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File: 37 KB, 512x288, bchking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7896182 No.7896182 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7896246

Operation dragonslayer. Commence.

>> No.7896248

Fuck off Roger. Everyone hates you except your paid shills and the lowest pieces of shit in the crypto world.

>> No.7896296

I think he unironically is one of the crypto worlds most hated person. He and iota devs.
All of them for good reason fucking loud scumbags

>> No.7896430

How's that going for you?

>> No.7896599

both inferior to skycoin desu

>> No.7896617

both are shit

>> No.7896646

Dude I promote bitcoin cash for free. For me, it’s like charity work helping out the mentally ill, which I also do from time to time, only the BTC supporters tend to be a bit more retarded than the drooling imbeciles I normally support.

Roger Ver, what do I think of him, not the most interesting man in bitcoin but energetic, hardworking, shrewd and a decent enough chap, make a silly mistake around mtgox and had his reputation tarnished.

But who gives a shit - he’s not the be all and end all of BCH, he’s just a proponent.

>> No.7896712

to summarize this post. Bcash is trash!!!

>> No.7896738

Hi Roger

>> No.7896750

Bitcoin cash and other shitcoins will be useless when lightning is realised. If your not all in btc eth or ltc you are going to be poor

>> No.7896758

Who cares, if it's not BTC, it's not BTC
Following your le better tech logic, there are hundreds of shitcoins better than bitcoincash

>> No.7896769

BCH is good because it makes reddit mad

>> No.7896877
File: 260 KB, 1438x2826, graph not mesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck off Roger.
>Bcash is trash!!!
>Hi Roger
Some people are getting nervous that they can't come up with arguments.
>Following your le better tech logic, there are hundreds of shitcoins better than bitcoincash
At least you made an argument but it wasn't a good one. Bitcoin Cash will incorporate the features of all other coins into its blockchain, and so the only coins that are different are Hashgraph coins and DAG's which aren't secure because they are mesh networks and not graph networks. Pic related as it shows why mesh networks are centralized and graph networks are not.

>> No.7896894
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>x will y
fuckoff nigger, BTC can be w,y,z etc

>> No.7896917

>Bitcoin Cash will incorporate the features of all other coins into its blockchain, and so the only coins that are different are Hashgraph coins and DAG's which aren't secure because they are mesh networks and not graph networks.

call me then.

>> No.7896934
File: 88 KB, 1420x946, showtimes-twin-peaks-season-3-agent-cooper-as-dougie-jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin Cash will incorporate the features of all other coins into its blockchain

>> No.7896958
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Kek. BTC is trailer park trash. F.


>> No.7897020
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And there it is, the only crypto that is universally hated because of the fact that 90% of the userbase are paid shills.

>> No.7897759
File: 1.61 MB, 720x720, nano.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both are shit
Nano will fuck both without lub nor spit

>> No.7897871

The only flippening is going to be ethereum.

>> No.7897989

BTC will be replaced for sure. I think ETH will probably flip it before BCH, but BCH will flip BTC eventually. It truly is amazing just how brainwashed core supporters are. Years from now psychology courses will cover BTC as a profound example of how masses can be thought controlled into believing the most absurd things and respond to others with extreme hate. What's happened to BTC holders is just like the famous cults in history and it truly is fascinating to watch. Until the last year or 2 I would never have thought this level of cult indoctrination was possible on an open medium such as the internet, but I was wrong.

>> No.7898043

>Blockstream fanboys: everyone that appreciates BCH has to be Roger Ver himself shilling 24/7 all over the interwebs
>the absolute state of faggots

>> No.7898092


>> No.7898096

Bitcoin cash is trash. Roger Ver sounds like Michael Jackson. Bitcoin cash, the coin for pedos.

>> No.7898186

BCH Plzzzzz

Love low feeeesssss

>> No.7898284

We dont need BCH , we have Litecoin this "the flippening " getting boring

>> No.7898333

We don't need Litecoin we have Bitcoin (Cash).

>> No.7898437

Don't mind me, just here to post that bigger blocks mean centralization without offering any sort of proof and ignoring that LN will most certainly lead to centralization with mountains of proof

>> No.7898483

Litecoin is the real bitcoin cash.

>> No.7898499

Went all in on BCH @ 0.14
How fucked am I?

>> No.7898531

Can I fork bitcoin cash and call it the true bitcoin cash? Seriously someone should fork it and call it bitcoin trash the true bitcoin cash, everyone will support it.

>> No.7898553

We need 1 bitcoin that has serious PoW and consumes a majority of worlds electricity. Everything else needs to go pos. Link will hit 1k.

>> No.7898585

Litecoin Cash is the real Satoshi.

