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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7900970 No.7900970 [Reply] [Original]

The ChainLink meme was real....holy shit.

>> No.7901012


>> No.7901021

You couldnt figure that out yourself?

>> No.7901051

Probably. A lot of newbiz still cross the street holding hands

>> No.7901083

meh, I trade bitcoin and dont really ever hodl. But I'll be building a portfolio for this year. Will add Link to it.

>> No.7901183

Why do Oracles need a coin? serious question

>> No.7901209

Incentivize building bridges of data through decentralized means.

>> No.7901254

How do you intend to pay oracle node operators? And no, using btc or eth just cuz is not a good idea compared to just making a new token designed specifically for the network.

>> No.7901257

>upload a cp oracle to a blockchain
>every single person with the blockchain is charged with possessing and distributing cp
>government shuts it down, oy vey!

>> No.7901283


They dont.

>> No.7901288
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my linky stays stinky

>> No.7901292

If only he had said Chainlink

>> No.7901318

Can't they use gas?

>> No.7901356


>why do decentralized solutions need a coin?

why are these people even investing in crypto?

>> No.7901441

>shutting down a blockchain
How new are you? Honestly?

>> No.7901470

I got 20 links already.. should i buy another 10? I am not greedy so when they are worth $20 000/link i will have enough, but maybe i could get more and then give the money to charity

>> No.7901477
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>>government shuts it down

>> No.7901483


Am I just am idiot or will you still need ETH for gas payments? I seriously question the need for stinky linky shitcoins.

>> No.7901486

>the perpetuum mobile will be huge!

Think about shit 2 seconds before you meme, oracles are information sources you trust, based on real world reputation.

>> No.7901501

he's talking about achillescoin.com if you trust the comments. kek.

>> No.7901518

Isn't the idea to use chainlink as a sort of gas itself? Maybe link will come out with its own sort of gas currency mechanism sometime in the future. Remember Sergey said that the idea "as of now" was to payout in link.

>> No.7901533

Chainlink is network that reads JSON files and sends the data to smart contracts. (That's called an "oracle".)
Useful, but not a good investment since the idea can easily be copied and 66% of the tokens available are not in circulation.

Also, although they claim that it solves the "oracle problem" (The oracle problem being that oracles are centralized, not decentralized.), it doesn't, since the data being fed through the ChainLink network still comes from a centralized API feeding data to ChainLink through a JSON file.

For some reason link holders think this gives it a future valuation of at least $100,000,000,000, which is absolutely delusional.

>> No.7901540

No, retard. Oracles take the information from the sources and convert it to the blockchain formats.

>> No.7901554



>> No.7901580

Here’s the thing about ChainLINK you need to understand.

SWIFT, banks, insurance companies, other API providers and all the large corporations that will use LINK don’t care about trading shitcoins on exchanges. They won’t care about setting up a node and getting paid in LINK for muh “passive income”.

What they will care about is the network of smart contracts, data feeds and payments feeds all connected on the blockchain. A whole new network where they can make fuckloads of money. ChainLINK is merely the infrastructure that gives them access to the network.

Staking LINK in nodes and reinvesting the LINK they get paid will increase their node priority. But here’s the thing - it will be more profitable to keep the LINK in the node than to sell it on. All LINK will eventually end up in nodes. You faggots will sell your LINK to them before that though. And this will be the true cause of the singularity.

>> No.7901585


>> No.7901598

>I don't understand how supply/demand works

>> No.7901600

Nice FUD, sadly it doesn't mean anything

>> No.7901618

>being this retarded

>> No.7901654

if you're able to buy more than do it. Link is still cheap and I have a good feeling that it will moon. not yet but soon.

>> No.7901679

That literally wasnt fud you fucking brainlet. Might wanna reread his post.

>> No.7901686

By the time any of that happens there will be multiple payment options

>> No.7901698

the problem is that if i buy bigger amounts of every coins that the biz decides to fap over this and that week then i will soon be sucking cocks on the street for couple of satoshis

>> No.7901711

It's about Interoperability. AION ARK etc.. Link of course too.

>> No.7901720

what i dont understand is
if chainlink is such a good product why is the price so low? you would think if a bunch of tards on 4chan can find link why wouldn't big financial institutions be balls deep in link
whales had all the time in the world to buy link
its even more unbelievable when you think that AB said its supposed to be an "insidejob"
wouldn't it make more sense if link had a high price so neets here cant buy much?
also link is one of the only tokens with an actually product and usecase in the top 100
i just cant believe its still this undervalued if the claims are true

>> No.7901727

so you can hold an ico and scam people out of $32 million.

>> No.7901785
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>wouldn't it make more sense if link had a high price so neets here cant buy much?

>> No.7901786

people like you got scammed and are now so jaded you think everything is a scam.

>> No.7901789
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Did someone say Jason Parser?

>> No.7901847

If you go in with a few millions you raise a ruckus and people would start to ask what that funny cube on cmc is all about. That's when the singularity starts.

>> No.7901854


Name one crypto project that can’t be easily copied.

>> No.7901895

what i dont understand is
if ethereum is such a good product why is the price so low (22 cents)? you would think if a bunch of tards on 4chan can find ethereum why wouldn't big financial institutions be balls deep in ethereum?

>> No.7901898

This is the kinda fud gives me nervous street diarrhea.

>> No.7901904

If you take a look at Reddit, you'll get a good indication of normie hype, which drives speculative bubble price. All that reddit cares about is crypto as currency. They think that real-world adoption will look like people using Nano to buy shit on Amazon; they think the only barriers to widespread adoption are the difficulties of understanding private keys and wallets. That is not what blockchain in the real world will look like. It will look like corporations using smart contracts and oracles (LINK). It's too complicated for normies to understand. They will only care about it after LINK moons and after it is talked about on the news.

The price of LINK isn't what's important. It's this >>7901580 - LINK will create economic growth through its network of smart contracts, data feeds etc. the LINK token is merely infrastructure and collateral. Ironically that is what will make the token moon in price.

