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File: 3 KB, 271x236, crypto-Nano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7906978 No.7906978 [Reply] [Original]

Nano is going to $100 edition

Nano VS Bitcoin

Bitcoin :
- 10 minutes to several hours to get one confirmation, some exchanges need 6 confirmations or more, I'll let you do the maths
- high fees (sometimes over $30)
- not scalable, only gets slower and more expensive with mass adoption.
- use an insane amount of energy.

- fast as fuck : 2 seconds or less wallet to wallet
- FREE : no small fees, NOTHING. You can go back and forth between wallets for an infinite amount of time, you'd still have the same amount of NANO.
- infinitely scalable, everyone in the world could use nano everyday, it wouldn't slow the network
- use almost no energy to send and receive transactions

Nano is the new bitcoin. You have the opportunity to buy nano under $15. It's like buying bitcoin under $100.
In hindsight, wouldn't you buy bitcoin under $100 ? Insane profits.

Buy some, and don't touch it for 2 years. You'll get your lambo.



>> No.7906994
File: 296 KB, 2596x1367, nanograph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

accurate graph posted 2 days ago, at 70k

>> No.7907080

did you buy the dip?

shit looked mega scary around $6

>> No.7907092

I sold at 98k, bought back in at 73k on the way up

>> No.7907327

honestly, ltc, btc, bch, and xrp seem like such shitcoins compared to this

>> No.7907513

>>7907080 look at that beautiful IHS it was an obvious buy when the pattern conmpleted

>> No.7907628
File: 40 KB, 1280x522, 1519228929757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't buy now you'll unironically be on suicide watch in 2 years or less

>> No.7907697

It didn’t look that scary if you’ve ever used the coin. It feels like the coin is blowing you when it goes quickly through with no fees after dealing with the fees on every other coin for years.

>> No.7907728

I cannot stress this enough. Using Nano makes my dick hard. Even more so now that I can send it by scanning a QR code on my phone.

>> No.7908670

i saw the bottom forming with divergence on macd & volume.
i was mostly all in by then, but i have a few buys at the very bottom

>> No.7908768

>raiblocks rebrands
>speed same as before
>suddenly world fomo's into it
cool but is it mineable? no?! then why should i BUY into some companys walled garden? could just pump into ripple couldnt i?

>> No.7908769

I don't get the hype. Steem, bitshares do millions tx/day. 7k tx/s on a test network? Fucking eth does a couple thousand/s on a test network. Still completely unproven in the real world. Ripple, stellar, bitshares, steem, any off chain tech, can do thousands / second. And verified transactions are still a couple minutes, only unverified are "instant" which is useless.

I've seen TRON at $25b marketcap, XRP over fucking 100b, so no doubt this can pump. But christ are people stupid with the FOMO on this. Its yet another FotM coin promising high throughput instant transactions but has no lead yet to prove it.

>> No.7908795

pow lovers deserve to lose their money.
value does not come from wasting electricity. just as dump gasoline in your backyard and lighting it on fire does not create value.

>> No.7908820

as i understand bitshares did nothing to solve the storage scaling problem, they just didn't put a cap on the blocksize like bitcoin cash did.

>> No.7908835

>then why should i BUY into some companys walled garden?
It was distributed through captcha puzzles. It’s decenteralized and the devs hold only 5%. A lot of that 5% is put aside to fund a bounty for anyone that finds a bug. It’s only like ripple in that it isn’t mineable and has fast transactions.

>> No.7908870

Its ok you dont get it , maybe one day you will.

>> No.7908880

pick one

>> No.7908901

Given that steem has less than 500 ETH volume on binance I'm going to assume it doesn't actually do those numbers either.

>> No.7908915

you do know that steem is a real platform with real stuff happening on it right?

>> No.7908924

If it doesn't mine for more currency, then how does it continue to provide more currency for others to obtain? Is it essentially just a bank account where the $$ we buy converts directly to the crypto, or what?

>> No.7908948

nearly every other coin has 25%-75% ownership by the creators.
bitcoin is the exception, but the original creator has had 10 years to dump
way to be vague as possible. They're not storing steem posts on the blockchain, just payments right?
litecoin works great because there's only 10 users, just like steem

>> No.7908960

There won't be more NANO ever.