>> No.7898613

rog. ver is original sabobi and low feeeees

>> No.7898633

you will be rich beyond your wildest dreams but only if you put it in cold storage and forget about it. if you are weak you will fall for fud and market manipulation

>> No.7899042

Wil be fine

>> No.7899151

>thinking the flippening will involve their shitcoin
srupidest fucking cunts in all of crypto. coin is shit, devs are shit, shillers are cunts who create multiple threads here each day out of desperation because their gen 1 shitcoin is failing.

>> No.7899172

you are fucked

>> No.7899428

Such a perfect example of a brainwashed core cuck. Spouts baseless bullshit with intense vitriol. There is nothing worse in crypto than people like this.

- BTC Core developers/blockstream are the absolute shittiest of all coin developers. BCH has literally the original Bitcoin people who actually know their shit including Gavin himself. They also have MORE developers and multiple implementation teams. BCH developers in the short time since the fork are getting more done in months than what core has in years. New features like colored coins ffs.


>> No.7899431
File: 6 KB, 560x132, beaner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only flippening that might happen is the flipbeaning.

Bitmain Cash can't even compete with Grandpa

>> No.7899673

Do you raly think that brainlets coding BCH can compete with colored coins to ethereum and NANO ? You are really dumb bcashiers

>> No.7899748

hey bcash shill, when will you cunts quit with the strawmanning. people shitting on you cancerous assholes doesn't make them bitcoin supporters. i hope bitcoin dies. that doesn't mean that bcash with its shitty dev team, outdated tech, and cancerous community is going anywhere but down to zero. you shillers insist on a binary choice between bcash and bitcoin... it is a strawman fantasy created out of DESPERATION. also, you faggots always bump thefuck out of these shill threads. you are so fucking transparent and you think your mongloid tactics are brilliant.

>> No.7899800

Your coin is insecure garbage bro.

>> No.7899828

annnnnd the bcashie bumps the shill thread yet again

>> No.7899831

Except that noone but paid corefags will support it.

>> No.7899868

Yep I'm convinced Nano is the shit to watch.

>> No.7899890

case in point, bcashies endlessly bumping their shitcoin shill threads

>> No.7899892

Where the fuck did all these raiblocks shills come from? I guess all the pajeets that were solving the captchas have carried over to shilling their bags.

>> No.7899923

What a cute response. I'm glad we can both agree Bitcoin should die Anon. Maybe if you were more educated on what you're attempting to talk about you'd realize how dumb the rest of what you've said is, but oh well.

>> No.7899959

your paid shilling convinces no one faggot.

>> No.7899966
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thread theme: https://vocaroo.com/i/s0t7Aaa07vAY

>> No.7900000
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>> No.7900039
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mods please sage

>> No.7900041

corekeks absolutely BTFO

>> No.7900062


>> No.7900069


>> No.7900090

Ahh bcash, a fork of one of the shittiest coins in the market rn

>> No.7900105

Well I guess that settles it.

>> No.7900112

nice thread bump shill

>> No.7900118

Why this thread is still being bumped?

>> No.7900128


the entire community is laughing at you mentally ill bagholders

>> No.7900145

You scared corecuck?

>> No.7900205

Sometimes I wish BCH actually had paid shills to combat all the bullshit spewing out there. But that kind of goes against everything Bitcoin stands for. People will just have to see for themselves in time.

BCH will surpass BTC EOY. Nothing more to be said to your type really. DYOR or don't I don't care.

>> No.7900218

how does it feel knowing those "corecucks" are the early adopters while you're left picking up our scraps?

every wonder why we literally dont give a shit about your desperate shrieking because we're already multimillionaires?

maybe something to think about, late adopter.

>> No.7900228
File: 77 KB, 1024x512, bcash_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys buy bcash it can have everything. Tru satoshi vision

>> No.7900242

strawman - binary choice narrative, and classiccashie thread bump

>> No.7900248

yeah, listening to the hopes and dreams of bcash "devs" or hypemen like roger doesn't count as research though, sorry.

>> No.7900269
File: 81 KB, 662x800, 1519366360983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

core cucks think they are winning like this guy in pic

>> No.7900320

paid shills like you and your thread bump team insisting on the false dichotomy (bcash or bitcoin) are the most pathetic pieces of shit here. your coin is gen 1 shit and your devs are shit, but you haveawell funded shill army. doesn't matter though, the flippening will happen and bcash will havenothing to do with it. shitcoinshiller

>> No.7900388

Prediction: LN will not be released for general use in 2018 or 2019.

If its worth a shit it can be added to BCH too

>> No.7900521
File: 339 KB, 680x697, b93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FFFFFFS why do you morons keep making the same fucking thread every day?!/ Mods, why don't you ban these pajeets FFS???
Your argument is completely basesless "Ah I Nostradamus say that my shitcoin will one day be worth most"
That's literally all you're saying!! You never actually make an argument, it's all "bch is the real bitcoin, wwaahahhh, buy my bags, waaaahh!!!!"