Also, price is low because they're essentially a start-up company... There are a lot of LINK whales too and Sergey reserved a few mil to give away to the big players so they dont need to buy in

>> No.7901928

>thinking this is FUD

>> No.7901964
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mobius fud

>> No.7902021

The singularity will happen after a mayor crash when people sell and the "big guys" pick up their rests. After the cleansing happen the singularity will come. Wont tell you how i know this or who i am. I just love biz. Screen this if you want

>> No.7902026

Yes, you'll still need ETH to write to the blockchain.

>> No.7902049

they dont

dont let the shills convince you otherwise

node operators could easily just be paid with eth instead

chainlink is a money grab, even vitalik said it was overvalued even at a 32 million dollar marketcap

and what has they done with those 32 million dollars they raised? or rather 100+ millions at this eth price?

absolutely nothing

>> No.7902055
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lol. being this retarded

>> No.7902066

That isn't even vaguely FUD

>> No.7902075

Sergrey CLEARLY stated node operators will get paid in LINK at the BTC super conference this past sunday. you are a certified idiot.

>> No.7902081

Dropping on you guys in a few hours ;)

>> No.7902082

LINK works with any blockchain, not just ETH

post any evidence that ETH is working on its own oracles. there is none. they have massive scaling issues they are working on. no time for oracles.

>> No.7902084

skelly also thought eth is overvalued. he is an idiot savant who knows about the tech, but has no idea about the world

>> No.7902091

also quit it with the vitalik said fud. hes also a grade a autist. he clearly thought ethereum should not be worth double digits either. autists are their own enemy sometimes because they are too smart.

>> No.7902093
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oh no, not your whole 5k stack

>> No.7902123
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Can someone explain to me how a smartcontract can make a reliable transaction of usd-btc for example? What stops me from going through with the exchange and then after the smart contract was executed and i got the btc just call my bank and say that i didnt make the transaction and get my money back?

>> No.7902145

guys...10k linker here...so not trying to spread FUD

but in the middle of the night last night, I woke up randomly and had a strange thought.

WHY ON EARTH would businesses want to use a token like LINK that will go up in value?

In the LINK white paper, they speak about the price of LINK staying low so that it is usable for businesses and stable.

What kind of incentive is there for a business to use something that would be say 20-40USD per coin?

I think I have discoverd the LINK paradox.

The only way this will work is if the price stays low, or else why the hell would a business want to spend millions to utilize a smart contract system when they could just go to any other ERC20 token and use it in the same exact way?

Sorry but after being slapped in the face with PURE LOGIN in the middle of the night, I may be forced to dump these bags.
Will obviously wait to see if it goes anywhere first, but I just don't know if I believe anymore :(

someone PLEASE convince me I am wrong

>> No.7902163

18 decimals

shoo shoo pajeet

>> No.7902165

good thing i listened to this exact same FUD about ripple and didn't buy it when it was at 10 cents.

>> No.7902199

smart contract holds a tx log on the register. provided widespread adoption, the institutions would work in tandem in order to ensure speed, but until then, it would work as it does now where transactions are subject to a holding period to circumvent someone from doing something like this. plus, it's fraud, and if you're expecting crypto to go full mainstream in the future, you better believe you wouldn't want to be caught in the middle of that shit

>> No.7902211

You discovered the ultimate truth anon. You're blessed.

>> No.7902215

not login

>> No.7902231

i dont understand.. sorry

>> No.7902237

You get paid in LINK, you do not need LINK to use the network. I don't think so at least.

>> No.7902241

of course you don't. now shoo

>> No.7902255

Any project can be copied. What matters is PR, if the project can't sell itself to normies then it doesn't matter if its holy grail or not, it will fail. and unfortunately this is one of those project developed by socially retarded autists who are good with computers but not with people so the chances it takes off are small

>> No.7902257
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>he figured it out
>initiate price singularity anyway before he sells

>> No.7902301

you dont either you fucking half-wit or you would be able to explain it to me in a cohesive manner

>> No.7902313

RIght, because there is no way the could split up the link in smaller parts, anon go kys and send me those linkies because u deserve to stay poor.

>> No.7902327

Yes but you won't be doing that for every API request
The network will keep a running tab of every node's LINK balance as it updates from node payments throughout the day, then it pays all the LINK accumulated out at once at the end of the day/week

>> No.7902358

ChainLink mechanistically could run through ETH, but then Vitalik tweets his support for CP and ETH (the whole blockchain) goes to absolute shit, then what?

So, you create your own ecosystem where you can control the environment, therefore collateral and payments are safest when in the product's native token.

If ETH went to complete shit, LINK would just get migrated to its own blockchain. Which might happen in the future organically. It's just that it's easier to create an ERC20 token for these purposes at the moment.

It's similar to how countries that are not the US are using USD as their de facto currency. Their entire export is at the mercy of USD, for example.

>> No.7902360

you people are so fucking stupid you cant explain anything in a logical manner

>thinking im poor
>thinking i will ever be poor

fucking dumbass lol

>> No.7902364
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the newfag mongoloidism in this thread is grade A.

you door knob lickers dont deserve your 150 links

>> No.7902368

how do i buy these? what exchange lists them?

>> No.7902382

binance ffs, did someone post a link to biz on the nano daily or smthing.

>> No.7902395

you guys realize that link is an open source right?

and that everyone can just copy it?

>> No.7902398


>> No.7902407
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>> No.7902422

ok so go copy it and make millions, fag. i'm waiting. apparently it's so easy. go show us.

>> No.7902428

Just like Bitcoin!
LiteLink when?

>> No.7902432

thats all you got? you are one dumb motherfucker
i asked for an explanation, if you cant do that, fucking KYS faggot

>> No.7902435
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wtf i hate link now

>> No.7902436

FFS is your capslock key broken anon?

>> No.7902464

millions of what?

I was talking about the source code of the network

Obviously you cant copy the token

>> No.7902466



>> No.7902479

How many US DOLLARS do you (((own)))?

