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File: 178 KB, 641x592, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
787826 No.787826 [Reply] [Original]

>Prenups are useless
>Common law marriage applies if you live with your girlfriend for more than 12 months

There's no escape.

>> No.787837

Find a like-minded traditional girl who puts family before her own selfish desires.

>> No.787845

Common law is state by state dumbass. Try google

>> No.787966

Atheists getting BTFO

No surprise here

The foundation of a healthy marriage should be Jesus

>> No.787983

1. Get a contract
2. Don't be american.
It's that easy

>> No.787993

Invent waifu droids. This is very biz related since you'd also become the world's first trillionaire.

>> No.787995
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>live with gf for past year and a half
>she makes 40K more a year than I do
>she spends no money, I spend all of it
>I'm 150K in debt, she has none
Guess who would get the divorce rape ;^)

>> No.787999


>> No.788018


>> No.788027

Enjoy your divorcerape goy

>> No.788048
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> Eichelberger

What the fuck did he expect?

>> No.788050

this, the problem is divorce in itself not divorce-rape

>> No.788053 [DELETED] 
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>> No.788055

nice jew maymay idiots

>> No.788057

12 months? What state you live in?

>> No.788058
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Edgy atheist comiedian being put in his place by divine justice.

>> No.788062

>>Prenups are useless
This isn't actually true. I don't know why people perpetuate it. Yes, a judge can throw out a prenuptial agreement, it is not common and is usually because they claim they were coerced into signing it. Make sure you involve lawyers when doing a prenup, and make sure that each party has it's own lawyer.
>>Common law marriage applies if you live with your girlfriend for more than 12 months
This varies by location. My state doesn't have common law marriages. There are also ways to prevent this like having one person pay rent to the other. If I rent our your grandmother's extra room for a couple of years, common law doesn't apply. Or if you're in the US and in a common law state, simply have both parties sign a document (with lawyers involved) saying you do not intend on getting a common law marriage. You have to consider yourself married for common law to apply.

Also just be smart, and don't get married.

>> No.788068

Don't get married tbh
Also this >>787966

>> No.788394

Well, Prenups are good, but its better to simply be on the winning side of the divorce. Separate your assets from your name. Such that on paper she's supporting your lifestyle.
The trick is you have to do this yesterday before you meet "the one"
Have a "company" house "company" car etc...
Have anything not company worthy held in divorce proof trusts which you ultimately control.
Max out your personal leverage. Ultimately you're going to be on paper be a large bowl of over-leveraged debt. and the Other you's that you've contributed to do not distribute assets to nominal you. So when you get a divorce judge is forced to make her pay you.
Ideally though you teach your little philly how to make money in the mean cruel world so she doesn't need you. Look at robert kiyosaki. he's like a 3 on a good day, married into an 8.

>> No.788398


I just don't understand why she deserves 20 million. What could she have possibly have done to earn that money?

>> No.788409

won't a company be split in a divorce?

>> No.788418

Its not "owned" by you its owned by a trust you control. Never owned in name.
You could also be on the board with less than 1% ownership but all the voting rights. Or there could be a special class of stock that pays a trust you control.

Or you maneuver to sell the company for a dollar to a new entity where she's not involved.
There are a million ways to handle it if you set it up right. and don't "own" a thing and don't have the cash flow through you, just the benefits of the cash.

You could also cut up your assets is such a way that even if they win they lose. A buddy split the lot under his house so there was a U shaped lot and a square lot that fit in the U but it ran through the house. Even if someone manages to take the house he can wrecking ball anything on his cut of the property.

>> No.788422

emotional support, taking care of kids, taking care of him and the house

fuck you guys seriously

imagine if you were helping some girl like that and you left with nothing

>> No.788427

i'm not aware of any housekeeper earning 20 million for any reason.

>> No.788428


there are plenty of those surprisingly. but they generally aren't really hot. max 7/10.

>> No.788431


Don't get married.


>> No.788434

So hire a housekeeper, nanny, and a therapist. So you can get off.

>> No.788440

Well he didn't so now he has to pay 20 million. Also therapists are not equatable to the emotional support from a spouse.

>> No.788449


move to austria.

"Haben Eheleute über die Verwendung ihres Vermögens keine besondere Uebereinkunft getroffen, so behält jeder Ehegatte sein voriges Eigenthumsrecht, und auf das, was ein jeder Theil während der Ehe erwirbt, und auf was immer für eine Art überkommt, hat der andere, solange die Ehe besteht, keinen Anspruch."

