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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 57 KB, 940x627, 8683426-3x2-940x627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7872438 No.7872438 [Reply] [Original]

Whale here. If you felt despair when Bitcoin hit 6K, you're going to be in for a real treat this coming week.

If you're new here, us whales like to time our exits with bad press and publicity, crash the entire market and buy back, doubling our stacks in the process. We've been doing this since 2014, our most notable example being Dogecoin. This past month alone, I, along with dozens of others, have managed to double my BTC and ETH stack and lose not a dollar in value.

I'm in a good mood today, so I'll give you some advice.


Sell everything you own and convert it to either fiat or USDT. Yes, USDT won't implode. Not just yet.

Then, you wait. When you're happy with the price any coin of your choice at half the market price, buy.

Of course, most of you will call me a LARP, demand I show you proof or try and justify your predictions based on TA. That's fine with me. I don't expect many of you to follow my warning. The market will dip regardless and the pink wojaks will surface. Screencap this thread if you like.

Also, you are deluded if you ever think Chainlink will hit $1000.

>> No.7872459

Big if true

>> No.7872467

When will USDT implode?

>> No.7872484

When you decide to go into tether, it will implode.

>> No.7872493

>Sell me your bags at marketsell
The thread your mother is a whale faggot

>> No.7872506

Except there’s been no bad press for 2 weeks mr. whale so what gives with this bullshit?

>> No.7872513
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>I'm in a good mood today
>My uncle works at nintendo

>> No.7872520

thanks for the warning after a 20% drop. How about you just fuck off? Not selling you my shit at discount price. Bye

>> No.7872529

Another whale here.
Do no trust what he says.

>> No.7872532

Why LINK can't reach 1000USD?

>> No.7872536

Are you autistic he wants cheap bags to sell them back when the future contract is over for christ sake why are you such low iq inbreeds

>> No.7872537

You don't even have to be a whale to realise this shit is going sub 4k. This time it will go even lower, and yes there will be a 'rebound' they often do this to squeeze short positions and then set shorts at the top. Then like clockwork it falls again. You'd have to be an idiot not to realise that this has been happening even since 20k.

>> No.7872561

Everyone knows to sell and go into tether to increase your stack

Don't need to be a whale to know the obvious

>> No.7872575


TA fag here, I know that the market will tank to 6k or lower without your insider info. In fact I already have 10x shorts opened since yesterday.
What I'm more interested in is, why are you saying that Chainlink will not moon?

>> No.7872611

>TA fag
>claims he knows something
>does not know anything in reality
>not even a basic finance course, not even speaking of a degree
haha these people here

>> No.7872617

I'd love to see proof of your 10x shorts. Show the lovely people of /biz/ evidence, and then I'll gladly discuss Chainlink.

>> No.7872636

>finance course
>a degree

>> No.7872638

Crash the market go ahead, I will buy the dip and NEVER sell.
Fuck off to your greedy shit hole.

>> No.7872649

orca here, dont believe what he says

>> No.7872666

>doesn't even know TA is a meme that has been empirically disproven over and over during the last 20+ years
>think reading a book from some jew that is called "how to get rich" will actually do what it promises
cracks me up every time

>> No.7872690
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wales here, stop talking shit.

>> No.7872704

Larp or not I cashed out when we fell below 11k solely based on the fact that shorts we're/are overtaking longs.

>> No.7872730

>TA fag
>I KNOW what the market will do
you are far from TA, you are just a fag

>> No.7872740
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Thank you kind sir. Please see pic related.

> inb4 poorfag

>> No.7872757

Why would you tell us this if you're really a whale?

>> No.7872759
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If what OP says is true, and it may well be, then what is the point of accumulating, except if you believe that the price is going higher long term. By going into a buy-sell spin cycle, you incur potential tax liabilities, short-term capital gains tax, and also risk making a poorly timed trade and losing your stack. This is why the hodler is patient, low time-preference.

>> No.7872773


There is/was a shitload of resistance at 12k. To break it, some billions of dollars would have to flow into the market, and these billions are nowhere to be seen. Does not take a genius to figure this out.

>> No.7872788

Because if he's out the sooner the market crashes the sooner he can buy back in at a discount.

>> No.7872795

Someone gets the bad press early and sells, then the news is publicized and you say "oh that's why it was crashing".

>> No.7872811

Yea.. there's no way it could be that it was up 100% in 2 weeks and that momentum isn't sustainable.