>> No.7900532

I like how you quoted "devs" as if it didn't have tons of developers including the original guys that actually know their stuff. The guys who built Bitcoin alongside and after Satoshi before blockstream screwed everything up. Really though thanks for that. I appreciate you identifying for everyone right off the bat that everything you have to say should be disregarded.

>> No.7900565

sold my btc stacks for BCH - the real bitcoin.
Enjoy your bags cucks, check GDAX.

>> No.7900589

praise be to the lord

>> No.7900591
File: 211 KB, 1152x768, 1488533176613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adam Back's paid corecuck army is out in force kvetching in this thread as usual.

>> No.7900607

they have a lesser dev team for sure. no reason better developers would choose to work on a politically charged protest fork of bitcoin, that bitcoin itself, or an equal like ethereum, or even something new.

many of those original developers are there, but a lot left for good reason. i very much don't want people who got tricked by some fake signature that craig wright is satoshi, no thank you.

>> No.7900651

funny how you guys keep thinking anyone even needs to pay people that support bitcoin. you understand we are all early adopters and have more money than we know what to do with, right?

and yet we already have seen the way roger has been trying to pay people to speak about or promote bcash, even before then, to get miners on the side of 2x, etc.

when you're bitcoin, you don't need to pay people to promote you. if you can't see that, then you really must be new to this whole crypto thing.

>> No.7900680

used to work for some fuck named goldblatt.

only unsuccessful jew i've ever met.

>> No.7900739
File: 348 KB, 1440x2560, TsI4v8J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah ok buddy. So youre rich but you're wasting your time in a BCH thread throwing turds everywhere?

>> No.7900752
File: 366 KB, 511x896, 1515621407163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Early adopter
>Not in BCH
BCH is literally all early adopters and BTC's smart money group, brainlet. Who do you think you're kidding?
The only early adopters still on the BTC side are the Winklevoss retards and even they didn't sell their BCH

>> No.7900808

Okay, how many "early adopters" do you actually know, anon? Because I guarantee there's four that have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.7900841

where the fuck did you get the idea BCH is anything "real" or genuine?

BCH is that shitty hot dog stand rolling up to a Burger King with a shitty sign on it that says "reel bitcoyn".

Fuck off.

>> No.7901005

Literally this.

>> No.7901045

wall street doesn't exist

>> No.7901150

95% of project in crypto are not legit and never recover from the release pnd
Still you can make money off them.

So far I have only lost money on BCH, but perhaps I will actually earn some

>> No.7901445

Regardless of whatever you think is going on with shillers, who supports what, etc, your position is very straight forward to define.

Do you believe Bitcoin should be peer-to-peer cash for the world? If so you support BCH.

Do you believe Bitcoin should be the greatest Ponzi ever built such that it reaches a make believe value beyond gold and the delusion becomes part of the fabric of our society? If so you support BTC.

Do you believe Bitcoin can never be either or shouldn't be either for any of a myriad of reasons? Great don't hold any of either.

>> No.7902037
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>> No.7902194
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>mfw a Core dev is trolling Plebbit as we speak with bible quotes

>> No.7902356

How did you lose money? It was for free!

>> No.7902374
File: 268 KB, 1365x2048, 1519407403001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fell down a rabbit-hole of investigation.This internal conflict initially felt like, honestly, a mild psychosis, and as I discovered more, everything slowly started making sense. This shit was doublethink, straight out of Orwell's 1984. I started finding out the truth of myths like: bitcoin-core team being a huge collective, is actually a small group of around 10 devs all connected through a couple organizations -- organizations such as blockstream that have direct investments from financial institutions and services like mastercard. The block size was kept at 1MB intentionally to keep fees high and transactions slow, so the core team could create or more accurately, deliver a product to their investors in the form of infrastructure off-chain... the lightning network, the perfect model to centralize, monopolize, and record transaction data... i.e. future-proof the banking system. Everything bitcoin stood against. Roger Ver isn't some kind of scam artist, and even if he is, who the fuck cares? He isn't even responsible for bitcoin cash.
>Bitcoin-core enjoys the undeserved status of a church, claiming to be the resilient extinction-proof perfected coin with a diverse development community of veterans whose only mission is solidifying its sustainability and doing what's best for all of its users. It has this status only by virtue of a hijacked legacy. This is why so many will continue to believe that bitcoin cash is an alt-coin. Nothing could be more ironic or backwards. Bitcoin cash is magnitudes closer to what bitcoin's trajectory was years back, an actual peer-to-peer electronic cash system. The truly depressing reality of this is that bitcoin cash is considered to be an insult and attack to bitcoin core, when it's actually a struggle to preserve the history, integrity, and elegant genius of the original path. Newcomers to the scene aren't going to realize the dangerous path bitcoin core is headed, they weren't around to see what it used to be.