>> No.788478


I would leave her with nothing just as she should respectively leave me with nothing if the roles were reversed.

You're telling me if I had provided the "emotional support" while also taking care of the kids an the house that I'd deserve $20 million?

You're painting her as a victim.

>> No.788486

I'm painting her as an equal

>> No.788493

how many therapists can you buy for 20M

>> No.788500


So if the roles were reversed you would be completely fine with a man walking away with 20 million after doing what you've stated that she has done.

>> No.788583

You realize a common law marriage isn't something you just "fall" into by dating someone for awhile, right? In most states you need to actually both explicitly express your marriage publicly for it to actually be a marriage. You don't just live with someone and then the court goes "surprise! You're married lololol!!" Due process motherfuckers.

>> No.788610

Marry in a different countries dummies.

>> No.788644

It's simple.

If she plans to divorce, kill her.

>> No.788651

Boys. Boys...

No woman is looking to score half your Naruto dolls.

>> No.788670

Yes? I put myself in her shoes and realized I'd be consulted a lot about the decisions she makes.

Imagine michelle obama, not the president but she certainly has a lot of the stress and issues that come with it

>> No.788673

>I will have given her

>> No.788683

Actually that's exactly how it works. Source: class I took. You have to be fucking though. Just pretend they're a roommate

>> No.788688

Of course she wouldn't.

>> No.788700

I'm a man, dude. Maybe half is a little excessive if it's all in stocks or equity but any spouse should be able to at least preserve their previous quality of life.

>> No.788719

>Even if someone manages to take the house he can wrecking ball anything on his cut of the property.

That's fantastic

>> No.788733

That's $4m tops, absolute tops, if the kids are down syndrome nightmares and the house is haunted.

$20m for being a damn wife is retarded.

>> No.788735

Your marriage falls under US laws if you live in the US, doesn't matter where the marriage happened.

>> No.788737

ive read that some places common law marry a couple regardless if they've been living together if they've together, not even consecutively, for 12 months
i forget where, but it was their govt site and not a tabloid or some shit

>> No.788745

Not to be that guy, but couldn't you hide a nice chunk of your money in buttcoins? Could a judge/lawyer/woman brain find them?

>> No.788748

I mean you could. But they will just take the other assets. your income will give away your networth

>> No.788754

>she spends no money, I spend all of it
Well why the fuck would you do that

>> No.788758


>> No.788774



Are you talking about escaping your own, personal situation? Because that will require a good lawyer and some financial planning.

Or are you talking about escaping the statistical risk of getting divorced in the first place? Easy.
-you have higher education
-you are not in the lowest socioeconomic class
-she is from a middle or higher class
-she has education
-she works
-she doesn't hate her dad
-she hasn't broken off any previous marriages
-you communicate with her about problems and go to therapy
-you get to know her instead of marrying for status

If you get even 3 of these right then "divorcerape" is about as relevant as "shark attacks" at any beach you go to. But don't listen to me, the media will overwhelm you with fear anyway.

>> No.788777


>> No.788781

Marriage: selling an option to a woman at no cost, with no expiry, for 50% of your current and future net worth and your children, that can be exercised at any time of her choosing while taking liability for all her debts.

>assuming you make a lot more than her.

>> No.788808

The girl I'm dating has a better job than I do, though I have more room for upward promotion than her.

>> No.789029
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>> No.789042

>you see she's starting to grow distant
>pretend to have a gambling addiction
>actually be hiding the money

At worst they'll just call you degenerate but at least you'll keep that cash.

>> No.789048

Feminists are terrified of the concept of sex bots. Manipulating men via their vaginas is one of the few sources of social power women have. >>787995

>> No.789051

There's "nothing" and then there's 20 fucking mil. No way did she earn that amount by any rational logic, unless she was writing half of his material.

>> No.789052

Did she do equal work? Retarded socialist.

>> No.789059

Nice botched meme you have there, faggot.

>> No.789682

I just pulled it off an image search, because the other one I had was on a different computer. Calm your cheeto stained fingers, pudgy.

>> No.790239

Congrats. You are an economical cuck.

>> No.790254


Which she isn't.
A housekeeper isn't worth 20 millions.


