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7912954 No.7912954 [Reply] [Original]

I will start, Poland.
Absolute hellhole, first of all there is no law regarding crypto, only "individual tax interpretations" that aren't even law-binding, they just protect you from getting prosecuted but not from back taxing, there are however numerous things that can bite you in the ass in the future if you cashout here:
- if you trade a lot (and that's completely arbitrary) you technically would have to register an "economic activity" and pay a large monthly fee just for having privilege of trading crypto, that fee is almost as high as minimal wage (a bit lower if you already wagecuck)
- they don't accept exchange pdfs as valid documents, you may end up paying taxes on whole income instead of profit because you can't document your cost basis legally
- newest "individual tax interpretations" say that crypto-crypto is taxable
- 18% up to $25k, 32% for above
- if your trading volume exceeds ~$600k which is very easy to achieve with crypto you are obligated to hire a professional accounting company
There's plenty of people here who are afraid of cashing out because of all of these reasons, everyone just traded assuming it's treated like regular "forex", instead it's treated (at least according to those interpretations) like you were trading cars. Of course getting caught on anything above you would have to back pay with interest and get prosecuted, our IRS is known for ruining people's lives even if they are honest.

>> No.7912968

forgot to add that IRS has 5 years to fuck you in the ass after that particular tax year

>> No.7913014

oh and there's also "civil-law operation" tax, which means you would have to pay 1% of every crypto trade you make, it's same for buying cars and houses

>> No.7913049

How dare you peasents attempt to trade or barter in anything other than the kings coin. You will be punished and pay us what say for the damn impudence of thinking outside the box. Oh and all debts are payable in the kings coin only you damn peasants.

>> No.7913315

kurwie opie, nie ma co obsrywac dupy, bedziemy sie martwic jak sie dorobimy, ja nie zamierzam nawet sie przejmowac niczym dopoki moje portfolio nie pozwoli mi na wieczna wolnosc od wagecuckowania.
Jak sie dorobie to zatrudnie prawnika/ksiegowego i sie upewnie czy wszystko jest ok ZANIM co kolwiek sprzedam za fiat

>> No.7913415

narazie sie nie obsrywam i tez nie wyplacam, ale chyba zgodzisz się że wypłacenie czegokolwiek wiąże się z poważnym ryzykiem na podstawie tego co wymienilem w poscie

>> No.7913618
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ja nawet zadnych polskich forow ani czanow nie dotykalem bo wlasnie az sie boje jak pojebane prawo musi u nas byc dlatego wolalem nawet sie nie natknac na ten temat.
Poki co za fiat jedynie kupowalem, nigdy nie sprzedalem niczego na zweryfikowanej gieldzie, zaczalem na bithuju polskim a potem szybko sie przerzucilem na bitstampa, ciekawe jaka podstawe mi oblicza jak przelewalem dolary z walutowego w tamtym roku, nie dosc ze btc sie waha kurs to jeszcze usd/pln. Teraz uzywam jedynie binance/kuckoin i inne niezweryfikowane gieldy do szitkojnow

Raz za to ogladalem seminarium z jakas doradczynia podatkowa z krakowa chyba na yt i mowila ze za 2017 tylko sie placilo przy sprzedazy za FIAT i tylko bilans wkladu i zyskow, ale wlasnie ze za ten rok ma sie to zmienic.

>oh and there's also "civil-law operation" tax
co to za hujostwo jest? to jak bede obracal w te i z powrotem milion razy shitcoinem i strace wszystko to jeszcze im wisze ten 1% za kazdy obrot? to jakies pojebane jest doszczetnie

czyli jak bede mial powiedzmy 1M pln to skurwysyny z US zabiorą 320k?

I jak mowisze ze pdf to dla nich za malo to jak oni chca udowodnic historie transakcji jesli maja w planach kasowac krypto-krypto? co mam CEO z binance sciagac do polski zeby sie podpisal pod tym czy jak? przeciez jedyne co gielda daje to arkusz excela, czasami nawet tego nie ma.

>> No.7913721

I'm permanently leaving poland soon because of this

>> No.7913785

> co to za hujostwo jest? to jak bede obracal w te i z powrotem milion razy shitcoinem i strace wszystko to jeszcze im wisze ten 1% za kazdy obrot? to jakies pojebane jest doszczetnie
podatek od czynnosci cywilno prawnych, 1% od kazdej wymiany, masz 2 tygodnie na zaplacenie go, niezaplacenie grozi kara grzywny do kilkudziesieciu tysiecy, sprawa jest naprawde pojebana
> I jak mowisze ze pdf to dla nich za malo to jak oni chca udowodnic historie transakcji jesli maja w planach kasowac krypto-krypto?
no wlasnie rozwazaja polacy na forach, teoretycznie powinines miec fakture z kazdej wymiany krypto z podpisami obu osob ktore dokonaly trejdu, tak jest wedlug prawa przy sprzedazy praw majatkowych jak np. auto, a na ten moment US traktuje krypto jak prawo majatkowe
a udowodnienie historii transakcji bedzie lezalo na tobie jak zapytaja skad nagle sie wzielo 5 bitcoinow ktore sprzedales za fiaty, w prawie podatkowym nie ma tak ze jestes niewinny bez udowodnienia winy jak w prawie karnym, tylko albo udowodnisz albo 75% karnego podatku

>> No.7913880

>(Fiat out of crypto - Fiat into crypto)*0.34 is your tax though only *0.30 up to 50k€ and 1k tax free
>They don't care about crypto to crypto
That's it, no further bullshit. I think it's comparatively good, don't get the Finns who complain.

