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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 89 KB, 600x800, 002-filipino-women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7916375 No.7916375[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fuck white women and this north American country. I'm moving to the philippines to marry pic related and have a loyal wife. Enjoy your fat white cow wifes. Dirty amerimutts

>> No.7916386


>> No.7916392

damn tough decision, the one with the titties or the cuter one...decisions decisions decisions...good problem to have

>> No.7916400

what the fuck bro

>> No.7916408

enjoy having someone you cannot communicate with on the same intellectual/cultural level

>> No.7916411

god speed anon. we will not forget you

>> No.7916412
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>trading white roasties for the niggers of the east

>> No.7916414

might as well fuck a pillow instead

>> No.7916420
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don't marry those whores, just pay for your short time or long time and then on to the next one.

t. sexpat who visits thailand (pattaya & bangkok), Philippines & Cambodia -- no I ain't a pedo.

yes I fuck ladyboy too.

>> No.7916456

You can find better looking, younger, and more "loyal" flips walking around any mall in manila or cebu. Dont fall for the online bride meme.

$500 a month will buy you the devoted companionship of a cute young asian girl who will cook and clean for you, not to mention drain your balls whenever you want.

Dont marry one, because you marry her entire poor, retarded, scamming family also.

>> No.7916463

Good job anon. I hate white women too. Flips are the only good Asian.

>> No.7916489

me on the left

>> No.7916494
File: 7 KB, 250x222, 456645465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this anon speaks the truth

went to Issan with so whore of a bar girl because I wanted to go to a village, got picked up by her "brother" at the bus station and ofc wanted a hand out, got to the store and ofc I was buying the whiskey and w/e else, soda and food, drove past a market and ofc anon was buying the pork and chicken and shit.

thought to myself well it didn't cost much since it wasn't a tourist area and didn't get charged farang prices, I can't wait to get to her parents house and sle--- they live in a fucking cinder block shack...... like 10 people live here..... left the next morning but yes, their family will milk you dry, I also think the brother was the girls thai boyfriend or husband but w/e, it was an adventure.

>> No.7916498

I'm from the philippines and I can totally agree
most of them are gold diggers
watch out for these types anon
you can have a filter by looking for well educated ones but even then it's highly unlikely for you to find a good one

>> No.7916502

Good job op white women are trash

>> No.7916511

LOL at thinking this a negative.

>> No.7916517

>enjoy having someone you cannot communicate with on the same intellectual/cultural level
I very much will anon.
Not gonna take the prison gay route

>> No.7916519

Fucking gross dude. Flips aren't even high tier asians, that's like fucking a spic. Go to Estonia or something and find a trad blonde qt instead of that weird shit.

>> No.7916528
File: 313 KB, 960x1280, 86ffe01b315441c7db1da62dc74967ea[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, I'm into asians but those bitches are absolutely disgusting.
They look cheap and smell like gonorrhea from miles away.

>> No.7916529
File: 141 KB, 1080x1080, 78863973-8E4C-47A0-91BB-E4FE60588908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve fucked literally about 150 flips during my 4 years living in SBMA.

OP: take a week or two long trip to Angeles City and stay near Fields Ave and have a great time before you make any big decisions. The girls will run you about 1000p a night (20USD) plus whatever you spend in the bar first.

Routing to get here for you will be USA-MNL. Then you have a taxi or arrange a driver thru your hotel to take you to Angeles.

Pic very very related

>> No.7916540

PS. Yes I did get the clap 3 times but I’m an over 40 white male and didn’t give a shit

>> No.7916548

lots of koreans in angeles city now, still a good place. I stayed in the hotel where all the bar girls think it's haunted by a dead bar girl because she apparently got murdered by some german dude and put in a suitcase or something.

>> No.7916562

what is the clap?

>> No.7916570

If your going to do south east Asia just go to Thailand and skip the rest. Filipinas are filthy, literally bottom of the barrel gutter trash.

>> No.7916575

Yeah Korean and Jap customers drive the prices up and “spoil” the girls anywhere they go. The Flip bar girls have that “3/3/3” saying about Jap customers:
3 inches
3 minutes
3000 pesos (when normal white guys pay 1000)

But Angeles will always be Hooker Mecca and a great vacation.

>> No.7916577

Gonorrhea, anon is a degenerate who barebacks Philippine hookers.