>> No.7872815
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>> No.7872828


>what happens when the market movers remove sell orders and turn them into buy orders?

>> No.7872835

such a BIG

>> No.7872855
File: 92 KB, 755x469, outtagum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread is now a LINK meme thread

Post em, boys

>> No.7872857

He's lying to you to get you to sell at $500 like a cuck, don't listen to him.

>> No.7872896
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this guys got his dick screwed on ! CHAMP.

>> No.7872918


You have a point, except I believe that a lot of these orders were put there by normies who were buying on the 20K bullrun. Thus they have to be filled instead of cancelled.

>> No.7872936

Just a reminder the EU has a meeting in cryptos on the 26th. I doubt it will be good news

>> No.7872945
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>> No.7872960

what's the EU gonna do? they are already BTFO, they just need to lube up and accept it gracefully.

>> No.7872962

This is art.

>> No.7872974
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>> No.7872983

Whale here. I'm going to buy everything you dump and watch you burn in your selfmade bear trap

>> No.7872998
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>> No.7873016


>> No.7873035

Sure. There is no doubt that Chainlink will moon many times and perform well over the course of the next twelve months. However, it will not come even remotely close to $1000.

Even $100 by the end of the year is a stretch, but good luck convincing anyone on this board otherwise. I'm being generous here and saying that $30 by the end of the year is a realistic price, depending on a number of factors I won't even bother going into.

I, along with several other whales, own hundreds of thousands of Chainlink. Combined we have around 30 million, which would be enough to pump it by a dollar or two right now if we felt like it. The thing is, there'd be no genuine reason for the price to sustain that level, and it would come tumbling down within a matter of days.

>> No.7873039

id love to see proof of anything you claim faggot

show the lovely people of biz evidence

>> No.7873104

Op is a larping faggot with 0 proof of any of his claims

>> No.7873108

Whale hunter here. Dump ur bags bitch

>> No.7873116


You are a poorfag.

>> No.7873158

I have only .5 BTC
.5 BTC is .5 BTC tomorrow, next week and in a year and BTC price will go up again for sure.


>> No.7873179
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>Combined we have around 30 million, which would be enough to pump it by a dollar or two right now if we felt like it.
How do you pump the price with something you already own?
The only thing you can do is sell it.

>> No.7873186

I can't show you a photo of anything luxurious that I own. Why? Because I still live at home and I live frugally. Spending 100K on a Rolex or 300K on a Lambo would be a waste and a horrible financial position; with insider knowledge of the market, you can double or triple your position even without leverage.

I'd consider showing you my Bitcoin and Ethereum wallets, but that would ruin all the fun if you knew exactly how much I had and how much power us whales collectively have. It's fun, I'll admit it, to watch the common person struggle and squirm as they try to make sense of a market they have no impact in.

>> No.7873210


Thank you, kind sir. This is a very useful information for me.

>> No.7873221

us whales...top kek. you're nobody faggot.

>> No.7873223

>a whale telling a bunch of degenerates his plan and putting even a dollar of his profits at risk


>> No.7873251


A question sir, if I might. Actually two.
To become a whale, did you buy up cheap BTC, or you were one of the original miners?
Also, in your experience, which path (miner/investor) is more dominant in the whale community?

>> No.7873285

fuck off larping december baby

>> No.7873436

Sure thing.

Within the whale community (believe me, it's much smaller than you think), it's split between 20% original miners and 80% between 'investors'. I use the term 'investors' loosely, purely because they were usually financially well-established nerds who lack the patience to mine it themselves and dumped their savings into it at a great price. Most of the original miners sold most of their holdings following the China ban, purely because they lack an appetite for uncertainty. Those who didn't saw themselves become whales.

As for myself, I did manage to buy Bitcoin cheap and have zero intentions of ever mining it. However, I am part of five mining pools, just because I can afford to. Not only was I able to buy Bitcoin cheap, I was also able to successfully sell it before two major crashes and drastically increase my holdings. Along with riding virtually every moon mission in cryptocurrency history, most notably Ethereum and NEO thanks to Teeka, it's hard not to become insanely wealthy when you've been in the game for four years and you know every trick in the trade.

>> No.7873520

still lives in basement... really winning with all that alleged 'wealth'. don't let life pass you by son.

>> No.7873523

i believe in you larpwhale, i just tethered my ass up

>> No.7873549

>what is wash trading

>> No.7873572

hey, since you're such a whale, is there any chance I can have 0.5 of a BTC? that could literally change my life as I'll have rent covered for the next year so I can just spend my time trading crypto :) Doesn't hurt to ask lol


>> No.7873573

Ok nice, but how many BTC do you have? 10k? 50k?

