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7901511 No.7901511 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we need a blockchain to track wine?

By the way what's with the intensive shilling? Is this the next DBC?

>> No.7901520

PBOC my man, PBOC.

>> No.7901534

Fake wine is actually a huge problem in China, yes they are that cheap

>> No.7901544

>By the way what's with the intensive shilling?
By the way what's with the intensive shilling?
>By the way what's with the intensive shilling?
By the way what's with the intensive shilling?
>By the way what's with the intensive shilling?
By the way what's with the intensive shilling?
>By the way what's with the intensive shilling?
By the way what's with the intensive shilling?
>By the way what's with the intensive shilling?
By the way what's with the intensive shilling?
>By the way what's with the intensive shilling?
By the way what's with the intensive shilling?

>> No.7901546

Bag holders desperate to sell their bags to gullible neets.


>> No.7901570

That being said

>fakes cheap wine
>will make a working complex software system
Makes you question a bit

>> No.7901633
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Full disclosure: the "why do you need a blockchain to track wine" threads are all me so far. I keep asking and I get nonsense responses, rumours, insults and more mindless shilling.

I still don't understand why this coin is supposedly such a big deal.

Also, this is like the 2nd time in 2 days I've seen you post the same thing within seconds of the thread appearing. What's the reason behind your dedication? Who are you trying so hard to convince?

>> No.7901671

Google Rudy Kurniawan. You'll see.

>> No.7901693

And I already told you a gorillion times that it can by used for ANY product. It's a big deal. You might want to look up what a supply chain is.
>Also, this is like the 2nd time in 2 days I've seen you post the same thing within seconds of the thread appearing. What's the reason behind your dedication? Who are you trying so hard to convince?
Coincidence. I just came home and I like to fuck with shills.

>> No.7901704

adding a microchip into Every Single Product that is being shipped, isn't this a gigantic waste of electronic, and also extra cost?

>> No.7901780

The RFID chip costs 0.05$ they claimed. Pretty cheap. Battery is more expensive though. Ofcourse, this cost will just be transferred to the consumer.

>> No.7901863


>> No.7901897

>Ofcourse, this cost will just be transferred to the consumer.
and he gains exactly what from it?

>> No.7902178

>And I already told you a gorillion times that it can by used for ANY product. It's a big deal. You might want to look up what a supply chain is.

I see this as a possible improvement, not a revolution. What am I missing?

>Coincidence. I just came home and I like to fuck with shills.

Try to sound less full of shit.

>> No.7902212



>> No.7902230

I guess you don't live in a location where you've ever had to worry about the quality of your food? Or that you're actually buying organic food? Or if the spinach you just bought was recalled? Or if the milk you're about to buy was stored above safe temperature?
Lucky you, that's just one use case. Now you can also buy a used car and know the entire history including how the last driver drove.
It's kind of pointless even explaining it, if you can't see the benefits of trustless supply chains in literally every industry.

>> No.7902289

We are not talking about TE-FOOD right now.

>> No.7902329


Didn't know TE-FOOD put that video out.

>> No.7902330

>I see this as a possible improvement, not a revolution. What am I missing?
Who promised you a revolution? Still one of the best coins. You simply have no clue how important logistics and supply chains are. Literally every company that has a product can use this,
>Try to sound less full of shit.
Says the shill who makes the same fucking thread several times a day with the same fudding OP.
If you don't find the coin good don't buy it. You don't see me making threads about bazingacoin or some shit.

>> No.7902337

Better product, QA is easyer when everything is tracked, verifiable so you know its not counterfeit, transparency, the consumer can see the product life cycle, tells the story of the bottle which is fun for consumers. I assume you already know the benefits of blockchain vs traditional systems.

>> No.7902446

I guess the Chinese have lots of liquor stores selling knock-off wine for full price and pocketing the profits. This happens to a certain extent across all industries globally, from dentists with knock-off dental materials to cars with shit parts. I'm not in the habit of scanning my dental offices alloy, but it could help with knock off car parts.

Of course, this doesn't address the other end of the spectrum with people buying cheap knock-offs on purpose. But it could help with luxury goods where people want to make certain that they're getting what they pay for. There's also the other end of the spectrum with chipping and tracking identification or even people.

>> No.7902518

>Now you can also buy a used car and know the entire history including how the last driver drove.

How is this information registered? If, presumably, part of this information needs to be provided by humans, how does this reduce the possibility of tampering?

If you are reducing the potential for tampering, does that not mean more expensive systems and expensive upgrades of existing systems?

Is it such a big deal that using VeChain is a no-brainer or will a fair proportion of companies say "fuck it, we'll stick with what we've got".

>you just don't understand

Standard response when trying to disguise the fact that something is shit or that you can't explain it sufficiently yourself.

>> No.7902531

Only westerners think this coin is important for China.

>> No.7902625
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>you: hurr durr why do you need to track wine?
>me: you can literally track any fucking product on this planet and thus digitalize your supply chain
>hurr durr that's not an argument
Yeah, whatever, pajeet.

>> No.7902862

>you can literally track any fucking product on this planet and thus digitalize your supply chain

That's just an ambitious claim. Got anything else?

