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7902062 No.7902062 [Reply] [Original]

Do wagecucks deserve the right to have a guaranteed pension when they retire or should they save up for their retirement themselves?

>> No.7902094


if you cant manage to save money on your own, you dont deserve the luxery of having a pension

fucking wagecucks i swear

the only pension they need is a cyanide capsule

>> No.7902111


Btw a pension is like a 401k to burgers

>> No.7902182

Save up yourself 100%
Also, all welfare should be local community charity based with zero federal assistance.

>> No.7902206

Public sector pensions are a spook with massive unfunded liabilities.

These cunts get incredibly generous pensions already compared to the private sector. They just want more free gibs. (The majority of these people will be low paid academic staff who dont bring any extra prestige to the university, and will be incredibly left wing).

>> No.7902274

Are you fucking retarded? The pensions are financed from the wages of working people. If you cancel the pensions then they have their money back and they can do whatever the fuck they want with them. Either way it doesn't work like you think it does.

>> No.7902326

It's a "right" in that the guberment 20-30 years ago promised they could have a gold plated pension without even thinking how they we're going to pay for it because the times were good and nothing could possibly go wrong. Now the bill is due and what do you know, we haven't got the money to pay for millions of old people to sit around having their lives artificially extended while expecting some nurse to come and wipe their ass at a whim. Wage slaves of today and tomorrow will now have to work till death to ensure wage slaves of yesterday can have a comfy retirement.

>> No.7902415
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fuck guys, im terrified of the future if corbyn wins because of all these strikes. which country should i move to? i don't want my stock portfolio dropping by -90%

>> No.7902418

kek there are actually tens of millions of people naive enough to think the western governments will be able to fund their elderly existence in the coming decades

we're going to see some big happenings this century lads

>> No.7902444


>The majority of these people will be low paid academic staff

Nah the majority of the strikers today have been high paid academics who are losing their fancy pension that was taken away from us low paid academics 4 years ago

>> No.7902465
File: 171 KB, 1020x1280, IMG_20180223_130133_282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say fuck the boomers. They had the best economy and they wrecked it. They take taxes out of my paycheck to fund Social Security for them which won't exist when I am their age. So all millennials get double fucked; we pay the money now and will have no benefit in the future. We have to save for our own retirements in an economy that is much worse than theirs because we are already hampered by retarded housing costs and most of us have student loans.

>> No.7902521

more like pensions are financed on projections from wages of future workers and global GDP, hence a political need for constant growth and importation of 70-80 iq immigrants complete with posturing each of them brings the same economic value as a 100-110 iq native
pensions are fucked and anyone in their 20s or 30s who believes they'll see their contributions is deluded, the system doesn't have 30 years in it without radical innovation bringing prosperity

>> No.7902553


pensions / social security are essentially a ponzi scheme. the average person needs a mimumum of $400,000 in order to live an OK, but still borderline poverty, retirement. but if you look at the taxes the government charges for pensions, it just doesn't add up.

>> No.7902572

They deserve to be herded into slaughterhouses to make soylent

>> No.7902579

>I say fuck the boomers.
and they say fuck the millenials. They got in early on pyramid scheme pensions and are confused as to why no one wants to be at the bottom.

>> No.7902588

no kidding
if you're in crypto solely for gains and can't wait until you cash out for government money in a seizable bank account and stay put in your western europe country, you're in for a nasty surprise down the line
of course, you should enjoy life, but for your sake keep SOME of your crypto
we will live to see a time of confiscation similar to what's happening in SA right now, and then it'll go even further than that

>> No.7902613

Boomer scam

They barely paid anything and had far too few children

>> No.7902621
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>we're going to see some big happenings this century lads
Its going to get very, very interesting when it really kicks in. Within the next decade or two.

>> No.7902626

>the system doesn't have 30 years in it without radical innovation bringing prosperity

basically humanity NEEDS to colonise space in order to achieve the growth required to sustain future pensions.

but i'm afraid we'll probably have another world war before that happens

>> No.7902637
File: 106 KB, 1080x738, IMG_20180223_130630_107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've already fucked the millennials. They had the best economy. They shouldve had the restraint to save up for themselves, it was much much easier back then than it is now. Did you read the pic related? It is basically impossible to pay them back

>> No.7902669

the boomers will get fucked, problem is gen Z will also get fucked and gen Z will be mostly brown by 2040
seniors are not a threat, they will simply wither. but young men will get angry and riot. it's hard to see a future without massive civil unrest (think how africa would be without the generous gibs from western countries)

>> No.7902675

It’s time to pull the plug on these entitled boomers. They broke the system and they are trying to push the fallout onto us. Well fuck them. If they don’t have kids and grandkids willing to help them out then they don’t deserve a happy retirement.

>> No.7902679

There isn't much point blaming individuals. They were stupid and misled. Hopefully they commit mass suicide when their standard of living isn't what they were promised.

>> No.7902719

>muh pension
fucking hell i hate boomers lads. think of how much they’ve already FUCKED this world and our generation, and now they want to fuck us over even more because they didn’t save properly and trusted their employer/the government. watch the taxes on us increase to fund the boomer lifestyle

>> No.7902750
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To be honest if corybn wins it'd make the 'reset' happen faster because the economy would go down the toilet at a greater speed. The 'reset' has to happen regardless of who wins.

>> No.7902797
File: 92 KB, 1080x608, IMG_20180223_130634_801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember these pics anytime a boomer calls you an entitled millennial

>> No.7902798

So glad my dad's retirement is through the company he works at, he talks about how social security is nothing but a pyramid scheme all the time. A based boomer

>> No.7902875

If you want someone to take care of you in your old age, guess what? You should
Every time I talk to boomers they have somehow managed to fuck their relationships up with all their family memebers. Divorced 3 times, one kid is a drug addict, the other died of cancer. Fuck these people. They are toxic to be in contact with. I’ll take care of my boomer parents because they actually gave me a great start in life but a lot of people I know didn’t get shit.
You know the most common phrase I hear from boomers? “But what about ME?” What about you you lazy, entitled, Israel worshipping, ex beatnik turned Reaganite neo-lib/con, pile of shit?

My advice for boomers: take your entire retirement savings. Go to the casino. Bet on black. If you win, retire, if you lose, kill yourself.

>> No.7902962
File: 96 KB, 1080x624, IMG_20180223_130632_809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder the average boomers had a much better lifestyle than the average millennial will have, and they still expect to continue that lavish lifestyle no matter what. They want to work you to death to provide for them.

>> No.7902964


I mean betting on black would only just under double their money

>> No.7903050


this right here.

though i dont want kids

>> No.7903155

>the average person needs a mimumum of $400,000 in order to live an OK,
No matter where you live in the US, $400k isn't gonna cut it unless you die pretty quickly.
To be conservative, $2 mil is more like it.

>> No.7903177

>They want to work you to death to provide for them.
But I thought you guys were all neet millionaires from crypto. No?

>> No.7903339

This post isn't constructive.

We're talking about the average boomer and the average millennial/Gen Z'er. We're fucked and something's got to give.

I think that the way we're headed, as soon as the boomers discover their pension ponzi won't pay out like they've been promised, they will demand massive seizures of assets from high net worth Individuals. At this same time, (((they))) will use this to further push their communist socialist propaganda.

America is fucked. Can you imagine the civil unrest we will have because not only do Donna and Frank not have enough money to pay for their medications, but Tyrone and Shaquwanda aren't getting their free gibs to pay for their 12 chirren?