>> No.7873600

so, then you might give us lovely poorfags at least one or two recommendations about good shitcoins to ride the moon in the next bull

is the mistery quarterly high-low chart legit for the future?
don't worry, won't post it
you know him, don't you?

>> No.7873601

Send me 1 ETH so I know you really are a whale. 0x31bb37cd31b5b1dc47d95acdba338c0ce73b3b34

If you are you even notice the 1 eth

>> No.7873618

I'm not selling shit. I actually have a job and have little time to research crypto 24/7.

I bought almost everything I had in fiat when BTC was ~1k and did not have much money to buy more ever since.

But I will have more money in april-may, and will be happy if BTC stays < 10k until there. I was already happy when BTC got from 20k to 10k because I though I could never but BTC cheap again.

>> No.7873673

Can you plz start a private trade group and charge btc? If so I'm in!

>> No.7873693

A. Either he is some faggot scum with too much free time, no life, a lot of imagination and thinks he can actually manipulate people into selling so he can buy cheaper (hoping that by some miracle he might actually influence 0.0001% of the retards in here and move the candles a little bit)


B. He is who he says he is (chances are almost impossible since whales are smart enough to shut the fuck up... thats why theyre rich and youre not). In which case you should definitely do the opposite of what he tells you to do if you can at least do 2+2.
Do you really want to follow advice from somebody thats been trying to/ managed to fuck you for so long ? Just because he "is in a good mood" ?
Bad news. Theyre filthy rich because they are scum and will always be they will never help you in any way because they are in a good mood. They are just trying to fuck you again.

But... what if they actually know that people are at least smart enough to do the opposite of what they want you to do and told you to sell making you want to buy ?

Nah. Most are stupid sheep.
Don't sell kids.

Don't be sheep.

>> No.7873702


Thanks. I believe that you are actually a whale. I know from another source that whales are primary ICO investors, because cashing out their BTC holdings would crash the price, so they have to reinvest within the crypto ecosystem. You're saying the same thing basically.

>> No.7873904
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lol an entire larp just to sling in that sneaky chainlink fud near the end

good game for having me read all that
6.5/10 Link fud, I'm almost buying some but I'll time the bottom

>> No.7873940

there are two kinds of whales. ops story is believable, he is a whale. and then there are the megawhales who have even more market manipulative powers. not even whales win all the time, but the megawhales don't just influence the market, they control it. we don't know who they are.

>> No.7874052

The coins we mainly pump don't even exist yet. They are the ones that randomly appear in the top 100 - take U.CASH as an example - and disappear once we've made our gains. If you're looking for a good coin to ride in the next moon, pick something with an active developer or a huge announcement coming up. Make sure you time your exit with the whales.


I bet you would love to know how many Bitcoin I own, right down to the satoshis. Unfortunately for you, I can't tell you. Know that it's spread across several wallets.

I've been thinking about doing this for a while now. Leave your Discord if you're interested and I'll message you with the details in seven days.

>> No.7874077

what about the chart i mentioned
i won't post it, so just tell me
is this the playbook for whales?

>> No.7874095

A retest of 117,700-12,000 is in the cards. No?

>> No.7874108

I'm a whale too with a lot of k01nz ;)

>> No.7874118

>Can you plz start a private trade group and charge btc? If so I'm in! (Alt)

>I've been thinking about doing this for a while now. Leave your Discord if you're interested and I'll message you with the details in seven days.
And here is the scam...

>> No.7874166
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>> No.7874192


Lol, youre a multi multi millionaire and you live at home? LARP 100%

>> No.7874201


reported as well.
enjoy whale jail

>> No.7874202
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Gave yourself up there didn't you faggot

>I bet you would love to know how many Bitcoin I own hurr pretentious fart sniffing nonsense implying i'm permarich

>but sure give me your details and i'll take your piss ant chump change for "calls".

fucking LARPer idiot still living at home with his mommy and daddy being a virgin. sad.

>> No.7874226


5.9k faggot seller detected. Just give up and buy back already

>> No.7874243

>mistery quarterly high-low chart
what is this?

>> No.7874263

it's a mistery dumbshit

>> No.7874310

Op sold and he wants people to sell
Fcuk you

>> No.7874334

Oh no, please take it back. I can't sleep knowing that feds will kick my door down, charge into my office and cuff me at gunpoint.