>> No.7916586

lol, it's 5 inches, 5 minutes and 5000 baht in pattaya.

guess going to angeles makes them lose 2 inches.

>> No.7916587

Greenish white stuff drips out of your dick for a few days. Totally painless however and you won’t notice it till the first time you pull down your boxers to take a whiz

Easily and quickly cured with Zithromax. Available over the counter all over SE Asia.

>> No.7916603

Unfortunately my dick is only 5 too! Unless they mean cm !

>> No.7916629 [DELETED] 
File: 3.56 MB, 4032x3024, 20180214_004403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are under 40, white, and have money you can land the real cutir spinners.

>> No.7916649

I dont know why the niggerfuck my pics rotate when I post them from my phone to 4chan. Gotta figure it out before I try to dump any more hooker pics.

>> No.7916657

don't worry, they like them funsized anyway.

could be worse, could be a pajeet, those fuckers are animals over there, they'll pick up a freelancer off beach road or w/e, like 4 pajeets and 1 hooker and then all take turns with her so they can be cheap and just throw her like 1000 baht after being gang raped by a pajeet.

it's why they're banned from many of the gogo's etc because they just buy themselves like 1 beer and perv and grope the girls all night without buying lady drinks etc 555.

>> No.7916669

Anyone curious about the looks of the typical AC bar girl, Google
“Angeles City bar girls” then click images. Lots of pics

>> No.7916670

fucking tattoo's, they need to stop getting them, the only onces I understand is the girls who get it to cover baby damage or c-section scars.

>> No.7916681

True, thai and some burmese( goodluck finding them) women are the best looking asians. The rest are just a waste of time, borderline ugly. I mean majority of them. No offense

>> No.7916684
File: 112 KB, 1018x1018, 1518850384374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always out-of-shape ugly white guys with those disgusting AIDS-ridden whores, every single time. I love Asians but OP please find some standards, maybe visit /fit/?

>> No.7916686

Yup Id I were a Thai or Pinay bar girl, I’d be real concerned about ‘rab customers too.

>> No.7916687

anon, do you use pattaya addicts or Philippine addicts?

>> No.7916708

Speaking as one of those (no HIV tho), it’s the age split.

In the PI, it’s normal for a 60 year old white expat to have several 18 year old GFs. You aren’t gonna get that in The States.

>> No.7916713

Why do wh*te people have such 'exotic' taste?

>> No.7916717

What the fuck is up with flip women and why are they so god damn ugly. I swear, I love me some asians, but Filipinos just look off

>> No.7916720

OP, please take it from a guy who has dated a couple Filipinos - their women are fucking psychotic. They're less mentally stable than the psycho bitches here in the States. The Philippines is also dirt poor and like the Mexico of Asia (probably worse) so they completely leach off of you and give all your money to their fucking huge families back home. It's absolutely ridiculous.

Seriously, date a Thai girl or anything, don't go after Filipinos.

>> No.7916725

it's a negative when you're approaching your 30s and you need someone who has the same goals as you.

i'm 35, lived in thailand for 5 years and i'll never settle with a thai woman because ultimately you're just a money bag. sure, you can exploit her for her pussy while she exploits you for her wallet, but it's not replaceable with someone who actually knows you and cares about you because they want to, not because you're paying them.

you're just too stupid/young to understand.

>> No.7916728

just take PrEP if you're worried about hiv, if you take it like a week before fucking a hooker then you can't catch it even if you bareback, just gotta keep taking it.

i take it and i don't even bareback.

>> No.7916729

No. I still live out here. Work in HK. Both AC and BKK are just a 3 hour flight so I still go pretty often.

>> No.7916739

Depressing to see so many white guys with Asian women. The white race is beautiful

>> No.7916747
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>> No.7916759

As a /pol visitor, I’d agree. But again, it’s the age split. I simply don’t find 40 year old white women arractice when I can easaily bang teenage Flips or Thais

>> No.7916771

Also, those girls in the pic are fucking gross looking. If you're actually dumb enough to go after one, at least get the top %. If you're white, it's easy. Like I said, they're leaches.

>> No.7916774

Can confirm a good filo wife will worship you, cook and clean. Just dont treat them like shit lmao

>> No.7916785

Why the fuck do you faggots care if some fat ugly guy is doing something. If they have a chance at happiness they should take it. Stop trying to make rules that no one has to follow.

