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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7900019 No.7900019 [Reply] [Original]

>decide to cash out some of my gains to spoil myself for a nice meal at Subway for the first time
>"What sandwich do you want?"
>Uhhh, I'll have a BLT (I had to google this on my Android Smartphone to figure out what this was [Bacon-Lettuce-Tomatoes])
>"Okay, but what bread do you want?"
>I-I said I wanted a B.L.T sandwich!
>"Yes but I'm going to need a bread"
>Umm, wholegrain?
>"We don't have that here"
>she points at the board
>want to say parmesan oregano but I don't know how to pronounce parmesan
>"Do you want that toasted?"
>Will that cost me extra?
>say yes because free things are nice
>"Okay, what vegetables do you want?"
>H-Huh? It's a BLT, Bacon, Lettuce, Tomatoes, why are you asking me this?
>"And cheese?"
"What kind?"
>The special one?
>she wraps my sandwich up and I pay
>don't tip her because she was really rude to me

Have you ever cashed out? What did you buy with your gains?

>> No.7900059

how much do you want to be my bf

>> No.7900063

reading this hurt, anon

>> No.7900068

Lol social anxiety

>> No.7900083

You're cute but start tipping don't be a pajeet

>> No.7900097

Ye ordering at Subway is annoying thats why i dont go there anymore. Bought nothing because i have not cashed out yet

>> No.7900119

Honestly, I've made so much money. I recently cashed out $1000 and burnt it in my back yard just to experience the feeling of doing so.

>> No.7900180


>> No.7900322

You would love Chipotle!

>> No.7900361

Do you know why subway failed in Russia? Because people here dont want to choose and only want to get shoven PREMADE things up their throat.

>> No.7900374

had a friend like this.
shit is cute yet fucking aggravating when doing anything public.

>> No.7900412

at least the asians have it right with no tipping. maybe if americans wernt all so universally bad at service jobs and tipping was only given for the 10-20% of servants that did go above and beyond, it would work as an incentive.

>> No.7900474


>> No.7900510

Please do yourself a favor and put yourself in a social situation every day

>> No.7900578

I work at subway and no joke my boss made me put rotting vegetables on customers' sandwiches multiple times

>> No.7900611

FUCKING aNIME fags need to be culled

>> No.7900638

You don't tip at subway, that's like tipping at McDonald's

>> No.7900682
File: 154 KB, 1920x1080, 1489871842109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most adorable shit I have ever read.

>> No.7900745


>> No.7900756

Report that mf

>> No.7900760

seriously , duck subway. if i wanted to make decisions id stay at home and cook my own food

>> No.7900784

italian herbs n cheese, chicken tika, bacon, extra peppered cheese, pickles, olives, tomato, toasted, mayo

>> No.7900818

Why the fuck would you tip at subway? That’s fucking retarded. Also subway is fucking garbage. As for cashing out, I onc cashed out $10 to buy a mirrors edge on psn at the flash sale.

>> No.7900852

Op you have autism.
I am being serious here not just meme autism.
You should have a Doctor examine you.

>> No.7900854

That's why I never go there by myself. I only go there with friends so I can just repeat what they say for their sandwich. It's not even that good anyway.

>> No.7900911

That's some impressive autism op congrats.

>> No.7900914

also it is too much hassle to decide all those useless things, just give me the normal breed already.

>> No.7901038


>> No.7901042

it can be embarrassing but everyone has to go through it once before they know how everything works. whether its a deli, coffee shop, or those make your meal on the spot shops like chipotle, don't be afraid to take your time and figure things out. its a skill thats necessary for more practical applications as well, career or self development etc

>> No.7901146

Subway employees get $14 an hour here

>> No.7901274


>> No.7901322

Am I crazy or have I heard this story before?

>> No.7901446

SF Bay Area

I would never tip them, I only tip employees that get below minimum wage

>> No.7901469

turt you seein this

>> No.7902032


>> No.7902077
File: 1.14 MB, 540x304, tumblr_opa8edNM721tydz8to1_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're cute OP, where are you from

post boipucci

>> No.7903393

Why the fuck are people tipping minimum wage employees. They don't serve alcohol and barely do anything more than a few repetitive tasks. They make more than servers by standing in one spot for 40 hours.

>> No.7903486

Fuck Ontario and that fucking bitch Kathleen.

>> No.7903551

>1 post by this ID

>> No.7903554
File: 286 KB, 480x376, 1518863716374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can of RedBull. Shit costed me 2 euros...that's like 3 LINKs. I BOUGHT CAN OF REDBULL FOR 3000 USD

>> No.7903682


Its hurts how much I can relate to this... From a poor family, living in third world, went for the sushi for the first time in my 26 years. Could not pronounce shit...But at least could eat what normams eats.

Thanks crypto.

>> No.7903936

Holyshit the amerifat cashout to buy junkfood meme is not a meme but reality

>> No.7904357

Do you have autism?

>> No.7904419

When did /biz/ become /a/utism?

>> No.7904516

what a infuriating post and posters here, you faggots need to be gassed.

>> No.7904555

you sound cute
spread them cheeks trap boi
im going in raw dog

>> No.7904620

>my Android Smartphone
l was believing it until this, Nice LARP though

>> No.7904668

If this isn’t satire you need serious help anon

>> No.7904699
File: 641 KB, 957x676, 1514162803586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, I remember sperging out the first time I went to a hairdressers (always got haircuts at home), was such a horrible experience and on top of that, the barber who was cutting my hair asked me why I looked so nervous WHILE cutting my hair, so it made me even more nervous. In retrospect I was being a little bitch but you live and you learn

>> No.7904903

>Flashbacks to my own subway experience
It didn't help that I was ordering in a foreign country and her english wasn't the best.

>> No.7904928

>want to say parmesan oregano but I don't know how to pronounce parmesan
biz in a nutshell

>> No.7905058

i want to stick my dick inside you

>> No.7905094


>> No.7905164

>Buying single player
>Fucking EA single player

>Being a black hole of retardation

>> No.7906102

are you all fucking retarded?
you fucking autists all focus on his autism

>decide to cash out some of my gains to spoil myself for a nice meal at Subway for the first time
>cash out SOME gains for a sandwich
>spoil myself at subway
>with a sandwich

are you one of these untouchable ghouls in india or what?
jesus fucking christ, this can't be serious

>> No.7906353

Working at anything related to selling food to the public tends to be very eye opening.

>> No.7906542

i literally have the BLT every day, is this your first time at Subway?

>> No.7906614

>tipping at subway

>> No.7906644

of course it's not serious

you're showing your autism actually taking it seriously while everyone else is having fun

>> No.7906807

>having fun
this is you having fun?
and i'm the autist?

>> No.7906872

You don't realize just how stupid, gullible, and mindless the vast majority of people are until you work at a bar or restaurant.

Like, even people with millions of dollars are fucking mindless.

High caliber people are an extreme rarity, and ironically many of them don't achieve success because they don't integrate well with society.

Society rewards people who act decisively and take risks. Intelligent people over analyze and are thus not rewarded.

>> No.7907091

>i'm poor because im so highly intelligent
sure you are buddy, sure

>> No.7907222
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>Society rewards people who act decisively and take risks. Intelligent people over analyze and are thus not rewarded.

yes but for what ratio? maybe risk averse behavior is rewarded in a sense they avoid total failure. for example 95% of startups close their doors within few years.

>> No.7907316

Who the fuck tips at subway lmfao god some of you guys are neets

>> No.7907342
File: 371 KB, 200x187, 1516123694472.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he should have ordered with the neet paper. you know, the subway order list they fill before ordering