>> No.7902494

yes just like bitcoin

but unfortunately value of bitcoin is inherently linked to the blockchain itself, being the longest, security, hashpower etc

Link netwokr could be copied x times

and all you have to do is to make some radnom erc20 token so you can pay nodes of said network

>> No.7902500

Ok go copy it then retard

>> No.7902520


anyone that would like to run oracle network such as that of link can just copy its source code yes

>> No.7902534

Lol thats so fucking trivial...

>> No.7902535
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>> No.7902537

Damn, I dont have that. Just coinbase and waiting to be accepted to poloniex.

>> No.7902541

k so go do it

>> No.7902569

U can just create a account over at binance.com, send ur eth or btc to the exchange and get ur link tokens.

>> No.7902577

enough to not be poor

>> No.7902586

>make a account on binance without id
>buy eth on coinbase and send it to your eth adress on binance
>sell your eth for btc
>buy LINK for your btc

>> No.7902600

I dont need to run an oracle network

>> No.7902609

k so go kys

>> No.7902619

you sound like a high school kid from leddit trying to sound all grown up

>> No.7902643

i drank a lot last night, so not feeling totally with it today. but sure dude.. if you want to think that Im not going to stop you
also banned from reddit...so cant help u there

>> No.7902644

I don't get the link hype. Once the enterprise blockchain solutions are more fully developed....they will have built their own oracles to support daap developers on their own platform? What need is there for a third party token like Link?

>> No.7902649

There is a ETH/LINK pairing on Binance.

>> No.7902654

just a guess but, xrp was 10 cents around dec 7, it's reached prices of up to 2 dollars (20x) and has recently been hovering around a dollar (10x). i think he's implying that similar FUD about chain link was said about ripple early on.

>> No.7902661


but you completely missed the point

>> No.7902665

damn nigga you hard as fuck

>> No.7902681

absolutely nothing

every company can just copy paste chainlink source code and incentive their own nodes anyway they want

>> No.7902686

it was not my intention to anger you, I really just want to understand why what I'm holding on to has value. I can admit that my expertise is not in finance, blockchain, crypto etc

>> No.7902692
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>need a coin
>serious question
Decentralized Oracle Network
Needs a token to incentivize the proper running of nodes
tamper-proof, censorship-resistant, trustless

>> No.7902696


Great posts anon. Shame to have them called out as fud, even mobius fud lol

>> No.7902703

>it was not my intention to anger you
projection much

>> No.7902747

dude if you arent going to say anything relevant/logical why are you even bothering?
This isnt about me being poor, on reddit, or angry, its about trying to understand LINK better...ffs man take a zanax and try to chill out

>> No.7902784

I understand now that smart contract platforms have more potential. What I don't know are the platforms that will give me the best chance of making it. I'm currently trying to figure out the best 3 coins that will be solely focusing on smart contracts and change the game?
I'm thinking...
What will change the smart contract game?

>> No.7902804

the answer has already been given. 18 decimals. if you're too much of a brainlet to understand that answer, fuck off.

>> No.7902806

www.smartcontracts.com and the chairman of the world economic forum called chainlink by name in his fucking book, who do you think will change the game?

>> No.7902809

It all boils down to the fact that deluded linkies think, or believe moreso, that somehow, publicly distributed network of weebs running nodes will be more secure and more incentivized to run than any network that can be build up by any large conglomerate

Hell amazon can just set a chainlink node into every one of their connected devices and all these dreams about 1000$ link will evaporate

>> No.7902823

Solid. Infrastructure is where it's at this year.
LINK is the big game-changer if it works. So far it's the only one that's aiming to allow legacy systems and regulated capital markets to utilize secure end-to-end smart-contract technology, without having to resort to system overhauls

>> No.7902829

If you saw the conference you would know that "CLEARLY" is not really the right word.
He didn't even know what was in the whitepaper

>> No.7902836

you’re right.. there is no need... youre smarterr than all of biz, Vitalik, director of engineering at Facebook, some Cornell comp sci nobody, this small financial group named swift... mobius is the obvious buy.. Idk WHY /biz/ is always discussing this useless piece of infrastructure...might as well be called ass link because is LINKs all the pajeet scamming assholes together as one...

>> No.7902844

>companies need decentralized oracles
>so they will build their own oracles
>thus being centralized

It would literally be pointless for them to do so.

Unless you're talking about a future competitor to LINK, then I wouldn't doubt that will happen sometime.

>> No.7902850


I currently have 6 LTC 1 BTC and 2 ETH, pretty modest portfolio, ill send over like 50 dollars of ETH I figure, get a small initial position of 100 links

>> No.7902864

i undestand that LINK has 18 decimal places, but how does that answer my question at all?
seriously i have never claimed to be some kind of genius and im not looking for an argument, can you just explain it so i can get on with my day?

>> No.7902871 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 432x240, cool hand link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

set up on binance, you can deposit to your binance your ETH address

then find LINK/ETH and trade.

please use my referral code 16103020 sixteen ten thirty twenty

make sure you enable 2fa and you can also enable sms.

binance lets you withdraw up to 2 btc a day without verifying ID


>> No.7902872

Nice, good luck.

>> No.7902879


Ugh, I'll spoon feed you just this once. The price one one individual link token is irrelevant to the transaction cost because it's extremely divisible. It's entirely possible for Link's value to be $50 while the cost to transact in the ecosystem can be less than 1 cent. Divisibility is why nobody says "hurr durr, I can't buy BTC because one bitcoin is more than i can afford right now."

>> No.7902906

They will have a set price for a smart contract and just divide the link needed to fit that ammount... is it that hard?

>> No.7902927

BTC (network effect), XRP (also network effect but with institutions not individuals).

>> No.7902929

>It would literally be pointless for them to do so.
why would it be pointless?

seriosuly interested in this argument bcs I dont get it

>> No.7902950

doesnt sound like fud to me basically you hold on to link = multi millions

>> No.7902960

ooooooooh. no that makes sense. thank you, i appreciate it.

t. a hungover idiot

>> No.7902961
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They have 18 decimal places to adjust the amount of LINK to the fixed price in the contract dude...it is really not that hard...that's literally how crypto is traded in pairings, or do you think you're forced to buy 1 Bitcoin, you can just split it up and get 0.0000001BTC for whatever value it is currently at...