>> No.7916793
File: 258 KB, 1000x772, DAA6B2BF-B404-4594-A06A-C922404FA939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty typical (pic attached) of Flip bar girls.

Yes, anytime you’re dating or marrying a girl 20+ years your junior, yeah it’s going to be a business deal. But so what? Who gives a shit.

>> No.7916802
File: 68 KB, 800x1065, 1509386185241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7916803

North American bitches are the dumbest animals on earth so it would be any different.

>> No.7916814

Agreed. Dumping on a 60 year old dude who retires and decides to spend his last 20 years banging girls the same age he did in high school.... that’s fine. What do you want him to do??

>> No.7916829

That’s 100% true. But once you’re out here, you realize this doesn’t matter.

Your girls your girl. When you want conversation, you go out with your other expat buddies. Your girl doesn’t have to be your best friend out here. Your buds are.

It’s a separation of church and state type thing that I didn’t understand until I moved out here.

>> No.7916838

Honest question. Would a young (20s/30s) black male have any issues in Thailand or the Philippines?

>> No.7916843


>> No.7916846
File: 58 KB, 547x960, 465645645645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soz thai's are better

>> No.7916862
File: 96 KB, 788x960, 456465456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really, some girls will racially sterotype you and some will also assume you have a big dick and some of them are tight but if you have money then everyone is a hansum man.

>> No.7916864

There is a fair bit of racism in Thailand. Blacks are literally called “chocolate men” by many Thai bar girls. But it’s not that bad. Nothing money can’t overcome tho.

>> No.7916899
File: 87 KB, 1024x633, 1519004365578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White women are trash nowadays. Over 2/3rds (TWO-THIRDS) of American women are overweight or obese, they're whores, and not to mention they age like garbage from binge-drinking, smoking, and tattoos. You can marry Stacy who has a 55% chance of divorcing you, I'll stick with the qt asians.

I'm telling him to find some standards and to visit /fit/. Nice crab mentality you got there fatties.

This anon gets it, a literal coin toss has better odds than being divorced by a white woman nowadays.

>> No.7916900

Flips don’t care as much. They have a lot more exposure to it from the US military.

>> No.7916910

Yes, kinda. It's getting better but they have this weird thing with white skin. White people get treated like royalty and every girl wants a mix baby. If you're pretty good looking and have money then you'll be fine though. I don't think you'll have a meaningful relationship but I'm guessing you're not looking for that.

>> No.7916941

They are more racist towards blacks then any group of people you've ever been around, but you could afford a plane ticket so in some bitches eyes over there your worth spending some time with inorder to extract resources from you.

Whywould u want to fuck these girls? Just go to South or Central America.

>> No.7916951

Very going point about the kid genetics. Thais and Flips really want a mixed shire baby, not a black one. But it’s still nothing money won’t overcome

>> No.7916953

That's not the worse part. The worse part is that if you want to marry one, you'll have to marry the whole fanily too. Expect scamming and suddenly inflated prices when buying something from the locals. Filipinos just LOVE scamming people. They have no morals or ethics when it comes to this. Hell, it's even ingrained in their culture that if you can scam and get away with it, you are smart and will get places in life. It's the same "hustle" mentality with niggers.

>> No.7916983

also depends on how he speaks, if he has a yank accent then they won't assume he's a nigerian selling drugs and scamming people.

it isn't as bad as other people have said tho, desu japs and koreans are the new royalty and are relegated to number 2 imo, the girls prefer them as they're quick and pay good but the lonely 50 year old fat white man is a better potenital 'sponsor' who sends her money each month to go back to her village or w/e but ofc has 2 or 3 on the go while working in bars still.

>> No.7916985

Is like to check out South America but it’s a perceived safety issue. Sport fucking is really really safe in SE Asia. The worst that happens is you get drunk picked pocketed and lose your cell. Not true in Brazil!

>> No.7917023
File: 130 KB, 1456x903, tinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, are you still here? I want to do the same thing! Western women just aren't worth it.

I can give you a link to my Discord if you want. I need more like-minded people.

>> No.7917028

Which parts of Central/South America? Like Costa Rica and major cities in Brazil?
I almost went to Jaco for a bit of fun this past summer but ended up going to Western Europe.

>> No.7917029

>Filipinos just LOVE scamming people.
Holy shit, yes. They are really good scammers and you'll probably be scammed quite a bit by some in her family because you're the foreigner. Plus side is you can get some free shit from her scamming other people.