>> No.7902900

First i've read of it, but I can assume it's due to wine not only having a consumer aspect but also a collector aspect as a old particular type of wine can be used and sold as an asset representing thousands of dollars. This would probably be marketed to ensure integrity that you aren't being swindled tens of thousands for a well disguised two-buck chuck wine.

>> No.7902963
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I have seen anon

>> No.7902975
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Isn't this only really a problem occurring on a large scale in China?

If you want to avoid fakes, buy from reputable sources.

>> No.7903013

It's a chip that you put on literally anything. The type of product doesn't matter.
Here's what it says on their website:
>luxury goods
>cold-chain logistics
Anyone with a brain can see how much potential there is especially in the automobile industry.
Strange that you could just dismiss that argument despite it being factually true. Is that how you do it in India?
>inb4 the next why do you need to track wine thread

>> No.7903064

Read this:

And this is who they are:

>> No.7903128
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The snobbery in the wine community may honestly provide potential. I can assure you in the bay area there is some 30-something faglord excited as fuck to show off his app showing what name the farmers named the grape plant his bottle was squeezed from and how in a decade it will literalllllly double in value.

>> No.7903196

Are you a total dong brain? Why does it have to be a world wide revolution?

It would be a massive improvement saving billions in counterfit costs to tens of thousands of businesses you fucking asshat. Take one second to think.

>> No.7903322

>link says “The new solution will initially target the food & beverage, retail and fashion industries and progressively expand to cover other industries, starting with automotive and aerospace“
>still talking about wine

>> No.7903378
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Before you moon boys automatically call this "FUD", I implore you to take off your rose tinted glasses and hear me out.

Cryptocurrency is very modern market. As such, I've noticed a lot of investors here seem to come from a younger demographic. In my opinion, this has led to a ridiculously optimistic outlook on VeChain. People here seem to be forgetting traditional financial common sense. Most importantly: if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

VeChain doesn't even have a white paper yet. And somehow it's supposed to grow in size from a company that's already worth over 3 billion dollars? That's mathematically impossible.

This warning will probably fall on deaf ears. But if I can convince one person not to invest in VeChain, I may be saving a life. For those who ignore my warning, be prepared to face the reprecussions of the worst financial decisions of your life.

You don't have to take my word for it. Have a look at the evidence. Here's a list of VeChains supposed partners:

1) The largest tobacco manufacturer in the world (China Tobacco)
2) The largest freight forwarder in the world (Kuehne + Nagel).
3) The largest classification society in the world with 21% of the global market and services to over 13,000 vessels (DNV GL).
4) The 2nd largest auditing firm in the world, voted 7 times in a row as the most reputable in it's industry (PwC).
5) The venture capitalist vote by Forbes as the top tech investor in the world 3 years in a row from 2011-2013 (Jim Breyer).
6) An automobile manufacturer that produces over 3 million vehicles and 70 billion dollars of revenue annually. (Renault).

>> No.7903448

>Kuehne + Nage
Oh wow didn't even know this. How come this partnership isn't shilled as much as the others?

>> No.7903454

What are you doing on Reddit?

>> No.7903501


The guy is literally King Midas.

>> No.7903527

because most people holding VEN don't actually want it shilled, so they can accumulate.

>> No.7903583

Its not, it is overrated.. Vevid dapp is a fake. PwC is a fake. DNV faked. Chinese state partnerships - faked. Renault - faked. So tired of this PnD coin. They invent a new rumor every time they want to pump it. New one is BMW. I call bullshit.

>> No.7903613

Thanks, bought 10.01

>> No.7903660
File: 49 KB, 500x398, 9F721514-790B-4FEB-82C6-FED512A2DF46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got bit surprize come 4 u

>> No.7903668


Cant tell if shilling or fudding

>> No.7903707

comfy $10 end of year

>> No.7903743
File: 790 KB, 245x220, B0ED8761-13CC-4E30-A1FC-1EB88B58F0C7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U forget Yida, Yicai, China Unicom, Guian but nice job 4 Cowboy Burger

>> No.7903804

Job #1 of manufacturing - protect your brand.

Vechain is a gold mine. There will be a line out the door for even the most basic services.

>> No.7903840

we have finally past trons mcap finally

>> No.7903973

RFID chip -> batteries. Holy fuck dumb money is back.

>> No.7904038

The company plans to create millions of RFID chips, please explain to me how they will be able to afford millions of double A batteries?

>> No.7904101

thats fine if you dont understand

some people were born smart (not you)

some people were born stupid nigger faggots that will stay poor (you)

>> No.7904143

Read on rfid tags and come back. I bet that if you go to wiki and read that page you will still not get it.

>> No.7904236


Average IQ of 4chan posters are low so I understand why you would assume im not joking. But dont worry I was only kidding.

>> No.7904325

>i was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.7904507

Why is he a cunt anon?

>> No.7904725

It's a reference to that movie where he tells Natalie Portman to show him her cunt.

>> No.7904748

Sunny is a rapist!

>> No.7905043

Holy shit literally sounds like a salty walty watching Stacy getting fucked by VEN chads

>> No.7905197

>That's mathematically impossible.
You use that word, but it don't mean what you think it mean.