>> No.7913882

>podatek od czynnosci cywilno prawnych, 1% od kazdej wymiany, masz 2 tygodnie na zaplacenie go, niezaplacenie grozi kara grzywny do kilkudziesieciu tysiecy, sprawa jest naprawde pojebana
czyli co, mam latac do urzedu codziennie placic nowy podatek? ich chyba pojebalo lol

> teoretycznie powinines miec fakture z kazdej wymiany krypto z podpisami obu osob ktore dokonaly trejdu, tak jest wedlug prawa przy sprzedazy praw majatkowych jak np. auto, a na ten moment US traktuje krypto jak prawo majatkowe

nie no to sa jakies jaja, to juz latwiej mi bedzie sprzedac wszystko za gotowke w parku ludziom i wyprac to jakos niz sie uzerac z polskimi zwierzakami.
Nie wierze ze takie szambo to bedzie bo inaczej kazdy z tego kurwidolka ucieknie. A dzieki krypto jest to bardzo latwe, biore moj private key i tyle mnie widzieli

>> No.7913909

Holy fuck, this makes the American threads look like nothing.

>> No.7913922

can you communicate using english in finland?

>> No.7913932


>> No.7913947

I hope my shithole will take this approach, otherwise I'm leaving 100%

>> No.7913968

as I said, absolute hellhole, it all comes from the fact that crypto is treated as "property law", so for each crypto trade you would need an invoice signed by both people who traded to make it legal, absolutely ridiculous

>> No.7913991


We say that crypto to crypto is a taxable event under barter laws and that every trade and fee and US dollar needs to be tracked for its Canadian dollar cost-basis. If you magically figure this out, we *do not* have a tax form where you can write the trade because we have said that cryptos aren't securities, so there is literally no where to fucking record it. But you CAN be audited and fucking wrecked for an additional 40% of your tax owing, plus upgraded from capital gains to straight income, plus some late fines if you don't report it on these non-existent forms. If you have the gaul to fill out the only form that tracks trading (and pretend crypto is a security which it isn't), they will fine you hundreds to thousands of dollars if you submit paper. So you have to hand-code XML files for them, which end up being incomplete because they did not come from your exchange.


>> No.7914088
File: 5 KB, 200x276, hess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((they))) want let as escape wageslavery, will they?

Seriously I'm considering selling everything for cash and live at home with parents forever, there is no way I will keep wageslaving with a (hopefully) million dollar portfolio just because the kikes threaten me to not cash out

>> No.7914103


>> No.7914146

im not going to pay tax, ever

>> No.7914167

try getting a 2nd citizenship in other country that doesn't fuck over people in the butthole with heavy taxation, live there for awhile and make a bank account for cashing out.

there are plenty of options out there.

>> No.7914258

that's the option I will most likely take, there are supposedly some regulations to come in poland soon, so maybe it will improve, because treating selling crypto like selling a house is retarded
and it's not even heavy taxation that I'm scared off, it's those other things I mentioned in my posts, there's uncertainty regarding all of those because of no clear law

>> No.7914286

I live in Sweden. We get taxed for 30% gains on EVERY TRADE, leaving almost no limit to how high the tax can go if you daytrade very well.
Luckily it's impossible to be taxed above your initial investment, so that's something.

>> No.7914288

jest to w ogole mozliwe zeby zdobyc obywatelstwo w innym kraju wykasowac sie tam i potem wrocic do polski i nie miec najazdy na chate przez skarbowke za niezaplacenie zyskow osiagnietych "u nich"?

>> No.7914320

At least Americans have forms they can fill out. Canadians are fucked if the crypto exchange doesn't issue them an officially licensed dump of every trade. I'd take your simplified long-term capital gains at thos point.

I'm anticipating getting audited in perpetuity over this and having to glee Canada to a locale where I can live off NEO GAS until I can diversify without the CRA raping me till I stop bleeding. All because I do not have a mechanism to definitively record my taxes.

I'll probably end up burning a stack on a tax lawyer who will let me claim I did due dilligence.

>> No.7914324
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guys the Fuhrer has spoken through my posts, we're gonna make it

>> No.7914352

Jesus. Just buy coinxbt and etherindex through your stockholm exchange. At least then you have legal protections for two crypto assets.

>> No.7914450

that's not particularly bad, it's essentially same as 30% of the yearly income
or maybe I'm misunderstanding something, you can't substract losing trades from gains?