>> No.7917033

Flip here.

Those women are fucking ugly even by our standards.

>> No.7917039

have you been to the dominican? it was good a few years back but I think they cleaned it up a little now but those bitches will steal anything that isn't nailed down.

I was also tempted to go to Nairobi once but decided not too as I don't have a thing for black chicks desu but the nightlife seems kinda fun out there, mostly girls looking for a white man to marry and take her out of africa.. but still has a P4P scene

>> No.7917051


which tour are you taking lads?

>> No.7917052

Colombia is actually a pretty good place nowadays.

>> No.7917076

Medellin in Colombia.
The ugliest women there would be 9/10s in SEA

I don't know why would anyone go to Asia when South America exists.

>> No.7917108

with venezuela refugees

>> No.7917130

Post beautiful young flip girls.

>> No.7917131

I didn’t dig the P4P. Went to Cartegna. They were very very business like. Reminded me of Russian hookers.

Flips are especially playful. They’ll make you actually forget you’re even flirting with a hooker.

>> No.7917132

And when caught will go the "we're just poor. I only did it to feed my family" route and if that fails they will decide to also bring you down with them by making up some of the most ludicrous things you have ever seen by destroying your reputation and making things up you've mever done. They will also threaten to kill you and your whole family or some shit. Top kek.

>> No.7917155
File: 406 KB, 1674x2048, 154A2D90-9035-4011-966E-C795D9A3940B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s an assy one I’ve had lots of relations with

>> No.7917177



>> No.7917186

Probably price. You have behave like God for 50 USD a day in Angeles City. And not the Jesus kind of God. I’m talking Zeus or Nero.

>> No.7917205

I've been thinking about Colombia but if it's shit then it feels like a waste to me, probably better stuff to do outside of P4P unlike Cambodia, Thai etc where most of the time it's either beer, fuck or sleep.

>> No.7917236
File: 2.51 MB, 4032x3024, 1782994B-A598-4FC9-9B1C-7B036F28C66A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thailand’s great to drink all day on a beach and then drunk ride your rented scooter back to the hotel.

Pic related. Very related

>> No.7917235

Yes, the poverty in Angeles City is pretty bad unlike the whores from Pattaya, "b-but I do this too feed family!" where in reality they send like 5-10k baht home a month and blow the rest on 'lending' money to friends, shopping and buying iphones and gold when they can't find a stupid farang to buy it for them.

>> No.7917255

As a fellow buddy used to say every time we got off the plane in Clark:

“Thank God for poverty!” You know what he means.

>> No.7917259

I'm not going to upload wank material for you but this is what the average filipina will look like. Took that off Google. Hell there are loads of beauties here but they will have standards and are basically born from middle class families. They will have jobs and careers so you won't see them in titty bars and in the streets.

>> No.7917280
File: 1.25 MB, 3264x1836, 20170219_164044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your under 50 (I'm 30) not socially retarded, not deformed, preferably white and do the best with what looks you have, you won't need p4p in the PH, Thailand or anywhere else in SEA or the developing world for that matter.

>> No.7917285

This type of shit is why I will never date a Filipino again. They're fucking psychopaths.

>> No.7917287
File: 13 KB, 330x445, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.7917301

Ya the super high end ones in MNL you have to be “introduced” to. But keep in mind the average 60 year old expat doesn’t give a shit about her face. He just wants it style-dog on the bed.

>> No.7917320

See to me, she looks like shit. Reminds me of a nigger.

The best looked PI bar girls I’ve banged were in Cebu. More white skinned and more Spanish in them than the AC/Subic/P. Burgos girls.

>> No.7917343
File: 47 KB, 570x570, 1518115470710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well /biz/ had a good run
it was only a matter of time until r/asianmasc and co metastasised here given the amount of asian thots posted along with the rest

>> No.7917361

not really anon, I am just a 20-something brit with yellofever and plans to spend a good chunk of time out in SEA with my cryptogains.

>> No.7917369

All relative bro. Whites and blacks (hell most people on Earth) are pretty sociopathic and psychopathic too. Whites are into sexual degenerate shit. Blacks have that "must dominate" everybody including raping males. Arabs are barbaric pieces of shit. Russians are drunkards. East Asians have no manners and have that inflated sense of ego and superiority (despite being physically frail) etcetera etcetera. I could go on but you get my point. Each race has its downsides and flaws.

