you determine a downtrend.

>> No.7921697

The market cap is going to double in 3 months? That's fucking hilarious. Tell us oh mighty trader, who exactly is buying that much?

Let us know you're one of the "teh institutional munny" retards, so we can ignore you completely.

>> No.7921709

>longest bear market
>except that 1 year thing which needed insolvency and deepweb exit scams to happen

>> No.7921745

Crypto is open source you absolute retard. It's like paying 10k for a copy of Ubuntu.

>> No.7921748


>> No.7921754

fuck you retards really found your life purpose on this. 2k is not even possible. every early adopter has to sell for this to happen but most of them sold the ath and bought back in. you guys just make no sense.

>> No.7921795

>every early adopter has to sell for this to happen
How does this make sense?
The price is determined by what someone is willing to pay for it. These "early adopters" can have a million BTC and it can be worth 0$.

>> No.7921802

a car is also open source and people still pay 500 k for lambos. a domain is also open source and some people pay millions for it. your mom is also open source and a lot of guys fucking her

>> No.7921838

You don't understand what open source is, do you?

>> No.7921841

Insane returns. If you are not larping keep it up whatever you are doing

>> No.7921848

>2k is not even possible

You said under 10k is not even possible when we were at 20k.

Dude this shit could crash to zero overnight.

>> No.7921870

>Crypto is open source you absolute retard. It's like paying 10k for a copy of Ubuntu.


I've actually compared BTC to Linux before, because it's open source, ingenious and offers nice ideals.
Focus on the last word: ideals.
People are paying for BTC because it seems like a futuristic cyberpunk dream. But the reality is we'll be getting fucked by Windows (FIAT) forever.

>> No.7921877

the trend is still upwards if you draw your trend lines from late-2016 onwards

end of last year was just sill, but it will close 2018 well higher than 50K

>> No.7921881

They are not really insane at all, someone just holding an index fund would have done almost the same It has been an amazing bull market for the last couple of years. This is also *cumulative*, so returns on returns.

>> No.7921899

are you retarded or something? price is also determined by what price someone is willing to sell it for. why should a smart investor sell something at 2000 he bought 2 weeks before at 6000. early adopters like me can sell any time at massive profit but i have already enough profit and iam not willing to sell at a price i don’t like.

>> No.7921906

>People are paying for BTC because it seems like a futuristic cyberpunk dream

How fucking retarded are you?

>> No.7921915

Well, that's the problem with TA - you can draw lines at some point that tell the story you want to tell, but that doesn't mean that your prediction will come true. Going back to 2016...yeah, that's not gonna be TA I'm interested in even looking at. But that's me.

>> No.7921923

If nobody is willing to buy it, and no one is willing to sell it, it is worth nothing.

>> No.7921927

i do but you don’t. you want to tell yourself and others that everybody can copy btc. which is huge bullshit. just because i can build a car doesn’t mean i will liquidate bmw and daimler

>> No.7921935

You really don't get it. Fascinating.

>> No.7921949

I'm sick of bunch of fags shorting btc on bitmex with leverage and right after opening threads here about how btc will crash. Fuck you all.

>> No.7921991


If you look at other cryptos and see how they behave, you'll see that after the most insane ATH peak, there's always just a long downtrend to where it all started from.
20k was it. BTC is going back to late 2016.
Remember when BTC hit 1k years ago? It was the same kind of bubble. Crypto repeats itself because it's a caricature of real investing.

>the trend is still upwards

BTC's price is still high compared to 2016 but you're confusing the price with trends.
It's just a matter of time before we hit 2k and we have to admit that yeah, it was downwards.

>> No.7922006

No one fucking said that ever.

>> No.7922009


now you think you are einstein? a self sustainimg economy like crypto with a low supply asset like btc as reserve currency and many multimillion $ companies and investors involved won’t have this problem. but if you think so you spent a lot of effort for nothing. because nobody gives a shit about your opinion

>> No.7922028

no you don’t get the real world. you fantasize little boy

>> No.7922040


>why should a smart investor sell something at 2000 he bought 2 weeks before at 6000.

If you buy something at 6k, it's not going up because you want it to go up.
You can't force profits to appear.
People are thinking of BTC like a machine that simply must make them money, no matter how the situation looks.

Cryptos really are like investing for babies. No wonder real investors laugh at this shit.

>> No.7922046

>BTC must behave just like my randomly picked shitcoin
>BTC price must go back to randomly picked time


>> No.7922059

No, I don't think I'm Einstein, you just don't understand the very basics of a market.

>> No.7922067



When we crossed the 10k border the first time, we were all screaming how BTC will never again cost under 10k in the history of humanity.
When we approached the 20k barrier, we all screamed how it's going straight to 50-100k.
Stop acting like this optimistic madness never happened, there were literally thousands of threads.

>> No.7922089


Sorry but that's just way more likely than a bullrun to 50-100k.
Bubbles tend to burst, which has happened here, and where does the price go, then? To where it was before it was a bubble.