>> No.7908967
File: 21 KB, 220x238, 1484148739196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't NANO fast transaction same as XLM?
Both seems able to confirm transaction within seconds

>> No.7909023

it doesn't. instead some pajeets and other 3rd worlders solved captchas a while back and now it's money because it just is.

>> No.7909031

yes, but a few differences.
Free vs a fraction of a penny burnoff
nano allegedly can sustain 7000 tps vs 1500 for xlm.
xlm's validator network is more centralized?

but most importantly, from a investor's perspective, XLM's owners hold 85% of the supply and plan on dumping it over the next 10 years, the coin has a 1% inflation that goes to the richest wallets.

so Nano is better and cheaper.

>> No.7909054

XLM is ok but I wouldn't want to hold inflationary coin. I could just hold cash.

>> No.7909066

Im buying some tomorrow when it's 5.00
Cap this. Are you gonna answer that?

>> No.7909067
File: 112 KB, 950x534, corgisurprise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck that makes no sense? why would anyone buy this? There isn't even a steady supply to be bought so that the price of coin can raise. It would all rely on a bunch of supreme tittie ticklers to convince the neckbeards who are hodling it all, to sell some of it... wtf?

>> No.7909087

Why $100? Why not $10000? Why not $1000000?

>> No.7909089


>> No.7909103


yes but they are giving it out for free to nigs so it wont go up as much as nano

>> No.7909168

you mean $15. suck my balls

>> No.7909176


It does it just ins't a FotM pump. People think this is some new tech that is better than block chain. DAG coins have been around for years. They have their own problems with scalability and often use centralized servers. W/e nano can do on a testnet means shit. Eth does thousands of tx/sec on a test net too.

As soon as thing pumps back to its ATH i'm selling, It it goes past its ATH i'll buy with a trailing stop loss. There is some sort of tron-level stupidity around this coin. I don't understand it at all but I don't mind profiting from it.

>> No.7909356

bumping for important question

>> No.7909361

Made 3 grand off this buy just buying when it started to moon. reddit hodl fags spent months crying in their cornflakes to get maybe a tiny little more gains.

>> No.7909398

How likely is that, really? Trading beginner here

It's at $13 right now

>> No.7909435

At least this guy knows its a temporary rise and won't get better, due to its limited supply of obtainable coin. As soon as there's no coin left to buy, everyone will hold for a while, see no changes, dump it all and never look back.

>> No.7909559
File: 113 KB, 1200x675, CsQRJPLXgAAU9Bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is with this coin

Why isn't everyone dumping it already? It's been 3 days like this

>> No.7909621

Are you seriously this retarded or just larping?

>> No.7909665

this is normal for this coin, are you a newfag? back in 2017 it did x300 from novemember without stopping

>> No.7909746
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why it doesnt stop mooning, its hurting

>> No.7909793
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<- you

>> No.7909833

It's like these fuck heads have never been exposed to basic economics.

>> No.7909835

No, this legitimately doesn't make sense, especially when there are alternative cryptos to be bought. The only way I could see this crypto worth shits fworth of ass, si if it were the only crypto out there, and everyone had to buy at the exorbitant prices of crumbs from those who have some of it.

>> No.7909844

Nanex has partnered with 1UpCoin to provide instant and free Nano donations to Twitch streamers!

>> No.7909858


>> No.7909870

How many times :
You can transfer money without fees, not small fees, NOTHING.
It's instant (lietterally 2 seconds, not 30, not 60).
It's scalable.
It's jsut the best at what it does, transfer of value. And one thing: no other crypto will beat it. You can't be faster than instant, you can't be cheaper than free.

>> No.7909875

Somebody else will just make a better crypto with equally as fast transactions as Nano, with all the other perks of Nano, but with some meaningful way to introduce more currency to the system at stable rates.

>> No.7909892

Buy the hype not the coin.

>> No.7909916

In the way you are describing, this coin is fucking stupid... at least for a long-lasting hedge. Once there isn't any currency left besides that which some neckbeard owns, nobody is going to fight for your crumbs and make you their king.

>> No.7909949

This currency is a pipedream, and only you hypefaggots are ever going to buy it. Not only is it not backed by a single thing of value, it also will inevitably become outshadowed by an actually valuable monolith.