>> No.7917392

Spend 2 weeks in Angeles City. Fly into MNL and take a taxi to your hotel near Fields Ave.

If you’re already in theatre, you can fly into CRK to shorten the drive but not from anyplace in the UK

>> No.7917400

IDK, I've been sticking to regular east Asians and it's been working out pretty damn well.

>> No.7917408

That's what's considered average beauty here. I didn't say she was beautiful. If you want to see Filipino beauties then you won't find them on the street. If you dont believe me just befriend a Filipino on facebook and see their friends list. You will find many beautiful filipino women. Too bad for you (and good for us) you wont get any.

>> No.7917427

No no. I don’t care. I spent 4 years in Subic and banged my way through about 150 of them.

Like I said, I’m mostly concerned with how she looks doggy style.

>> No.7917441

East Asians are psssive aggressive and smug. You won't pick it up immediately if you're an outsider but you will notice it once you get accustomed to their culture.

>> No.7917480

Yeah you banged the ugly ones. Like I said man, bad for you good for us. Since these bitches sometimes get pregnant by white men, they birth beautiful hapa breeds too. I'd say it's a win-win either way

>> No.7917493

lol, there's quite a few half-farang starting to appear in the bar scene in pattaya, there's this half american half thai ladyboy bargirl who works in bangkok but comes to Pattaya for extra money mhmmmmmm she's hot tbqh. I'll try to find pics.

>> No.7917576
File: 86 KB, 700x1151, PoR0ohB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Must be south american cause no burger knows how to write the country's name properly

Yeah Colombia is fine, as a foreigner you are not going to live in the ugly parts so it's more than safe. Plenty of work and pussy. Pic related

OP those women are hideous, have some self respect.

>> No.7917613
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>> No.7917652

>posts subhumans pic
>has never seen sun exposure as an adult
>skinnyfat beer belly
>deeply austistic
>also deeply subhuman
>"fuck whites, goyim"

>> No.7917859

That would be interesting when the half breed daughters have to go work in the bar! Good observation June.

>> No.7917882
File: 294 KB, 1200x1803, 719713665463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, I never pay much attention to the tots posted here, but those are probably the ugliest ones I've seen on 4chan. I think OP was trolling.

Asians in general are overrated, only cute Japs are worth some consideration, the average Japanese woman is meh.

>> No.7917918

You guys are still missing the main point of SE Asia. I’ll say it again:

You can be a 60 year old white dude and have a 18 year old Flip wife. And also be fucking her younger cousin. All for basically chump change (at that age).

Not many places you can can pull a 40 year age split pal.

>> No.7918021

You better stick to the chinese minorities and half chinese girls in sea
Except in Vietnam where the girls are white enough

>> No.7918058

this is why I want to get a Korean woman with a job

they're not poor enough to care about my money that much

>> No.7918092

Kinda have a part time Korean GF. They’re actually more alien than Thais, which is hard to believe. She doesn’t need my money which is kinda cool but Jesus Christ, try watching an episode of Family Guy with a Korean....

A big plus of Flips is their native understanding of English.

>> No.7918104

In the west you can have everything: money, status be charming etc, but if you are ugly you are shit out of luck. Every girl will take a mediocre better looking guy over you. It must be cultural because money helps in Eastern Europe for example, but not by a huge deal.

However in SE money is king and *will* get you girls..it must be cultural because they are a lot of EE countries that are just as poor.

White women are mindless in the fact they are obsessed with looks..it's irrational. If i was a white chick i would marry a mediocre-at-best rich guy (So other bitches don't steal him). Looks would be one of the last things on my mind, but it's like these bitches are insane about looks. if looks are there everything goes..if looks are not there then nothing goes.

Can't blame ugly guys for leaving, it's literally not-personal (they have shitty looks so all roasties avoid them, regardless of other qualities or money)

>> No.7918139

This is true.

You don’t bring a knife to a gunfight (unless you’re a dipshit)

Get in where you fit in, as they say.

>> No.7918161

Flips are native English speakers? News to me, lol

Koreans on Tinder all speak English (or they would use their own dating app)

roasties avoid me because I'm beta, I don't think I'm bad looking (I rate average on photofeeler, better than average in some pics)

>> No.7918195

Flips have an incredible, especially for a 3rd word shithole, grasp of English and our ideals.

