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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 324x278, 1473548946573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7920667 No.7920667 [Reply] [Original]

I just found a coin that is going to pull a 100x in the next few months. I didn't know about it until I saw a post on here and did about an hour of research.

Thank you, /biz/.

>> No.7920677

Shove it up your ass

>> No.7920686

Those coins don't get discussed here
Nice larp

>> No.7920711

Welcome to the link marines.

>> No.7920716

I said 100x, not 1/100x

>> No.7920720

>eth since 2015
>antshares a year ago
that being said op is a larping faggot

>> No.7920740

PRL < 5 cents

>> No.7920750

yes i too know about b0x.network

>> No.7920804

Not that

>> No.7920821

I see your back to shill your scam shitcoin Curium. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.7920841
File: 93 KB, 1600x480, RRRRR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're already in anon

>> No.7920848


>> No.7920849

Not idea what that coin even is

>> No.7920861
File: 30 KB, 563x542, 857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can the name of it be split into 2 words as well?

>> No.7920867

>Doesn't know RLC
>Thinks he's knowledgeable enough to tell apart a hidden gem from hundreds of shitcoins

>> No.7920872

No, but if it were translated into Japanese, it could easily be split into two characters

>> No.7920880


>> No.7920898

Exactly, it didn't get shilled here
Those got shilled and fudded like everything else and because they were already popular

>> No.7920904


>> No.7920928


>> No.7920930
File: 29 KB, 256x256, gbYqRRS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you accumulating?

>> No.7920966

Why would I accumulate a complete piece of trash?

>> No.7920984


>> No.7920997
File: 11 KB, 393x48, 1500740299636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7921035

Finally found it, but may i ask how do u know it will 100x in a few months op?

>> No.7921034

It's not VEN

>> No.7921050


>> No.7921066

Advertising. This coin has 0 advertising going on at all. Once it gets on a decent exchange and gets reviews from some prominent YTers, whales will buy into it.

>> No.7921152 [DELETED] 
File: 614 KB, 553x598, 1496826224171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember boys, sage goes in all fields

>> No.7921176

You accumulators can't keep this a secret forever

>> No.7921321

Op why not just say the name of the coin and share the wealth?

>> No.7921329
File: 30 KB, 696x449, moonsoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're welcome anon. Keep accumulating.

>> No.7921344

>once it gets reviews from prominent YTers, whales will buy into it

yes because whales buy their purchases on youtube reviews. the absolute fucking state of /biz/

>> No.7921381

base their****

>> No.7921382

for fuck sake

>> No.7921402

Tell us you fucking mong

>> No.7921436

Meaning it's skycoin

>> No.7921470


>> No.7921500


>> No.7921534

It's BAT amirite?

Been shilled a ton already

>> No.7921552

>don't speak Japanese at all
>instantly know what "ロ" is from memory

T-Thanks 4chan

>> No.7921668


>> No.7921680
File: 12 KB, 480x640, 1504676063828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projecting this hard

>> No.7921686

I'm sick of Reddit getting to every coin before /biz/

>> No.7921729

so maybe you should start to put some work in it?
at least the soyboys invest some hours in research
you stupid fucks shitpost the whole day some stupid brappshit and think you deserve to get spoonfed some profits
not gonna happen

>> No.7921738


>> No.7921798
File: 125 KB, 1024x1113, 1475179700816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending Reddit

Maybe you should go back there.

>> No.7921845

i never was there to begin with
but get serious, /biz is shit since last autumn
all the newcoiners here are reddit tier and even worse

>> No.7921971

Then tell us the name of the coin

>> No.7921996

just checking, it is a betting/gambling coin right?

>> No.7922086

>/biz/ -
True statemtent

>> No.7922134

TEL coin, enjoy.

>> No.7922739


>> No.7922781

Devery, sir

>> No.7922806


>> No.7923384

Lol nobody here knows tdf...biz has gone to shit. You're all late

>> No.7923446


>> No.7923811


>> No.7923845

It's ACT you morons.

>> No.7923904
File: 25 KB, 640x640, IMG_20180131_095403_889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill save you the trouble

>> No.7923993

>tfw I know a coin like this but the ico hasn't started yet

>> No.7924035

actually I'm wrong it has started, I just can't buy in this round

>> No.7924099

Welcome to the HPB family.

>> No.7924226

so which one is it?

>> No.7924242

i don't know who this actor is but i've never seen any post with his image that didn't turn out to be catastrophically wrong
it's like this guy appeals to extreme beta wagecucks or something

>> No.7924384

It's >>7920848
There was an insider who supposedly was an experienced trader and knew how to do his research. He was a hefty advocate of this coin and said to accumulate. I've been hearing nothing but good things about it so far. It's probably this one since op didn't bother replying to it. Also,>>7921050
He seems to be ignoring the good coins

>> No.7924459

If it's the one that is currently around 1/5 of a penny right now, it's going to be insane. That team has so many projects and they are all going to be huge over the next year. I can only afford to hold a good position in two of their projects right now sadly. I'll give you lurkers one tiny clue: Domain and secure DNS. And it's on IDEX.

>> No.7924484

> this guy appeals to extreme beta wagecucks or something
that's suprisingly accurate

>> No.7924524


Tao or Tomo. If it was one of those, you're welcome.

>> No.7924568

DomainToken? It's unironically going 1000x this year easily. So incredibly undervalued now. All I hold besides Linkies.

>> No.7924796

PSA for mentally challanged biztards, if your pet coin can be accurately described as "the ____ of ____" then it is garbage

>> No.7924863
File: 205 KB, 1614x644, ezt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's EZT isn't it?

$10mil ICO sold out in 2 mins.

stayed above ICO prices on an internal exchange (yep they built an exchange themself) during feburary bear.

will join FIRST public exchange in 48hours...

seriously get in /biz/ the only way is up

>simple supply vs. demand
huge shift in 48 hours.
pic related

>> No.7924922


>> No.7924964

what's the point of using a cryptocurrency for frequent flyer rewards?

>> No.7925072


well i mean existing flyer miles are a just a currency.

and since u cant 'cash out' with fiat digitally (not without setting up coinbase 2.0) so it piggybacks on digital currency, crypto.

simple way to reward people with $$ without mailing it through the post

>> No.7925088

allows a price to be associated to it, without pegging a price to it.

>> No.7925303

Yeah I just felt like asking because I was curious