>> No.7914460


The law requires you to pay 27.5% income and around 18% capital gains tax, however, crypto is unregulated so nobody pays shit.

If it does get regulated you just need to file for a LLC (inser high amouts of red tape and bribes) and cashout 5k per month max and you will pay no taxes.

>> No.7914480
File: 199 KB, 786x826, 1451851990819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously this is retarded
As far as I know when you trade stocks the exchange gives hands you everything on a golden plate, your all trades prepared as a tax report or they even send it themselves to the IRS

And now our retarded governments think that some neets with 0 previous investing/tax experience will be able to calculate forks, airdrops, 1000s of shitcoin trades, icos, poolings, wallet transfers, between-exchanges-transfers, fees all that shit taking into consideration not only btc volatility but also USD-CAD/PLN whatever for non-usfags

But it gets better, listen to this:
technically when you send eth between your own 2 wallets it's a TAXABLE event, because the amount spend for a fee is a piece of a REALIZED GAIN, no I'm not joking.

It doesn't even matter if you report everything perfectly like a turbo autist spending 2 weeks on all that shit, in 2-3 years the IRS can knock on your door and "prove" to you that your calculations were off, just because they decided to take a ratio benchmark from a different source

>> No.7914525
File: 334 KB, 499x583, Yes_Goy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30% on every crypto trade/buy/cash out.

that would mean you could get buttfuck with minimum of 60-90% taxation if you were to, sounds like they just copypasted the US version and didn't think it through, they basically want you to pay all your crypto gains on Muhammad his 3 wives, 10 children, 20 cousins and their children.

>> No.7914627

all this makes me want to kill myself harder than the january crypto crash, I'm definitely moving to a country like finland where it's (fiat out - fiat in) is a base for tax

>> No.7914675

I know you're not joking. My excel sheet for binance trades has 40 columns because of profit/loss realized on the BNB in addition to the sold coin profit/loss, the changing balances and the cost basis change for the buy. Cool shit is that most exchanges wipe trades after 3 months so there's zero proof that any of it happened if you get audited up to 7 years. There's a csv file which may or may not contain transaction ids. Like it's almost at the point of having to screen cast and email it to create a timestamped archive just to create proof. I'm honestly can't see how to do this in a way where honesty isn't made an example of.

>> No.7914679

The US taxes aren't thought through either. The implemented a system nobody is going to even do.

>> No.7914697


No taxes.

Shouldn't be that simple to every country?

>> No.7914772
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honeslty the only solution I see is something like this >>7914627
and on top of that let's give them trade history to go through if they think it's from drug dealing on something
but why on earth calculate evry fucking trade when at the end it's the same or pretty much the same amount of tax as if you just taxed the final amount-initial, why go through this fucking hassle.
I hope the tax arbitrage caused by non retarded countries will make the retards in our governments think twic about it.

but can we then go back to our shithole and use that money here or would we have to stay in the other country?

>> No.7914784

I get you. I had to code my own parser and accounting software to calculate what I owe. Exchange rates and historical data from voin market cap + math VS trade CSV files. Even after doing that there isn't a definitive way to record it in the actual tax forms. Best guess is saying it's foreign property but according to the flow chart for typing it, crypto is nothing and doesn't have a box to check. But there's a memo on their website saying it's taxable and a bunch of news articles repeating that and not giving a single specific as to how this is legally done. The agents in the call centre also know nothing.

I'm also more stressed by this than January's crash.

>> No.7914805

>but can we then go back to our shithole and use that money here or would we have to stay in the other country?

in polish law it says that it depends on 2 factors, to not pay tax in poland you must be out of the country for at least half a year and your "center of life interest" must not be in poland

>> No.7914858
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>mfw can easily get Albanian citizenship in the next 2-3 years

Is freedom from the US gov't AND the EU the ultimate liberty one can achieve in the Western World?

>inb4 Albania isn't the Western World

>> No.7914869

so pretty much it's relying on the taxman's good will how he's gonna interpretate your situation.
Imagine you buy real estate and then they seize all that shit.

I hope some other countries like Slovakia/Czech Rep or Hungary will have ta friendly laws

>> No.7914880

I don't think we could repatriate. We'd owe the difference between the finland tax and whatever canada wanted to charge (and fine us). That's assuming we have a tax treaty. There might be something where you wait longer than the 7 years auditable before returning home but I suspect you would have to make the case that you made 100% of your wealth while in Finland. It's probably doable. But why go back to a country that might draw blood over impossible-to-comply-with rules.

I'd be overjoyed if some country offered up tax asylum/arbitrage for investors in this new class of property to escape their retarded homes.

>> No.7914917

I can see an argument for some taxes. But its like all or nothing these fucking days. The thing is, when we have blockchains and the internet do we really need taxes anymore? Its very possible to pay for all infrastructure using modern technology.

>> No.7914982

you cannot even buy anything with crypto because
>oops, btc went up by $20 since I bought it on the exchange and now it's gonna be a TAXABLE EVENT when I buy those headphones

I'm just gonna sit back with my crypto in cold storage or unverified exchanges and wait for some sanity