>> No.7902430
File: 239 KB, 3026x1024, 1515623272106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went in BTC in 2013 and only met people who entered in 2013 and beyond so I know no early adopters personally,
But I dare you to name another early BTC adopter who sticks to BTC instead of BCH.
With BCH you have Craig Wright, Roger Ver, Jihan Wu, Gavin Andresen, Rick Falkvinge, Erik Voorhees and every ~100BTC small holder from 2013 that I've known personally (most sold off 100% of their BTC for BCH at sub 0.1).
With BTC you have Winklevoss and the richard heart retard who could very well be larping as he only went out in public in 2017.

>> No.7902594

Exactly. Heck that's not even all the famous old schoolers either. The people who really built Bitcoin have all gone to BCH. The people in BTC are either new, haven't been paying any attention, are easily manipulated, or have only ever gotten there information from the Theymos echo chamber.

>> No.7902652

elbows too pointy

>> No.7902709
File: 77 KB, 600x536, Girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virtually all BTC development aims to make BlockStream the central bank if crypto. Meanwhile, all the original devs like Gavin and Satoshi (Craig) develop BCH.. I wonder which one is the real Bitcoin

>> No.7902721
File: 117 KB, 650x650, 1473190421883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people hate BCH, not because they are BTC shills or fundamentalists, but because BCH has the power to uproot the financial backbone of crypto, and it almost did back in November. That paired with how easy it is to hate Roger Ver makes BCH the go to target for pummeling.

The only way to convince these people is with real progress, which is still a way's off. If we are to believe the magnitude of the patents Craig Wright says Nchain will release to be used on the BCH chain only, then yes, BCH has a bright and stupendous future. But this is riding on 1 man's claim. 0 conf instant transactions, bigger blocks on a network that isn't being used enough to even fill 10% of them, these things wont change minds. BCH's ground game is better than any other crypto I've seen, in terms of reaching out to merchants to increase adoption, but usage increase from these efforts is still minimal and will only compound once price fomo kicks in, if ever.

So far BCH is promising moons based on features that already exist on ETH. BCH needs to do a hail mary at some point, it's not impossible, but depends greatly, maybe entirely, on the promises and decisions of a few men, and the mistakes and assumptions of a few other men. A catastrophic hash collapse on the BTC chain would put it in the ground, there's no question about it, but that wouldn't win BCH any new fans.

With that all being said, I've spoken to McAfee and he's convinced BCH will win out in the long term, but gives no timeframe when. His reasononing is purely because Jihan supports BCH over BTC. He seems to think Jihan has the power in this. Not sure if he's right, but combined with Jihan, Calvin Ayre, Craig Wright, and Roger Ver, they have a stupid amount of buying power. Their money alone could flip things, although then the group of BCH haters we're talking about would REALLY hate BCH.

tl;dr BCH haters have no real reason to stop hating BCH until new and amazing things are delivered.

>> No.7902742
File: 234 KB, 1352x442, bcash_crash_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cashies still bumping this bcash shitcoin thread I see.

>> No.7902764

look at these dishonest faggot shills, pretending satoshi is craig. you fucking faggots are pathetic.

>> No.7902857

You have to be be quite a fucking brainlet if you don't see that Craig is Satoshi

>> No.7902874
File: 1.93 MB, 1700x972, smug-satoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about the Tulip Trust

>> No.7902917

The Craig Wright story is very interesting. He apparently showed Gavin Andresen undeniable proof of his identity, by signing a message of Gavin's choice with the private key of the BTC address of the first block. Gavin was so dumbfounded and thought he was being tricked, that he went and bought a new, factory sealed laptop in order to redo the test because he thought he was being fucked with. Again, the test was done and it verified that Craig held the private key to that address.

Craig then later revealed a different proof to the world that was easily provably false.

I'm not saying things one way or another, but Craig Wright is no fool. This guy has academic credentials out the wazoo and is currently stupidly rich. That doesn't happen by accident.

>> No.7903023

How do people still use bitcoin, I don't see how Ver has anything to with the fact that bitcoin cash devs aren't retarded and know how to increase blocksize

>> No.7903087
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>> No.7903101

One man vs the government. I don't think Craig is solely responsible for btc, but he's around. Hal Finney is dead. Other guys that have been mentioned to be Satoshi are either not in it, just hold btc, or they're living their lives somewhere.

Now what if Craig has the Satoshi wallet. I mean it's safe to say BCH would be safe to move to and not buy btc. But btc is still the main focus and always has been. People need to inform motherfuckers on this and stop the volatile trading. Normies need to get in on BCH and not btc if so called governments plot is to take over it with Blockstream. It's common sense. The dollar is collapsing, so the move to digital currency is happening.