>> No.7909994

it's like you faggots don't understand the importance of currency liquidity. If there's not enough to buy, and at not enough value, people will look elsewhere.... even if their road to getting ripped off is free of charges and instant. It's just an instant dildo you're trying to shove up their ass and expect them to thank you for.

>> No.7910041

>its mooning
>$100 eom
>no news
>no rumors
>only facts about it being shit and having 10% of it concentrated in one guys hands
>totally not a pnd
desperate bagholders will believe anything i swear

>> No.7910059

Is this shit gonna fall back? I can take a $300 hit, and buy in lower if so and get outta this mess

>> No.7910065

>10 posts by this ID
>10 motherfuckong posts by this increasingly nervous swearing assblasted pajeet repeating himself over and over, even though no one is giving a single fuck for his shitty fud of someone who doesn’t understand economics and game theory

>> No.7910078

There is literally no development being done on the coin. The devs exit scammed after they hacked Bitgrail back in October. They slowly kept the illusion up that they were developing the project and then had that massive reddit shill campaign which pumped the price up and they slowly sold the stolen coins. Most obvious scam I have ever seen.
You NANObrains are the most delusional on this board. Sell it all now and go take basic economic courses and invest in real shit like actual companies, stocks/bonds and real-estate.

>> No.7910098
File: 85 KB, 639x960, 100-Cute-Images-of-Girls-Pets-Babies-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys, please join this discord server https://discord..

>> No.7910103

IKR. These Nanobrains should seek therapy now for their inevitable suicidal thoughts when it totally tanks.

>> No.7910126

The moment i buy, it will crash.

>> No.7910142

THis coin is actually more stupid than those Saudi Camel Coins.

>> No.7910204

Your initial argument was that price would drop because of limited supply, then you said it would drop because of limited demand, then you lie about the devs. Shoo shoo buddy.

>> No.7910208

>>no news

>> No.7910218

show bobs first

>> No.7910240

why is this even on here they have been hacked 3 times this mouth

>> No.7910270

also y would anyone buy this is maxed out it has a market cap of eth and its not going to double in valve i think you are all newfags

>> No.7910292

I want to meet your parents. How a human couple can produce an offspring that is dumber than a bacteria ?

>> No.7910297

Bought and sold around 8.70 to almost 10. It's at 13 now. Might hit 15 so you can try. Doesn't hurt to buy a coin that is good. It's not doge coin

>> No.7910351

This unironically happened to me: >>7909971

>> No.7910416

things can go through limited demand after going through a stage of limited supply, ass hat. Neither are good for the coin. you guys are so fucking dumb i swear.

>> No.7910419

What are you talking about? It's no where near eths market cap.

>> No.7910434

Yeah, ok, tin hat.

>> No.7910491

you're just shilling to try and get us to buy your shitcoin so you can either sell out at least close to what you bought this shit for, or make a profit off us for selling flashy horseshit. gtfo. you lost. get over it.

>> No.7910516


>> No.7910539

Thanks u/anon great advice

>> No.7910559

i think you put too many buzzwords in this one boris. you gotta pace yourself or else it seems like satire

>> No.7911147
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>"I don't understand it"


>> No.7911198
File: 9 KB, 249x196, feelsgoodman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mobile and desktop wallet release
devs hinting at big partnerships/interest
coinbase rumour
listed on 1UpCoin which means NANO can be donated onTwitch
Amazing tech and devs

>> No.7911210


thanks boomer

>> No.7911213

this nigga salty as fuck, must have lost some xrb on bitgrail and now you're on a fud compaign and this moon mission is killing you inside

>> No.7911409

Bought at $0.75 sold few days ago at $8.6
I'm retarded

>> No.7911611
File: 7 KB, 377x75, 2018-02-23-221404_1920x1080_scrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$20 by Sunday
$35 by Wednesday

>> No.7911647

it's already topped off, the volume isn't there anymore. still had a great run.

>> No.7911662

That's what they said about Tron. You don't understand normies.

>> No.7911690

>nano moon mission sirs

A QUARTER OF THE ENTIRE MAX SUPPLY IS GONE. Stay poor holding this coin as it sinks to the earth's core, the only retards still in this boat are the pajeet dumbasses who are too stupid to read. Nano is literally a worthless coin, currently in a worse position than btc post mt gox, and the devs are entangled in and are launching multiple international lawsuits


>> No.7911704
File: 103 KB, 819x513, 2018-02-23-222115_1920x1080_scrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the volume isn't there anymore

>> No.7911705


Volume is 250 million last 24 hours, up from 144 million. Previous ATH for volume was 100 million, average volume like 30.