Man...I'm seriously sad, not even mad, just really really really sad I actually had to explain this...

>> No.7902981

I got 50 bucks left over in my binance account now. What should I put it in besides link, im curious what you would recommend.

>> No.7902992

they could, infact original guide of chainlink eth as payment in the code

>> No.7902996

So then people that hold the erc20 token would be up shits creek if they did right?

>> No.7903003
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explain to me motherfucker what would be the incentive for somene to develop something that uses eth token or btc? what would they have to gain by doing that? you think someone will work his ass off for free?

You could apply your retarded logic to every fucking coin pretty much out there
>hurr why not be a cuck and use someone else's tokens.
The devs need to have a stake in the project you retards.

>he he useful but not a good investment he he
fuckk off you retarded smug redditor, fucking your whore of a mother wasn't a good investment.

>hurr if ethereum or btc were so good why weren't they worth thouands of dollars out of the gate
the absolute state of /biz/ these days

he also said
>oracles aren't worth 32m
but decentralized oracles are a whole new level, and Skelly's nice platform is useless without them

18 decimals + you're a retard
everything will even out in a free market, node competition etc
stop talking outta your ass

yea technically, but you'll need a lot of tokens for collateral (90% of biz doesn't know what that means these days)

>hur they will create their own oracles
yea and banks will train their own people to cook food instead of going for catering
let alone the fact that it wouldn't be decentralized
KYS you retard


>> No.7903020

didnt mean to ruin your day, but I appreciate your explanation

>> No.7903027

We should reply to him and POLITELY suggest he research Chainlink.

>> No.7903028

>ah yes, a perfect opportunity to use the words endogenous and exogenous in a sentence

>> No.7903029
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honestly thought you were trolling
What's more important is to understand it's not the actual price of LINK that matters, it's how much the node operators are charging, but since none of them should, in theory, be the market maker, the supply and demand between contracting partiers and node operators will take care of itself.
And as the network grows, investors, poolers and speculators will enjoy their gains.

>> No.7903068

buy more LINK.....

>> No.7903074

The node operator charges won’t matter so much as the value of the actual financial transactions being made through smart contracts.

>> No.7903097

You could get more link, but i would reccomend looking into HPB, they have a parntnership with UNIONPAY and it has not mooned yet, but its nice to have more link, since when the mainnet is launched, u can stake ur link for passive income.

>> No.7903109

node operator payments are solely on ethereum since link is an erc20 token... brainlet

>> No.7903112
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absolutely based

Here's a new pasta I saw the other day:

>Let me respond you as an programmer. I have read the whitepaper and watched the conferences, so here is my take:
> naming such as: oracles, sources, ...
>reinvented the wheel, just pure marketing
> SGX (Intel Software Guard eXtensions)
>1. only available to the newest CPUs
>2. there are big security flaws currently in the SGX enclave that needs to be fixed by Intel, not reliable at the moment
> copy/paste + refactor academic whitepapers to suit the smart contract mdidleware
>in the three days searching certain paragraphs in this 'whitepaper' I have found out huge resemblances with existing ones from the research domain of universities

>As our fellow friend, Vitalik Buterin said, this is purely manipulation by the masses that accumulated the tokens related to this charade and abuse of social media in order to convince other people into this scheme unaware of the consequences.

>Either if you think that this is a meme or not, be aware of the consequences when everything falls apart this year and do some extended research into the whitepaper and you will be surprised

Couldn't provide sources on that whitepaper plagiarism bullshit.
Also kind of got btfo on the trusted hardware FUD. 6/10 effort

>> No.7903118

Right now? REQ

>> No.7903133

Most companies today operate smart contracts with centralized oracles. These can be tampered, or someone with bad intentions could input wrong data to the contract and affect its execution. Decentralized oracles are harder to be tampered, and the reputation system guarantees that certain nodes are more trustworthy than others (ie the information it inputs is mostly correct).

Now, why would banks create their own oracles - which do have the problem of not being too trustworthy or secure - when they could use a decentralized and secure system? By simply creating their own oracles they're just returning to the initial problem.

I literally cannot make this any simpler. If still in doubt DYOR.

>> No.7903146

Yea, that's a better point. Basically, if a group of "expensive" node operators are charging high amounts because they're using trusted hardware etc., and there is enough money on the line, the parties will pay those charges for maximum security.

>> No.7903199

if amazon set up a chainlink node in every one of their data centers the price of link would explode so fast even calling it a singularity wouldnt do it justice you absolute brainlet. how can someone be this dumb?

>> No.7903224
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this man fucks

>> No.7903225

You need some kind of incentive for nodes to run and keep from being malicious. Nodes aren't just going to run themselves for free with the good of humanity in mind.

>> No.7903250
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Checked and topkek
The FUD is turned into thinly veiled shilling

>> No.7903279

Anon, LINK doesn't have its own blockchain. It's an eth token. You have to pay eth to send LINK

>> No.7903304

They said link could be moved to its own blockchain at any time

>> No.7903305

I wanna hold you.

>> No.7903342

In the event of that happening, new tokens can easily be redistributed through wallet snapshots. What's on exchanges is probably fucked though (at least as far as the users are concerned).

It's also not like this would happen overnight.

>> No.7903354

Ethereum was under $1 for months when it released. Then it suddenly mooned to $10 and stayed there for nearly year before exploding to $400. Good projects take time to appreciate in price, it's the shitty projects that PnD in their alpha stage that you should be worried about investing into.

>> No.7903359

I don't know if this is a retard or very clever shilling

>> No.7903360

I want to share with you a very interesting article on stablecoins and I encourage you to read it on it's entirety:


In our ideal world, we would have some sort of decentralized tether-like coin that function and operated through smart contracts.

Enter the stablecoin movement in crypto.

>What is a stablecoin?

It boils down to a cryptocurrency that attempts to retain a constant value (tether being the best example) for either wealth storage during volatile times or in order to be traded against more investments such as crypto,stocks, and other financial vehicles.

>How can a decentralized stablecoin ever be created?