Fuck you, I consider myself socialist and there's no fucking way I'd think of something this retarded.


Tell me one reason.
>she married him to have the money, and if she knew he'd leaver she'd have married someone else of equal or higher networth
>so now that you left here, you have to provide her with the same quality of life as before

Well if that's the case, she's a fucking bitch and doesn't deserve anything at all.

>> No.790279

>>Prenups are useless
>Don't get married
>>Common law marriage applies if you live with your girlfriend for more than 12 months
>Don't live with a girlfriend then?
Wow OP it was so hard

>> No.790296

Fight the patriarchy!

>> No.790297

Sounds like its easier to pay a few guys to find a few guys from the hood to take care of this issue than shell out 20M. Its this guy's blood and sweat earned money, never give up without a fight, and fight to win.

>> No.790323

Well in that case, I would have been married to the foreign exchange student my family hosted when I was in school. Three of my post/college roommates. Not to mention my second cousin and a couple landlords.

>> No.790681

Don't get married or fulfill the requirements for a common law marriage.

Or marry someone who makes more than you and be prepared to trash your career if she plays the stay at home mom card. Like "I quit my job and I joined a garage band" down in fucking flames kind of trashed.

I've seen the good, bad, jesus crazy, mormon crazy, indifferent, ugly, shy, previously abused, loving and all the rest pull the divorce card. There is no shelter here anon, marry someone who has no incentive to leave your ass when she gets tired of you.

>> No.790861

Best post I've seen on /biz/

>> No.790879

Some province in canada does not even require you to be living with your girlfriend for her to claim she owns half your shit.

>> No.790925


What about the people that purposely do this? Do you think that these people exist? If so, do you think it's fair that they can take half or more?

>> No.790939
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avoid marriage

>> No.791048


This is the correct answer.

"Gambling addiction"

Also, buy high value assets like gold etc and say you gambled them away...

>> No.791049

Yeah a friend of mine is getting divorceraped right now. His wife, who doesn't work, no kids (was going to school), is going to get a $2200 alimony check every month. I think he said it was going to total out to some 130k after all was said and done. He also got kicked out of HIS house that HE pays everything for, and she gets to stay there for the next 60 days (on top of what she's already gotten there).

Best part? She cheated on him. Probably still is. And she's on drugs now.

Gentlemen I really don't know how I can get married after all I've seen...

>> No.791050

Oh yeah, I forgot to say that the alimony shit, incentives her to NOT get a job, because if she does they recalculate it and she'll get less.

>> No.791057

You're saying God rewards shameless greed and solipsism?

>> No.791063

Men these days in general however are dropping out though. They see it's too much trouble to hold a relationship due to rape accusations and marriages due to divorce.

Talk to some people who are children from families who were divorced and ask them how their experiences were. That should be more than enough evidence to see you through to a proper decision.

>> No.791092

>he didn't murder her
Beta faggot deserves what he gets

>> No.791116


She failed all her duties, you don't get rewarded for that, or if you do it should be a low capped yearly bonus system but even that is just pure encouragement.

>> No.791119

marry a woman with a good career. my wife works in tech and makes $150k. i make a little less than that.

>> No.791120

this tbh. traditional marriage is a relic, regardless of what you think of it

>> No.791121

This. Find a girl with a good relationship with her family, especially her father. You're not just marrying her, you're marrying into her whole family.

>But don't listen to me, the media will overwhelm you with fear anyway.
Most people on 4chan never leave their house so they think what they read in the news is an accurate representation of reality.

>> No.791123


>> No.791125

i chuckled

>> No.791128

make your wife live in the dog house, take your dog in. when divorce occurs she wasnt living in the same house as you.

win every tiem.

>> No.791130

then you just claim you were never together.

>> No.791143

>being this triggered

>> No.791186

thanks for the updates, faglord.

>> No.791243


So much this. These bitches be super rare though. Prob less than %15 of women are of this breed.

>> No.791305

fucking jew cunt gtfo

>> No.791587

Still don't wanna risk it.

>> No.792224

Has some of you retards ever considered the possibility of never getting married?

>> No.792271

Have you even read this thread? If you live with your girlfriend it still counts as common law marriage. Your girlfriend is entitled to half your shit.

>> No.792288

Why the fucking fuck does common law marriage exist in the first fucking place?

