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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 500x230, bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7916581 No.7916581 [Reply] [Original]

Useless ad token. Can't believe I fell for this shit.

>> No.7916617

A lot of people tried to warn BAT holders, but the shills just accused any valid criticism of being FUD. We all make mistakes. Just move on from here. I don't know at what price you bought, but you can likely recoup your losses.

>> No.7916969

I heard Brendon going to be speaking somewhere. I bought a $0.62 I can't wait to sell

>> No.7917089
File: 193 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20180224-013427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>28 btc volume

shit dude this even isn't a joke anymore. just cut your losses and move on. I was making fun of this at 60 btc volume but now it's just sad.

delist is imminent at this rate. also people fundamentally hate ads. people are in this token for the money not the project.

>> No.7917910

Yeah, keep selling at the lowest price in months just before Brendan gives a presentation in the mobile world congress and amid rumors of google trying to buy the coin.


>> No.7917920
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Yep. I tried to warn them.

>> No.7918089


Don't worry while fellow bagholder. While all the linkfags venshills and Reqlosers are waiting for their meme token to moon We're gonna outperform them all.

>> No.7918093

If Google buys the coin the token holders are left with nothing anyway

>> No.7918102

Conference is in 3 days, BAT FUD has been constant lately. Don't get kiked out of your gains lads.

t. 10k BATman

>> No.7918108

Lol Bounty aint exactly performing great buddy

>> No.7918148

Google is already in talks with DATA (DTA) for their mobile based advertising. BAT is dead, who the fuck will install a whole new browser? DTA Is 2c by the way...

>> No.7918199
File: 48 KB, 400x462, 1421678897254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had some screenshots saved back from when I warned people about this shitcoin just so I can rub it in the faces of the people who accused me of FUD. Too bad I can't find them right now cause the responses were topkek in hindisght.
>"lmao dude, you think you're an expert but you don't know shit"
>"talk to you in X months when BAT will be 6 gorrilion dollars"
>"you'll be sorry you missed this boat"

Meanwhile it's 6 months later, I almost 10X-ed my stack and BAT bagholders keep bleeding. Where are you faggots? You know who you are. How's the delusion going? Do we need to have this talk again in 6 months just so you learn your place in the world?

>> No.7918222

It's not just BAT though, a lot of the popular coins aren't worth much.

>> No.7918251


DTA looks sketchy as fuck though.
Isn't ai in that capacity supposed to be at least 5 years out if not a decade.

>> No.7918280

Give me some good insights on why BAT sucks.

>> No.7918288

Everyday is lowest price for the past 3 months.

>> No.7918300

Nobody wants to use some dogshit new browser

>> No.7918303

Why would google buy any of the current coins? Wouldn't they want to create their own from the ground up? If they buy out any company, it will likely be for some patents, that's it. There's also another big issue. None of us own any part of the companies in which we 'invest' in. I really doubt that a big buy out of a crypto company would be a good thing for the coin holders.

>> No.7918328

All advertising related tokens WILL FAIL because the average crypto brainleet can't grasp how complex and cucked that industry is.

Another industry that does not need nor is going to let anything descentralized come in and fuck with their data. Advertising will always trend to centralization.

>> No.7918348

Why would any company buy out an erc20 token? Especially an open source one when you can easily fork?

Sounds completely retarded.

>> No.7918352
File: 38 KB, 727x480, 1511113280556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to use the new browser but it's literally he best mobile browser app on the market right now. Even I haven't moved over on desktop but on mobile it's fucking unbeatable (android and iOS). Adoption there is all it takes to make the chrome and firefox add-ons they are working on popular.

>> No.7918395

You should always pause and figure out how you'd use it before you buy.
I mean, there is a just no use case for it. The concept of paying content producers is great, but nobody will want commercials and nobody will want a token with a fee.

>> No.7918398


Brave isn't Dogshit you fucking Faggot.

>> No.7918430
File: 255 KB, 1024x745, 1328859262301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but in this case it was different. I actually explained to people why BAT will never be anything more than a niche project, that sure as shit won't be valued in the billion dollars range. It was overvalued 6 months ago and it's overvalued now.

My intention was to inform people of what they are actually buying and instead I got shat on by retarded losers.