It's on a mission.

>> No.7911713

>i don't understand normies
that's your evidence it will keep going up? what the fuck?

>> No.7911771

>worse than btc post mt gox
BTC post gox was like $300. Not a bad investment anon

>> No.7911781

yes, in the last 24 hours. i am talking on a more up to date timeframe

>> No.7911787

>less supply makes the price go down

>> No.7911797


prove it then.

>> No.7911844

Nothing will ever usurp btc as a storage of value in crypto. Coins like these will never have a shot at getting huge because of that. In fact there are several better than nano already and have had less growing pains. They're also not going to be worth much more than their aths if they even reach that point again.

>> No.7911862


What's better than Nano for cheap instant transactions?

>> No.7911869

Satoshi holds like 5% of BTC as well, but he probably died or something

>> No.7911904

it's not gone. Some bitgrail users got the double deposit bug and basically got to withdraw double the amount. That's it.

Stop LARPing.

>> No.7911918


DYOR. Not gonna handhold ledditors.

>> No.7911919

the ONLY way to get more Nano is to give an owner of Nano enough BTC so he considers relinquishing his Nano

if there were coins mined, it would be a downward pressure on price

>> No.7911957


So nothing

>> No.7911989

>I'm not telllllin :)
are you 5?

>> No.7912168

nothing competes with Nano.

BTC - possible smallfry with fully implemented Lightning Network, its effectiveness remains to be seen.

XRP- rubbish centralized coin

XLM - rubbish centralized coin

Dash - not a director competitor as it offers some sort of privacy + isnt nearly as scalable as Nano

LTC - see BTC but what kills it is it will always be second fiddle to BTC

The unfortunate reality is you probably baghold other shitcoin currencies and can't accept Nano being the GOAT.

>> No.7912189


>> No.7912257

Next stop $40

>> No.7912515
File: 22 KB, 648x388, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you wish

>> No.7912527

FOMO'd in boys :)

>> No.7912567

atta boy

>> No.7912580

It's gonna go for awhile yet. It was way oversold, and people know this needs to be back to $30 to consolidate.

>> No.7912593

bad timing, it's been proven this 1400 ceiling is generally too much for it with the market this overextended, let's hope i'm wrong

>> No.7912736

yeah so nobody is going to want to buy your tiny nano shitcoin, or fight for your crumbs. therefore it is a shitcoin. jfc you kids are dumb if you believe in Nano

>> No.7912832
File: 84 KB, 1162x496, 2018-02-23-231956_1920x1080_scrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah nice try. Volume is only accelerating.

>> No.7912897

This is dead in the water. I've finally accepted that the devs scammed us. Just like with bancor. Lesson learned, time to move on. Probably going to split my tax refund 50/50 Tron and Ripple. Big things happening and good news to come.

>> No.7912915

>Tron and Ripple
Top kek

>> No.7912966

the pressure's just gone, people are done buying sadly. dunno why you're linking charts showing a week ago when we're talking about tonight

>> No.7913032

Can you even read a chart? You shouldn't be skipping school son.

>> No.7913050

not an argument

>> No.7913056

>linking charts showing a week ago

>> No.7913139

>the pressure's just gone, people are done buying sadly. dunno why you're linking charts showing a week ago when we're talking about tonight
Buahhahaha salty nocoiners. Don't even entertain these idiots. Nano may crash back to sub 10 but I'm riding these waves and taking profits on the way up.

>> No.7913177

volume just keeps increasing


>> No.7913205

guaranteed i have more xrb than you basementnerds combined, idiots thinking it's cruising past 1400 should get banned for shillery though

>> No.7913242

It just crashed to $13.99

>> No.7913366

lol, don't worry it's not done plummeting

>> No.7913442


Desktop to Web to Iphone to Android in 48 seconds. Who could possibly compete against NANO?

>> No.7913516

>he doesn’t understand deflation
>he doesn’t get one of the core reasons that’s BTC was attractive in the first place

>> No.7913603


$15 soon

>> No.7913901

i mean, maybe you could've tried staying that before it was obviously running out of steam. oh well.