I was thinking of charging a full bitcoin for entry and permanent access to the group to attract only the most loyal followers. It's not about the entry fee or the money I'll make from it: I have tens of thousands of bitcoins. It's about building an allegiance.

Being a whale is, after all, quite lonely.

>> No.7874387
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>> No.7874399

> Being a whale is, after all, quite lonely.

I just puked.

>> No.7874429

send btc to
to prove youre actually a whale

>> No.7874441

>tens of thousands of Bitcoin
Sure you do honey

>> No.7874473

well tell us in detail what will happen in next few days and what the long term plan is. if your short term is precise you will gain a lot of members.

>> No.7874477

>Being a whale is, after all, quite lonely.

Being a LARPer must be worse.

>> No.7874489


>> No.7874535

>Sell everything you have into USDT.
>Still has several thousand BTC.
Did you forget the advice you gave us?

>> No.7874537

Lol if anyone is dumb enough to believe this faggot I know a Swiss fund manager who'd love to sell you some bags. Don't worry, Oracle says they'll go up

>> No.7874568


>> No.7874570

there was a Business pepe guy saying 2 days...has this got anything to do with this dump?

>> No.7874571
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Fuck off larping faggot. Karma will bite you in your ass for trying trick others to sell low.

>> No.7874713

Unload your holdings slowly is the mark of a true whale. Not that you'd ever know.

>> No.7874729

is this board really that fucking stupid?
OP you are pathetic, go seek approval somewhere else. Looking at places such as 4chan for comfort is why your life is a failure, go outside.

>> No.7874744

>life is a failure
>worth several hundreds of millions of dollars

Care to explain your logic?

>> No.7874792
File: 40 KB, 350x467, Young-Bella-33-bella-avery-thorne-16763053-350-467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr whale when will it go up again then?

>> No.7874793

WatermelonMan is mine.
Im an arbitrage whale... Slow and steady. I suck at trading, but we are making a team with other members

>> No.7874801

send me a btc

>> No.7874847

Sure let me break it down to you like a therapist would (not that you would see one, internet "friends" are enough, right?)
I am assuming you are very young (16-22), which is why you need validation so desperately. Problem arises that you seek that validation here, perhaps it is the only place you ever got it.
If you are not that young, it becomes much more of a problem, since it would be indicative of issues with your psychological development.

>> No.7874862

these insiders always want to help people, want people to believe them, but never want to post proof. guess what you're on 4chan where 99% is bullshit, so unless proof gtfo. If proof someone will put sharpie in pooper

>> No.7875061

You’re right: /biz/ truly has gone to shit. But you’d have to be blind not to see this coming from a mile away, even without my forecast. Scroll up to see the Anon who is going short and several others saying that this is bound to happen.

>> No.7875097

Where is his PoS (Proof of Short)
Reminder to not trust any whale fag that does not show his LEVERAGED positions that concur with his predictions.
If he doesn't trust his money with his predictions it's because it's not worth a shit.
>"but I don't like gambling"
So your predictions are not that solid if it's a gamble for you then?

>> No.7875103

give us a time, if you truly want to help...

>> No.7875132

>Also, you are deluded if you ever think Chainlink will hit $1000

Thank fuck there's someone here with a brain. These fucking idiots and their pajeet tier coins.

>> No.7875145
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here is my discord Lonelywhale,


>> No.7875214

> No proof
> Has a god complex
> Reddit spacing
Don't feed the troll. He's probably jacking off of your comments praising him as a whale while he looks at his 0.1 BTC wallet. LARPer

>> No.7875322

>Scroll up to see the Anon who is going short
>several others saying that this is bound to happen.

lmao just sold everything based on these hot anonymous tips, thanks.

>> No.7875501

Here’s what I don’t get man... If you have $100M and are in a good mood... why would you be on 4chan? You’d be out doing so many other things with so much cash. This doesn’t add up.

>> No.7875731

G20 summit in 19-20 March so the market will go the whole market will be in a bear market due to uncertainty as they will be talking about cryptocurrency there.

>> No.7875788

Except for the fact that getting wasted, dancing to obnoxiously loud music and fucking sluts isn’t my scene. Nor is driving flashy cars or wearing trendy clothes.

As hard as it may be to believe, incredible amounts of wealth just bring out your innermost desires. Mine, of which, are to acquire more power and riches. And that begins by making the best choices with how you use your money.