With other overvalued projects you could make a case that they "might/maybe/could" be worth something one day depending on factors A, B, C. With BAT it's just a fucking gamble on a deluded old man that thinks he can relive the succes that he had in the stone age of the internet buy going against fucking Google and expecting to win.

>> No.7918443
File: 53 KB, 200x200, Whatnow?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I've never even used or seen Brave

Is it better than Safari on the iPhone?

>> No.7918510

Fudders get the fuck out. If you take even half an hour to poke around the Brave website, use the browser, or pay attention to how much YouTubers struggle to make ends meet despite being massively more popular than legacy media, you know this token has a bright future. Loser teenagers on /biz/ don't know that a real business like Brave/BAT has its eye on the long-game.

>> No.7918540


We're entering a new Era the internet of tomorrow hopefully won't be run by the CIA niggers of yesterday. The Advertising industry is in need of a good shake up that's why I'm all in on Ad Crypto's like BAT STEEM and YOYOW

>> No.7918571

can you explain to me ?

>> No.7918611

The mobile brave browser is actually pretty great. So much faster than other browsers and it saves on data when browsing because it removes ads and trackers. Cant open 4chan tho.

>> No.7918617
File: 42 KB, 362x362, comfy guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, Brave/BAT are such a solid plan that I'm not even worried.

I'm 100% sure of one thing and that's that the more money BAT is worth, the better Brave's advertising model will work. Therefore, BAT > $1 is more useful than BAT < $1. That's a fact, there's no denying it. The more money involved the better off Brave's advertising model works for everyone.

The thing I'm UNSURE of is how long it will take for Brave the BROWSER to catch on. It's such a new idea, i.e. getting paid for basically browsing the internet and being able to donate basically BAT residue in monthly increments, that I'm not sure if people will warm up to it. People are used to Chrome, people are used to spammy ads in their face. People don't like change. That being said, Brave is a better browser than Chrome already in terms of speed and adblock, and is only going to keep improving. It has a long way to go.

Once the actual advertising part of Brave begins (I think it's projected for Q3 or Q4, but who knows, could be later), then things will really kick into gear. What you have to realize is Brave and BAT are in the earliest stages of being right now. Getting into BAT below $1 is a good investment, without a doubt. But it may take a while before we see $5, $10. I'm guessing BAT >$5 EOY, but will really start hitting its stride in 2019.

It's a solid idea and has a solid team behind it. Don't listen to FUD.

>> No.7918628


I dunno it's something that allows content creators to get paid for their work. Because fuck jewgle demonitizing my favorite YouTube.

>> No.7918629

Just downloaded it and tried it out. Slower than Safari and keeps freezing. Sorry bros but it's fucking garbage.

>> No.7918650

> we are reaching levels of delusion that should not be possible .jpg
> Thinking they can outshill madmen.
We know you want to shill your bags and you can come up with whatever boggeyman you want, but the sad truth is that Advertising runs on centralization, it is not profitable any other way.

>> No.7918659

thx just bought 100k

>> No.7918662

BAT is like a chain reaction waiting to happen. It just needs to reach more publishers first. It needs to be distributed to every little website there is. Every little youtuber there is. Then when the price goes up the whole world will be aware of BAT.

>> No.7918676

Haha, I've almost certainly read more about online advertising and BAT than you have. I wouldn't trust a 4channer explaining advertising to me in a million years.

I won't be selling my BAT for a long time, so don't worry about my bags.

>> No.7918678
File: 333 KB, 618x718, 1487196660368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying a token artificially capped to $1

>> No.7918683

Yeah it’s called steem ya dumb dumb

>> No.7918689
File: 25 KB, 400x386, 1452081459964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going to hold it even if it goes to 1 sat
dont give a SHIT what these FUDlettes say lmao

>> No.7918692

I think it is totally fine. I notice no difference between this and Chrome (maybe because it is both Chromium)

>> No.7918695

You keep using it. Be happy with your shit browser and useless tokens.

>> No.7918711

I don't really even understand the BAT FUD. Must be SJWs that are offended by Brendan supporting straight marriage.

>> No.7918717

I would be using it even if there were no tokens. I think it is great.

>> No.7918726

must be using a shit phone it is so much faster than other browser for me on mobile

>> No.7918753

BAT team should really be asking for a refound on this lame shillthread.

>> No.7918755

I knew about Brave through BAT. I have less than $300 in BAT, but Brave is actually very nice.