>> No.7913985


Probably ABC correction now. Wait until it's done

>> No.7913995

BTC has mining and this does not though. Mining allowed enough supply for the buyers to purchase, further deflating the coin to make OG owners $$... However, mining for BTC is slowing now. Price of BTC is dropping. The same that will happen to BTC will likely happen to Nano at probably the same time. These pyramid schemes will end if/when there isn't enough btc to purchase without having to beg for a fraction of an overload's coin. Someone will just come out with a stable cryptocurrency that isn't a pyramid scheme, perhaps something backed by a big neutral bank or sth, and everyone will hop aboard that as BTC and SchemeCoins fuck themselves to oblivion.

>> No.7914046

>applying your elliott wave voodoo to a day or two of pump
just stop, people on this site are too downtrodden to deserve being baited by internet casino chip memes

>> No.7914257

>Who could possibly compete against NANO?
Uh... lightning?
Plus without fees what's the incentive

>> No.7914424

> 10 minutes to several hours to get one confirmation, some exchanges need 6 confirmations or more, I'll let you do the maths
> high fees (sometimes over $30)
Lmao someone still living four months ago.

>> No.7914432

yall were saying? the curious thing about shilling is you undertake the task of seeming like you've never seen an indifferent pumpndump in your unread lives. absurd.

>> No.7914438

I did the same thing bought back in at 12

>> No.7914512

I bought at 13 and sold at 26. Now I bought back in at 14. Hopefully it doesn't crash again

>> No.7914537

No Fees = No Security

>> No.7914542

>steem doesn't store posts on the Blockchain

tfw you know it's a troll but you wonder if someone could really be critical of Steem without knowing that yes, they indeed record all the posts on the Blockchain

>> No.7914595

Lightning network is how the banks are buying Bitcoin. Research it

>> No.7914882

It's consolidating for another run. If it was over it would be going down now. It's not too late to buy. Zoom out the chart.

>> No.7915006

it's divisible you troll you'll use fractions instead of whole coins because of the limited supply.

>> No.7915063

>infinitely scalable
>You have the opportunity to buy nano under $15

>> No.7915104

holy fuck bro. holy shit. holy. i can't even.

>> No.7915147

>Eth does thousands of tx/sec on a test net too.

dude what. ETH is hard limited at 15 TPS per second. there's literally no way around that no matter where you run the tests lol.

>W/e nano can do on a testnet means shit.

it wasn't on testnet. it was tested on the actual network.

>> No.7915180

literally all i did was be confused why you said that guy was showing last week's chart
why do you keep quoting me

>> No.7915450

>shilling qr code technology

DAMN what a pathetic shill this thread is.

>> No.7915460


Eth is not hard limited to 15 TPS... Eth has a dynamic block size. With no transactions, the base size of the block would allow around 15 TPS... But the block size dynamically increases to meet demand. And yes, in a test network similar to the one nano is tested on ETH can easily do thousands of TPS because you are talking perfect network conditions, no bad actors, no wacky latency or buggy networking equipment / clients.

Nano has only been tested at load over test networks. Once guy sending transactions to himself between two of his own servers doesn't accurately represent a global network comparable to existing blockchains. The DAG design of nano allows for very fast speed in a clean test net with high bandwidth and everyone playing by the rules but the design is extremely fragile. Over the internet with inconstant latency, every out of order packet, every dropped packet, essentially forks the chain between clients, reducing the throughput and security. Test net performance doesn't compare to real world performance.

That's the huge advantage of the blockchain. It is extremely resilient to bad network conditions, spam, malicious actors or just buggy clients. On the blockchain, invalid transactions can just be ignored, while in a DAG design like nano every invalid transaction needs to be recorded and tracked indefinitely as it could theoretically always become valid later on if it gathers enough weight. These can never be pruned either as there is no way of synchronizing the state of the network between clients without a centralized server.

This is why these type of coins haven't caught on, even though they've existed for years. Nano is not much more new than any of the existing DAG based coins.

>> No.7915613


I'll also add with sharding and other scaling solutions eth could be doing over 1 million TPS in a few years.

>> No.7916118

>1400 ceiling

Here we go boys

>> No.7916167
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>How I feel right now.

>> No.7916184


rocketed 300 SATS immediately after breaking 14000.

where's the new 'ceiling'?

Loving this

>> No.7916201


See how I'm right and how you pajeets are wrong?