>> No.7875884

Im interested in your discord or telegram group. How to get in contract?

>> No.7875931

you are a huge larping faggot that prob has 200 bucks

>> No.7876008

Leave your Discord below and I’ll add you in seven days if I’ve decided I’m going to start up a group.

>> No.7876040


Care to spill some details on what you would consider "best choices with you use your money"? Wagecucking poorfag with approx 500 dollaroos to save/invest every month here. How to make it, anon?

>> No.7876097

You're probably larping, but i agree it's probably good to tether up for now, seems like all momentum is gone from the market

>> No.7876110

Whale here

Op is a small fry. Greece is about to announce a move to crypto as state currency. See you in the land of the gods

>> No.7876193

who even care about Greece?

>> No.7876261

>I have tens of thousands of bitcoins.
Nice larp, you faggot.
You have no fucking idea what you are talking about anymore.
No sane person would ever have this amount in a bubble market. The point is to EXTRACT money (periodically if need be), not accumulate a worthless commodity into oblivion.
You will never be able to unload this in a timely manner, let alone without IMMENSE opportunity cost. You should've sold it slowly @20k, and then bought in @6k and now sold @12k. That is what ACTUAL whales ACTUALLY do. You sir, are a fraud.

>> No.7876296

>When will USDT implode?

backed by all major exchanges
conspiracy theory a complete joke
nothing imploding

>you can't cash out was the better meme

i have to say, the fact that these meme'rs actually got an article written up in the new york times on the bs conspiracy theory and even quoted a wall street hedge fund guy saying to the effect "you should buy tether when the market goes up" just illustrated how stupid people are who can't fathom how a pegged crypto shitcoin works, who believe a fractional reserve is fraudulent, or who keep using the word "printed" without irony.

>> No.7876311


Thank you

>> No.7876334

>backed by all major exchanges

You must be joking.
USDT is a complete and utter fraud. You can expect to see it implode before mid-year.

>> No.7876378


>> No.7876386
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Holy shit it's painful to see you brainlets falling for another larp. Have you not had enough? Oh hey someone suggested a paid-for channel for this "whale" faggot who can conveniently not provide any evidence because ~reasons~ and he's reluctantly pondering it because oh so ronery. Holy shit how fucking dumb do you have to be to fall for this. At this point you're dumber than the Pajeet who got scammed out of his ETH the other day. Not as dumb, dumber. Than a literal money-grubbing street shitter. Let that sink in.

Listen, I know many of you are new arrivals and you thought it was gonna be an easy ride to lamboland and now you're panicking because the seas are rough and the money mommy gave you is melting away and you're looking for anything to hold on to so you don't drown.

You've probably seen DYOR a billion times but seriously, DYOR. If it seems to be too good to be true (a whale who is a basement dweller -just like you, so relatable!- just happens to spill the goods on some shit anonymous image board and you're so lucky to be in the right place at the right time! More info in the paid group, goyim, hehehe), it is.

This is it, boys, your moment of glory. Are you dumber than a street shitter or not?

>> No.7876387

BAHAHAHAHA 1 BTC for entry my asshole. Let me know if you make any money with scam OP and I’ll give it a go next week

>> No.7876433
File: 117 KB, 682x1023, 68E62B74-1304-4318-B657-C37A51871084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many LINK would u shell out to get a taste of this guys fragrant cock?

>> No.7876467
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>are you dumber than a street shitter
would be good /biz/ gameshow

>> No.7876532

GREAT ORACLE ! tell us of more news!

>> No.7876570


you probably think that insurance companies are frauds because while issuing far more policies than they have reserves to cover they are doing the same thing as tether

if everyone with tether wanted to exchange their tethers 1:1 with USD with tether itself, it wouldn't be trivial for tether to distribute all that fiat.


just like insurance companies selling life insurance don't go broke because all their policy holders die at the same time.

ask yourself why every major exchange uses USDT, are they morons? of course they are to the insignificant peabrained morons who jump and startle at every fake news conspiracy theory designed to cause fear uncertainty and doubt.

Try and grow some brains

>> No.7876575
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>> No.7876594


why would owning chain link enable you to pump the price of that same coin brainlet LARP.

you need non-chainlink value like btc or fiat to pump the price of chain link and this is completely independent of how many chain link you currently how.

your chain link stack only matters insofar as how much you could potentially DUMP CL, not pump it.

6k seller detected

>> No.7876652

You think this is just about not being backed? And that somehow this is similar to insurance companies? Are you fucking stupid or what?