A lot of it has to do with it’s a heavily catholic country. And the fact the the US military did so much fucking there for 40 years.

Contrast that with the Thais, Japs, and Koreans..... the poorest Flip will get one of our jokes that even the most educated Jap won’t.

>> No.7918200

40 year age split, hmm I don't want to fuck -10 year olds, gross. I'd rather take them older than me.
Naw, I'm totally redpilled on asian women, I had 16 once and craved for asian women, you'll grow out of it too don't worry

What I see in this thread is massive selfdeprecation. That you prefeer asians because you are too ugly or poor to fuck what you deserve. And then you try to shove on the rest how asians are the best option, maybe for you, other people have other standards.

> I don't even care about women what the fuck I'm saying anyway

>> No.7918233
File: 94 KB, 1080x1350, anika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I can get a girl like this, why would I want anything else?

>> No.7918249

You will want to fuck 20 year olds when you’re 60. SE Asia is late-game life dude.

>> No.7918261

SE Asia isn’t self depreciation. There’s lots of 2nd lifers out here. You had your US wife like normal and kids when you were 30. It fell apart over the decades. Now you come out here and get a teenage GF and say fuck it all, Round 2!

>> No.7918266

Until he gets to be that age SE Asia will have our current living standards and also same looks standards (because they will have money). So better hurry. But by then we will likely also have 10/10 Western-World type sex-robots so we won't care about dirty roasties.

>> No.7918269

>roasties avoid me because I'm beta, I don't think I'm bad looking (I rate average on photofeeler, better than average in some pics)

not too many think about future but present, and that is why maybe you think you are beta ( you could be alpha give next 5 years are counted). give yourself time and find a lady who would appreciate you being you and doesnt try to find that alpha notion inside you. it is tough, but isnt impossbile

>> No.7918307


you cuck do you see the surgeries on her face alone, let alone the rest of the body? somebody who is so insecure about her own body, how would she be comfortable with imperfections that you have on your body unless you decide to be the super-alpha male and try to cut all fat and be the perfect male body?

>> No.7918345

I don’t think the PI will ever progress what it is beyond now man. It hasn’t moved a tick in 50 years. This will always be Mecca for the 55/65 year old retiree who’s looking for Round 2.

>> No.7918375

Can attest
this is true
I'm filipino-chinese so it's better in my family
it's usually the relatively poor ones who behave like this.

those with more than enough money to get by usually don't act like complete bitches.

If you absolutely have to get it on with a flip, I suggest checking out which school they come from and whether it caters to the more affluent.
helps filter them hoes

>> No.7918378

no like I am legit peg me in the ass sub

that's not fixable

>> No.7918397

women in Korea have plastic surgery and I don't

but they still have sex with me, how do you explain that?

>> No.7918440

>the school.

Or the mall. Holy shit that was a solid gold mine. I’d go stand outside the mall on Magsaysay in Olongapo and just hand out cards with my cell on it

“W0uld y0u like to be my textm8?”

It’s still a goldmine man

>> No.7918461


I just returned from a bar, was with my wife, and I could see sub-par male with nice ladies. What makes them different from you, i could see confidence in those guys, could be because they have good jobs, could be money but they had confidence. Work on yourself and you will find a way. I am no way better than a beta, but i have a good looking wife, what do i have to say more?

good for you, i guess

>> No.7918465

When then phils was under US protectorate it was the most developped country in asia after japan

Shitskins are going nowhere, they will only get poorer as they multiply and have let natural resources to share

>> No.7918474

Flips will do that. Show a Flip any porn Clip you have and they’ll be competiting to copy it. Thais.... not so much

>> No.7918475

not that great as a filter, but you do get a lot of cougars, ladyboys, and thots.
I don't find them attractive though
some are downright cringey when they're giving you looks

>> No.7918502

Jesus Christ it is. They’re all 18 years old. Not sure what cougars you’re talking about.

>> No.7918528

8/10 if it were 100% natural. The fact that you need any women makes you 1/10
In that scenario yes, I get it, lash chances and shit. Maybe if I live that long and I'm alone I'll consider it. Is not like you can't get golddiggers anywhere else in the world tho.

> On a more biz related note, don't open your blockfolios.