>> No.7916243
File: 71 KB, 271x498, Kim shirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so... I put an eth in shitgrail and was able to terminate my acc to cash out, where the fuck is safe to buy nano?

>> No.7916332

14600 why no DUMPP!!>!>!>!?!??!

>> No.7916344

because we're going to 19000 at least.

>> No.7916382



>> No.7916406


>> No.7916429
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Twice as many sellers?

>> No.7916446

Thanks dude, didn't know they got listed on binance.

>> No.7916452


>> No.7916491


>> No.7916509

this coin replace Litecoin

much faster and cheaper, easily top 5 coin

>> No.7916516

How do I exchange ETH for NANO

>> No.7916521

i love how shills compare to btc. you like comparing elephants to ants? Free transactions and no block size limit sounds amazing if you don't know jack shit. Removing key components is a fucked up idea. Almost as bad as relying on unconstrained data growth to offer free and instant transactions isnt sustainable not to mention temporary. They will have bigger issues than "scaling" this shit.

>> No.7916525

go to binance.

>> No.7916530

Convert ETH to BTC

>> No.7916539

>They will have bigger issues than "scaling" this shit.
Like? They have a bounty on finding an exploit in their system, go ahead and claim your $100k.

>> No.7916543


> Removing key components is a fucked up idea

> when you don't even know what the components are

the absolute state of boomer logic

>> No.7916547
File: 7 KB, 493x402, ee7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares...what matters is whether someone will pay more for it than what I bought it at in the next ten minutes. There's money to be made here in the next 4 hours, days, weeks, etc...Do you hate money?

>> No.7916554

It's getting pumped right now, lots of sell orders. I feel imminent crash is coming

>> No.7916559

number 19 coin on coinmarketcap

>> No.7916597

wow you're so smart. great deduction skills :) seems like you've been practicing TA anon :)) you sound like you know your stuff ;)))

>> No.7916606

no it is just correcting from bitgrail scandal

it is doing exactly what it is supposed to be doing.

>> No.7916625

No, you just wish it would crash so you can buy in cheaper. Nano is severely undervalued. It would be at 40 right now if it wasn't for that ShitGrail nonsense.

I've followed Nano closely and watched the last pump. This coin pumps like no other. We are 2nd in volume on Binance and the price wont stop going up. I'm guessing at least 25 by tomorrow. We are at 16.32 as of this post. Oh and it was 8 dollars two days ago, kek.

>> No.7916645

Made back a good 10-15% of what I lost not counting fees holding 10. :)

>> No.7916672
File: 2 KB, 837x26, SS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, i lost biz
This is one of rare time i FOMO in at the mini dip.
I just hope bog won't dump this shit because i just FOMO in

>> No.7916673

Sure. Enjoy your bags in 2 weeks.

>> No.7916705



>> No.7916727

do it if you want to turn it into 10 BTC within 24 hrs

>> No.7916734


Not until 200000 sats

>> No.7916738

im almost going to fomo in. ive been watching this shit all day and every time I think its done it keeps going wtf

>> No.7916742

what's causing this? I sold my XRB at $16, should I buy?

>> No.7916750

I bought in at 30 cents faggot. My bags are feather light. It's literally impossible for me to lose money at this point. What is it like being poor? Please let me know.

>> No.7916764

Undervalued since the bitgrail incident. Wallet release. Tons of shit that would make other coins x100 so it's only doing make up for it's drop from the ATH.

>> No.7916767

>he doesn't know that nano is going to shoot past the previous ATH
Anon.... the only reason it dumped in the first place was because of panic sells on shitty exchanges. There is no limit to how high this can go on binance. FOMO back in or regret it tomorrow.

>> No.7916779

it was dropping because of the abusers selling their stolen load from bitgrail.
Then people freaked out and sold their loads when they learned about the "hack".

all the while it was going down, people like me were scooping up as much as we could buy.

Eventually the thieves and morons ran out of XRB to sell, and buyers like me took over :)

>> No.7916798
File: 6 KB, 586x213, rekt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm content with 6 figures without being a bag holder. Enjoy your shit coin faggot.

>> No.7916828

>posts 100k
>thinks it's impressive
If I whipped out my dick you would fucking pass out.