It boils down to having the stablecoin be either collateralized by a crypto (such as Eth, BTC, Bitshares), or likewise, creating algorithmic-powered DAO that can increase or reduce the supply of said coin (using bonds and interest rates, similar to the fed) by having the right data.

>How does this relate to Chainlink?

While I encourage you to read the article here is the relevant bits from the article:

>All stablecoins must address the oracle problem.
>If stablecoins are pegged to the value of some external asset like the US dollar, the system needs some way to get data about the exchange rate between the stablecoin and the asset that it is pegged to.
>Using a trusted data source (aka a trusted oracle) recentralizes the power to the data provider (meaning a decentralized oracle is the only secure way of achieving a decentralized stablecoin)
>Having the users that stake the coin provide data (no efficient way of doing this in an efficient way for the stakers, at least not automatically and accurate at the same time.)

That's right. Chainlink is in the market to compete with Tether and fiat currencies. Billion and Trillion dollar competitors.

Q1 is almost up guys, and Chainlink's mainnet is going to go live in 1 or two months. Don't miss this for the love of god.

>> No.7903365

>if amazon set up a chainlink node in every one of their data centers the price of link would explode so fast even calling it a singularity wouldnt do it justice you absolute brainlet. how can someone be this dumb?

What if they just copy pasted opensource chainlink code and make their own chainlink network tho?

thats my whole point all the time

it would be decentralized, hell they would even be able to lower or higher up the number of nodes or whatever

>> No.7903400

The price of the LINK token isn't important. It is merely a network of nodes, the infrastructure. The network of smart contracts that will be built on top of it will be the thing of value.

>> No.7903406

>fully controlled by amazon

>> No.7903411

Wat coin is 18decimal, i kant find it on coinmarcetcap

>> No.7903420

It says nothing about price in the whitepaper besides this you brainlet.

>In order for a smart contract on networks like Ethereum to use a ChainLink
node, they will need to pay their chosen ChainLink Node Operator using LINK tokens,
with prices being set by the node operator based on demand for the off-chain resource
their ChainLink provides, and the supply of other similar resources

>> No.7903433

If you have at least 1k link and you don't have a node when main net live I'm going to fuck you up.

>> No.7903463

A network that is closed and accessible only to Amazon will not be valuable. Value of the network will come from the innumerable possibilities for money to be made in new ways by connecting all these data together with smart contracts.

>> No.7903468

link is so cheap right now and even if it goes to 5$-$10 it wouldbe still cheap as fuck.
Right now its below a dolar and got around 3k of links. I honestly don't expect link to go above $100 EoY, but even it it reach only $10, I already won.

>> No.7903474

Anyone watch his interview with Crypto Bobby?
Bobby hyped Chainlink with the Airswap CEO, maybe Chainlink got brought up with Ari Paul too.


>> No.7903479

Why would they create a new decentralized network that they also don't control? It's an open source project. They'll probably contribute to the code base making adapters that they need. I don't think you understand the concept of open source.

>> No.7903480

It can't be decentralized if it's being controlled by a single entity.

Are you a Mobius investor, sir? Just wondering.

>> No.7903499

I understand now that smart contract platforms have more potential. What I don't know are the platforms that will give me the best chance of making it. I'm currently trying to figure out the best 3 coins that will be solely focusing on smart contracts and change the game?
I'm thinking...
not trolling either smart contract have way bigger potential i see this now. way bigger market space. basically could take over the world. do i just invest in every platform? how do i make sure i wont miss the smart contract fucking boom

>> No.7903500

If you get to $10 you've made enough to make enough to retire early. It's a large first step.

>> No.7903502

how will clients pay to use the cl oracle network? will smartcontract.com be the exchange/gateway?

>> No.7903505

I will def do this senpai but a node with my 1.5k linkies will yield me like 15 dollars a month in profit kek

>> No.7903514

The LINK token has functions beyond what the ERC20 standard has. ETH literally does not have the same functions as LINK.

>> No.7903543

As a result, anyone who says you could just use ETH doesn't know what they're talking about.

>> No.7903560

Very good! You may have small yields but each node will strengthen Links use case and adoption. We are all in this together

>> No.7903573

wow.... ok I'll try to use small words
1) if amazon controls the whole network that is the definition of centralized
2) what if amazon just copy pasted open source (insert blockchain project here) and made their own (insert blockchain project here) tho? you could say this about literally anything. it defeats the whole purpose. plus, chainlink has first mover advantage and if/when the network is up and running there would no incentive to move over to another (see: network effect)

>> No.7903585

why is this human so concerned about you running a node when mainnet goes live? no larp serious no shame brainlet trying to make it somehow someway

>> No.7903607


When can nodes be run, and how? Absolute freshman in terms of LINK so please tell me

>> No.7903618
File: 71 KB, 703x685, 1519066095364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why not just copy-paste an entire, established network, it's infrastructure and its participants.
Nice find. I like BTS, and I'm also holding some JNT for fun. But like they meintioned, they're going to need a solution like ChainLink to make any possible stablecoin solution work.
Just like that post in LINKTrader:

>As you can tell, I am bullish about ChainLink. Often in crypto, the old saying about how the guy selling shovels in a gold rush is the one to get rich. Well, I believe PSD2 is another gold rush and ChainLink is the first in the door selling the shovels, the diggers, and the whole wash plant.
Now, along with PSD2, add all these other trends and necessary developments that we're seeing, like stablecoins

>> No.7903633

Yes he worded it as if he is from Linkpool

When the mainnet is live I will have like ~4k link. I wont stake more than 50%.

>> No.7903640
File: 190 KB, 727x609, whitepaper5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can read the whitepaper for details of operating a node

>> No.7903662

I have a PhD in crypto economics and mathematics. Crypto incentives in Chainlink are a legitimate concern. I saw Ari Juels speak at a conference recently where he mentioned tokens and asked him about the token economics of a node staking system like the Chainlink network is planning to use. The problem is that node operator incentives are fuzzy at best and not even figured out fully by the team (see the gitter for Steve stuttering about this). When I brought it up to Ari Juels, I told him that in the way the network is expected to be used, the fees payable to node operators would actually decline as requests become more ubiquitous because as the network grows it becomes cheaper to use. This makes sense if you took a few advanced cryptoeconomics courses. Ari admitted that it was a great question but that they were "actively pursuing research in that area." I sold my LINK immediately after that and saw a significant dump on the binance charts. It's pretty clear these guys are pulling you along making you think they're doing something revolutionary when the incentives aren't even fully determined yet.