>> No.7903107

Why would anyone support bitcoin cash? it's just another shitty old tech altcoin. Support nano it has a real chance to become the new bitcoin. Potential gains are huge too.

>> No.7903139
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>> No.7903160
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Who is running these shill operations? Is it Roger, fake satoshi or Robert Danielson?

I doubt Roger is doing these personally, he's more of a PR kinda guy. And Craig is the fraud/legal gimmicks expert. So I'm guessing it's the other Robert guy?

>> No.7903162

Well I thought it was an interesting story.

>> No.7903173
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>> No.7903175

Nick Szabo is on btc side.
tired of bch threads, IT'S DEAD, deal with it.

>> No.7903180
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Oh, you mean "fake Satoshi" and Roger, "IT'S NOT BCASH" Ver?
Yeah, I'll name one, ME.

>> No.7903188
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>12 posts by this ID

wow is shitposting BCH FUD your job?

>> No.7903265
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>Roger "it's not bcash" Ver
300,000BTC at one point
>fake Satoshi
Joined in 2010 if not earlier. Probably has XXX,XXX-s of bitcoins
Call them what you want, brainlet, but these are the early adopters.
>pathetic namecalling
2017-er confirmed. This type of shit simply didn't happen before 2017. Not that you'd know. You get the "most unconvincing larp" award of 2018 and it's only February.

>> No.7903296

>when you can't respond to the chart

>> No.7903313

gtfo nano pajeet you're in the wrong thread

>> No.7903329

>implying Charlie Lee and others are not the early adopters
it's not even interesting anymore, no matter who's right about the block size, bch is obsolete

>> No.7903330

sorry to burst your bubble anon...

>> No.7903332

nice cherry picked numbers faggot. buy the dip.

>> No.7903337
File: 241 KB, 1352x446, bcash-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when shilling can't save a shitcoin

>> No.7903392

LOL THE FLIPPENING this shit will never take over btc no matter how many chinks you pay to change a lightbulb

>> No.7903401
File: 142 KB, 1734x828, shitcoins_no_future-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fantastic coping mechanism

>> No.7903416
File: 111 KB, 1180x730, 7A92613C-288D-4D27-974A-01120CC26B38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Before BCH will flipp BTC, LTC will flipp BCH

The flappening

>> No.7903443

>Craig wright
>Dick falkvynge

A conman and a PR stuntman that like to pretend they're engineers. Was it your intention to gravely insult the actual engineer Gavin with that sad comment?

Also I'm not sure about Dick but Craig isn't an early adopter by any measure.

>> No.7903497

Implying Charlie Lee didn't dump at ATH on you. Implying he bought BTC instead of copy+pasting its code and dumping worthless garbage in exchange for it. He was a relatively early adopter, but he came in much later than Craig Wright
>investigated by tax authorities
>hey guys, I'm satoshi, look at this totally fake evidence
as if you wouldn't have done the same. And I don't see how this article shows that he's suddenly not an early adopter, kek.

>> No.7903528

Who has he scammed?
>pretending he's an engineer
Literally one of the most respected security experts in Straya.
>Dick falkvynge
1/10 namecalling that only started in 2017. Another newfag confirmed. Also, calling him names does not make him a late adopter, brainlet, he was still in the game in 2011

>> No.7903550

>some bullshit
Nick Szabo is "adopter" earlier than btc was written.
stop trying to manipulate

>> No.7903575
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>> No.7903603

> I dare you to name another early BTC adopter who sticks to BTC instead of BCH
Some very very early adopters still stick with BTC like Meni Rosenfeld. I switched to BCH though.

>richard heart
Didn't you here? He switched to Ethereum.

>> No.7903672

BCH is no longer needed
Roger Ver is a crazy fuck that needs to be locked up

>> No.7903699

>he's only a conman if his cons succeed

Great logic. 10/10 you're definitely not a dirty shill buddy!

>> No.7903731
File: 225 KB, 1194x946, 1514530647138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CW isn't SN. He's an imposer, a conman.

You're completely changing the facts.

>> No.7903798

How am I changing the facts? Gavin still thinks CW is Satoshi, and he wouldn't be convinced by anything other than a signed message from one of Satoshi's addresses.

>> No.7903829

Satoshi is either Nick Szabo or Hal Finney, or both, you fucking brainlet.

>> No.7903894
File: 786 KB, 2111x3262, 1518165728291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would anyone support bitcoin cash?
BCH isn't just a coin, it's an ideal. XRP, Bitcoin Blockstream, and other 1000 alts didn't originate out of an idealist vision but as a way to make a quick buck.

LTC used to be considered a scam until Blockstream absorbed it.

>Gavin still thinks CW is Satoshi
He changed his mind. He tweeted about it. He also only saw the verification on a "new" laptop which CW insisted for some strange reason will be used.