>> No.7916836


This has to be sarcastic

>> No.7916858

Closest you'll come to riches is $5k, like the rest of the broke ass kids on here. FOH

>> No.7916877

>he think 6 figures is a lot
let's just say /biz/ was in crypto when bitcoin was ~500, eth was $5 and whole crypto was worth ~15billion compare to now ~500billion

literally anyone from those days are millionaire.

>> No.7916901

>Pissing contest over numbers that you had to use inspect element to generate.
This is just sad anon... please stop.

>> No.7916908

I keep buying this shitcoin, profiting a few hundred then selling. How has this not crashed yet. I just threw money in AGAIN. Fuck

>> No.7916930

lol 14.56 refresh page 16.76 LOL

>> No.7916980


>> No.7916991


>> No.7916995

Done. No matter what happens I have no regrets

>> No.7917278

Buy during a huge pump like this is risky if you have weak hands. The chance of a correction is quite high.

>> No.7917368

>the absolute state of boomer logic

Brilliant response. Thanks for reminding me where I was. Limitation is the "component" that makes things work as it keeps the whole thing together. There's nothing brilliant about nano. Furthermore, since you are so brilliant... how do you feel about no fees and the spam that often follows? While the white paper recognizes this type of vector attack, Their solution is a minor way to mitigate the common problem but a lightweight POW to be calculated before one can send a valid transaction is not gonna fly if it gets heavy usage, especially with underpowered mobile phones & laptops doing the heavy lifting so they can transact. How will holders get their money out at scale? Shit, exhanges will be fucked when the multiple users try to transact. Every hear of Internal DOSing? This isn't to say you cant make money, but to compare to BTC like the OP did is just naive and downright retarded.

>> No.7917415

Very glad this is pumping, I already doubled my stack with the exploit but this is just a bonus!

>> No.7917429


It's already correcting

>> No.7917431

nah I'm holding long

>> No.7917464


>> No.7917546

im still salty that I lost 60 on bitgrail but that was only a fraction of my portfolio. Bought the same amount on binance the other day when it was $8 which was almost half the price than when I initially bought. Hindsight is a bitch, should have sold at $34, transferred btc too binance, waited, bought more.

>> No.7917551

what's the incentive behind running bitcoin nodes? they don't get fees.

>> No.7917709

Money is great and all but its not a motivating factor for me. While this statement is frowned upon here, its the truth. I made good money in this game since 2012 and my biggest failures came from not understanding the projects and the teams. I know smart folks peruse this site. I'd like to know these minds. So, anyone on this forum thread who can show me a brilliant whitepaper (clear and concise) of a minable coin under 67 cents (not easy) with a narrative about why they feel this is a fantastic coin and I agree. I will send this person a factory sealed ledger wallet nano S. Must reside in USA cause I don't deal with International shipping. Peace.

>> No.7917781
File: 63 KB, 850x400, quote-no-matter-if-it-is-a-white-cat-or-a-black-cat-as-long-as-it-can-catch-mice-it-is-a-good-deng-xiaoping-71-70-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not participate in good projects AND take profit in pumps.

>> No.7917795

if you don't run a node, a lightning nigger can steal your funds

yes, it's that retarded

>> No.7917860
File: 86 KB, 500x750, lydia graham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't even have a million

>> No.7917875

Nice trtl shill, but I'm not biting

>> No.7918741

A big holder pays the same proof of work as anybody moving .0005c. As far as exchanges go, mass withdrawal is covered by withdrawal fees to pay for gpus to do the pow.
A purely malicious (no monetary objective or limit) penny spend attack has been discussed and although not implemented, could be defeated with a scaling proof of work. Each consecutive tx in a timeframe could require additional pow. You could whitelist exchanges.
The folks working on this are not dummies.
If you can exploit the network for gain, go for it.
If the white hat bug bounty is worth more (10k nano) do that.

>> No.7918822

all good brother

>> No.7919555

I just sold. This is the top. GL /biz/, buy high sell low

We're still in a bear market, don't forget. The correction isn't even close to being over.

>> No.7919630

looks like a scam desu

>> No.7919657

bear market reversed dumbshit.

>> No.7919731
File: 49 KB, 500x334, bear_bull1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get ready for another round of find the ceiling!

>> No.7920151

>get ready for another round of find the ceiling!

i'm ready for last 2 days but this shit is moving with speed of light. kek