>> No.792502
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They're already started attempting to slander it by claiming it has no conscience, so therefore it's being raped.


They know winter is coming
>Yes I just got through Season 1

>> No.792539


Your really buying into that "I'm not like other girls" shit eh?

Enjoy your divorcerape.

>> No.792805

Anybody else /nevergettingmarried/ here?
Anybody else /neverhavingkids/ here?

I'm probably just going to donate some sperm so my sprogs live on somewhere out there, and enjoy my life on my own terms.

I have an uncle, 66 years old now, who's been divorced twice becuase he doesn't take shit. After the second one I asked him if he'd marry again, and he said
>anon, i should never have married the first time.
Now he just tours around in his van, took early retirement, plays loads of musical instruments and plays gigs and shit, goes travelling, fucks milfs, and loves life.
I aspire to be him.

>> No.792807

We don't understand your hunger for baby mutilation, oven dodger.

>> No.792831

I know it's a big no-no to admit that you're a woman on /biz/ but I'll go ahead because ultimately it doesn't matter. We're all anonymous.

I am a driven and intelligent woman. I would like to explore venture opportunities in central america and brazil, and establish a corporation that serves both regions. Later on I would also like to get political; I have already made political commentary and, after I have a source of income, I would like to use the monies to fund a 501c4.

I sympathize with the plight of men in this thread, but I can't help you, not by giving you pity sex, becoming your wingman, or otherwise. What you are dealing with is the reality -- not all women have integrity or know how to be decisive. Even if they do have those gifts, while we were children, women like me had to bear irritating interpersonal conflict that many girls couldn't handle, even if it was just ostracization by other girls.

Now, I know that there will be a knee-jerk reaction from some assholes because of my post. The points I'm trying to get across are 1) women browse /biz/ 2) it's hard to find honorable women because of the social conflict they experienced growing up 3) stop complaining, cause this shit ain't never finna change 4) >>787837. And like >>791243 said, they're a limited quantity. So, if you're self-interested and you still want to marry, hurry the fuck up.

>> No.792908

Which shithole of a country allows this shit?

>> No.792920

My mom divorced my dad, but let my dad take most of the money, as she didn't feel the need of taking more than required. After giving away half of their shared wealth, my dad required more.

>> No.792939
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there is an escape just don't be a fucking idiot about who you choose to marry, look i haven't been in many relationships before but from what i've seen so many relationships fail because it's other things keeping them together but not each other

if you want to have a successful marriage i'd say the best way is to find someone who can genuinely tolerate you and likewise you can genuinely tolerate them, but do keep in mind just because you're in a relationship doesn't mean you should be with them all the time

make the relationship/marriage the reason you stay together, that security, that close bond

not something shitty like money, fame, connections, etc.

>> No.792951

>social conflict they experienced growing up
>irritating interpersonal conflict that many girls couldn't handle, even if it was just ostracization by other girls
What do you mean by this? I don't understand.

>> No.792952


British Columbia, Canada

>> No.792965

France, Norway, Sweden, Canada, Denmark. Basically every cuck nation out there.

>> No.792966

You know how guys who got bullied in high school come on 4chan and spews vitriolic, deliberately offensive /pol/ shit and insults due to their insecurity? Or a rapper who grew up poor who idolizes wealth and equates it with his worth? A lot of women do this with looks and personality. Society teaches women to undermine each other, and they are inundated with messages from society that they are not good enough. So they act defensive instead of open. This happens a lot with guys too but women can be WAY more bitchy.

>> No.792978

how to avoid divorce:

1. don't marry random people you meet in vegas
2. sign a prenup

really, divorce isn't a problem if you're not a fucking moron. Problem is, the vast majority of people are

>> No.792984

If I was him I'd transfer all my money abroad and just go

>> No.793010

He's older and has a lot going for him here. He's one of the higher-up managers where he works.

>> No.793022

Only reason to get married is if you want kids.

If you don't want kids, I don't see why you wouldn't just fuck prostitutes the rest of your life or date hoes.

>> No.793093
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>society teaches women to undermine each other
It's biological.
Women would tear each others eyes out in a vacuum.

>> No.793096

tits or gtfo

>> No.793127

>How to avoid divorcerape?
Stay single.

Wow, that was easy.