>> No.7918803
File: 128 KB, 1000x1000, 1505753338156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My face this is just another way for the Alt Right and the Daily Stormer to get rich.

The future is gonna be glorious folks. We're literally gonna have people getting paid to call these SJW bulldykes Niggers and there ain't a damn thing they can do about it fucking topkek.

>> No.7918841

It doesn't matter how solid the plan is. Even if BAT/Brave is successful, there's really not much propping up the market cap of the coins at $350M.

>> No.7918892

The fud coming from these prl bagholding degens is strong. lol keep giving your money to these half baked whitepapers. I will go where the vc money is going while everyone loses their ass on vaporware. lmao

>> No.7918899

Weak as hell FUD. BAT has a utility, it solves a real world problem, and it does it effortlessly.

You want early access to the eco system? you gotta use BRAVE. You don't? that's cool. wait till the chrome extension comes out. There's rumors it'll be directly integrated into the firefox code base in the future gaining millions of new users literally overnight.

BAT is a long term play, we wont see much price action until the platform is a little more fleshed out.

>> No.7918984
File: 1.29 MB, 1697x1080, sketch-1519431257871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Qcoin pajeet pls go

>> No.7919117

Another thing: it's actually been nice getting free BAT from the Brave giveaways. Even though you have to donate the BAT you receive, it feels good being able to support small YouTubers I like with cryptocurrency.

Free money that I can use to support my favorite content creators. Would love to see someone in this thread explain to me why that's a bad idea, because I really can't see it.

>> No.7919520

glad I got out of this shitcoin at 5700

>> No.7919594

>dear diary, ppl were mean to me whaaaaaa

Cry some more.

>> No.7919615

Unless you are a central banker or their friend there is no free money. If the youtubers get cash, somewhere cash went in. That somewhere is anyone who bought BAT from the devs.

>> No.7919717
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>> No.7919722
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>> No.7919774

where the product ?

>> No.7919813

afaik code is getting released next month

>> No.7919871
File: 104 KB, 1036x693, 362e2275e60fef8338f2c89f42419da578c4c13cdc932ad122e25ea5a9a77081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ey guys, check this new chink coin with a esoteric use case and 1.5b mc. The team is leaded by mister no-one, but he has a PhD of some chink university and even though there is not whitepaper the website is full of buzzwords!
/biz/: all in

>Ey guys, check this tiny market cap token, trying to get a slice of the pie of a trillion size industry. The idea and roadmap are great, and is leaded by a fucking living legend!

/biz/: meh

>> No.7919927
File: 77 KB, 1024x657, 4ox0139t8miy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another factor to consider, this people and their constant growing pool of followers will never be allowed to advertise with google.
We saw it ad vomitum during Trump campaign with the retoric of "it's not censure if it's a private company, even though is a de facto monopoly"

google and facebook can get fucked, joys are tired of their bullshit.

>> No.7919952
File: 154 KB, 1075x981, 2POB8ZC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll fucking do a anti-refugee ad once the platform is working just for the sake of it.

>> No.7920041

Don't know about the token or it's value, but just tried the brave browser after reading some of these replies on my iphone. It does run actually really smooth lol.

I've been getting these stupid "you won [insert crap here] pop ups on my safari browser, if brave ends up not having this issue over the course of the week then i might be a convert for the browser at least. Guess i should read on up on the token now.

>> No.7920095

check in settings/multimedia allow videos on background, is pretty neat to listen to youtube music

>> No.7920136

So with the concept of this coin, you get a token every time you see an ad, right? If that's true isn't the value of each token bound to stay relatively low considering they won't be that hard to get if all you do is see an ad to get one?

>> No.7920190

Guy, check some 2min youtube video explaining the token and the wiki of the CEO (Brendan Eich, more known for beign the inventor of Javascript and breaker of the internet explorer monopoly with firefox).
Then rush to your fucking exchange to buy while it is still cheap

>> No.7920206


That is FUD created by /biz/ so they can buy lower. Like always, price = mc/n of tokens

>> No.7920217

The tokens are divisible, you dont have to get exactly one.

>> No.7920666
File: 38 KB, 400x400, 8d1d506802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know i almost did but upon trying out their brave browser and seeing how these dumb faggots don't even have a wallet i knew its shit

i'd rather give other "add coins" a chance than this one

also good luck convincing people to switch browsers - incredibly dumb