>> No.7922111
File: 8 KB, 265x265, 1517096392975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


crypto is full of shills ... always knew the shilling is stronger than the "fud" why? because every concern or fact is fud lol

>> No.7922122

it's OVER for bitcoin, /biz
move on to the next scam

>> No.7922129

>we were all

Haha you mean 'I was the idiot who was'. You can stop larping about your trading abilities now anon. It is ok, someone has to buy at 19k, this time it was you. Just keep hodling.

>> No.7922128

no it’s not going up because of your retarded will it’s going up because it trades up manipulated or not ( easy when the available supply for 8 billion people is just around few million on exchanges ) or there is demand which drives the price up independent of the trading.

it’s not a machine. if it goes up you are lucky if not you are not lucky.

a lot of serious investors are heavily invested in btc and crypto in general. there are always few that hate and few that love. and majority doesn’t give s shit. the ones who hate are always the loudest and most retarded spending all their time on the internet.

>> No.7922133

>t. subhuman nocoiner

>> No.7922145
File: 99 KB, 908x714, 1496898887575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'ll also add that this is the longest bear market BTC has ever seen

absolute bullshit

>> No.7922157

Literally everyone on /biz/. I shouldn't have fucking listened.

>> No.7922161

Any mania has the true believers clinging to the dream for a period afterwards. There are people here who are still hanging onto those 19k dreams still, even though the market is proving that even 12k isn't possible, at current volumes/participation. The market also shifted, from "moon baby moon" to grinding off percentages on a daily basis, as seen by the newfound interest in sites like BitMex, and shenanigans in the altsphere. I smell so much desperation in the chatrooms on the margin sites, the nolambos are determined to get that supercar they think they were promised.

But the trend is obvious, if you pull back on the chart far enough.

Barring any huge catastrophes, or big positive news, this is the market - a slow steady march down.

>> No.7922166
File: 53 KB, 403x448, 1513630866821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll also add that this is the longest bear market BTC has ever seen, and it has only started.

and yet it is already losing momentum. KEK.
Can't wait to see you cry about your short positions getting liquidated.

>> No.7922173


>it's another buttcoiner thread

oy vey, see ya soycuck

>> No.7922181

>a lot of serious investors are heavily invested in btc and crypto in general
Wishful thinking, at it's best.

>> No.7922228

This post is classic for someone who is too emotionally invested in the market mooning again, and is attacking anyone who says differently on a personal level, even though it's not personal. The market is what it is. Calling people retards won't bring 19k moon shots, but he thinks it will.

>> No.7922237
File: 65 KB, 948x510, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7922241

>Thinks he's smart, stock trader/investor
>Charlie Mongrel is my idol
>realises he has been humiliated by retard teenagers and cyber punks
>rages on anime board

>> No.7922268

>we're going to bleed to sub 1k for no reason

you can't truly be this retarded

>> No.7922277

>Thinks he's smart investor/trader
>Charlie Mongrel is his Idol
>Gets humiliated by retarded teenagers and cyber punks making 637000 % in a couple years
>rages on anime board

>> No.7922332
File: 109 KB, 588x823, 1512851893788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is classic for someone who is too emotionally incested in the market crashing again, and is attacking anyone who says differently on a personal level, although it's not personal. The market is what it is, calling people retards won't bring 2k btc back, but he thinks it will.

>> No.7922367

Why are you guys such fags?

>> No.7922369

There won't be a reason but it'll bleed anyway. It's what happens after a bubble pops. There has been a lot of false bursts like in July or September but December was "the one".

>> No.7922382

i agree to some extent, that TA is more nuanced and can be used for things more complicated than long range trends

but long range trends tend to be the most reliable over, well, long range forecasts.and the cryto space is still looking good long term, in my opiinon

>> No.7922624

you're so new it hurts. Only time we had a 90% bleed was after gox. Now kys

>> No.7922679

>it happened once before so it can never happen again
Also BTC was dropping fast before gox, the hack just accelerated it.

>> No.7922702
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>> No.7922736

A car is made of materials that require purchase I can literally copy paste Ethereum code you goddamn dipshit.

>> No.7922763

>retarded newfag FUD
Neck yourself.

>> No.7922783

To everyone who is CERTAIN bitcoin is going to die, why don't you go to BitMex and short btc at 100x leverage?

>"nah man, too risky!"

There you go, you don't fucking believe it then.

>> No.7922788


its just a correction you fucking goon

>> No.7922804

you didn’t get the point fucking small cock retard

>> No.7922813

>To everyone who is CERTAIN bitcoin is going to die, why don't you go to BitMex and short btc at 100x leverage?
>"nah man, too risky!"


>> No.7922828

>I'll also add that this is the longest bear market BTC has ever seen
found the retard

>> No.7922852
File: 48 KB, 800x729, 8nRqoXW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because it has been going down, that means it's going to continue to go down

kys, stupid noob.