>> No.793145
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women are their own worst enemy
so much of what they do is based on what other women will think of them and how they may be judged by other women

>> No.793206

>Common law marriage applies if you live with your girlfriend for more than 12 months
just dont live in a place where the laws are like that. its a big world and laws vary between states/countries so just find one you like and move there.

>> No.793984

It's such a rule that makes women put-off by this place. She made a perfectly articulated comment showing her point of view and instead of attacking the content of her argument (which is why she posted, rather than just to gain attention, which is still rare) you would rather get a tiny bit of internal satisfaction by seeing her tits.

If you believe in reason for the rule, you're not applying i correctly. Instead you just want to put yourself above any woman simply because it seems acceptable here.

>> No.794058

>I am a driven and intelligent woman.
stopped reading there

>> No.794060
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I'm here if you need to talk.

>> No.794063

>women are their own worst enemy

Its amazing how much my wife makes decisions that hurt her long term interests but benefits her in the near term.

And it's almost always some spur of the moment emotional decision. usually backed by some weird irrational justification that somehow seems to make sense in her state of mind

>> No.794330

What the fuck are you talking about faggot?

She started by talking about nothing but herself which is irrelevant to the discussion and then went on to say "abloo bloo bloo deal with it because women are like that and there's nothing anyone can do about it".

Her gender was completely fucking irrelevant and she offered nothing in return. It was attention whoring and blog bullshit all in one that is so typical of her gender.

That was probably the most appropriate use of tits or gtfo outside of /b/ in a while.

Seriously, fuck you and fuck her. You're both useless.

>> No.794933


>my sky daddy doesnt like the things i dont like

>> No.794937

>Find a like-minded traditional girl who puts family before her own selfish desires.

Leap of faith tbh

>> No.794939

>2. sign a prenup

do they even count for much?

>> No.794942


Vasectomy is only $500 and can spare you all the bullshit ITT. Storing your sperm is a $500 initially and $100 per year after.

>> No.794967


Jesus. Why haven't men tried to abolish this shit?

>> No.795025

This thread and all the horror stories I've read regarding marriage make me really question my own relationship. Makes me wonder if I got lucky or something.

Benefits of a good relationship outweigh benefits of being alone, I think. Or maybe it's just been too long since I've been single.

Leap of faith indeed...

>> No.795033
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Find an exit strategy before it's too late!

>> No.795066


Because they don't know, until it happens to them. If they knew, you really think they'd still be getting married in 2015?

>> No.795067

*tips fedora*

>> No.795078

It truly is terrifying. I couldn't even imagine being in a relationship right now. Maybe I need a break from the internet for a while, but I don't even know what that looks like anymore.

>> No.795257

>Want to start own business.
>Be in love.
>Want to get married.
>Live in a community property state.
>Know that if I get married, the wife could choose to just sell off my business and there's nothing I could do about it.

I love her, but god damn. She hates the idea of me not having a steady 9-5 job and just knowing that she could kill my dream at any time makes me super hesitant to tie the knot.

>> No.795274

>it has no conscience, so therefore it's being raped.
>going full femtard

>> No.795282

Dude, I'm just a random guy on the internet, but have you considered that if your gf doesn't support you and you have doubts about her, then maaaybee -don't- marry her?

>> No.795284

Who the hell let her in? You can hear the desperation in her voice.

>> No.795433

You have already lost.

>> No.795444
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>I'm not a scientist
>not an engineer
>not an inventor
>not going to come here with research
>My major is lesbians in pornos

Must be brain dead if you didn't walk out of that room afterwards

>> No.795477

>tfw never getting married
>tfw just gonna cohabitate with bitches
>tfw I don't live in a common-law marriage state

All I have to do is avoid child support and that is easy enough with a vasectomy

>> No.795755

get another girl

>> No.795838

Yeah well, she's dead now, so I guess it doesn't matter.

>> No.796329

dead how? I need to know. Five days ago you said your friend was getting divorce raped and now his wife is dead? If I were the police I'd be in touch with you right about now

>> No.796511

I don't want to go into full details, but suffice to say, there's no suspicion on him. She killed herself.

>> No.796805

Inc. Nigger

>> No.796807

God loves him

>> No.796823

No one wants to loose their man card. You're practically a cuck if you get a vasectomy. This thread isn't about having children, this thread is about getting fucked in divorce.

>> No.796829

>Who the hell let her in?
It's a TEDx talk, those are organized independently and don't require any specific qualifications other than having the resources necessary to host them.