>> No.7918555
File: 154 KB, 1080x1080, taeri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want someone to cuddle with me and give me kisses

and they should look something like this

>> No.7918569

You will. As an over 40 guy who’s on Life 2, I’m just saying there is an alternative to fat fuck and demanding USA 2nd wife. Come out here and get a teenager that’s younger than your US daughter and you don’t even have to talk to her

Bang her in the morning and then go out and shoot pool and get shitfaced with your expat buddies by noon. This is a different game here dude.

>> No.7918621

Damn that sounds great. What city would you recommend? I'm young but ugly. I'm interested in the safest, most high-population city. Is tinder popular there or if not what site should i use ?

I have time and decent-good money (by western standards) fortunately.

>> No.7918680

For just pussy, I said it about 15 times. Angeles City

For pussy with a little bit of usable beach, Cebu

For pussy with a little bit of beach and better food, Pattaya.

>> No.7918702

Where do you even network with expats? Just curious. If I travel I'm usually alone or with a local that I can trust considering the language barriers and the scam these Filipinos pull off like raising prices if they see you have white skin. Trust is an issue here. Would love to hang out with fellow whites given the chance.

>> No.7918723

Bro, pay attention I'm not in the US, thats why I talk about standards. I was used to savage insatiable crazy women. Every other shit seemed bland and lifeless when I tasted it.

>> No.7918724

Thanks, i am more interested in girlfriend type relationships, not just sex. Would Davao be a good choice for that?

>> No.7918742

Jesus Christ man. The bars in any of these towns are chock full of drunk / retired US Mil, airline pilots, cable/cargo ship expats.

>> No.7918757

I’ve never been south of Cebu. South of that you have to start worrying about the ISIS thing.

>> No.7918771

It’s all lifeless man. Yourself included. So fucking what

>> No.7918898

Sure, I'll leave you to your asiancuck circlejerk. Who know maybe is the ministry of tourism from those shitholes sponsoring this thread.

>> No.7918902

wtf is that white shit by her pussy

>> No.7918930

Why do you assume they'll be loyal? You're delusional as fuck

>> No.7918949

Filipino here, those women in the pic are fucking monkeys. At least get the ones that look more Chinese, fuck, there are even dark ones that are prettier than those mongrels.

>> No.7918967

Because they at least have incentives to be loyal. They lose you (and your wallet) and have to cramp for common goods again.

They fear losing you like you fear losing your job, that's a powerful incentive anon. White roasties get money from the state so they don't give a fuck/.

>> No.7918972

Roger that. Hey, where’s the Orlando board of tourism ?

>> No.7918991

What kind of dipshit even cares? I don’t give 2 shits if my 40 year younger flip wife is getting some 20 year old flip dick. As long as she shuts the fuck up when she’s supposed to and also doesn’t give a shit when I’m fucking her cousin. You kids have a lot to learn.

>> No.7919074

IDK bro I haven't visited the US since 2001
Yeah I zoomed in too, probably sand.

Sooo hey, before I leave, looks like they hacked a top 5 exchange, you might want to check that out.

>> No.7919075

So it's a state problem then, if you think bringing an asian bride (who is purely in it for the money and to get out of her country) 'home' to the fucked up west is going to be anything but a disaster you're in for a rude awakening soon enough. Screencap this now and enjoy it when reality hits.

>> No.7919121

>just take the same meds that persons with hiv take daily

>> No.7920064
File: 83 KB, 750x947, IMG_20180220_115458_508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Communicating with women

Virgin detected

>> No.7920074

dem brapcurtains

>> No.7920124

Why would you go to a country where you could get shot for using drugs? Why settle for fucking whores when you could be fucked up while fucking them

>> No.7920196

They are more like Pacific Islanders than east Asians

>> No.7920367

these women are absolutely hideous

>> No.7920390

asian women are unironically garbage and you guys are just coping

>> No.7920455
File: 355 KB, 1080x810, 116758729660525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can do better

>> No.7920462

Is that a Greek?

>> No.7920470

lol u have garbage taste in asian women but its probably just a bait thread

>> No.7920486

The problem is that all women are being set against men through a global feminist agenda. What matters from country to country are the legal frameworks which allow a woman to divorce rape you or not.
I would breed with a SEA monkey but leave the child in the woman's country. In fact I'm planning to do this later this year.

>> No.7920521

You got cucked and you weren't even the husband. Typical 4chan autist

>> No.7920606
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>> No.7920656
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This guy fucks