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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7920842 No.7920842 [Reply] [Original]

This coin has amazing potentional, team is full of IoT-related industry giants from Huawei, Eastcom, Microsoft, SAP and also highly respected people from academia)
Don't let the low tier brainlets fool you anons, this coin is about as good as it gets.
iOTA of China but this team is not full of insecure faggots like iOTA ‘muh refugees’ developers.
They constantly throw temper tandrums because their network still doesn't work for shit, and they have been at it since 2015.
If you think they will put their insanely credible careers and freedom on the line for some silly exit scam, then just stop reading from here.

>muh fake partnerships
Just before Chinese New Year there was a conference attended by media, academics and representatives from the ‘fake partners’ Microsoft, Huawei en IBM and also SAP.
These partnerships are yet to be formally announced and this coin will fucking explode when it does. The writing is on the wall.
The team has already showed INTchain 1.0 on the conference and things like a more complete whitepaper, western exchange listing, partnerships and roadmap are to follow.

>muh marketing
They don't cater to impatient neets on /biz/reddit. They don’t give a fuck about marketing yet, they are focused on building the actual tech first and then the marketing, this is common business practice in China.

The project is still literally at ground zero, they'll do more announcing this month and the months to come. The price has plummeted because the market took a shit and low marketcap coins suffer the most.
Of course crypto is mostly speculation but there are many good reasons to think this coin can easily rival iOTA which is 120x the MC.
This is your chance to make it and patience will be VERY rewarding on this one.
I don’t think people here realise the implications of IoT and Blockchain interopability, how it can transform how businesses operate in the future.

Don't be like the brainlets that fudded Ethereum or Antshares.

>> No.7920850

Why are you shilling this?

>> No.7920854
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>> No.7920860

trying to dump his heavy bags

>> No.7920863
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Because I am done accumilating and I want give back to the smart few /biz/raelis out here anon.

>> No.7920937
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I have most definitely made more money by holding onto bags of promising coins than you have flipping shitcoins for 2% profits/losses kek

>> No.7920992

Kek plz don't buy this

>> No.7921056

It’s almost as if biz truly hates money.

Nice writeup op, the team is phenomenal

>> No.7921117

I completely agree
There just not interested in marketing to the West yet
Its okay they can buy in at a higher price

>> No.7921121

just let this shitcoin die already. It had its run

>> No.7921221
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It's funny really, I made my best cryptogains by doing the opposite of what the majority of /biz/ tells me. The moment when I smell curry through my screen and I see a lack of intelligent FUD I know the coin has potential. Keep at it Raj.

>> No.7921240

Marketting is easier to fix than not having a product.

Let biz buy their shitty scams.

>> No.7921247

Idiots never seen a shill copypata before

>> No.7921258

you INTfags start to get to LINK levels of delusion.I know those bags are getting heavy and you want out, but its a shitcoin that kept on bleeding since 1$

>> No.7921276

Your hilarious
Be sure to screen cap this so that when this coin moons you can come back and look at how stupid you were

>> No.7921312
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Still nobody trying to intelligently trying to FUD this coin.

>> No.7921393

Nice english Prakash

Ok, for anybody that wants to see, just do an archive search on this pasta and you'll see if was posted all the time, complete with all the FUD in those threads. Anyone who's not a brainlet can go back and read it, have fun trying to sell your bags

>> No.7922011

>this curry nigger still cant refute the points made by op

>> No.7922019

Hey Sandeep, how's it going? Back to work I see? :)

>> No.7922063

stop bumping your dead thread because no one is interested in your scam

>> No.7922184

Congrats on buying the top! of course this means this is a scam

>> No.7922251

funny how this keeps dumping more with shill posts...

>> No.7922464
File: 165 KB, 816x457, crypto j curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this faggot has been in crypto for 2 months

>> No.7922535

This nigger knows. /biz/ doesn’t deserve this gem desu

>> No.7922876

Biz gem, undervalued

>> No.7923130

let the horsecock chink scamshitcoin die alreadt biiz

>> No.7923162

- scam coin -

>> No.7923218
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>I sold too soon therefore this is a scam

>> No.7924189
File: 60 KB, 662x800, 61343501-6393-49D8-9A05-8249DBF46CA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man it’s like you curryniggers arent even trying