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7873546 No.7873546 [Reply] [Original]

Anonymous Oldfag here again with the facts.

When Ethereum was shilled a couple of years ago the majority of /biz/ was dismissive of it, but it did have a following. People were frustrated with the stagnant prices between $7 - $10. It hit $15 the day it was added to coinbase, but then fell back to the norm until the spring 2017 run up.

A lot of people sold before the run up, many claiming they “fell for the Ethereum meme” instead of hodling.

That was then, though, and this is now. That was before *advanced* coordinated shilling happened. Shilling did happen, but not to the sophisticated degree it happens now. It was also before the invasion of normandies and a $500b market cap.

Chainlink is cool if it can truly serve as an inexpensive TRUSTLESS decentralized oracle reporting system. If it’s able to prove itself with a mainnet and gain partnerships it will potentially gain traction assuming the ERC20 has useful utility and a scarcity model.

But it’s also been in development since 2014. That’s a bit scary.

Look, guys. (le reddit spacing)

When I tried to talk about EOS here, only 3 or so months ago when it was at $0.50, I was met with mostly skepticism and silence in favor of shill threads about shitcoins being bumped by frantic bagholding lunatics.

tl;dr tried to tell you about eos, nobody cared because it wasn’t chainlink, chainlink is promising but overshilled and considered a meme /biz/coin. if link is good, keep it consolidated to 1 or 2 threads and answer questions about it on and 1 on 1 basis. right now a lot of the space is turned off by it because it’s spammed so mercilessly on 4chan.

we should be trying to help each other, not mindlessly promote our bags.

Disclaimer: I hold EOS and am thinking about buying LINK, ADA and IOTA as well for long term holds.

(We should also use disclaimers to say what we hold and be able to argue the merits of our holdings without cognitive bias)

- Anonymous Oldfag

>> No.7873590
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>Several posts a day about eth in 2016
>Compare with silly LINK shilling
No shit, man. LINK holders totally retarded. There is no way

>> No.7873614

Ethereum wasn’t shilled 15% as hard as LINK is. Something to consider.

>> No.7873730

You have to keep in mind in 2016 /biz/ wasn't 100% crypto threads all the time. There were still multiple stock market threads, kneepads, dropshipping, resume threads etc. Ethereum was shilled heavily amongst the few crypto threads in 2016.

>> No.7873838

Right but that was before there was a huge selection of crypto projects that could potentially overtake Ethereum or even refefine what a distributed ledger should be (i.e. perhaps not a blockchain)

The ultimate nail in your argument’s coffin is the fact that Ethereum was *really* buzzing for a couple of years all over the geekiest parts of the internet.

Chainlink is only buzzing on 4chan.

>> No.7873850


>> No.7873887

Ethereum wasn't buzzing anywhere but here m8. In 2016 crypto's were still in a bear market and considered a joke by many. There was a poll on bitcointalk and 70% of its users thought Ethereum was a scam. There were entire subreddits devoted to spreading FUD against Ethereum after the DAO hardfork.

>> No.7873909

what about ICX

>> No.7873917

> Ethereum wasn't buzzing anywhere but here m8.

Bullshit. Facebook groups about crypto and hacker / programmer oriented message boards that still exist talked about Ethereum and now they fucking never mention LINK. You either didn’t know this or you’re intentionally lying.

>> No.7873962

lol wat? Nobody took Ethereum seriously because of it's pre-mine/devs holding a large amount of the supply. Bitcointalk was largely negative about it.
>facebook groups
You can't be serious, I'd really like to see some proof big facebook groups were talking about this.

>> No.7873967
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>comparing link to eth
you guys need to go outside of /biz/ once in a while, this is getting out of hand

>> No.7873976

what do they mention now then?