>> No.7903971
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BCashie Cult thread

>> No.7904036

Can't find the tweet where he changes his mind, and from what I'm reading he saw it on the new laptop after it was originally showed to him, and that he suggested the new laptop, not CW.

>> No.7904047
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Dick is his actual name and he legally changed it years before 2017 retard.

This is the current state of /biz/: Every thread full of reddit shills that didn't even know the board before the crypto mania, calling anyone that doesn't buy whatever shit they're peddling a newfag.

FYI Mr. Newfag: Knowing shit about bitcoin (which you don't) doesn't make you an oldfag. This board wasn't even focused on crypto until late 2016.

You are cancer, kill yourself now or at least get the fuck out of this site.

>> No.7904050
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>Nick Szabo
Nice find. Now we have two early adopters who're siding with BTC. This is how you argue. Still, early adopters on the BTC side of the debate are a minority.
>name calling
Yet another pathetic 2017-er with 0.15btc to his name
>richard heart switched to ethereum
I guess it's time to sell my ethers now, kek. This guy is a born loser, he's gonna bring tons of bad luck
>he's only a conman if his cons succeed
Who has he attempted to scam then? Also
>name calling
Guys, you're making it obvious that you're here since 2017. I'm betting you own 0.2 btc tops.
Both are very respectable people, but nope.

>> No.7904074

Refer to the last line here >>7904047

>> No.7904080
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>namecalling again
>reddit spacing
>calls me a redditor
1/10 shill

>> No.7904128
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>reddit spacing

What the fuck is even that. You couldn't be more cancer even if you consciously tried.

Come on man, kill yourself. Please. You know no one likes you. Why even live at all?

>> No.7904167

>what is reddit spacing
>I've been here since before 2016
If I was Adam Back, I wouldn't even pay you for this pathetic attempt

>> No.7904184

This is the year for bch.. it’s 2018 or never.

Just don’t know.. mixed emotions on this and it’s clouding my vision. I want the underdog that has way more to offer but old money usually wins

>> No.7904296

>reddit spacing

Time to go back cashie.

>> No.7904326

> Now we have two early adopters who're siding with BTC
They aren't adopters, they have no stakes in it, and even if they kept btc from back then they still have both forks.

The old money is holding both forks, and the miners are siding with BCH since many BTC devvs expressed they want to switch the PoW. Also big whales are accumulating BCH, only one guy bought $20, while no whales are buying BTC.

>> No.7904405


>> No.7904420

Finney is dead retard. And Satoshi aka Szabo has the biggest stake even if he doesn't plan on moving the old coins, bitcoin is his baby.

>> No.7904456

> And Satoshi aka Szabo
This was refuted enough.

>> No.7904691
File: 247 KB, 638x359, 1516034390668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has the technical background required to invent bitcoin
>wrote about cryptography and economy
>designed a bitcoin-like concept ("bit gold") a decade before bitcoin
>in 2008 declared intent to release a live version
>in 2009 bitcoin is launched by a pseudonym with the same initials

But some random shill says it's refuted so I guess that's that! Must be that Craig Wright guy that tried to cash in fame with fake evidence right? Lol!

tippr $5k!

>> No.7904812

COREect the record

>> No.7904942
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Funny things with minimum wage trolls is that they're literally scraping the bottom of the barrel when hiring them. So every core shill is dumb as fuck.
As soon as you call them out they disappear. Hope they don't even get paid for their pathetic FUD attempts.

>> No.7904957
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>> No.7904987

Honestly I don't have a side in this but it seems a lot more that the Bitcoin Cash supporters are more likely to be paid shills, just from the way they reply to eachother (like you're doing now) and repeat the same talking points.

>> No.7905178

>Repeat the same talking points
btrash and bcrash are not different talking points, they're not even talking points. Bitcoin Cash people are the only ones WITH talking points. Maybe that's why you're confused

>> No.7905318

I mean Adam Back literally stated on Twitter they have a team in their budget specifically to shill and control conversation to their specific ideals that are best for their business model. I'm not sure how you could think anything is more likely than confirmed truth

>> No.7905342
File: 140 KB, 465x610, bitcoin_cash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin Cash people are the only ones WITH talking points.
All the same talking points are repeated over and over again and you guys are constantly fudding all other coins in an attempt to D&C.

Reminds me of CTR in 2016, honestly.

>> No.7905418
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Too generic. Give me one example so I can refute it (or agree with you, I know we're not perfect).

>> No.7905490

This. The sad part is that all the arguments can be summarized as 'we're not bitcoin as defined by the whitepaper anymore but lets pretend we are and hope normies don't notice'

>> No.7905587

>guy monitoring the thread full time is accusing others of beind paid shills

My sides split in half, expect to hear from my lawyers soon Mr. Danielson.

>> No.7905607

Litecoin is the real bitcoin cash.