>> No.7903677

you can set up a node right now but it will be way too complicated if youre not an engineer. dont even bother. wait for linkpool: http://www.linkpool.io/

>> No.7903688

this make sense thank you for responding to this fucking idiot with common sense
this is funny i can tell it is a joke good for me

>> No.7903695


>they've found out that blockchains are useless
>better make something up about how they can transport actual information

Why should I use a blockchain exposing my data to a number of unknowns when I can just do what I'm doing now, making direct encrypted connections and transfer my data without extra fees and waiting times? The only way blockchains will be useful is if you create one that isn't traded and works like IP.

>> No.7903698

He also said pedophilia is ok

>> No.7903729

Appreciate it, thanks!

>> No.7903736
File: 295 KB, 809x1767, 1515531202689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As you can tell, I am bullish about ChainLink. Often in crypto, the old saying about how the guy selling shovels in a gold rush is the one to get rich. Well, I believe PSD2 is another gold rush and ChainLink is the first in the door selling the shovels, the diggers, and the whole wash plant.
Go look at how many use cases LINK has. It literally just needs to monopolize one key vertical, and then the network effect will carry it over into adjacent markets. The writing is definitely on the wall. If LINK breaks into one key market, even if it's relatively small, the network and the community behind it will take on a force of its own. A lot of people are not only in this for the money, they still strongly believe in the mission behind decentralized networks, especially related to contracts

>> No.7903737

kek, good one.

>> No.7903751

Is linkpool opening up spots?

>> No.7903760

not as of now

>> No.7903787

I don't know if you are aware of Link toilet reference from the 'toilet conference'

>> No.7903818

Checked. My favorite link meme by far.

>> No.7903838

Fuck lol. Guess I’ll have to set one up and hope to figure out how to connect to APIs and shit. (Medical field anon). I know someone who can set one up but idk how the while accessing data works and such.

>> No.7903863

step 1) exit 4chan
step 2) google "smart contracts"
step 3) come back in a month once you've absorbed the very basics of that information into your tiny, tiny little brain

>> No.7903902

I'm not worried about people staking. I am saying if you care about links price you should run a node....staked or not. The more nodes on the network the better. This was even in Sergeys end of year post.

>> No.7903966

Not an argument. You're actually FUDing LINK because you can't answer.

>> No.7903968

who is currently paying for hospital api access and what kind of patient data is most valuable?

>> No.7904051

same my favorite since the day i saw it
t. nolinker

>> No.7904094

Why the fuck does LINK show up every time I refresh /biz/?

You fuckers are very annoying.

>> No.7904123

3000*10 = $30000
in my book, 30k is not enough to retire unless I go to a shit world country.

>> No.7904206
File: 40 KB, 1082x308, soon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why the fuck does ETH show up every time I refresh /biz/?
t. person who didn't buy ETH at 50 cents

>> No.7904207

What does "running a node" literally entail? A dedicated PC that simply runs a command-line "server" of sorts? Do you have to "guarantee" uptime, or - if it goes down, no big deal?

I should google this shit, yeah. I'd rather hear the tl;dr version from a /biz/bro, I don't trust anyone else

tl;dr do you need a dedicated line / dedicated hardware or is it just a tiny ass utility, like how mining software is just a tiny, efficient command-line thing, cross-platform also

>> No.7904214
File: 94 KB, 874x881, uhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, get ready for lambo land.

>> No.7904227
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>> No.7904241

I missed out a not

>> No.7904251

Colonel Damu?

>> No.7904259

filter link then you faggot nolinky bitch

>> No.7904274

Yeah you can use your pc if you are not staking. This way you won't be penalized link. If you plan on staking you want to make sure you have 99.99% uptime to avoid potential penalties.

Keep an eye on link slack as running a node will become much easier over the next month

>> No.7904279

I will buy 1k more after I get my paycheck nest week.

>> No.7904283


This is exactly what I'm going to do. Thanks anon

>> No.7904293


ark is doing it, linkies gotta share space.

>> No.7904300
File: 1.01 MB, 1024x683, 1516252533422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon

>> No.7904360
File: 85 KB, 675x720, 1519001731791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're coming for you, nolinkers.

>Here's the thing, not only is ChainLink the shovels etc., there are MULTIPLE gold-rushes happening at the same time here. PSD2, legacy systems rushing to use smart-contract tech, stablecoins, reliable external data inputs; there are more but you get the idea.
And link is the shovel for all of them, the middleware. And it doesn't even need to capitalize on all of these gold-rushes. If it establishes itself in one of these markets, the network will grow to take over adjacent markets.
LINK is going to be the biggest shocked in the crypto-space to date.

>> No.7904377

>imagine if all the jews had been able to leave germany with all their wealth with them with just a password in their heads.
that....is terrifying.

>> No.7904384

What you fuckers fail to realise is that big institutions ARE buying Link offline by acquiring WALLETS that hold a specific amount of LINK. Look at the contract and the token holders, lots of wallets at weird arbitrary numbers of tokens, e.g. 18.2k. They do this to acquire LINK without moving the price online. Check it out

>> No.7904399


You retards should just stay in your telegram or some shit. Quit shitting up the board with your constant LINK annoying shit.

>> No.7904412

There are 18 decimals to a link token so if link is 100 dollars and only a small amount is needed then there are 18 decimals to work with. That's more then double the decimals that eth btc ltc and most other coins have

>> No.7904425

And you are in my Link - The Movie. Coming eoy 2018.

>> No.7904444
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x1547, 1517529781043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sergey has already thought of all this shit, he is the chosen one

>> No.7904473

>devs need to have a stake in the project
what happened to conventional equity?