>> No.7876661

just sold 1000000000000000000k

>> No.7876722
File: 91 KB, 645x729, b90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wut is wash trade xD

>> No.7876901


the tetherscam meme never had any provably coherent logic.

start doubting your instincts.

reverse engineer your reasoning and ask yourself why the make exchanges use it. maybe they understand something you don't?

maybe a Twitter account repeating a theory for months which has had ZERO predictive success might not actually be true...

for example tether hasn't failed.

for example "printing" tethers does not corelate to price support. (research paper lol)

for example no decisive evidence presented of any fraud

continued comprehensive support by major exchanges

>> No.7877045
File: 117 KB, 1000x1000, cryptojack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I'll bite. So what is the catalyst going to be for this impending crash? Presumably, you are piggybacking on anticipated 'bad press', so what could possibly be worse than what we've already heard for the last several months?

>> No.7877059

The exchanges use it because they don't give a fuck or because they don't have banking themselves. I'm not going to take lessons in financial accountability from a kid investing his lunch money in virtual pixels. Maybe there is no "proof", but there is certainly evidence. Nothing is going to get settled right here and now. We will see what the future holds when the time comes.

>> No.7877079

This is the bottom fuck off

>> No.7877108


Whales logic is sound. the distribution of Bitcoin holders is very stratified. that is a major problem. crypto is weaker when prices are considered unaffordable

the price needs to come way down, to a point where more people see it as a good deal.

otherwise the high price isn't going to drive greater adoption

whales need a lot of fish. we are talking about the ecosystem here. when whales dump they are distributing the bitcoin.

greater distribution equals better price support for subsequent appreciation

I'm annoyed by the assholes which I could name that are basically hoarding amounts of Bitcoin. already insanely Wealthy, dumb ass libertarians don't know how to share the wealth and think they are improving the crypto space by acting like celebrities and Moguls. refusing to spend your crypto is a repudiation of the whole space. refusing to be reasonable and take profits is kind of greed.

i wouldn't recommend anyone I know buy crypto at these prices. it's fucking ridiculous. if people want crypto to take off, they should suppot LOWER prices, not premature moon missions

>> No.7877211


wow, nothing you wrote is be true

exchanges don't do things because they don't "give a fuck"... they are serious business on some cases regulated entities similar to Banks themselves, as "money transmitters", etc.

you have a totally ignorant opinion and an obviously dim view of the intelligence of others

>> No.7877244
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Sbufish #2789

>> No.7877463

I suspect OP might be a faggot.

>> No.7877537

This is all correct but I'm arguing that OP is a larping faggot.

This "insight" is so obvious as to be trivial, anyone who sits down and thinks for 10 seconds instead of running around like a headless chicken knows normies won't buy 12k bitcoin 2 weeks after seeing 6k bitcoin

You don't need a paid channel to see that, having an average IQ is enough

>> No.7877615

You can just tell this faggot wears a fedora and watches anime. Larping faggot

>> No.7877715

At least give us a hint on a timeframes you operate. I'm not asking about candles, but about general cycles you plan to watch this year. As you know banks and other companies joining this market, and they love to measure everything in weeks / quarters, as well there are some other timeframes in different fields. What's yours?
I'm from billion+ company and do have some influence, your answer depends on what I would say to senior guys who can bring millions to crypto market. I'm relatively young, not in my 30's yet, but elders I'm working with are people who made their millions with real life shit before internet was adopted. We are not looking for get rich quick schemes, but to join this field in a long term. Do you have any message to deliver to this kind of people?

>> No.7877992

>falling for the larp

>> No.7878025

Send me some BTC OP whale. Since I helped you pay for your car when I invested at 19k

>> No.7878155

Superwhaler here. I own 100 Billion BTC. Sell / Buy everything now simultaniously, bogdanoff does it too. Also fucking retard op kek haha, 100usd is not whale <3

>> No.7878205

>Why LINK can't reach 1000USD?

Because the valuation will build up slowly (current phase) then all of a sudden instantly break through dimensions and reach $2000 eoy, leaving 1000 in the dust as fud

>> No.7878343
File: 48 KB, 1024x540, 353445560-ermellino-scomparire-buca-tana-alzarsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CME futures expire 23 Feb. The market will stay down a bit and kick back up o'er the weekend. This is normal. Everything is fine.

>> No.7878987

im actually surprised anyone is buying bitcoin right now, do they think its just gonna magically bounce back to 15k in a week from now?