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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 21 KB, 545x545, xrb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7919892 No.7919892 [Reply] [Original]

ITT times where /biz/ got absolutely BTFO'd

lmfao paging assblaster bzzzz hello asslarper come in

oh no no no no



>> No.7919964

Operation RAPEDOG
In this thread every Nano marine tells how many dogs they gangraped in the ass without a condom.
Many community members gangraped a dog for high profit and good luck.
The anctient ritual seems to have an instant effect.
We are going back to the moon boys!

Fuck Dogecoin
Fuck Shibes
Fuck dogs in the ass

>> No.7920467

lol assblaster claimed it would be single digits. hes fucking hiding now fucking pussy. his failed attempt at FUD. assblaster if you dont respond to this thread your a huge pile of horseshit you fucking pussy ass bitch. $50 Q2 , $100 Q4, $300 EOY

>> No.7920560

oh boys i think youre forgetting about a milion nano got hacked yeah not even 1 month ago, have fun getting dumped soon

>> No.7920611
File: 58 KB, 403x403, 1455659286366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never sold OP. I never fucking sold. I believe in this coin from the very depths of my plums. People called me a retard when I bought at $4 and didn't sell at the ATH, only for it to drop back to $8, but I never wavered. It's a true chad coin and this is my ticket to a lifetime of staceys, just you fucking watch lads. No more dipping my balls in 4/10 butter golems, only to wake up with an avalanche of left over grease on my sheets. Hell no, it's only 10/10 light skinned asian godesses for me from now on. It's all thanks to NANO - the crypto that makes all your dreams come true.

I'm fucking hyped lads. My 200 XRB/NANO is the ticket to the high life, just you watch.

>> No.7920617

>stopped gaining at 15
>pumpers cashed out
>baghoders shill their bags
like clockwork

>> No.7920641

You are a retard. I wouldn't call you a retard for riding the waves, but thinking holding this disgrace will do you good in a year or two cements your status as a forever retard.

>> No.7920643

>it's only 10/10 light skinned asian godesses for me from now on
That girl is Croatian, dumbass

>> No.7920664

She's asian. She has the red and white Japanese flag on her t-shirt and has optimism in her eyes, unlike filthy degenerate western whores.

>> No.7920692
File: 11 KB, 226x51, 423e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're all gonna make it

>> No.7920706
File: 507 KB, 1070x601, wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw still 40% under my buy-in point

>> No.7920737
File: 280 KB, 728x590, 3gcc9AN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally the Croatian flag over her left breast you retard

>> No.7920763

Still gaining in BTC. BTC is shitting itself again.

>> No.7920766

What a retard.

>> No.7920769
File: 206 KB, 800x800, 1515208129157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The flippening is upon us.

>> No.7920772

The fuck's a croatia? Is that even a thing or are you kekistanis jumping ship to a new fairy tale cause your meme's normie now?

>> No.7920777
File: 4 KB, 304x306, Le_56_Face_Jewish_Bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fuck's a croatia?

>> No.7920797

This is bait.

>> No.7920899
File: 113 KB, 1237x677, 1516559234573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and remember that italian Bitgrail faggot still has like 4,000,000 nano in his personal wallet that he's just trying to dump. Shits a scam.

>> No.7920932

Why are you measuring in $, anon?

>> No.7920945

the hacked nano is already priced in faggots. it was done in october. they already sold it in Nov/December fucking idiots otherwise they would be caught. no idiot would hold onto nano's that they hacked. thats like robbing a bank and hiding the money when theres serial codes on them so u can never even use them if you keep them for too long

>> No.7920979 [DELETED] 

could have sold at its ath and quadruple your stack

>> No.7920989

She is a filthy croatian golddigger just like the american ones. Trust me, I know.

>> No.7921052

Wasn't it $8 like three days ago though?

>> No.7921092

So that means she's Serbian

>> No.7921131

...Didn't this coin used to be like $30 or something?

>> No.7921816

Annnddd it's pumping again holy fuck