>> No.7904474


Check em

>> No.7904484

>trusting linkpool with your LINK tokens
I give it 2 months before they exit scam and steal everyones shit. Why you would willingly give someone else your assets is fucking beyond me. Just wait for the 'running your own node for dummies' guides that will inevitably pop up.

>> No.7904499
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>> No.7904519
File: 23 KB, 600x350, 1512781292253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one's forcing you to be here, son. Just filter and move on. But I think people are joking when they say that. I don't know why anyone would filter out potential tip offs of a top 100 project
Careful that you don't fall for the FUD, because of your own hubris
agreed, be safe linkies

>> No.7904561
File: 487 KB, 676x1202, E558BBD7-0C3A-4F91-8AF9-4745FF46B111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7904572
File: 713 KB, 3630x2362, 0mk07wzuahny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

praise him

>> No.7904583


You retards need to take your shit to a telegram, though. You're obviously shilling the fuck out of this every day so you can make money on your token.

>> No.7904588

Perhaps there is a fool-proof way of doing it with the use of smart contracts so they won't be able to exit scam. I am not sure if this is possible but isn't this the point of smart contracts? Code is law so decently coded is safe

>> No.7904672
File: 129 KB, 710x900, 1515274886660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you mean?
No one will develop things and spend years on something they cannot benefit from.
But let's assume you find a cuck who wants to spend years of hard work on a product that will use eth/btc tokens, how would you raise the funds for that? good luck finding volunteers to fund your hobby without giving them anything in exchange.
This is the fucking basic of decentralized system/services, each one needs to have its own internal currency to incentivize the devs/community

>> No.7904687

>Alpha release last week
Yeah bro, absolutely nothing to see here.

>> No.7904692

matt and johnny are pretty legit and active members of the CL community, if they exit scammed they're well known and wouldn't last very long..

>> No.7904729
File: 33 KB, 503x676, 1518598361746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're obviously shilling the fuck out of this every day so you can make money on your token.

>Ethereum is probably the future of money
>November 2015

It is possible we're just excited about the future, and anons who have enough risk appetite, and brains to DYOR, can come along for the ride

>> No.7904816

why does ethereum need a coin?
why does bitcoin need a coin?
why don't we just use mexican pesos for every decentralized network?

>> No.7904892
File: 115 KB, 650x400, sergeyshirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit was everyone on /biz/ in 2015 a fucking redditor? So many fucking brainlets and reddit formatting everywhere.
But thanks for the thread anon, made me feel even better about investing in LINK.

>> No.7905032

I got tons of these.
Here's a FUD thread from 2016 lol
>when he actually buys ether
>ETHfags on suicide watch
>iktfb. I own over 100 ETH I paid an average of $11.9 for.

I'm gonna be saving these LINK threads for glorious keks in 2019-2020

>> No.7905062


>> No.7905083
File: 165 KB, 608x600, companion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What companies have sprung up around the ethereum network? Ethereum will be useless until someone figures out how to commercialize it.

>Protip: You can do everything that Ethereum can do with Bitcoin-style smart contracts by manipulating trust relationships of external resources.
>Trust /biz/ to fall right on this hype train. Ether is actually a huge joke amongst Bitcoin professionals ... It wasn't even the first coin designed around smart contracts.

>Why don't you make a Trump Coin pump and dump or something and actually make a couple hundred bucks instead of buying into some crap like ethereum is all I'm saying alright..

>best vaporware scamcoin ever

Top kek, never change /biz/

>> No.7905145

>I'm gonna be saving these LINK threads for glorious keks in 2019-2020
I jusy hope I can reach to 5k links before mid 2018

>> No.7905156
File: 175 KB, 1920x1080, 1519122439283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck. Is this old/new?
I remember Sergey saying he worked on an something called app coins and encoded secure messages into it, or something.
Pretty cool desu.

>> No.7905185
File: 182 KB, 777x532, 8C6F2E34-6C27-4CFB-831F-6254E54B92C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7905204
File: 287 KB, 400x414, IMG_0634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noooooooooo myyyy liiiinkiieeeess aaaaaaaah

>> No.7905210

I just did and my whole family
Bought 100k

>> No.7905262

that image takes the CRINGE to new dimensions

>> No.7905294

I think you're the only one missing things here anon

>> No.7905368
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is me knowing you're scratching your head with furrowed brows trying to access the life changing info in my head, have fun staying poor forever faggot

>> No.7905476
File: 941 KB, 3546x1456, fuckingmorons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be posting this every day when the singularity comes

>> No.7905591
File: 400 KB, 909x926, Screenshot_66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute madman !

>> No.7905663



>> No.7905666

The man types like a savvy professor.
We are gonna make it

>> No.7905676
File: 291 KB, 1080x1625, Screenshot_20180223-203007~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Word from on high from the original twitter thread, the happening will happen soon lads

>> No.7905709

I came

>> No.7905731
File: 362 KB, 430x589, Aryan_uberSergai2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are all not faking screenshots

>> No.7905745
File: 267 KB, 627x450, linkshill2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7905781


>> No.7905798

i hate you

>> No.7905876


>> No.7905878

It kind of astounds me that people say this sort of stuff but also hold link. I guess it just shows how far there is still to go before people even start to get an inkling of understanding smart contracts or even blockchain.

>> No.7905945

wtf this is good fud.. how come everyone is ignoring this

>> No.7906000

my bad i'm new with twitter I thought I would see those on Sergey's feed, but I couldn't see teh posts until i went to the replies on ari's tweet
I apologize.

>> No.7906074
File: 30 KB, 512x336, cffff8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has begun

>> No.7906181
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, 100_aryan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit reeks of ponzi wtf

>> No.7906213


>> No.7906260

t. you talking about eth in 2016

>> No.7906287

I hope it goes to the moon just for the satisfaction of posting my portfolio and laughing at the FUDers

>> No.7906381


ironically for speculative moon potential it does matter, inasmuch as dumb normie money legitimately thinks that way. There's a reason Ripple, Lumen, and Tron mooned 3-6x each, all within a 2-week span in december, and that's because they were the 'cheapest coins' that were still visible in the top 20 list of CMC. Normies bought them up because they thought they were getting more value for their buck buying 100 XLM for $25 instead of .3 LTC or whatever.