>> No.7905619

>reddit spacing
You're not getting paid either, you fooled no-one.
I literally called out your shill buddies on the same stuff damnit, why can't you even learn. I might need trolls one day, I hope they're better than that

>> No.7905716

Man I'm just wondering if you'll delete the thread if I post your facebook here.

Gonna get into a drunken stupor later, might just come back stupid enough to dox you.

>> No.7905729
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Feels like pure vindication to see this go ignored by the diligent thread shill.

>> No.7906007

Why isn't he super rich? Why doesn't he have large companies he's invested in? Did he delete his private keys to his stash? Satoshi is a multi-billionaire. Nick is not. Explain this. That's why Craig Wright makes so much sense. Craig is a multi-billionaire, but has no valid way of having that money unless he is Satoshi. How does Craig privately fund NChain with no outside source of funding? How are they investing millions in companies around the world? Craig was nearly bankrupt a few years ago, but now has limitless funds. Explain where Craig got his funds and why Nick seems to have next to none.

>> No.7906054


The funds in satoshi's wallets haven't been moved iirc

>> No.7906124

Correct, but Craig is the recipient of a trust called the Tulip Trust which has billions of Bitcoin. He doesn't need to move the funds in order to pay with those funds or receive loans against them. He either gives people a share in the trust or again gets loans against it.

>> No.7906140

Billions of dollars worth of Bitcoin, not billions of Bitcoin.

>> No.7906145


>> No.7906165


>refers to it as Bitcoin even though it's apparently not the real Bitcoin

What did he mean by this?

>> No.7906180

newfag. Everyone used to deep throat his dick so hard until he started asking for block size increase. Bitcoin would still be at $10 without him.

>> No.7906258

Luke jr said BCH > LTC

>> No.7906286

I don't even have a facebook profile, kek.
Glad I struck a nerve though, liars need to be exposed.

>> No.7906377
File: 43 KB, 496x818, 1513893967624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to mention if Nick Szabo is Satoshi why is he so against following his own whitepaper for P2P electronic CASH? I mean it could be possible hes been paid off/threatened by the banks to help neuter Bitcoin but even so Craig Wright is just a better fit.

>> No.7906533
File: 40 KB, 1280x522, 1519228929757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks BCH will be the one who flips it

>> No.7906602

>HURR we are going to get rid of the fiat banking system and replace it with a banking system that is 10 times more cumbersome


>> No.7906610
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>> No.7906985
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It's probably gonna be ETH when Plasma and sharting are announced.
But BCH is still gonna cost more than BTC by the end of the year.
And nano might be p&d-ed but it's never going close since it's a useless shitcoin, which is 100 times slower than VISA and not as secure/censorship resistant as BCH - it literally serves no purpose

>> No.7907006


It's possible multiple people contributed to the white paper

>> No.7907023


>> No.7907074


>> No.7907817

BlockStream got to him right before the public display

>> No.7908987

If btc goes down, everything goes with it

>> No.7909005

wrong sorry, people will quickly realise bch

>> No.7909627

It is amazing
I visit r/bitcoin to observe, as one does at the zoo

The mental gymnastics are fascinating
>BCash is cheap because nobody is using it! Hahah what a failure
Fast forward a few months
>Bitcoin fees are down! We did it Reddit! Goodbye BCash

>> No.7910288

Fucking checked

>> No.7910611

Most people believe Dan Kleiman was the main writer of the whitepaper. Dan and Craig worked together for a long time and Craig is a bit eccentric and hard to understand. Dan edited a lot of Craig's papers before, so it makes sense and Craig's private contracts that were leaked by the press included many Bitcoin that were to be given to Dan.

>> No.7910633

Segwit the Scam Coin going down in flames once the miners throw the switch on ol grandpa it will be lights out

>> No.7910838

Jeez you bitcoin fags, both sides. Your coins are basically Nokia in 07...or better yet Blackberry in 2013. Just accept that coins based on 10yr old tech are fucking ancient. Like car from 80s...

>> No.7910880


>> No.7910983

>Just accept that coins based on 10yr old tech are fucking ancient. Like car from 80s...
Except this makes no sense because as long as the developers are competent they keep updating the coin. There is literally not one thing another coin does better than Bitcoin Cash. Bitcoin Cash has near instant zero confirmation transactions, it is a world graph and not a mesh network so it is exponentially more secure than DAG's or Hashgraph coins, Bitcoin Cash also has a blockchain large enough to add all privacy features through its scripts and extension points, Bitcoin Cash is the only coin which will require high tech computers to be nodes meaning it will propogate its block exponentially faster than all other blockchains (meaning it can do exponentially more smart contracts than coins like Ethereum). Need I go on? No other coin can do what Bitcoin Cash does, they are just bad excuses of technology that pretend that they are good because they are new.

>> No.7911122

Bcash shills get 22 virgin coins in the afterlife.