>> No.796856
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>"just find a good girl! It's easy ;)"

>> No.796863
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BREAKING NEWS someone was ripped off by an individual called Eichelberger, can you believe it?

>> No.796878

Keep telling yourself that when a 2 year old is yelling at you and spilling shit and pooping itself

>> No.796890

You must be a poor, unattractive faggot. If you don't suck then it is easy.

>> No.796891

It's easy if you leave your basement once in a while.

>> No.797017
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"finding a gf is easy! just b urself xD ;))))"
How about you fuck off back to reddit?

>> No.797139

hey retard

1. its not necessarily a jewish name
2. shes not jewish
3. her maiden name is McBride. She was married to Dave Eichelberger previously (also not a jew)
4. youre an idiot and I hate you and go back to /pol/ with your shitty posts

>> No.797587

Having kids is losing your man card. A vasectomy doesn't stop you from getting it up or nailing bitches, it stops you from degenerating due to a parasite sucking your time, money, and energy away for 18 (honestly, 24) years.

Not that anon but I am legit ugly and it sucks. Bad teeth despite hygene (enamel loss, had 9 too many teeth, pulled 5 but wisdoms still there), one eye a little smaller than the other, bump in the nose from breaking at a young age, started losing my hair at 16.

My life's fine, really, I've got an alright girl and a decent salary, but it could be fucking amazing if I wasn't ugly.

>> No.797660


So, you're black? Are you hot?

>> No.797662

have you checked to see if you are actually married to any of these people?

>> No.797664

>post on anonymous board known for its anonymity
>"hey guys grill here teehee xD"

>> No.797665

>you love her
>she would cheat on you if you followed your dreams

>> No.797686
File: 81 KB, 274x268, 1361693070307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just looked and I am relieved that common law marriage is not a thing in Illinois

>> No.797712


>muh manhood

Its just risk management breh.

>> No.797713
File: 13 KB, 914x1091, Just+bee+yourself+_a3038d165d9eeb1dfe9271c56da44fdb[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is the "just go up and talk to her" of relationship advice

>> No.797746

Having kids is the only kind of immortality you have. And you can bet the woman you end up with will want to have kids with someone

>> No.797796

Bruhh...she doesn't support your dreams and is presumably pressuring you into marriage. What's in it for you? The privilidge of having someone like her as your wife.

Never let a woman dictate your career especially. Women are very poor at making these types of decisions. No one ever got rich off of a salary.

>> No.798009

Immortality? Anon, you still fucking die. It's not like dying alone or dying surrounded by loved ones makes a difference 10 minutes after the fact. Your ass is still dead.

Live your own life.

>> No.798451


Remember this, a child born in a marriage is presumed to have been fathered by the husband. Meaning, he's on the hook for child support even if he's not the father. Some States are now allowing men to get out of this if the discovery is made within a year of the childs birth.
Lesson here is....dont sign the birth certificate, andALWAYS get a DNA test on the kid...they are cheap. (Don't tell her you're doing it)

I mention this because it's becoming a thing. Make sure you check with a lawyer in your state about this before having kids.

>> No.798458

The way the legal system is this gets increasingly more attractive.
>Oh you're going to set me back 20 years while living the high life? I don't think so, I'll spend the next 20 in prison with the smug satisfaction you didn't pull it off

>> No.798460

>deliberately offensive /pol/ shit and insults due to their insecurity?
Their insecurity is entirely justified by their quite literal insecure position.
It's a copout to blame upbringing or society. There is a very real spectre of civil liability hanging above every man's head.

>> No.798462

That's next on the agenda.

>> No.798499

British Columbia rules the waves

>> No.799297

>with based Rauner in office

don't think so

>> No.799448

I'm a Latina. I don't have many black friends but I wish I did. I think a lot of whites (I'm looking at you, yuppies) are boring to be around, though I admit some of my only friends when I was growing up were white girls

>> No.799580

Why can't they step up and invent cyborg vaginas?

>> No.799639

>lived with current gf for 3 years
am I fucked? I can't find any common law marriage cases in Illinois

>> No.799661

Illinois is safe....for now.

>> No.799729

Completely agree.

>> No.799747

I'll put things in my brother's name.

>> No.799749

I could buy a goddamn crew of caretakers, there would be ten people talking, aiding, massaging and spoonfeeding me.