>> No.7906692
File: 78 KB, 608x655, 160IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you needed more proof of Sergey's high IQ there is proof on twitter

>> No.7906747

Nice, just bought 2048k

>> No.7906797

Looks promising.

>> No.7907097
File: 26 KB, 761x211, brothersinautism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we believe in you Sergai

>> No.7907117


Laughed so hard to this

>> No.7907135

Anyone want to tell me why you couldn't just write a fucking Oracle as a smart contract and bypass the entire fucking need for Chainlink

>it literally calls itself middleware in the age of disintermediation

>> No.7907157

>age of disintermediation
whew buddy I'm getting a chubby just from reading that

>> No.7907190

That`s beautiful

>> No.7907193
File: 75 KB, 999x963, kara_boga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur a fag, sergay

>> No.7907277

>Holy shit was everyone on /biz/ in 2015 a fucking redditor? So many fucking brainlets and reddit formatting everywhere

Ex 4chan mods and anons used reddit back in 2007. Stop with the reddit boogeyman, it's a little too late to try and fit in on some anonymous imageboard made to share anime porn

>> No.7907388

Lmao among this and the reddit posts, I fucking love Sergey. I think we are all gonna make it lads.

>> No.7907420

>the idea can easily be copied
Bitcoin idea can also be easily copied

>66% of the tokens available are not in circulation
Meaning that the rest that is being circulated will cost more

>the data being fed through the ChainLink network still comes from a centralized API feeding data to ChainLink through a JSON file
Sure a bad actor can appear but the falseness of its data can be detected quickly and said actor will end up being voted down.

>> No.7907517

he also has a reddit account, I think he has a post where he admires Shakespeare for his impact on modern vocabulary or something like that

>> No.7907742
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>> No.7908608
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>> No.7908663

That's a fake tweet.

>> No.7908698


>> No.7908847

anyone checked this project using link?
https : / / ori.network

>> No.7908876

Their white paper is a peer-reviewed scientific paper.
So anyone copying it will get sued for intellectual property theft.

>> No.7908912

So looooong normie fagooooooooooooooooots see you in hell! (from the moon)

>> No.7909009

its hilarious how no1 refuted this HAHAHAHAH LINKIES BTFO

>> No.7909059

There's so many wallets with literally 1 link in them, like some sort of voodoo bamboozle insurance. What the fuck? That's probably multiples less than the transaction costs of getting that fiat there. At least buy a handful ffs

>> No.7909166

Like Facebook got sued?

>> No.7909193

Oh nooo my $1MM scam resulted in my Oracle getting voted down, guess I'll have to spend another $1000 to get a new one set up!

>> No.7909208

Wow yeah that is a good point u need to dump those bags asap

>> No.7909296

Wow put your trip sherlock.

>> No.7909331

sherlock is actually in a different thread

>> No.7909405

The LINK Token
sale involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may
cause the actual functionality, utility, or levels of use of LINK Tokens to be materially
different from any projected future results, use, functionality or utility expressed or
implied by SCCL in the terms.

>> No.7909514
File: 15 KB, 418x237, 06-04-45-1519265601447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even FUD gets Dubs in link threads. It's like Kek isn't even trying to be subtle.

>people falling for this cheap copypasta again

>> No.7909575

it's only for the test net you faggot, once the mainnet is completed you won't be able to use anything else than link tokens

>> No.7909643
File: 72 KB, 640x480, business.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you suggest as the next best investment? And through which platform to hold/trade it?

>> No.7909654

>muh PR
>muh partnerships
PR is important for pumping the price of unspectacular coins to get normans to part with their money. A project like ChainLink doesn't need or want your normie money. It doesn't even need a public face as long as there are institutions and industries which want to use the network.

Go buy some VEN.

>> No.7909681

Do you know when mainnet comes out?

>> No.7909687

Wow, threads still going. Well, Anons, I'll be selling my house soon. I'll put 10k into link.

>> No.7909738

Please KYS and stop typing. DYOR and murk loar cumslut.

>> No.7909752

Dude, weak fud is not working anymore on /biz/. All the weak hands were shook off when we went sub 1k. Now that we know that alpha is live and there are a lot of anons preparing to be node operators no bizraeli is selling a single link unless they are swingtrading to buy more link.
There's a lot of vapor wave in crypto all hype and no product. I park my money in the projects that do exactly the opposite. LINK is my number one pick for promising Cryptos in 2018- early 2019. As soon as link takes off it would be wise to pick up some Quantstamp too. DYOR..
But seriously, memes aside, Chainlink will be one of the biggest players in crypto If they can pull it off. A big if, but I think a lot of anons Hodl link just in case it moons hard.

>> No.7909765

yea this is why i didn't buy ETH

>> No.7909820

this guys face makes me physically ill

>> No.7909852
File: 89 KB, 748x448, sminem_cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7909857

holy CHECKED anon.

>> No.7909869
File: 65 KB, 480x360, ChainLink initiative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

focus on things that work with/around data, moving it, storing, etc, that's where big money is to be made, not on some flashy dapps or "currency" type of coins (besides bitcoin)

No one officially said that but I believe Rory hinted at Q2/Q3, and considering how fast they released the simplified version I believe most of the work is alrady done. I personally expect the mainnet to be finished before the end of summer

>> No.7909948

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.7910004

fucking kek stop it

>> No.7910188

Post eth address. When the singularity comes I will send you 1 link.
About $462 in post-singularity prices

>> No.7910213
File: 52 KB, 442x500, 1512259676125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sherlock is not God
>sherlock is not omnipresent

>> No.7910235

Satanic trips confirm link $1000 Eoy

>> No.7910382
File: 230 KB, 1065x1037, catlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats up stinkylinkies I made a new one

>> No.7910459
File: 298 KB, 1000x1000, 05-39-35-1519246870543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check this one out

>> No.7910703

Any opinions here on why not to buy Chain-Link?