>> No.7911234
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>> No.7911332


People that think this is going anywhere are more delusional than linkies.

You could have dumped at .3
You could have dumped at .2
You could have dumped at .15
You could have bought BTC at 6k

Every "pump" it gets before roger goes on tv is getting smaller and smaler. If you actually bought any of this shit and didnt get it from the fork I feel bad for you son

>> No.7911346

You cannot update the fact that you need chink mining cartel running ASIC rigs 24/7 and sucking country worth of electricity to verify a fucking glorified excel table.

Near instant? Not in my experience and certainly not with higher volume. BCH is fucking carbon copy of BTC with bigger block sizes, nothing less nothing more. As soon as it becomes (but it never will) used more, it will need bigger sizes. And bigger sizes mean more centralization and more centralization means fuck your coin give me Visa since Visa is not only faster, but I can recall transactions I sent by mistake.

In any case, just chink mining cartels doing the work of running these POS means its a no no for general population. Its speculative asset, not tech bet (same applies to identical shitcoin named BCH).

>> No.7911696
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Or you could just buy Bitcoin for $1200 right now.

>> No.7911760

Centralization means you have an authority that decides who participates. So Bitcoin Segwit is centralized because the Core team won't allow those with industrial grade hardware to participate, it only lets people with shit hardware participate. Secondly zero confirmation transactions are seen by nodes in like 3 seconds, if you want more security you should wait like 30 seconds to check double spends, but this is irrelevant for most people. Finally you can't reverse transactions on the base layer which is why most people will use a pegged currency 2nd layer that will be reversible. The base layer will be the money in the vault, the second layer will be the notes people trade. If you can't think ahead, then yes these things seem like problems. But if you're not retarded none of the issues you brought up are actually issues, they are word salad created by someone who is uninformed.

>> No.7911822

you core coin supporters will be in the minority soon enough and you'll be talking to yourself cause no ones listening, you already lost.

>> No.7911890

Replace BCH and litecoin with Nano

>> No.7911935


>small, vocal minority hardfork from bitcoin
>claim to be the real bitcoin
>try to force the will of the few over the many on a decentralized network
>demand bitcoin supporters provide debates and arguments
>don't understand why no one will buy their coin

really makes you think

>> No.7912003

Doesnt matter what the coin is. All that matters is community support. Right now ver is continuing to build his community. Blockstream should be worried tbqh

>> No.7912148

Theres no flippening quit it

>> No.7912154

To even get to other arguments, you will have to explain to normies why are there chink mining cartels wasting mad amounts of energy to verify transaction in glorified excel table.

Muh decentralization wont fly with these people since they dont give a fuck. They literally use spying hardware and software even after it is public, so why would they dump Visa for it. After that you will have to explain to them why are there cheaper (or even free) non minable 3rd gen coins and why should they go for relic.

>> No.7912181

It's not his fucking following you dimwit it's Bitcoins

>> No.7912182

the amount of people just talking over in bcash threads is insane. i really dont know what people are trying to accomplish here, given that nobody on 4chan really has any sway in bitcoin's price or adoption.

it just reeks of the shilling going on for chainlink.

>> No.7912221

eventually this guy is going to accumulate every circulating coin from non-believers


when there are practically no more coins for sale, and bitmain releases a new batch of nextgen antminers and only accepts BCH for it, you're gonna see some real shit

>> No.7912244

Most BCH supporters don't understand this. Shilling constantly, even if well intentioned, won't have any affect until things start rolling out.

>> No.7912256

honestly? yes. being abrasive on 4chan is how i picked up a lot of huge winners. everyone loves to "correct" you when you sound like an asshole on the internet.

i didn't sell any either. i really have no skin in the game, bcash if anything has been great for me because it gave ethereum a huge chunk of capital when shit started going down early last year.

>> No.7912259

was* this is a psychology game and ver knows how to play it very well.

>> No.7912269

>To even get to other arguments, you will have to explain to normies why are there chink mining cartels wasting mad amounts of energy to verify transaction in glorified excel table.
That's what secures your transactions. Other coins with less resources going toward mining have exactly that much less security. Its not that hard. That's why DAG coins and Hashgraphs suck. You can ruin those coins with a minimal investment. To ruin Bitcoin Cash you must invest more than all the other miners, which is a ridiculous amount.

>> No.7912279

they're really just painting a huge target on their back if they keep trying to play games with bitcoin though.

>> No.7912694


>well beloved classic and icon of an entire generation of games


>litterally who?

>> No.7913356
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You could go out and buy an ASIC right now if youve been in crypto for more than a couple months pretty much regardless of what you put in. Your blockstream talking points about centralization and chink mining cartels have been debunked over and over. What is stopping Americans from putting up a ton of hashpower? Or any other country with cheap electric? Nothing.